Euroa store sale | Stock & Land

  • 2 months ago
Ryan Carpenter from Rodwells Euroa gives an update on the sale.
00:00We had just over 850 cattle here today and very mixed yarding of cattle. Not many lines,
00:06you couldn't, you know, very hard to put some lines together if you had to fill a load.
00:11But for what was there, sold to the market on which they, you know, on which they endeavoured
00:17to sort of, the value of the cattle sold to the value. There was no, there's nothing dear about
00:22the sale. Yeah, there was no, there was no absolute bargains. But yeah, we just saw a bit of
00:28a mixed yarding and mixed prices. You know, those, the heavier cattle sort of making three,
00:35high threes to early fours for them feeders type cattle. And you got down in your weight and that
00:41was just the market, your high threes to early fours. There wasn't any full forties or fifties
00:45like we've seen in other sales, but that's just because of the lines. You know, the biggest we
00:49had in one line was probably 20 cattle. So we, yeah, we just struggled to get them, the big
00:55buyers, but no, they still, they still sold well. And we had a fair few coloured cattle and yeah,
01:01that they sold to, you know, 20, 20 to 30 cents off the boil on what the blacks are doing. But
01:07yeah, that was the market here today. Not too much to quote on, but no surprises either.
