جودا أكبر موسم 4 حلقة 15

  • last month
جودا أكبر
مسلسل جودا
مسلسل جودا أكبر
الحلقة 15
الجزء الرابع
الموسم الرابع
جلال الدين
شاه جهان



**الكلمات المفتاحية:**

00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:30In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:02In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:04In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:06In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:08In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:10In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:12In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:14In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:16In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:18In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:20In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:22In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:24In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:26In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:28In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:36Come here, Saleem
01:38How are you?
01:40I'm fine
01:42Does this look like your birthday present?
01:46Well, show it to me
01:48No, because your birthday is tomorrow
01:50If you see your present today
01:52It won't be a surprise or a waste of my time
01:56Even though I'm sure that my mom's big gift
01:59Which she brought
02:01Will be better and nicer than all the other gifts
02:03Come here, come
02:05Come here
02:09Of course
02:10I'm sure that you will love my gift
02:12And you won't see anything nicer than it in your life
02:14But I also loved my mom's gift
02:19Your mom's gift?
02:21Oh, you mean my son?
02:23That she saw the gift and knew what it was?
02:27But my mom's quality isn't that bad
02:31Do you also know that my mom didn't complain to my dad about me?
02:36Who told you that?
02:38Today she told me herself
02:42And did you know who spoiled him?
02:45Honestly, my mom didn't tell me who spoiled him
02:49Do you also know?
02:51Even my dad loves me a lot
02:54Yesterday I hit the ball by mistake
02:57And I hit my dad
02:59But he didn't complain
03:01On the contrary, he played with me
03:03He really loves me
03:06That's great news
03:08Can I go to practice now?
03:13Take this
03:15What happened doesn't make me happy
03:18Jouda is trying to bring Salim back to her
03:23And even Jalal
03:25But I can't let this happen
03:28I don't want to lose my control over Salim
03:31As if I didn't do anything
03:35Hey, we're going to have a lot of fun
03:45I'm so happy
03:47Really? Why?
03:49Because Salim is with me after all this time
03:53Believe me, I'm so happy
03:56The bad things he was feeling are slowly disappearing
03:59And you look happy
04:01As if you're looking at someone and smiling
04:03What are you looking at?
04:05And who made you so happy?
04:07I'm looking at someone who loves me a lot
04:10Really? And who is it?
04:12I'm going to see
04:22Did you see it with your own eyes?
04:24Who is this person who loves me a lot?
04:27Queen Jouda, Salim is the person I love the most after you
04:31This boy is the apple of my eye
04:34You know what Rahim told me?
04:36Salim hit you on the floor
04:38When he was playing
04:40And you played with him instead of punishing him
04:42That's so nice of you
04:44I felt that you were right about what you said
04:47Love meets love
04:49That's the best solution
04:50And if I punished him
04:52He would have left us alone and we would have suffered
04:54And I don't want this to happen
04:57And then, it's Salim's birthday
05:00Darling, I don't want to ruin the celebration for such reasons
05:05Of course, you're right
05:07He was very upset with me after what happened
05:09And he stayed away from me for a while
05:11But I still won't leave him a single chance
05:14To be upset with me from now on
05:17That's why I decided to do a great birthday party
05:20In which the whole world talks about Queen Jouda
05:22And make everyone happy
05:26And I personally have to make him a nice dress
05:28Just like I did for Lulu
05:30And I'm sure Salim will look great in it
05:32And he'll go crazy, right?
05:34And I'm ready to help you with anything, Maryam
05:41You know
05:42I have a feeling that things are getting better
05:45And I won't let any problem happen
05:47Or make things worse again
05:49God willing
05:59Salim's Birthday
06:11Greetings, Your Majesty
06:13Tell me, Mansing
06:14Why did you ask for permission to see me at this late hour?
06:17I have bad news
06:20Sharif Al-Din betrayed his soldiers and escaped from prison
06:25Al-Mas'oor Rahmat Khan told me
06:27That he was diagnosed with the disease
06:29He had breathing problems
06:31And when they opened the door for him
06:33He betrayed them and ran away
06:35But we sent soldiers to look for him
06:37And he'll be caught soon
06:43It doesn't matter, Mansing
06:46Just stay behind him
06:51I want you to follow him
06:53I don't want him to get tired and fall
06:56I want him to die of exhaustion and exhaustion
06:59Yes, Your Majesty
07:01I want everything to be as it should be
07:03Because tomorrow is my son's birthday
07:07I don't want to see this ugly face running away
07:09On such a special occasion
07:23Salim's Birthday
07:28Mashallah, may God protect you
07:40May God bless you
07:43Happy birthday, my soul
07:44But where's my gift?
07:46Why, did you forget my dear Salim's birthday gift?
07:53Here it is
07:59Do you like it?
08:02Wow, you got a lot of gifts, not just one
08:17Happy birthday, my soul
08:23Salim's Birthday
08:38I even got a nice birthday gift for my son
08:49Here you go
08:57I hope you become a strong warrior and a better king
09:00And rule better than me
09:03That's enough
09:05We have a lot of preparations to do
09:07We have to put a nice weight on him
09:23Salim's Birthday
09:42Happy birthday, my soul
09:43Happy birthday, my soul
09:45Happy birthday, my soul
09:47Salim's Birthday
09:51Put all these on the needy immediately
10:05Happy birthday, brother Salim
10:07We also got you a gift
10:09And I got all the sweets for you
10:13Salim's Birthday
10:16And I also got you a necklace and earrings as a gift
10:20Thank you
10:22Salim's Birthday
10:30And I can carry you on my back and walk like a horse
10:37Brother Qutub, what did you get me?
10:42Qutub's Birthday
10:50Wow, you got me a wooden toy?
10:54Did you make this for me?
10:56Yes, I carved this toy
11:00But it's not very expensive
11:02No problem, but this toy means a lot to me
11:07Because my dear friend made it for me
11:09And he gave it to me for my birthday
11:12Your Majesty, can I take Salim with me to pray?
11:15Of course, I will tell Rahim to make the necessary preparations
11:19I will not delay
11:22My son Salim, go with your mother and pray with her
11:32My greetings, Hakim
11:34Today is Salim's birthday, and that's why I want you to pray for my son so that God protects him
11:40As you wish
11:41Salim, come to Hakim
12:00Let's go son
12:13Salim's Birthday
12:16Salim's Birthday
12:39Moti, give the things to the poor and needy
12:46Salim's Birthday
12:51Prince Salim, His Majesty the King has ordered you not to go there
12:57You are not allowed to enter
13:09Salim's Birthday
13:16Prince Salim's Birthday
13:27Maryam Azzaman, please come because Prince Salim
13:31Prince Salim
13:36Salim Shabo
13:37Please come quickly
13:39Prince Salim's Birthday
13:48Where is Salim?
13:49People came and kidnapped Prince Salim
13:59I made all the preparations for Salim's birthday to be a great one
14:02My son Salim loves Tunisian music so I asked him to prepare something special for us
14:07And this time it will be different
14:09And I also know that it is your favorite, Queen Ruqayya
14:13That's why you have to prepare delicious food for him
14:15That's how it will be
14:17And I ordered all the favorite food from the Prince
14:20I focused on the things he likes and ordered them
14:26By the way, I didn't ask you for anything
14:33Prince Salim's Birthday
14:36Prince Salim's Birthday
14:38Prince Salim's Birthday
15:02Write a letter to the King quickly
15:05Tell him that the Crown Prince, Prince Salim is present in our time
15:09If he wants to see Salim in front of his eyes
15:13He must tell the truth immediately
15:18Otherwise he will not expect what will happen
15:20He will cry a lot about Prince Salim
15:23Instead of celebrating his birthday
15:25As you wish
15:34Prince Salim's Birthday
15:39I am sure that my father will save me from them
15:42And he will not leave me here with these evils
15:45I must not be afraid and wait for my father
15:48And I must be brave and strong too
15:51Your Majesty!
15:59Your Majesty!
16:01What is it, Queen Judah?
16:04What is it? Did something happen?
16:06When I went to Edai and took him with me
16:08My son
16:11Tell me what happened, don't irritate me
16:16Salim, my son was kidnapped there
16:23Did you say my son was kidnapped there?
16:25Who kidnapped my son?
16:27Where were you?
16:28I don't know, I was praying and he
16:34Your Majesty!
16:35Your Majesty!
16:36Your Majesty!
16:37Your Majesty!
16:38Your Majesty!
16:40The soldiers are looking for him
16:45Your Majesty!
16:46Today is Salim's birthday
16:48And he is kidnapped on the same day?
16:50That means
16:51That there is a big conspiracy
16:53Come on, send the soldiers to find Salim
16:56Because what he did was not right
16:59He does not deserve to leave Agra at this speed
17:01Come on, I beg you, do something
17:04Send Minister Manzinku Rahim and Minister Todarmal to me immediately
17:16Oh God
17:17Oh God, when will you end our son's problems, Salim?
17:21How will our son's situation be now?
17:24Oh my mother
17:29I don't care how you will do this
17:32But my son must be fine, no matter what
17:34Go immediately
17:36If you take his hair off my son's head, no one will be saved from my evil
17:40And I will not have mercy on anyone
17:47Greetings, Your Majesty
17:48Your Majesty, someone left this letter on the door of the palace
17:51Come Rahim, read this letter
18:02Peace be upon you, Your Majesty
18:04The Crown Prince Salim is present in our time
18:08And if you want to see your son well
18:11It means you have to tell the truth to Sayyid Mu'ayyid
18:16Otherwise, very soon
18:18You will definitely cry for the Prince
18:20Instead of celebrating his birthday
18:31I promise you that with the release of Sayyid Mu'ayyid
18:34Prince Salim will come to you safe and sound
18:37Otherwise, you can't imagine what will happen
18:44Of course, she did it, that wretched woman
18:46Who, unfortunately, is my husband
18:54I will kill you with my own hands
18:56Search for him everywhere and in every corner
18:58Because he will be buried in every corner tonight
19:05Listen to me, Mu'ayyid
19:07What are you thinking?
19:10That you will be released so easily?
19:12Tell me, where are you hiding?
19:13What are you talking about, Your Majesty?
19:15I don't know who they are
19:17And I don't know where they are hiding
19:19The criminals who kidnapped my son Salim to free you
19:21Tell me, where are they? Tell me!
19:23Answer me!
19:24Your Majesty, I am in your prison
19:26How can I know what is going on outside?
19:28And I also know very well what you can do while you are in prison
19:31It will be best for you to admit that you and your son Sharifuddin
19:35Who did this and you will regret it
19:37Today my son was kidnapped to ensure your freedom
19:39That's why I want you to keep in mind, Mu'ayyid
19:41That I will not have mercy on you or your son
19:44Your Majesty, don't you see that I am in your prison?
19:47Even my fate is in your hands
19:49And the time between my life and death
19:51Your Majesty, I am indebted to you
19:54But keep in mind
19:56That my death will not bring your son back
19:58And it will not benefit you in any way
20:00And it will not be too late
20:02So do whatever you think is right
20:06And I am telling you, God willing
20:08The prince will come back to you
20:10I hope you will continue your work
20:12And don't worry
20:13Maybe these people did their job
20:15And didn't give me the opportunity to become a king
20:17Listen to me!
20:22My son will grow up and become a king
20:25But I promise you, I promise
20:27That you will not live to see this day
20:30That's why I pray that my son will return home safe and sound
20:33And not be harmed
20:34Because if he is kidnapped, he won't take anyone
20:36He will make your life and your son's life hell
20:40You are increasing my guard against him
20:45I don't want anyone to see his ugly face
20:51I don't want anyone to see his ugly face
21:00Well done, Sharifuddin
21:03You know how to think
21:05Even without my presence
21:08You know how to act
21:09And you hit the weak spot
21:11King Jalal, Prince Salim
21:24My son Salim will return home safe and sound
21:27God willing
21:30All of this is because of me
21:32What happened to my son wouldn't have happened
21:34If you hadn't warned me
21:36Judah, this is not your fault
21:38Don't blame yourself, this is your son's fault
21:46Maryam Al-Zaman
21:48Here you go
21:49Drink some water
21:51I don't want to drink
21:55You won't gain anything
21:57If you hurt yourself and hurt my daughter Judah
22:01I understand how you feel right now
22:03And how much you are suffering because of him
22:06But if you act like this
22:09Who will take care of Jalal?
22:15You didn't eat or drink anything
22:17Come on, drink some water
22:20I don't want to drink anything
22:22Nothing will go down my stomach
22:24Until my son returns
22:26I don't want anything until my son returns
22:33Be strong, King Judah
22:35The king is doing his best to bring Salim back to you
22:39Come on, drink some water
22:40This is an order from me, daughter Judah
22:42You must drink water
22:44Because I don't want you to get sick and suffer
22:47Drink some water
23:08There is news
23:12Why are you silent, Moti? Answer me
23:15No, Judah
23:16The king has a meeting with his ministers
23:18And they are preparing a plan to catch the kidnappers
23:27How could they do this to me?
23:29The life of my son Salim is in danger
23:32Why is Jalal wasting his time?
23:35He knows how my son Salim is
23:37How will these people treat him
23:39If he is eating or drinking?
23:41I can't take this
23:43They must do something and take action
23:46Calm down, Judah
23:47Calm down
23:48And be patient
23:50Because he is doing everything he can
23:52And he is planning
23:53Salim is also his son
23:55The king hasn't done anything yet
23:57He doesn't even know what Salim's situation is with these people
24:00He is having meetings and plans
24:05I must go and talk to him
24:39Mom, where are you?
24:42I missed you so much
24:44Mom, please help me
24:47Come to me
24:49We haven't received a response from the palace yet
24:52Are you sure you sent the message?
24:55And I think most of them will be careful after this threat
25:05No matter what happens
25:07I won't give in to any threats
25:09What matters to me is that my son stays safe
25:11And nothing happens to him
25:12Your Highness, I think the best solution is to attack them
25:14And save Prince Salim from their hands
25:17How are we going to attack them?
25:19We don't know where they are hiding
25:21Even if we find their location
25:23If we attack them suddenly
25:25There is a high possibility that they will ask for you
25:27And it might be time to harm Prince Salim
25:30Okay, but what is the solution?
25:32Your Highness, I think the best solution
25:34Is to speak frankly
25:38And for the sake of the prince
25:39We can do anything
25:40And this is not a bad decision
25:42We can go back to our forces whenever we want
25:47Greetings, Your Highness
25:49We have a message for you
26:03I think this is a message from them
26:05Read it to me quickly
26:07Peace be upon you, Your Highness
26:09It seems that you didn't take my first message
26:11With a lot of attention and seriousness
26:14Let me tell you something
26:16I won't extend my term
26:19Your Highness must immediately
26:21Announce the release of Sayyid Mu'in and his innocence
26:27And in front of everyone
26:29Decide quickly
26:30Because you don't have much time left
26:34If Sayyid Mu'in is released now
26:36The prince will be safe
26:38Next to our river the next day
26:48What are they saying?
26:50What do they think of me?
26:52I am the king of India
26:53How dare they send such threats?
26:55Go to the front quickly
26:56I want to cut off their heads
27:01We can't wait any longer
27:03We don't have time until tomorrow evening
27:06We have to find them immediately
27:08Without letting them suspect us
27:10If we know where they are hiding
27:12We can attack them without them knowing
27:14The life of my son and my son-in-law Salim is in great danger
27:17But I have to teach them a lesson
27:19Because it's not me
27:21Who can bow down to anyone
27:23And I can't be affected by their threats
27:25And I won't release any prisoner
27:27Because of anyone's threats
27:29I'm not the one who is being held
27:31By the hands of the ones who want me
27:34Your highness
27:35And you Rahim
27:36Spread the news about our river
27:38And I have to know
27:39If I receive any news about Salim
27:41As soon as possible
27:42I want the news to come to me first
27:44So that I know what to do
27:46I will supervise this matter
27:48And I want to take revenge on anyone who has anything to do with it
27:51As you wish
28:12Is this how you express your love for your son Salim?
28:14You can't release a traitor
28:16For the sake of his son's safety
28:18But for the sake of your word
28:19You can't break it in front of anyone
28:21You're putting your son's life in danger
28:23Without a heart of danger
28:24This is how the king's majesty
28:25Don't forget that Salim is my son
28:26Just like he is your son
28:28But I don't think
28:29It's necessary to tell the world
28:30How much I love my son
28:31And I'm afraid of him
28:32I wouldn't sacrifice for him
28:33Not even for you
28:35But because you're crying all the time
28:37Doesn't mean you love him more than me
28:39I love you as a father
28:41It's enough for you to release this traitor
28:43And bring your son back to you
28:45Is it that hard for you?
28:47The king
28:48Doesn't bow to a few criminals
28:50This is a big story
28:51You don't understand it
28:54And maybe
28:55Someone will hurt Salim
28:56If I don't release him
28:58Then I will finish them off
28:59With my own hands
29:04I promise you
29:05That our son will come back to us
29:07I will bring our son back
29:08As soon as possible
29:09From the hands of these criminals
29:10But when?
29:11When will you bring my son back?
29:13I want my son now
29:15I want him to come back to you
29:19Just a little longer, Shuda
29:21And remember that you're Mary of the time
29:25Today I'm not Mary of the time
29:28I'm a mother
29:29Bring my son back to me
29:31I beg you, your majesty
29:33I beg you, bring him back
29:35I want my son, I want my darling
29:37Salim, I beg you
29:39Queen Shuda
29:43Listen to me
29:46I promise you
29:48That this father
29:49Will bring his son back
29:51And bring him back safe and sound
29:52But you try to understand me
29:54Queen Shuda, I beg you
29:55The king must not accept
29:57Anyone under threat
30:19What's going on?
30:20Was someone following you?
30:22What's going on?
30:23Did the king make a decision or not?
30:25In fact, I saw a number of soldiers
30:27Coming out of the palace
30:28Agra is like a prison now
30:30They must be looking for us
30:32I was able to escape with difficulty
30:46Apparently, your highness
30:48You won't be king in the future, son of Nob
30:50Because your father doesn't care about your order at all
30:53And we can't risk our lives
30:55And leave you alive
30:56We will torture you until you die
30:58Until you become a needle
31:01You're wrong
31:03And I'm not right
31:04My father loves me very much
31:06And he will come and take me from here
31:08Poor thing
31:11This boy is very close to the king's father
31:15The king's majesty doesn't care at all
31:17And his son is starving
31:19And is waiting for his inevitable death
31:23The king refuses to surrender to anyone
31:25I'm upset with you
31:27Get ready to send him the message immediately
31:38Is it possible
31:39As they said
31:40My father doesn't love me?
31:43If he loved me
31:44Why didn't he come to take me?
31:46Does that mean
31:47He wants to see me dead?
31:49Is it possible
31:50He will leave me in the hands of the evil?
32:02Search everywhere
32:03I want my son to meet him quickly
32:42My love
32:46Be strong
32:47Don't be afraid
32:48I won't leave you alone
32:50Your father will find you near him
32:52And bring you back, my son
32:55When you come back
32:56God willing
32:57I will hold you
32:58My soul, my heart
33:02I won't let you leave me again
33:08Don't worry
33:09Calm down
33:10Just wait
33:12The king
33:13Will definitely bring Prince Salim back
33:16How can I just sit here and wait?
33:19I forgot my responsibilities
33:20And didn't do anything
33:23Salim was with me
33:28I was responsible for him
33:31I took care of him
33:32And took care of him
33:33And all because of me
33:34He was kidnapped
33:35Because of my stupidity
33:39You won't be blamed
33:41You just went
33:42To call for Salim
33:44God willing
33:45Salim will come back safely
33:46Don't worry
33:47They will find him
33:48For sure
33:49King Jalal
33:50Will bring Salim back
34:12Let's go
34:15Let's go
34:36How are you doing?
34:37Stay with the family
34:39So you can taste the food
34:41Let's go
34:42Follow me
34:43Let's go
34:48Come here
34:51Why didn't you come to pick me up?
34:54Don't you love me?
34:59I mean
35:00Can you leave me with the bad guys?
35:11King Jalal
35:12We searched for the prince
35:13But we couldn't find him
35:14That's right
35:15We searched for him
35:16But we couldn't find him
35:20Search for him too
35:35Did you find them?
35:36No, King Jalal
35:37We couldn't find them
35:39We tried to find them
35:41But we couldn't find them
35:43Where did they go?
35:46It's going to be dark
35:48We need to discuss
35:50So we know what to do
35:51And come up with a plan
35:52So we can find them
35:53Follow me to the palace
36:03Those who kidnapped my son
36:04Must pay the price
36:05The price
36:08He's just a kid
36:09He doesn't deserve this
36:10Why did they do this to him?
36:15Why is it always my fate
36:16That my son is away from me?
36:24I want my son back
36:28I hope nothing bad happens to him
36:32Maryam Azama
36:33I missed you
36:35Prince Salim will definitely come back to you
36:38But Zakira
36:40It's been a whole day
36:43Even the job they gave us
36:44Is over
36:45Queen Jouda
36:51Is there any news?
36:53No, Queen Jouda
36:55I'm not hungry anymore
36:57And the prince will come back for sure
36:59But tell me
37:01I'm so scared
37:02I'm so scared
37:05Look at him
37:07Is he really hungry?
37:10Why did he take so long to decide?
37:13Why didn't he leave the tent with me?
37:15What if he did?
37:17At least my son will come back to me
37:20Why did the queen leave?
37:22We don't have any other choice
37:24I can't stay like this
37:39The king won't let me decide
37:42I'm a mother
37:44I can't stay like this
37:45And do nothing
37:47I can't
37:48I put my son's life at risk
37:50I have to make a decision
37:52I have to decide
37:54I love you, Jouda
38:05Everyone was happy
38:07We made a lot of preparations for Saleem
38:10But it all didn't make sense
38:12The celebration turned into sadness
38:14Who was celebrating his son's birthday?
38:18Your Majesty
38:20Who made us happy?
38:22Who made us happy?
38:24My daughter, Salima
38:26Let them call all the rulers in the palace
38:29And bring them here
38:31I want them to pray for Salima
38:33So that God protects her
38:35Okay, mother
38:37We will all pray to God in the palace
38:39Even the big rulers will come
38:41I will go and tell them to come
38:43But don't tire yourself
38:44Your Majesty
38:51Your Majesty
38:52Would you like me to make you some porridge?
38:55Go away
38:57Yes, Your Majesty
39:01I have to praise you this time
39:03Because you are acting very well
39:06I mean, I'm worried about the kidnapping of Prince Saleem
39:09I'm not pretending to be someone I don't know, Hoshyar
39:12Saleem means a lot to me
39:14He means a lot to me
39:16He means more to me than anything in the world
39:20I can't imagine
39:22Someone hurting or hurting someone
39:24Did you hear what I'm saying, Hoshyar?
39:26And if I hear you say that again
39:29I will cut your tongue and throw it to the dogs
39:35what happened in Risham
39:37That's why you should pay attention to what you say
39:40Get out of my sight
39:51Oh God
39:54Please protect our Prince Saleem
39:57And protect us from all evil and harm
40:00Your Majesty, we are doing our best
40:02And we searched all the areas where they might be hiding
40:05We searched all the places
40:07Even around the river
40:09But there is no result
40:11But we can't risk any delay
40:13Saleem's life is in danger
40:15And this is not good for us
40:17And if they are decent men
40:19The danger is bigger
40:21I won't let them touch a hair from my son Saleem
40:32Get out of my sight
40:38Get out of my sight
40:40And announce that I have freed Mu'izzah
40:44I will take care of the story
40:46And execute the orders, Your Majesty
40:53There is a big difference
40:55Between issuing the decision and executing it
40:58Your Majesty, what do you mean by that?
41:03They want the Prince, Mu'izzah
41:05And I will give them what they want
41:08But I will go to them disguised as him
41:12And when the time is right
41:14I will attack them and free my son from this gang
41:16And prove to them that no one can force me
41:18I, King Jalaluddin, on anything
41:22All of you will be behind me
41:24And ready for the plan that we will attack
41:27I don't want anyone
41:29Not one of these criminals alive
41:30I don't want anyone alive
41:32I have grown up
41:35Announce the decision, Tudermal
41:37Yes, Your Majesty
41:46Attention, attention, attention
41:48Pay attention to the decision that was issued
41:50Attention, attention, attention
41:52Mr. Mu'izzah is free
41:54And all the charges against him were invalid
42:01So, he is free from now on
42:04I have to go and deliver this news as soon as possible
42:16Your Majesty
42:31Your Majesty
42:34It is time to go now
42:40It is time to go and sleep
42:46And finally, His Majesty obeyed our orders
42:50His great fear for the Prince
42:52Made His Majesty give up his pride
42:54And now
42:56The King has to accept our demands
42:58Pardon me, Maryam Az-Zaman
43:00What is the reason for my visit?
43:02I came to see the traitor Mu'inn
43:04But the King's orders, Your Majesty
43:06Are not to be visited
43:08Maryam Az-Zaman, I am not a normal person to say that
43:10And you
43:12Must know
43:14That our orders, me and the King
43:16Are the same
43:18I am ordering you to get the traitor Mu'inn out of prison
43:21But, Your Majesty
43:23Maryam Az-Zaman, no one rejects an order
43:25Do you understand?
43:26Do what I say
43:28Why did you stop?
43:30Didn't you hear what the King said?
43:32Leave your life and go tell him the truth
43:34Jouda, listen to me
43:36Don't go against the King's orders
43:38Let him decide
43:40My death
43:42I am doing what the King must do
43:56Respect me, Maryam Az-Zaman
43:58I came here to order them
44:00To get you out
44:02Thank you
44:04You are much smarter than the King
44:06The heir of the throne
44:08Should be dear to all of you
44:10Shut up
44:14Don't say a word
44:16About my son or his father
44:18I just disobeyed the King's orders
44:20But keep in mind
44:22The King's orders
44:23I just disobeyed the King's orders
44:25But keep in mind
44:27If Salim doesn't come back to me
44:29No one can get rid of me
44:41This boy is very close to the King's father
44:44But the King's Majesty doesn't care
44:53I don't have to stay here
44:56If my father doesn't come to save me
44:59I will have to run away from here
45:24Finally, the King's decision has been announced
45:27What are we waiting for?
45:31Get Prince Salim ready
45:33To go to the forest next to the river
45:35Go get the Crown Prince
45:53Prince Salim
46:24Strange, where did Prince Salim go?
46:28Prince Salim ran away
46:34Why are you still waiting?
46:36This little one can't run away
46:38He must be close by
46:40Look for him
46:45Prince Salim
46:47Prince Salim
46:49Prince Salim
46:51Prince Salim
46:53Prince Salim
46:55Prince Salim
46:57Prince Salim
46:59Prince Salim
47:01Prince Salim
47:03Prince Salim
47:05Prince Salim
47:07Prince Salim
47:09Prince Salim
47:11Search carefully, he can't be far
47:24He's not here either
47:26Come on, follow me
47:36It's good that they're gone
47:38But I have to get away from them as soon as possible
47:41But how can I go alone?
47:44I don't even know the way to the palace
47:47I can't go alone
47:49I don't even know the way to the palace
48:16Prince Salim
48:18Prince Salim
48:20Prince Salim
48:22Prince Salim
48:24Prince Salim
48:26Prince Salim
48:28Prince Salim
48:30Prince Salim
48:32Prince Salim
48:34Prince Salim
48:36Prince Salim
48:38Prince Salim
48:40Prince Salim
48:42Prince Salim
48:44Prince Salim
48:46Prince Salim
