• last year
UNMASK YOURSELF - Discover yourself to heal yourself - heal anxiety and depression and everything else. Underneath the veil of the masks we wear is an authentic self that is capable of finally creating the healing, the change and the transformation that we desire to live a fulfilled, peaceful and successful life.

Years of in depth research into looking at how normal people do extraordinary things including radical healing, have shown us the real secret to healing your life is nothing external. It is not the medication but the mindset. When we get underneath the hard exterior of our personality, our masks, we discover something beautiful - ourselves. Without the heavily defended personality that inevitably becomes stuck in survival mode we get to explore the soft centre of who we are at our finest. Generally the energy and love along with the creativity and passion that lies dormant in another part of our bodies, hearts and minds is capable of miracles, of the extraordinary and the unlimited.

We are far more profoundly capable of healing ourselves, our depression and anxiety and everything else that stands in our way than we could have imagined before. We've just been looking in all the wrong places. We've been medicating, masking and manifesting fear instead of love, survival mindset instead of thrive mindset and self critical judgments that steal instead of evaluate our joy. When we focus on the authentic self rather than the fortified false self, we begin to emerge through a Paradigm Shift. We emerge healed, spiritually awake and alive to life, love and limitlessness.

Heal and transform your life through burnout, depression, anxiety and find a deep sense of purpose and meaning as you heal and transform your life. Thousands of lives have been changed. Wherever you are mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually today, know you can Heal Your Life! Incredible choices of online courses or stays at our Center for Healing and Life Transformation are available and are among the very best personal transformation experiences in the very.

00:00People began to discover this nature within themselves, this higher nature
00:07of a person that was not depressed or anxious or who was feeling suicidal thoughts or whatever it
00:19might have been. Underneath the veil of the narrative, which is this constant incessant
00:28negative story that many, many people who are suffering from stress and addictions and
00:36depression, this constant narrative keeps running and running and running and
00:42this is the narrative of the personality, which is a mask that we wear. And what we discovered
00:51once we started to really take these changes, these drastic healings and changes and
00:56transformations in people seriously, we started to discover that once they disidentified
01:03from this narrative, from this perpetual story of thoughts and feelings, perceptions,
01:13attitudes and traits that were basically now automated, in other words, much like a computer
01:20program, when they disidentified from that stream of thoughts and consciousness, they really began
01:30to heal quite rapidly and quite deeply. So people were presenting from all over the world
01:39different problems and the weird thing that we didn't expect to discover
01:44was that the way through these problems, some extreme, some 20 years of depression, clinical
01:51depression, you know, very, very chronic anxiety, panic disorders, people were in nightmares. They
02:03were in a mental health crisis with medications as much of their only hope and it wasn't working.
02:15So we knew something had to be done and that's when we started to really take pen to paper,
02:21like 13, 14 years ago, and we started to analyze people with all these different problems,
02:29different geographic locations, different ages and so on,
02:33coming to a central hub which was our center for healing and saying, listen, I've exhausted every
02:40opportunity. I've been to five psychiatrists, I've been in therapy for many years and
02:50I've tried ketamine and ayahuasca, I've tried everything and I can't get there.
02:56So we took pen to paper and started to take things seriously, noting how people,
03:04certain people were coming and healing themselves and what we found we didn't expect to find,
03:10which was these real common people doing very, very uncommon things and, you know, the Alexa was,
03:22well, it wasn't us, it was themselves. To get to the main core issue of what was keeping people
03:28depressed and stressed and anxious was that they identified with the personality and,
03:36in fact, they thought that that's all that they were. So they identified with a construct
03:43and every thought, every experience, every trait that they developed from those thoughts and
03:50experiences, every perception that they had, every memory and false memory, every feeling,
04:00emotion, every outcome and every perceived outcome, all built up into this mask of personality,
04:08of course, personality meaning mask, persona. And this persona became a veil and it was literally
04:16a veil between their happiness and wellness and peace and a nightmare that was anxiety and fear
04:26and a sense of trappedness that they couldn't get out of. So the identification with the story,
04:35with the narrative of who they thought they were coming in and saying, you know, my 20-year
04:42depression, my negative childhood, my upbringing, which was so stressful, this had become who they
04:51thought they were and when there was a disidentification with the personality, we saw that
04:58the narrative or the story that they were running was not really who they were. Underneath that,
05:06underneath this veil of the narrative, as we call it, or veil of ignorance, because we don't really
05:12know who the authentic self is yet, when we get beneath that, marvellous and wonderful things,
05:20really that we know nothing about, start to effervescently sort of emerge and we become
05:29far, far greater beings than we ever thought that we were and beings that are capable
05:35of healing the mind, body, heart. You know, as you think, so shall you be and when you
05:42identify with something that's not real, you suffer and the personality, which again is our
05:49thoughts, feelings, perceptions, attitudes, traits, all these things, when we identify with the unreal,
05:55we suffer because only the truth is going to set us free. So we started seeing this truth
06:01setting people free, this authenticity that we'd heard so much about over the years starting to come
06:08alive. You know, we've all heard of the authentic self, we've all heard of spiritual awakenings and
06:13so on, but an authentic self is where healing resides. It's not something we expected to find.
06:22So it was beauty, truth and goodness that emerged from people that actually set them free
06:28from a frightened, fearful personality that had often kept them in states of absolute
06:37frozenness of fight, flight and freeze that were very, very deep and so rehearsed and so thought
06:46of over and over again. And of course, when you thought rehearsed over and over again is something
06:52that becomes a belief and as you think so shall you be becomes who you believe you really are.
06:59And if that ain't you, you're gonna suffer, you're gonna be in pain until you're set free.
07:07Because I think life is about becoming who we really are, which is really rooted in our values,
07:13it's rooted in generally people are great, they're kind, loving, open, you know, we'll jump into an
07:21ocean or rescue people out of a burning building, people that are strangers on instinct, but yet we
07:30develop these thick exterior masks that defend us, where we don't speak to family for 10 years,
07:37where we cut people off, we become angry, we become victims, victims of island people, and we become
07:45people that are separate. And, of course, when we believe we separate, we suffer even more.
07:53Separation leads to anxiety. And anxiety is separation anxiety. So this is how things are
08:01born. And it's something that really we're, you know, we're doomed to suffer, we're doomed to
08:08make these choices to survive when we're young. But there comes a time. And usually, that time is
08:17through some suffering, that we realize, look, I need to be free, I need to, you know, ask that
08:24famous three word sentence of who am I. And when that starts to emerge, this is spiritual awakening,
08:33this is spiritual work. And by that, all we mean is looking inside, instead of looking towards that
08:40environment that created that narrative. Our parents, people, places, things, conversations, and
08:46situations that we thought were who we were, but they're a narrative. And at the end of the day,
08:56they're a veil. So when we disidentify with the veil, with the masks of persona,
09:05we also disidentify with codependence, things we needed codependence, we disidentify with being a
09:11victim, and a people pleaser, and so on and so forth. What we've created is something beautiful
09:18for people called the paradigm process. And it's pretty simple, really, we take, you know, the 10
09:24most common masks that we wear. And we find an antidote for each of these masks. And, you know,
09:32our need for control and judgment and so on, we find a pathway back, which is, you know, self-love,
09:39gratitude, authenticity, and so on. So these 10 simple pathways are to just remove the construct
09:48of the veil of that narrative, which has become our attitude, our traits, our personality. So once
09:56we start removing those, consciously, with conscious awareness, with contemplative mindsets,
10:04in other words, when we are able to use the tools of mindfulness, of being able to see this narrative,
10:12you know, with practice, you can see it straight away, these automatic, redundant, almost useless
10:19thoughts. These thoughts are not us either. They're there, you know, you don't even choose
10:27these thoughts, really, they just run perpetually and constantly and sort of rehearse us into trying
10:34to be safe, which of course doesn't work. Freedom comes by removing the veil, by removing the masks,
10:42and allowing our authenticity to emerge. Thinking that we're rotten, bad people
10:50is inherent, and you won't believe what a bit of work on self-love can do.
10:56Something that people don't realize is almost a dirty word. And self-love and growth and
11:05contribution and all of these paradoxes bring joy and set us free. Defense brings nothing but war,
11:14suffering, and rehearsing of survival techniques. You know, three o'clock in the morning, that's
11:22what we're doing, until we show up, we emerge through that veil and say, I'm not the mind,
11:29I'm not even the body, I'm not this matter. We start to really ask those questions of who am I,
11:36where have I been, where am I going? We can take pen to paper, pen is definitely mightier than the
11:42sword, and we can begin to work on ourselves. We can do it through talk therapies, we can do it through
11:49meditative practice and through contemplation. So it's quite strange that when we get beyond this
11:55veil of the narrative, I ask, who are you without your story? And people that are able to stop long
12:03enough and actually consider that question, because it's a frightening question in the beginning,
12:09that can even set some people's nervous systems off. Alarms go off and they're having a panic
12:15attack or they're suffering generalized anxiety or avoidance or trying to distract themselves.
12:23Anything but look at who we are without the story, and the mind is very afraid it's going
12:29to find something frightening and worse, which never happens. We haven't seen it happen yet.
12:36What we've seen emerge is beauty, truth and goodness in people. We've seen the need for anxiety,
12:45the need for depression, for staying connected to those post-traumatic stress
12:53scenarios that play out again and again and again like a nightmare.
12:58We're not saying you get rid of your personality really, we're saying transcend it and include it,
13:06story and all, you know, dissolve and integrate that personality into your emerging authentic
13:12self, which is really a beautiful journey, discovering who we really are, who other people
13:19really are, who God is, and what this constructed universe is all about, is something that is
13:28actually one of the most beautiful things that we've ever discovered. So it's developing a self
13:39love, will develop a love for others, and develop a love for God, universe, nature, and so on. And
13:47this contemplative intelligence, this disidentification with narrative, is something
13:53that can really transform the self first, but then transform the world. You can't be racist,
14:03discriminatory, when you're not judging people with that judge insurgent personality mask.
14:11And when we become free, so do others. So there is a great, great shift happening, and we shouldn't
14:19be disheartened where people are really waking up, and pretty much it's out of necessity,
14:26mental health crisis, COVID, you know, not being able to trust the government maybe as much as you
14:32could, really having to turn inwards and discover the essence of the self, which is the journey.
