Imran Khan ka Muzakrat par zor aur DG ISPR ki Press Conference | Muhammad Malik's Analysis

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Imran Khan ka Muzakrat par zor aur DG ISPR ki Press Conference | Muhammad Malik's Analysis
00:00I am giving you a message.
00:02The Prime Minister said, ladies and gentlemen, that Muslim League Noon is a party that is
00:13creating a rift between the people and the army.
00:20And we have to defeat it in every possible way, God willing.
00:28Mohammad Malik is with us.
00:30Huzoor, Assalam-o-Alaikum.
00:32Huzoor, Assalam-o-Alaikum.
00:33My question is, do you think, and let me be precise,
00:37that a rift has been created between the people and the government has to leave the country?
00:43This can happen in Pakistan as well.
00:45Do you think this is an overstatement or is it possible?
00:49No, Huzoor, the situation is very dangerous.
00:54If you look at the similarities, the economic situation was bad there as well.
00:58It was much better than ours.
01:00There was an issue of jobs, economic discrepancy,
01:04which is why there was a fight over the quotas for government jobs.
01:06The issue is that when you have a lot of spices cooked,
01:10then one thing becomes a small thing.
01:12There, it became a small thing when it came to the quotas.
01:17There are a lot of issues in Pakistan.
01:19Expenses, electricity, joblessness, fault lines,
01:23the biggest political party fight,
01:25the fight between the judges,
01:27the fight between the judges and the army,
01:29the conflict between the judges and the army,
01:31the Parliament is sitting on the Supreme Court with its swords out.
01:34You see, there is conflict everywhere.
01:36We need a spark here.
01:38What is happening in Balochistan,
01:40and what you saw today,
01:42you also played the clips of the Chief Minister of KP.
01:44Now, you see that language as well.
01:47No one's father can stop us.
01:49We will snatch it.
01:51We will get freedom.
01:53We will come in August.
01:55We will come in September.
01:57Whoever can stop us, let them stop us.
01:59And Mali sir, we have asked the politicians,
02:01they have raised the issue of terrorism.
02:03Look, how significant it is.
02:05CMKP, addressing the issue of terrorism,
02:07is telling the institutions,
02:09that you people say that it is terrorism.
02:11So, when you do this to the people there,
02:13they will not shower flowers in return.
02:16We are moving towards an endgame, Waseem.
02:18Things are moving towards a point of no return.
02:22And I think that if anyone can calm this matter down a little,
02:27then they will start thinking about the army leadership,
02:29and what they have to do.
02:31Can they start a conflict with the courts as well?
02:34Has there been a conflict with Imran Khan as well?
02:37Today, they have taken a categorical position.
02:39You have started a statement on DGISPR,
02:41both earlier and today.
02:43Today, it is not just words.
02:45Look at the tone.
02:47It was a very strict tone.
02:48In English, it is said,
02:49slamming the door in your face.
02:52They said, out of the question.
02:53And then they talked about digital terrorism.
02:55Then they talked about people sitting outside.
02:57And they said, they are running adopted pictures.
02:59They are doing this and that.
03:00All these things are there,
03:01which will continue to happen on the official handle of PTI.
03:04So, there was no doubt about who they were talking about.
03:07They were talking about PTI.
03:08And all these things are there.
03:10Now, we have gone to a very dangerous note.
03:13If, Mr. Malik,
03:14the same opinion of the judge is not exact,
03:16because when Mr. Khan got his first statement,
03:18and then the statements kept coming,
03:19that look, Mr. Asim Munir is making us fight,
03:22and we don't want to do it.
03:23Today, Mr. Umar Raviv also said this.
03:24So, at that time, it was being analyzed that
03:26maybe there is a game going on behind.
03:28That is why Mr. Khan is softening his statements.
03:30But today, with the statement of the judge,
03:32you yourself are saying that
03:33it seems that there is exactly the same level.
03:36So, if it is the same level,
03:37then what is the reason for these statements of Mr. Khan?
03:40Look, I think I have already talked about this in your program.
03:44I also do this.
03:45Many people used to get upset when I used to say that
03:47out of the question,
03:48the things that are going on,
03:49that three people met, four people met,
03:51there is no such thing.
03:54There is no big line,
03:56what do you call it,
03:57a line in the sand has been drawn.
03:59This will not be erased.
04:00This will not happen.
04:01Look, I am very sure that
04:04Mr. Khan realizes this thing
04:06that he will not get a share in the current system,
04:09of any kind.
04:10Neither will he get relief,
04:11nor will he get a share.
04:12Now, the matter is so hot and what has happened,
04:15that they want,
04:16like the civilian government has taken a very big decision,
04:19but this is another thing that had to be backed off,
04:21that yes, we will also ban the party,
04:23we will also put article 6,
04:25we will also run a case of treason.
04:27What is the maximum action of the force,
04:29which has happened in Bangladesh?
04:31That is fine,
04:32step in yourself.
04:34I think they are ready for this too,
04:36that heat up the matter so much,
04:39that everyone gets out of hand.
04:41Get out of the hands of the Supreme Court.
04:43The Supreme Court is not ready to accept any such order,
04:46the government.
04:47And now,
04:48what I have been hearing for two days,
04:50today I was also talking in the show,
04:52that although it is not number one,
04:54but a serious move is going on,
04:56and a decision has been made,
04:57that at all costs,
04:58a constitutional amendment must be made,
05:00of judicial reform,
05:01when this bill is passed.
05:02Now, for that,
05:03they need people from the JUI,
05:05and they will need 5-6 people from the PTI too.
05:07I don't know where they will come from,
05:09but this is a serious matter.
05:11If tomorrow,
05:12by any means,
05:13by force,
05:14by buying,
05:15by scaring,
05:17if the government has made such a move,
05:19then you can see,
05:20I can see a repeat of the 90s,
05:22where two Supreme Courts are sitting,
05:24the Supreme Court is fighting with the Supreme Court,
05:26we are going towards a perfect chaos.
05:28And this Bangladesh is a very good wake-up call for everyone,
05:31that look,
05:32there too,
05:33and this Army Chief was the one,
05:35who was in Bangladesh,
05:36who was appointed by Haseena Wajid Sahiba herself.
05:38She has a close relationship with him.
05:40So, he was a hand-picked Army Chief.
05:44There was a point,
05:45that there too,
05:46there was a tipping point.
05:47For me,
05:48the situation here,
05:49and what we have heard
05:50from the Jalsa today,
05:51after this,
05:52it has become clear,
05:53that now,
05:54there can be no discussion of any kind,
05:56and you were repeatedly talking to them about the People's Party,
05:59that is absolutely right.
06:00Here too,
06:01the thought is that,
06:02if the scum scenario,
06:04this is also being seen as an exercise here,
06:07or what you call a game plan,
06:09that there is war gaming.
06:10If a lot of things get out of hand,
06:12then it is possible that the top government changes.
06:15You take the People's Party forward,
06:17because the PTI will talk to the People's Party indirectly,
06:20because their power base is not Punjab.
06:22It is a war of Punjab,
06:24between Khalsa and Sharif family.
06:27That is why they will not talk to them.
06:29People's Party's statement was also made,
06:31was there any confirmation of that?
06:32Did you hear that?
06:33I saw it on social media,
06:34that they say,
06:35that there should be a new election in this country.
06:38PTI is saying exactly this.
06:40Nayyar Bukhari's statement was made,
06:43he is the general secretary of the party,
06:45so you call this a prank.
06:48that can be a temporary thing,
06:50if the People's Party is brought forward.
06:52That too,
06:53talks are being made here.
06:55one thing,
06:56there is no doubt,
06:57that PTI,
06:58and the army,
06:59will not talk,
07:00because the army is absolutely not ready.
07:02And today,
07:03the language used against the mafia,
07:05on the other hand,
07:06he is the sitting chief minister.
07:07He has a power base.
07:09So now,
07:10the swords have been drawn from both sides.
