Pregnant Street Cat Gives Birth On Nanny Cam

  • 2 months ago
Pregnant street cat caught giving birth on nanny cam. We talked with ladyandbugs who saw the magical moment Nelly became a mom and decided to keep her forever!


00:04Hey, pretty mama.
00:06Come on.
00:07Someone posted about her.
00:08They said that there was a pregnant strider living outside.
00:10Come on, honey.
00:12Ever since I was a kid,
00:13I've always been into cat rescues,
00:15so I told her,
00:16you can bring her tonight.
00:17Come on.
00:18She was really scared.
00:19She would be fat-bumped all the way
00:21into the furthest corner behind my dryer.
00:23I ran to Walmart.
00:25I got some food.
00:26I let her down.
00:27I bought her some blankets.
00:30She was very far along with her pregnancy.
00:36It took a couple of days for her to realize
00:38that she was in a safe place.
00:42I sat in there with her for a couple hours a day.
00:45Come on, pretty.
00:48I wanted her to trust me enough
00:50to be able to help her if I needed help.
00:52Look at that boobie, sweetheart.
00:55Eventually, she warmed up to me.
00:58I got a motion notification,
01:00and I saw one kit,
01:02and I was like, oh, my God.
01:04It was nothing like I had ever experienced.
01:17She had four beautiful, healthy babies.
01:19I nursed all of them properly.
01:23I did a really good job.
01:26First time picking them up,
01:27I had to change the bedding that she was in birth on.
01:30I was shaking.
01:31They were just so little.
01:36Oh, you're opening your eyes.
01:38What the heck?
01:41Did this just happen today?
01:43You little girl.
01:45After a couple of days,
01:46they all started to open their eyes.
01:48They all started to develop
01:50and all of a sudden,
01:52they all started to develop
01:54and all of a sudden,
02:01I call her the longer of the group.
02:03Look at Pancake in her stylish collar.
02:10She loves to play.
02:17But she's super playful,
02:19and she loves her brother, Blackjack.
02:22Blackjack, he's just super friendly towards humans.
02:25He's just so outgoing.
02:29They all have just a different personality.
02:33We're accepting adoption applications
02:35for all four of the kittens.
02:36It's been super awesome having them,
02:38and it's honestly breaking my heart
02:40that they're going to be getting free homes soon.
02:42Hey, beautiful.
02:43We want to make sure that they're getting
02:45the best of free homes.
02:48I adopted Nellie.
02:51We bonded,
02:52and I feel like I've had her forever.
02:57I really think she shows how thankful she is.
03:02My plan is to continue to do this
03:03and just be a revolving door for them.
03:05That's the dream.