• 2 months ago
Hollyoaks 6th August 2024


00:00But you need to be on your guard for Grace.
00:02That woman is out for blood.
00:05And don't say I didn't warn you.
00:07I didn't just take your kitty's ID in that car crash, did I?
00:10She's got some pretty interesting texts on her phone.
00:14I'm sure the police would agree.
00:15Yeah, we'll see.
00:16Because if you do show them,
00:18then I'll tell them exactly who you are.
00:19Look, Zoe freaked out when I mentioned the dad
00:21and whatever was in there was his.
00:27It's Prince.
01:00I'm sorry.
01:13Zoe, what are you doing here?
01:15We're going to play a game.
01:17My rules.
01:30Oh, what are you doing here?
01:34When they let him out of here,
01:36I don't want him staying with you, okay?
01:44Hey, thanks for coming.
01:46I think it's important that we find a way to help each other out.
02:00I've been thinking all night about what I'm going to do to you.
02:14Here's how this game goes.
02:17I ask you if you're the father of Zoe's baby
02:21and you tell me the truth.
02:26Are you the father of her baby?
02:37Freddy needs to be with me.
02:39You get out of prison one day, he ends up in hospital.
02:41It's not safe.
02:43Are they bringing Freddy out to coma?
02:44Yeah, later on this morning.
02:46And then he is coming home with me.
02:48Quite the man I love has been in a coma for weeks.
02:51I thought I was going to lose him
02:52and now you expect me to let him go again.
02:54Is there even room at the flat?
02:56So I'll stay with Freddy on the love boat.
02:58For how long? It's not for sale.
03:00Fine, I'll think of something else.
03:02Do you want me to stay with you for a bit?
03:06No, you go and enjoy your bottomless brunch, all right?
03:08I love you.
03:09Love you too.
03:09Listen, there's something I need to take care of.
03:11So just let me know if there's any change with Freddy.
03:17I said that I'd set up so we shouldn't be disturbed.
03:20Since I was with Kitty, I've been working on myself.
03:24I've gone through counselling to sort out my anger issues.
03:29Oh, yeah?
03:31Yeah, but it wasn't always one way.
03:32Believe me, she gave it back.
03:34You abused her, did she?
03:37Made you feel scared?
03:39All I'm saying is that things were more complicated
03:42than what the messages on that phone make it look.
03:44All right?
03:44Yeah, I'm sorry.
03:45I'm sorry.
03:45I'm sorry.
03:46I'm sorry.
03:46I'm sorry.
03:47I'm sorry.
03:47I'm sorry.
03:48I'm sorry.
03:48I'm sorry.
03:49I'm sorry.
03:49All right?
03:51Me and Cleo, we're completely different.
03:54You're not exactly the first fella to tell me he's changed
03:56and things are different.
03:57I've got so much to lose if I don't change.
04:00And I finally figured that out.
04:01I want a life with Cleo.
04:04Yeah, well, Cleo's smart.
04:06She'll see you for what you are.
04:08Better or worse and all that.
04:11I couldn't agree more.
04:13And what if I say, nah, I don't believe you?
04:17I think you're a manipulative creep.
04:20Then I'd say that we both have things in our past
04:22that we want to bury.
04:24In your case, identity fraud.
04:30You know, maybe you're for real.
04:32Maybe you're not.
04:34But I'll be watching, Abe.
04:36And if I catch one sniff of you treating Teresa or Cleo
04:39like you treat a kitty,
04:41I'm going straight to the police with those texts
04:43no matter what it costs me.
04:47We'll get to that.
04:49No one's got anything to worry about.
05:00Dilly, please.
05:01I saw Zoe chucking away this.
05:05And according to Ethan, it belongs to the father of her baby.
05:08To look at it.
05:16It's the night Zoe and Hanna got engaged.
05:22I am so sorry.
05:29You and him were upstairs.
05:31We were just so drunk.
05:36I was...
05:37I was considering having a baby with you.
05:39I wanted a life with you.
05:41I really...
05:42I really thought this was gonna be it.
05:44I know, and I've never hated myself more in my life.
05:50Of course you haven't.
05:51You're a liar.
05:55Where are you going?
05:59To speak to the mother of your baby.
06:02No, please don't.
06:08What are you doing?
06:09Shh, shh, shh.
06:11Hanna, hey.
06:13Warm again, isn't it?
06:14Which is why I'm gonna be spending the next few hours
06:17on the dog platter over something cold.
06:19Oh, I think you've just described my perfect lunch time.
06:22Well, come along if you want.
06:23It's brunch with me and Diane and John Paul.
06:25We'll see you there at a Prosecco o'clock.
06:28Sounds nice, but I shouldn't.
06:31Maybe some other time.
06:32It's just, I might not have that much time
06:34after the plea hearing next week.
06:36Things are a bit awkward with the McQueens at the moment.
06:39Well, John Paul's a grown-up and so are you.
06:41You can have brunch.
06:43You sure you don't mind?
06:44No, I can't.
06:51Dilly, hey.
06:54Is everything okay?
06:57No, no, no.
06:58Why, what happened?
07:00My imprint's been out.
07:02I had a fight.
07:04Oh, I'm sorry to hear it.
07:06What was it about?
07:08I don't want to talk about it.
07:10Okay, well, whatever it was,
07:12I'm sure you guys will make it through.
07:14I don't, I don't think so.
07:16Come on, Dale.
07:17You are the happiest I've seen you
07:19since you've been with Prince.
07:20I'm just sick of things being so messed up.
07:23It's been that way my entire life
07:25and you were supposed to make things better.
07:28Okay, you and me, we're going to get a cup of coffee
07:30and we're going to talk this through.
07:31I can get someone else to watch this.
07:33Don't worry.
07:34Dilly, it's okay.
07:37I know.
07:40I know.
07:52I hear Freddy's coming out of his coma today.
07:55Yeah, well, it takes longer to get someone out of a coma
07:57than it does to put someone in one.
08:00I'm just happy he's going to be okay, genuinely.
08:03Oh, save the nice guy out for somebody
08:04that doesn't know you, Warren.
08:06Well, you look well for a woman who's terminally ill.
08:08Yeah, well, I had some stuff to sort out
08:09and I couldn't do it from prison, could I?
08:11Like tracking down Fraser's money?
08:13Do you want to know what I did with it?
08:15I burnt it.
08:16Every single note.
08:18Blue was going to try and kill everyone for it.
08:19I had no choice.
08:20It wasn't your money to burn, Warren.
08:22It was mine.
08:23For a new start.
08:24We have got our new start.
08:26Our families.
08:28Cozy little domestic life, eh?
08:29You, Mercedes, the twins, your mum.
08:32Where is she anyway?
08:32I thought you'd have her babysitting.
08:34She's in Tuscany.
08:35Closing down the businesses.
08:37Look, I have made some bad decisions.
08:40My judgment has been way off, Grace.
08:43Did you know that Rex was working for Blue?
08:45Who, by the way, has gone very quiet
08:46since I got rid of Rex and burnt the cash.
08:49Look, trust me.
08:52I promise you, you and Freddie
08:54will have nothing to worry about from me.
08:57See, Warren, that's just words.
09:02If you really do want a truce,
09:04you're going to have to do better than that.
09:06So what did you have in mind?
09:13It isn't getting any cooler.
09:15I know it's a bottomless brunch,
09:17but there's got to be a bottom somewhere, right?
09:20Sure I can't tempt you?
09:21I'm good with the slime and soda, thanks.
09:26So what's the plan for the afternoon then, ladies?
09:30Karaoking, yeah.
09:31The theory goes that if I humiliate myself enough,
09:35I will forget about the plea hearing for at least an hour.
09:38Listen, if anyone is in need of a good old sing song,
09:40it's you, Nancy.
09:42So long as no one else can hear me,
09:44I wouldn't want him to flip my voice on anyone else.
09:50Enjoying ourselves, are we?
09:51Because you deserve a drink and a laugh in the sun
09:55after attacking my daughter.
09:57Suzanne, not now, please.
09:59I'll tell you what, why don't I join you, hey?
10:02I don't want to miss out on a good time.
10:05Oh, Prosecco!
10:08Got a spare glass?
10:09Um, no.
10:11Ah, never mind.
10:13Stop it!
10:32We should talk about the father of your baby.
10:52Yeah, leaving tonight.
10:55Three nights, me and you, nice little romantic hotel,
10:58walking down the Ramblas, bit of tapas.
11:01This has come out of nowhere.
11:03I mean, how come?
11:04Well, I just think we deserve it.
11:07And because I love you.
11:10I just want to say sorry for my most recent behaviour.
11:15And I think it would do us good to go somewhere
11:18where no one knows who we are,
11:20so we don't need to worry about what people are saying.
11:24Yeah, I'd like that.
11:25Well, you better start getting packing then.
11:28Don't you know what I'm gonna wear?
11:30Oh, I wouldn't worry too much about that.
11:37Right, I need to go get some bits.
11:39Oh, babe, we could get it at the airport, right?
11:40We won't have time after.
11:43After what?
11:45Come here.
11:54We're never meant for this to happen.
11:56You're supposed to be my friend.
11:58I am.
11:59No, you're not.
12:01Because friends, they don't betray each other like this.
12:03They don't sleep with their friends' boyfriends.
12:07No, I wanted Prince to tell you, but it would destroy his family.
12:10And I never wanted to hurt you.
12:12Look, Prince hates himself for this.
12:14Till he added a terrible thing to you and to Hunter too.
12:18Prince loves you.
12:20No, he doesn't.
12:21Because if he did, he wouldn't have done this.
12:29Maybe I deserve it.
12:39No, you don't.
12:40Because bad things, they just...
12:42They never stop happening to me.
12:44No, we're the ones who did a bad thing to you.
12:49Everyone I love, they...
12:52They always leave me in the end.
12:55Prince is not gonna leave you.
12:58He loves you.
12:59You're everything to him.
13:02Dilly, if he loses you, it will break him.
13:05Please, don't give up your chance on happiness
13:08because of our stupid and selfish mistake.
13:27Oh, order another bottle?
13:34May as well.
13:35Yeah, we'll have another, thanks.
13:38What do you want from me, Suzanne?
13:40I want you to get what you deserve next week.
13:45I didn't push Frankie down the stairs.
13:47I know I'm never gonna convince you of that, but it's the truth.
13:50You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you on the backside.
13:52Right, that's enough.
13:53I know, why don't we all toast to Frankie getting justice?
13:59You're being cruel and horrible.
14:03I believe you about Frankie.
14:05I should have listened to Jack when she lied about him too.
14:08I'm so sorry, Lance.
14:12Listen, I think it's time you went.
14:14No, go on.
14:15All right.
14:17I said what I wanted to say.
14:19Oh, enjoy the rest of your brunch.
14:34Hey, are you okay?
14:35I was worried about you.
14:37I'm fine.
14:39You don't have to worry.
14:42Okay, well, you know where I am.
14:44If you need anything, just let me know, okay?
14:46But you know where I am.
15:07Lily, I am so sorry.
15:09You have to believe me.
15:11I know I made the biggest mistake of my life.
15:16I don't know how I can move past this.
15:19Lily, please.
15:21I need you.
15:23I've already lost.
15:25My brother, I can't lose you as well.
15:29I loved you.
15:32And you hurt me in a way that I never thought you would.
15:38And now I'm gonna have to watch you raise another woman's child.
15:43How can I forgive you?
15:48I don't know how.
15:51I also know it's the thought of living without you.
15:56I love you.
15:58I love everything about you.
16:01From that first moment we met at the hospital,
16:04you are the maddest, sweetest, funniest person I've ever known.
16:11With this big, big heart.
16:15Yeah, but you broke.
16:19And that kills me.
16:21That kills me knowing that I don't deserve to have the one thing that I want most in this world.
16:29To have kids with you.
16:32To have loads of them.
16:35To make a life together.
16:38And I would do anything for that.
16:53Sorry to bother you.
16:54I'm looking for Hannah.
16:57I'm a mate of hers.
16:58Oh, well, she's not here, I'm afraid.
17:00She's done her usual flight of fancy.
17:05That is a problem.
17:07Uh, she owes me money.
17:10It's, uh, it's 50 quid.
17:13She said to drop by and collect it.
17:16And then dropped off the face of the earth.
17:18Well, can't you just call her and ask her to transfer it?
17:21I can't get hold of her.
17:22Her dial tone sounds like she's abroad.
17:26You can call her and check if you want.
17:28No, I won't bother.
17:29She left without saying goodbye.
17:31Typical Hannah.
17:32Radio silence for weeks.
17:34She does it for attention.
17:36She knows where I am if she wants to contact me.
17:43I couldn't.
17:47Here you go.
17:52It's nice to meet you.
18:00Yeah, I don't think we need to worry about the family looking for Hannah.
18:21Grace, it might take a while for the sedatives to wear off.
18:27What are you like?
18:28Just a lazy hound.
18:29You've been lying here for weeks.
18:31What time do you call this?
18:40Don't worry, it's sorted.
18:41No one is gonna hurt you ever again, I promise.
18:46You saved my life.
18:47But what else was I gonna do?
18:50Where's Lexi?
18:52She's staying at Darren's to get in sport bond.
18:56He's worried sick about you.
18:57Keeps mithering on about you moving in with him.
19:00The house full of teenagers?
19:03I don't think so.
19:06How long have I been in it?
19:08Couple of weeks.
19:10People have been in and out to see you.
19:12Frankie's been here.
19:14That girl really cares about you.
19:17I don't remember anything.
19:20Hey, guess what?
19:22I got you a prezzy.
19:24The love boat.
19:28Well, it was for sale, so I thought why not?
19:30I mean, I know it's not my kind of thing normally,
19:33but I figured, you know, with you there, I could live there.
19:37I've just got a few things to sort out and we'll be in.
19:45Abe, don't use all the hot water!
19:47And hurry up!
20:31Have you spoken to Dillie?
20:34Does anyone else know?
20:35Nah, and they ain't going to.
20:38It's like how we had it when you first told me.
20:41I can't have anything to do with this, baby,
20:42and I don't want you to tell anyone it's mine, okay?
20:46I didn't ever plan on saying anything.
20:48We can't be friends.
20:50It won't work.
20:52Prince, this isn't coming from you.
20:54Yeah, it is.
20:55This is me telling you how it has to be.
20:58No, this is you making a promise to Dillie you don't know you can keep.
21:00I have to put Dillie first.
21:03And I can't do that with you all the baby of my life.
21:05You stay away from each other.
21:39You're late.
21:42Yeah, I had to be careful getting here.
21:44You don't think that Freddie is blue,
21:46and you never have, have you?
21:50And you were never working for Warren, were you?
21:53So you're going to want payback for Freddie.
21:56What's your plan for Warren?
21:58We met and sorted.
22:00He brought me this place to make up for,
22:02apparently, he's a changed man.
22:07And that's enough for you, is it?
22:08To just forgive and forget?
22:10Nah, not even close.
22:12See, I don't do forgiveness, Rex.
22:14I do revenge.
22:20Guys, please.
22:22Shut it.
22:23See, you and Ste and Warren are going to find out what happens when you take me on.
22:29And Rex, it don't end well.
22:59Thanks, Pearl.
23:01Today's just what I needed.