We learned to treat the personality with the best therapy model we could find which is the Paradigm process for depression treatment. We grew tired of hearing that people of the world now believe that they have to cope with depression, anxiety, burnout and personality or mood disorders. Medicine is not enough and has led to a further spike in the mental health crisis. We send people for psychiatric interventions at our mental health and wellness clinics to get medication is to heal their depression symptoms. Then we send them back again and again for tweaks and adjustments to that medication in the hope that this time it will work. Although medicine does alleviate a lot of the symptoms, especially at first, you still need to do the hard work of rewiring and firing in a different part of your brain.
We remove the 10 masks that create the disease and disorder in our mental and emotional states and replace them with 10 pathways back to authenticity, to sacred self, as we call it where the fear based personality no longer runs the show. This is how people are healing today and it is beyond extraordinary.
Mark L Lockwood BA(psy)(hons) - Paradigm Process course creator
If you're stuck in survival mind and our plagued by the fight flight and freeze response that is common place for us to experience in our home and work environments today then you need to get out of that frame of mind. Survival mind only knows one response and that is how to survive. But we do not want people to survive we want them to arrive and then thrive. Everybody deserves a high quality life without any exclusions. People who have suffered traumas in their lives, which is essentially all of us, will need to do the work of rewiring their reality. It is an essential part of life today. Life itself is here for a reason.
We are here to grow, become more and more conscious and allow the truth to set us free from all our fears. If we are not following our purpose we tend to suffer. Life demands that we live with growth meaning and purpose. If we don't we quickly become miserable hopeless and lost. To get our lives back on track we need a paradigm shift from survival mind to thrive mind. From the amygdala hijack of the brain to the pre-frontal cortex where we can start creating new and positive experiences for ourselves.
We remove the 10 masks that create the disease and disorder in our mental and emotional states and replace them with 10 pathways back to authenticity, to sacred self, as we call it where the fear based personality no longer runs the show. This is how people are healing today and it is beyond extraordinary.
Mark L Lockwood BA(psy)(hons) - Paradigm Process course creator
If you're stuck in survival mind and our plagued by the fight flight and freeze response that is common place for us to experience in our home and work environments today then you need to get out of that frame of mind. Survival mind only knows one response and that is how to survive. But we do not want people to survive we want them to arrive and then thrive. Everybody deserves a high quality life without any exclusions. People who have suffered traumas in their lives, which is essentially all of us, will need to do the work of rewiring their reality. It is an essential part of life today. Life itself is here for a reason.
We are here to grow, become more and more conscious and allow the truth to set us free from all our fears. If we are not following our purpose we tend to suffer. Life demands that we live with growth meaning and purpose. If we don't we quickly become miserable hopeless and lost. To get our lives back on track we need a paradigm shift from survival mind to thrive mind. From the amygdala hijack of the brain to the pre-frontal cortex where we can start creating new and positive experiences for ourselves.