Jo Ghalti Essaiyon Ne Ki Wo Aj Ka Musalman Kar Raha Hai Mufti Tariq Masood

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Jo Ghalti Essaiyon Ne Ki Wo Aj Ka Musalman Kar Raha Hai Mufti Tariq Masood


00:00The commandments that we gave to the Jews in the Torah were not the same as those that they put on the people.
00:07The commandments that we gave were like 2 and 2 and 4.
00:12The Christians have also done the same thing.
00:15In the case of the Christians, the first Seerat Jalsa started and they will narrate the Seerat of Jesus and Mary.
00:20Who is not happy with the Seerat of the Prophet?
00:23If they would have narrated the Seerat of the Prophet as much as it should have been,
00:28then how many Jalsas would they have done on it?
00:33One bad person was born and he started creating a ruckus in the glory of Jesus and Mary.
00:40The public has a habit, the public does not like the matter of moderation.
00:45The public always likes exaggeration.
00:47Heat up such a gathering that people start screaming.
00:51It does not come out of moderation.
00:54Once I was called to narrate the virtues of Muharram.
01:00I said that it is the virtue of Muharram that it comes in Ashur-e-Hurum, which is a virtue in Islam.
01:07In Ashur-e-Hurum, Muharram is in 4 months.
01:11And the Prophet used to fast more in Muharram.
01:16And the fast of 10 Muharram is of great virtue.
01:20That's all.
01:22What was narrated?
01:24That's all.
01:26If you say, narrate the virtues of Sayyidina Hussain,
01:30then it is less than 6 hours for him.
01:33The virtues of Muharram are this much.
01:36I don't think so.
01:38The virtues of Sayyidina Hussain are the books of books,
01:41his biography, his virtues in Hadith.
01:44It can be narrated on his virtues.
01:47The virtues of Muharram that Islam has narrated,
01:51it is not more than this.
01:54There can be no gathering in it.
01:58But when you have to get money,
02:012.5, 3 lakh, 5 lakh, 10 lakh rupees,
02:04on the virtues of Muharram,
02:07then after listening to 2-3 Hadith,
02:10the narration ends.
02:12Say, you can't do it.
02:14Do you understand or not?
02:16When I go abroad, I have tours,
02:19I don't have any money to narrate.
02:22For free.
02:24The reason for this is,
02:26if we take money and narrate,
02:28the money that is being given,
02:30whose policy will work?
02:34I became famous today,
02:35otherwise there are restrictions on me in mosques,
02:38when I used to narrate the philosophy of 4 marriages,
02:41people used to say, take it out of the mosque.
02:44We used to say, take it out,
02:46because our house doesn't run on your expenses.
02:51Do you understand or not?
02:53People say, what kind of things are you saying?
02:57So the Quran is saying, money.
03:00Illegal money.
03:02And what was that illegal money?
03:04The people of the world,
03:06the leader's job,
03:08the leader's job,
03:10is never to take the nation forward,
03:14no, no, no.
03:16It is his job to determine the limit,
03:18what is the right limit?
03:20To take the people on that limit.
03:22Do you understand or not?
03:24See, when Muhammad came to the world,
03:26was it a monotheistic environment or a monotheistic environment?
03:32a monotheistic environment.
03:33He said, we have 360 idols, once Abraha's army came and they tried to destroy it, but
03:41it worked.
03:42There should be a project like this in the future, there should be a defense like this.
03:48Our Prophet was such a great leader that all the Arabs could trust him.
03:53You can't trust Abdul Muttalib's people.
03:55Our Prophet was such a great leader that all the Arabs could trust him.
04:02You can't trust Abdul Muttalib's people.
04:05We have never heard a lie from you for 40 years, there is no greed in you.
04:12If everyone had pledged allegiance to you, you would have become the leader of Mecca
04:17and the whole of Arabia.
04:19And who will solve your problems?
04:21Now I will.
04:22The Arabs were very worried about tribal wars.
04:25The Arabs come to you and say that we are worried about tribal wars.
04:28You say, okay, everyone pledge allegiance to me, I will make a law, everyone will have
04:33to follow it.
04:34Therefore, there will never be wars between you.
04:37You could have done everything.
04:39And you would have secured their idols.
04:42You would have given religious freedom.
04:44Whoever wants to worship the idol, should worship the idol.
04:47Whoever wants to walk on the path of monotheism, should walk on the path of monotheism.
04:51No, no, no, no.
04:53The Prophet did not see what the Arabs want.
04:58Rather, what did you see?
05:01What does Allah want?
05:03You have determined the straight path by the command of Allah.
05:08That this is the straight path and I have to take the whole nation on this track.
05:13The nation that is going on this track, do not go ahead of it.
05:16I will go ahead and drive the nation behind me.
05:19The work of a religious scholar is not what the nation wants.
05:24So you fulfill its demand by going to the gatherings.
05:27The work of a religious scholar is what you want.
05:31First you decide what is right and what is wrong.
05:34Then you have to drive the nation behind that track.
05:37Look, when you go to a good doctor, you tell him, doctor, give me this medicine, give me
05:42this medicine.
05:43The doctor will say, then you take it yourself from the medical.
05:46Why did you come to me?
05:47I will recommend what I think is right for you.
05:50Whose sign is this?
05:52That this doctor is not bad, but he is good.
05:55When someone comes to us and takes a fatwa, we say, then you write it.
06:01What do you think?
06:03Then fatwa?
06:04You write it.
06:05If you make us write it, then we will write what comes to our mind.
06:09So what is happening now?
06:12I will quickly summarize the matter.
06:15What the Jews and Christians have done is that they have seen the demand of the public.
06:21The public likes exaggerations.
06:23What do you think?
06:25The Christians called Jesus Christ the son of God, they must have said it at once.
06:31Slowly, slowly.
06:32One came and exaggerated a little.
06:35The second must have held a bigger gathering.
06:37The third must have held a bigger gathering.
06:39Then the public said, oh great, long live.
06:41Then make Jesus Christ the son of God.
06:44Then those who must have said, no, Jesus is not the son of God.
06:48He is a human being.
06:49He is a human being like ordinary people.
06:51They must have been issued a fatwa of blasphemy at once.
06:54It is not coming.
06:56What fatwa must have been issued at once?
06:59There was no bomb at that time, otherwise they would have been blown up with a bomb.
07:04It is possible that they have been blown up.
07:06Whoever said monotheism, these are not the teachings of Jesus.
07:09He is a human being.
07:11Jesus used to eat food.
07:14Mary used to eat food.
07:16Those who are in need of eating and drinking, they are not the sons of God.
07:20They are creatures like you.
07:22Whoever said this, he did not get envelopes from the public.
07:29He did not get envelopes from the public.
07:33So they were drowned.
07:38Allah left the Eid that he had given them and fixed 25th December.
07:42The day of the birth of Jesus son of Mary.
07:45However, the Eid of Allah is not related to the day of someone's birth or death.
07:53Christians also had Eid.
07:56Christians said that according to their thoughts, although this thought was also wrong.
08:02Jesus was not born on 25th December.
08:04Their researchers say.
08:06It is said that if a prophet is born on the 12th, then the 12th is the day of Eid.
08:14The mistake that has been made by the Christians, who made that mistake?
08:18This Ummah.
08:19Jesus son of Mary was not born on 25th December.
08:22The researchers of the Christians themselves say that this is not your date of birth.
08:27The Christians fixed a wrong day and made it the day of Eid.
08:32The real Eid.
08:33What did they do?
08:34They forgot.
08:35What did our people do?
08:3712 Rabiul Awwal is not proven by any authentic hadith that it is the day of the birth of
08:42a prophet.
08:43It is not proven by any authentic hadith.
08:46Our people fixed a wrong day and made it the day of Eid.
08:51However, how many Eids do we get in the hadith?
08:54Eidul Fitr and Eidul Adha.
08:57Do you understand or not?
08:59Now, if someone denies that Eid.
09:02The day of Eid is not the day of the birth of a prophet.
09:05So, immediately the fatwa of blasphemy, where everyone is celebrating.
09:09What is that?
09:10I should not say Astaghfirullah.
09:12What is that?
09:13Except for Iblis, where everyone is celebrating.
09:16What does it mean?
09:17Those who are not celebrating, what are they?
09:20They are Iblis.
09:21It means that this is complete Iblis.
09:23The whole of Saudi Arabia is Iblis.
09:25The whole of Dubai is Iblis.
09:27The whole of Afghanistan is Iblis.
09:30In this way, no one is celebrating.
09:32In fact, the majority is not celebrating.
09:34If I live in Malaysia, then I would have seen a few people celebrating.
09:41Everyone had a normal life.
09:43Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Muslims from all over the world.
09:46What happened?
09:48So, they will cook rice and lentils in heaven.
09:514 people will go to heaven.
09:54Where will the rest go?
09:56A man had a dream.
09:58In the dream, he saw lentils and rice in heaven.
10:01He said, what is this?
10:03They are given in hell.
10:05He said, what is this?
10:06He said, 4 people have come to heaven.
10:08Will they cook for 4 people?
10:09There was an engineer, Mirza.
10:10There was Javed Ahmed Ghamidi.
10:12And there was a Tawsibur Rahman Rashidi.
10:14He is still very good.
10:16And the fourth is the son-in-law of Ghamidi.
10:18When you hear about these 4 people, you will think that they are the same.
10:21What are the rest?
10:23They are wrong.
10:25Are you understanding or not?
10:27So, it seems that in heaven, 4, 6, 8, 10.
10:29Increase it a little.
10:31If this number seems less to you.
10:35Then the conversation goes on and on.
10:37What was I saying?
10:41So, what is this?
10:43What is this?
10:45What is this?
10:47What is this?
10:49What is this?
10:51What is this?
10:55So, I was saying that what did the Christians do?
10:57While doing the teachings of the Prophet,
10:59While doing the teachings of Jesus Christ.
11:01While doing it.
11:03They made them the son of Allah.
11:05The prophet said that you will follow the last Ummah.
11:07What did our people do?
11:09The love of Ahl-e-Bayt.
11:11It is a very good thing.
11:13To love Ahl-e-Bayt.
11:15It is a part of our faith.
11:17But, they are also human beings.
11:19They are human beings.
11:21He is a human being but what did he do?
11:28While doing Ghulub, the slogans of Ya Ali Madad and Ya Hussain Madad started, the slogans
11:36of mourning started.
11:38We had the law of patience.
11:41What was in it?
11:44We had the law of patience.
11:48We have the law of patience.
11:51In our law of patience, there is no martyrdom.
11:54In fact, what is it?
11:56It is blessed.
11:59Is there a month that is not blessed in Islam?
12:02Say it.
12:04When there is no day that is not blessed, when there is no month that is not blessed,
12:10when there is no month that is not blessed, when there is no month that is not blessed,
12:15there is no month that is not blessed.
