• 2 months ago
Cloudy with showers for most through Wednesday, these more widespread across Scotland during the afternoon. Showers will tend to die away later, and there may be some sunny spells in places. Into the evening, cloudy, drizzly and murky conditions will approach from the southwest. Breezy, with some gusts across Scotland. – This is the Met Office UK Weather forecast for the afternoon of 07/08/24. Bringing you today’s weather forecast is Alex Deakin.


00:00Hello. There's a lot of clouds across the country today and a fair few showers to come
00:06as well, all thanks to an area of low pressure. You can see the swirl here quite nicely on
00:11the satellite picture. There's also a large mass of cloud out to the west. That's a little
00:16wiggling weather front that will bring many of us a damp day tomorrow. In between, there's
00:21something a little bit drier, but there's still already quite a lot of cloud over England
00:26and Wales. We've seen some sunshine earlier over parts of the east, but that is going
00:30to disappear as the cloud steadily spills in. Lots of showers for Scotland, but actually
00:34the west coast should turn a little drier for a very wet morning. The showers may be
00:39easing a little for Northern Ireland and for Wales and southwest England too, so some brighter
00:43spells developing, particularly over the Midlands. So there will be some sunshine here and there,
00:48but as I said, quite a bit of cloud. We'll see a fair few showers over Northern England
00:52and later in the day, we'll start to see that next weather system bringing some drizzly
00:56conditions to the far southwest. Quite breezy across much of the UK with some lively gusts
01:01at times over northwest Scotland, making sure those showers move through, but also bringing
01:06a cooler feel. Higher temperatures across the east with some sunshine, low 20s just
01:10about possible. Now, as we go through this evening and overnight, we'll start to see
01:14that cloud we saw earlier down to the southwest just thickening up and bringing a lot of mist
01:19and murky weather across Wales and southwest England by the time we get to dawn. Much of
01:25central and eastern England staying dry with clear spells. Same goes for eastern parts
01:30of Scotland. Temperatures will drop down here maybe to 11, 12 degrees, perhaps a touch lower
01:36in some rural spots, but most towns and cities staying in the teens and the warmer air coming
01:41into the southwest with that cloud and the drizzle. Quite a dank, murky old morning here
01:47and that rain and drizzle will continue to chug its way across Wales into parts of Northern
01:52Ireland, southwest Scotland as well. A bright start in the eastern England and across much
01:56of Scotland. Actually, on Thursday, we'll see some sunny spells early doors, but there
02:00comes the rain spreading up through the central belt as we go into the afternoon. It could
02:05start to pep up as it crosses northern England too. So, for many, it will turn damp during
02:10the day. Quite a warm and humid feel as well. Something a little drier over eastern England
02:16and perhaps come the afternoon for northern Ireland too. Temperatures will again get into
02:21the low 20s for many, but as I said, feeling quite warm and quite humid. A sultry feeling
02:27day with a bit of a breeze, but still that quite claggy feel with the moisture continuing
02:33to drift northwards. We'll see further outbreaks of rain spreading north across Scotland during
02:37Thursday evening. Further rain then also coming back into Northern Ireland. So, it's a bit
02:42of a messy weather situation at the moment. This little weather feature we saw earlier,
02:46that will bring the warmth and the humidity during Thursday and Thursday night. Then this
02:50front clears it away, turns fresher for Friday, but there's a couple of pulses of quite warm
02:57air that are just likely to move back up towards the UK. In particular, this one could bring
03:02some hot weather as we head into the second half of the weekend. For more on that, make
03:08sure you stay up to date. There's more details in the deep dive that's on our YouTube channel.
03:13There'll be more on the 10-day trend as well. That'll be available on Wednesday afternoon.
