The Mouse trap.2024 Horror Drama Movie

  • 2 months ago
Stuck working the late shift at the amusement park arcade, Alex receives a surprise visit from her friends on her 21st birthday. However, their night of fun soon turns into a fight for survival when a killer dressed as Mickey Mouse crashes the party


00:00:00It's Friday, the 13th of March.
00:00:10Time is 834.
00:00:13Detective Cole and Detective Marsh for witness interview of one Rebecca-
00:00:18Stop what?
00:00:19Playing this one by the books.
00:00:20It's not going to be that kind of night.
00:00:27Is that right?
00:00:29I bet your ass it is.
00:00:30It's your ass you should be concerned about.
00:00:33A lot of people are dead and a lot more want to know why.
00:00:37Right now.
00:00:39It's not nearly as interesting as how.
00:00:43We can start there.
00:00:44Because none of the we've got adds up.
00:00:47Is that right?
00:00:48That's right, young lady.
00:00:50A bunch of people are dead.
00:00:52No consistent eyewitness statements about what happened.
00:00:55Or even who the killer was.
00:00:58And then there's you, the miracle survivor.
00:01:02You don't want to know.
00:01:04Oh, we do.
00:01:06Help yourself, Rebecca.
00:01:07I'm trying to help you, too.
00:01:09How so?
00:01:10By saying nothing.
00:01:12Because once you know, you can't unknow.
00:01:16We'll take our chances.
00:01:19You're sure?
00:01:21All right.
00:01:23We can do this all night.
00:01:25But you're not leaving that cell without telling us what happened and who the killer was.
00:01:29Or we're charging you for the multiple murders.
00:01:31If I tell you I'm dead.
00:01:34We can help you with that.
00:01:35Then you're dead, too.
00:01:41Let's slow this down.
00:01:44Start from the beginning.
00:01:46I warned you.
00:01:49I warned you.
00:03:17Oh, no, okay.
00:03:46And then what happened?
00:03:47I have a fire truck, but Jessie wanted her ice cream, but she didn't want to play near
00:03:52her friend because Jack smells bad.
00:03:56But I don't even like Jack.
00:03:57Do you have my water bottle?
00:03:59No, I don't have your water bottle.
00:04:02I'm sorry.
00:04:03But I can get you water.
00:04:04Do you have a boyfriend?
00:04:09Do you want to be my boyfriend?
00:04:13That's okay.
00:04:14It's fine.
00:04:15You need to date someone your own age.
00:04:19That's what my mom says to my dad.
00:04:22She says he's pathetic and needs to get a life.
00:04:26Oh, no, that's horrible.
00:04:30Don't you get it?
00:04:31You need to date someone your own age, loser.
00:04:36Please be careful.
00:04:38Yeah, Mom, come pick me up.
00:04:41I've seen some rejections in my time, but, man, that was hard to watch.
00:04:47Shut up.
00:04:50Miss Alex?
00:04:51Yes, Rachel?
00:04:52Joseph pushed me.
00:04:54Oh, well, maybe don't play near Joseph right now, okay?
00:04:57Can you do something about it?
00:05:00Uh, yeah, I will definitely talk to him when I see him.
00:05:06Well, what would you like me to do, Rachel?
00:05:08Just kill him.
00:05:11Rachel, don't say that.
00:05:13I don't want to say it, just do it.
00:05:23Ah, kids today, huh?
00:05:25Yeah, a little excessive.
00:05:27Yeah, indeed.
00:05:28Must have been different in the 1940s.
00:05:32Oh, ouch.
00:05:33She's kidding. I'm not.
00:05:35You know what, it was a simpler time. The younglings respected their elders.
00:05:41Oh, wow, that was then, this is now, Grandpa.
00:05:44Ah, speaking of now.
00:05:46No, no, no, no, no, please, we close in like 15 minutes.
00:05:49I'm afraid we've just got a last minute booking.
00:05:52I'm going to need two of you to stay.
00:05:55You've got to be kidding me.
00:05:56Please tell me this is the famous British sarcasm that you always use, but we never really understand.
00:06:02No, the call just came...
00:06:04Wait a minute, you don't understand my sarcasm?
00:06:07No, we don't.
00:06:08But it sounds really, really nice with your accent.
00:06:14Well, I...
00:06:16Nice try. I still need you both to stay.
00:06:22Okay, how many?
00:06:24It's not bad. Eight of them, and only for three hours.
00:06:29Yeah, I guess it's not that bad.
00:06:31And it's double time.
00:06:34Okay, well, we like that.
00:06:36But do we actually have to, like, stay? Like, for real, though?
00:06:41Oh, I suppose if I think about it, I could find a way to pay you double time and just have you do none of the work.
00:06:46That would be great.
00:06:47Yeah, no, I'm sensing that famous British sarcasm.
00:06:51Sharp cookie over here.
00:06:53Come on, I know it's been a long day, ladies, but I tell you what, you don't have to clean the slush machine.
00:06:59We're supposed to clean the slush machine?
00:07:03Okay, sounds good. I'll text you when I lock up.
00:07:08Speaking of texting, Janet, would you do me a favor and try and look like you work for me?
00:07:14What? I am.
00:07:17And don't forget to clock out, otherwise I don't pay you at all.
00:07:20Yeah, we got it.
00:07:21Thank you, ladies.
00:07:23God, I hate rich kids who can afford to hire out this whole place.
00:07:27Yeah, but it's double time, and I could really use the cash.
00:07:31I can never tell if he's joking.
00:07:34About double time?
00:07:35About cleaning the slush machine.
00:07:38Relax, bro, it's a joke. I clean it. Sometimes.
00:07:44Okay, well, you're a fan of easy money, right? I mean, how hard can it be?
00:07:52Yeah, no one can locate Mr. Collins.
00:07:58The manager. Is his body somewhere else?
00:08:02I have no idea what happened to him.
00:08:05I saw something. God knows what that was.
00:08:13Do you think the killer is Tim Collins?
00:08:17Look, I have no clue what happened to him.
00:08:19For all I know, he went and got pissed. Maybe he fucked off to Vegas.
00:08:23Maybe he watched a movie that changed his life.
00:10:20Stop messing around!
00:10:54I can see you. Do you want to see me?
00:11:03Do you want to see what I see?
00:11:22Come on, let's take a break.
00:11:25This will be one less thing we have to do later.
00:11:28You know, those kids are just going to make a mess again.
00:11:33You know, if Mike sees you doing that, he's going to kill you.
00:11:38How would he see?
00:11:41Um, the camera?
00:11:43He doesn't check them. Do you want to have this?
00:11:46No, I'm good.
00:11:52So, what's going on with you? Like, what's new with Alex?
00:11:56Like, I care. You know that, right?
00:12:00I'm sorry, what?
00:12:04Where are you?
00:12:07I don't know.
00:12:08I'm sorry, what?
00:12:12Where, where is this coming from?
00:12:15Bitch, please. I've had your back since day one.
00:12:18I know everything there is to know about Alex.
00:12:25Then, I was just about to say that.
00:12:28Yeah, what, what is happening?
00:12:34This, like, what is happening right now?
00:12:36I just want you to know that I got you.
00:12:39And if you ever needed anything, anything at all, I would do that for you.
00:12:45My friend. Maybe my best friend, ever.
00:12:48Anything you need?
00:12:51Gina, do you need something?
00:12:55Bro, here we go.
00:12:58There's this boy.
00:13:00Oh, here we go, yep.
00:13:02What? You don't even know.
00:13:03You want to leave me here with eight rich kids so you can build me into a guy?
00:13:07Oh, you do know. Damn.
00:13:09No, please.
00:13:11Hold on, I'll just pop out and be right back.
00:13:16I will.
00:13:18And if I don't, you don't have to clock me out.
00:13:21You know I want the bills.
00:13:23Yeah, if there is something you want more than a guy, it is money.
00:13:34But you have to come back immediately after. You have to help me clean up.
00:13:37I will.
00:13:41I will, I swear.
00:13:45I love you so much, Alex...
00:13:50Jesus Christ, Jaina. Alex Fen.
00:13:52Sorry, I know a lot of Alexes.
00:13:54Most of them are guys, by the way.
00:13:56Yeah, yeah, alright. Go.
00:13:58I can wait a bit.
00:14:00Go, please, before I change my mind.
00:14:02I love you.
00:14:04Love you.
00:14:06Alright, he better be worth it.
00:14:08He totally won't be. I'll be back.
00:14:12She's not coming back.
00:14:53They're coming, they're coming.
00:14:59Hello, Funhaven.
00:15:08Help us with something.
00:15:10How do you know she got the call?
00:15:13She told me.
00:15:15She was freaked out by it.
00:15:17Well, here's the problem.
00:15:19We have all the calls in and out.
00:15:21And the whole building didn't get a single call all night.
00:15:25So why would Alex make something like that up?
00:15:26I don't know.
00:15:28Ask Alex.
00:15:34So who was this mystery caller?
00:15:36I mean, did they say anything?
00:15:40He didn't say a word.
00:15:42He didn't say a single word?
00:15:51And how did you know it was a he?
00:15:54You said he didn't say one word.
00:15:56Would you like me to play the tape back?
00:15:58That's what Alex said.
00:16:02And if you don't believe me, again,
00:16:05you can ask Alex.
00:16:57Is that you?
00:17:29What's going on?
00:17:31Surprise, gorgeous.
00:17:33We got this huge party for you.
00:17:35We got drinks.
00:17:37We got friends.
00:17:39We got cake.
00:17:41We got anything that you want.
00:17:47For your last minute private birthday party.
00:17:49Well, your birthday party.
00:17:52But you realize my birthday isn't for, like,
00:17:54a whole two weeks, right?
00:17:56Yeah, well, if we did it then,
00:17:58then it wouldn't have been a surprise.
00:18:00You guys are...
00:18:02You are crazy.
00:18:04But, Jackie, your birthday is before mine.
00:18:11Um, thank you.
00:18:13I just, I can't believe you guys
00:18:15picked here, of all places.
00:18:17Well, you know, we had most of our
00:18:19collective birthdays here as kids,
00:18:20and seeing as you're saying goodbye to childhood,
00:18:22I figured it just made sense.
00:18:24Hey, I said you prefer a strip club.
00:18:26Any excuse to go to a strip club, right, Paul?
00:18:28Hey, you were into it.
00:18:30Is that keeping it a secret?
00:18:32Um, well, that is very dramatic, Ryan,
00:18:35but, I don't know, also kind of true.
00:18:40Alex, seriously.
00:18:42You're the best of us.
00:18:44You deserve the best party that we can throw.
00:18:46And you guys got Marcus to come out.
00:18:48Yeah, I mean, well, it's kind of his idea, but...
00:18:54But, you know, if I,
00:18:56if I really am the birthday girl,
00:18:58maybe, I don't know,
00:19:00you can get me a real drink?
00:19:02On it.
00:19:04Thank God. I need another shot.
00:19:06I think you're good.
00:19:08I think you've had enough.
00:19:10This was really sweet of you.
00:19:14Well, I promised you I would.
00:19:20On our eighth birthday,
00:19:22we said we'd have all our birthdays here?
00:19:24Oh my God, yeah, no.
00:19:26We did.
00:19:28I love that you remember that.
00:19:30And, um, thank you for bringing everyone.
00:19:34Hey, Ryan's Triple Ryan Whiskey
00:19:36is coming right up just for you.
00:19:40Oh, I didn't invite Ryan.
00:19:43Just for you?
00:19:45Yeah, no, I, I kind of figured he invited himself.
00:19:48Even worse.
00:19:50He wanted to bring the whole hockey team.
00:19:52What can I say, man?
00:19:54I like to party, all right?
00:19:56Okay, worth it though.
00:19:58Let's cut this cake.
00:20:00Um, okay.
00:20:02Who and why?
00:20:04Well, it's a cake.
00:20:06He said I could pick one.
00:20:08Paul will literally put anything in his mouth.
00:20:13Okay, yeah.
00:20:15I wish I never had that imagery.
00:20:19Happy birthday!
00:20:25Right, ow, drinking game.
00:20:27Let's do this right now.
00:20:29We just got here.
00:20:31Give her a minute.
00:20:33Oh my gosh, guys, it's a law when you start the party
00:20:35that you must...
00:20:37That is in no way a law.
00:20:39Dude, shut up, you wankstain.
00:20:41Oh, chill, juicehead.
00:20:43How about we let the birthday girl decide?
00:20:45Okay, okay, okay.
00:20:47All right, let me show you how it's fucking done.
00:20:49Get out of the way here.
00:20:55We get it.
00:20:57Bunch of kids taking advantage,
00:20:59drinking too much,
00:21:01fucking around with a good excuse of a birthday.
00:21:03But everyone was in the same room, right?
00:21:08Is that a yes?
00:21:10For the tape?
00:21:16But help me out.
00:21:18You're getting along.
00:21:20You're all friends.
00:21:22So why did you guys split up?
00:21:24Split up?
00:21:26The group separated a little.
00:21:29Yeah, it's a party.
00:21:31We're not going to sit in a circle.
00:21:33Why not?
00:21:35Because we're not nine years old.
00:21:37I'm sure you boys have heard of group dynamics.
00:21:39Those existing groups of close friends, too.
00:21:42Yeah, we know what that is.
00:21:44Oh, thank God.
00:21:47Someone didn't like someone.
00:21:49And another word for that is motive.
00:21:51And I'm sure you've heard of that word.
00:21:53Even if you're a nine-year-old.
00:21:57So who didn't like who?
00:21:59And why?
00:22:06All right.
00:22:08We're listening.
00:22:17Too much for you?
00:22:20I like the game.
00:22:22Until Ryan decides to make it an actual competition.
00:22:25He's intense.
00:22:30Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
00:22:32All right, let's try it again.
00:22:36Watch this.
00:22:38Fuck it.
00:22:42If by intense, you mean...
00:22:44If by intense, you mean...
00:22:46a boy most likely to kill someone in a road rage accident?
00:22:49He means well.
00:22:52He means to get her drunk.
00:22:54Eh, same thing.
00:22:56It's really not.
00:22:58Hey, it's not a bad tactic.
00:23:01Think he'll enjoy jail, Paul?
00:23:04Hard to say.
00:23:08Come find me.
00:23:10Come find me.
00:23:11Come find me.
00:23:13You'll get what you're looking for.
00:23:21What? She's not drunk?
00:23:25Well, she was a bit of a whore, so you know what?
00:23:27She's actually perfect for you, Paul.
00:23:30Well, ladies, gentlemen, excuse me.
00:23:34I'll be right back.
00:23:38Man, he's dead.
00:23:41Like, if he was in a horror movie,
00:23:43he'd never say,
00:23:45I'll be right back.
00:23:47Because then you don't.
00:23:49You just die.
00:23:51You know, I used to think you were just a little quirky, but...
00:23:54Total serial killer vibes, right?
00:24:01Danny! Stop smoking in here!
00:24:03It's vape!
00:24:10That's what I'm fucking talking about!
00:24:13Did you see that motherfucking shit?
00:24:15Fuck you!
00:24:17Let's fucking go!
00:24:25Well, someone said Marcus was a serial killer.
00:24:27They said he had serial killer vibes.
00:24:31It was a joke.
00:24:33It's not when there's a bunch of dead bodies.
00:24:35Surely Marcus isn't a suspect, given what happened?
00:24:38We didn't think so.
00:24:40But should we be thinking that?
00:24:42I'm not going to tell you what to think.
00:24:45You weren't there,
00:24:47so I'm assuming somebody told you.
00:24:53One of the girls.
00:24:55Which one?
00:24:57One of the dead ones.
00:24:59You feel a little obstructive.
00:25:01Funny, because I'm trying to tell you what happened,
00:25:03and you keep stopping me.
00:25:07Go on, Rebecca.
00:25:19Come and find me.
00:25:38You all ready to watch this shit?
00:25:40Watch this.
00:25:42Oh yeah, here we go.
00:25:46No, no, no.
00:25:48If my boss sees that, he's going to kill me.
00:25:50Relax, we are the private party.
00:25:52No, he thinks we're eight kids,
00:25:54and he definitely doesn't think I'm drinking,
00:25:56and he's definitely going to fire me
00:25:58if he ever finds out.
00:26:00Oh, yeah, dude.
00:26:02Oh, you bet your fucking ass it is, dude.
00:26:05Yeah, just get him here,
00:26:07and consider it done.
00:26:09What's the deal with this guy Marcus?
00:26:11He's a douchebag.
00:26:13So we're roughing him up,
00:26:15because he's a douchebag.
00:26:17Well, not just that.
00:26:19He's kind of talking to her boys girl.
00:26:21Oh, he's talking to Jennifer.
00:26:23No, no, not his main.
00:26:25No, no, he's talking to his backup chick.
00:26:27Oh, he is a douche.
00:26:31What kind of guy hits on another guy's backup girl?
00:26:33Only mindless douchebags.
00:26:36Where are they?
00:26:40Oh, that's Tim Collins' place.
00:26:42Who's Tim Collins?
00:26:44He's our old captain from the 90s.
00:26:46He's one of us.
00:26:50Yeah, he took a few pucks to the head, though.
00:26:57Several of Ryan's hockey teammates
00:26:59said that he wanted a few guys
00:27:01to teach Marcus a lesson.
00:27:03A lesson in what?
00:27:05Alex's affection, I guess.
00:27:07So, bullies, you mean?
00:27:12I didn't know about that.
00:27:14Is that who did this?
00:27:18I don't understand.
00:27:20It wasn't them.
00:27:22Because the boys that volunteered for that little mission
00:27:24didn't make it to the Funhaus.
00:27:26What happened to them?
00:27:28Oh, you don't know?
00:27:30Why would I know?
00:27:32Well, you seem to know just about everything else.
00:27:33Just thought we'd ask.
00:27:35So, what happened to them?
00:27:38Another few dead bodies to add to the pile.
00:27:42Well, you know what they say about bullies, detective.
00:27:45What's that?
00:27:47They only respond to strength.
00:27:55Okay, yeah, I'll talk to you later, man. Okay.
00:28:01What's up?
00:28:04Oh, oh, yeah.
00:28:06Yeah, hey, you know what?
00:28:08Yeah, let's be a team sport, everybody.
00:28:10Phone's in the bag, right now.
00:28:12Actually, my mum might need to call me.
00:28:14Your phone, bag, now.
00:28:17Right here, come on.
00:28:19No, Ryan, if he needs to keep his phone, he can.
00:28:22You know what?
00:28:26She'll be fine for a few hours.
00:28:28Phone, phone.
00:28:30Where, uh, where's Polly and Jackie?
00:28:33Whatever they're doing does not involve their phones.
00:28:36It probably does.
00:28:40I like this. The no phones.
00:28:42Yeah, that's old school.
00:28:46Oh, and let's make it interesting.
00:28:48First one to go for their phones has to buy a round of drinks.
00:28:50Speaking of shots, come here, I want to show you something.
00:28:54Drink, drink, drink, drink.
00:28:56Drink, drink, drink, drink.
00:28:58Come on, Blake.
00:29:01You want a plate?
00:29:03Becca, take a day off from hating everything.
00:29:05I'm not.
00:29:07It's true, babe. Would it kill you to smile?
00:29:09Just, like, think of something you love.
00:29:17Oh, wow.
00:29:20Shut up.
00:29:22Hey, it's fine. We all love something we can't have.
00:29:26Yeah, well, we can't have a drink.
00:29:28Yes, we can.
00:29:34Wait, hold on. Do you have protection?
00:29:37I don't have any.
00:29:39Relax, I'm clean.
00:29:41Well, I might not be.
00:29:46You're unbelievable.
00:30:07It's nothing.
00:30:10Stop, stop.
00:30:12Who's there?
00:30:24I did it.
00:30:26Well, looks like the boys are buying the drinks all night.
00:30:29Rematch, now.
00:30:30Do we look stupid?
00:30:32We won. What's more to gain?
00:30:33A bet is a bet.
00:30:34They got us.
00:30:35Let's do the honorable thing and not be sore losers.
00:30:39Oh, fuck that, man!
00:30:42I mean, guys, alright?
00:30:44Good game.
00:30:45Smooth, Ryan.
00:30:50Wait, I thought Marcus had a crush on Alex.
00:30:54A lot of people had a crush on Alex.
00:30:57Who else had a cru-
00:31:02I see.
00:31:04Well, we didn't...
00:31:06I didn't mean to assume your sexual orientation was...
00:31:10I didn't think and...
00:31:13Jesus Christ.
00:31:15We don't give a shit what you are, what you identify as.
00:31:18The only thing we care about is motive.
00:31:20Why people died.
00:31:22Now, the only thing everyone can agree at is that Alex is at the heart of this thing.
00:31:25So should we be looking at Ryan?
00:31:27I'm not doing your job for you.
00:31:29I didn't-
00:31:30But if you're trying to put Marcus as a suspect,
00:31:32you might as well add Ryan too for the exact same reason.
00:31:35And hell, even me.
00:31:37You are a suspect.
00:31:38That's just how we view things.
00:31:40Until we can clear you of any wrongdoings.
00:31:44If we can clear you.
00:31:47So you're the bad cop.
00:31:48Got it.
00:31:49Hey, this is serious.
00:31:50It is.
00:31:53So stop playing childish games.
00:31:56Cheers to a good night.
00:31:57To a good night.
00:31:59Hey, who moved the knife?
00:32:05You good?
00:32:06Yeah, I'm okay.
00:32:07I'm okay.
00:32:08I'm fine.
00:32:09Sure, Ryan.
00:32:11I could out-drink you any day of the week.
00:32:13Sure thing, Ryan.
00:32:17Come again?
00:32:19Oh, wait.
00:32:22You know, why-
00:32:24You know, why don't we go to a real bar?
00:32:26So I can have my first legal drink?
00:32:29Now we're talking.
00:32:30Good timing.
00:32:31We're almost out of vodka.
00:32:32And there will probably be men there, so...
00:32:36We're men.
00:32:39You're boys.
00:32:42And boys who are both in love with the same woman.
00:32:50Let's go?
00:32:52I'll drive.
00:32:53You will not.
00:32:54Hey, wait, wait, wait.
00:32:55Listen, listen, listen, listen.
00:32:57Let's talk, okay?
00:32:58Listen, listen, listen.
00:33:01Me and you.
00:33:04Let's drop the act, okay?
00:33:06Listen, the stars wrote it.
00:33:08Everybody wants it.
00:33:09Let's just make it happen.
00:33:10What to happen?
00:33:12Me and you.
00:33:13To be official.
00:33:14I know you've been flirting with me.
00:33:18Am I that obvious?
00:33:19Yeah, but hey.
00:33:20We can work on that, all right?
00:33:21It's all right.
00:33:22Listen, listen.
00:33:23I have had my eye on you for a while.
00:33:25Aren't you with Jennifer right now?
00:33:27Oh, yeah, but that was then.
00:33:28This is now.
00:33:30But then I saw you.
00:33:33Yeah, Ryan, we've known each other since we were nine.
00:33:35You did not just see me.
00:33:37Yeah, but that was different, okay?
00:33:38We were kids back then.
00:33:40But now your body.
00:33:41Mmm, so tight.
00:33:44Can we talk about this tomorrow?
00:33:46Hey, hey, hey, hey.
00:33:48Don't be afraid to fall for me.
00:33:51I will try my best.
00:33:55But you should know I am still playing around with the idea of whether I'm gay or not, so.
00:34:03Oh, damn.
00:34:08Oh, that makes sense.
00:34:09Yeah, because it couldn't have...
00:34:11Yeah, it's popular now, right.
00:34:13Okay, yeah, I get it.
00:34:15Come on.
00:34:17Hey, wait, wait, wait, wait.
00:34:19Is that it?
00:34:21I guess so.
00:34:22Are you sure?
00:34:26All right, well, I can't protect you from not your boyfriend.
00:34:30Protect me from what, Ryan?
00:34:33You'll see.
00:34:42Where's Danny?
00:34:43He's in the bathroom.
00:34:44Our phones?
00:34:45I got them.
00:35:04What's wrong?
00:35:05You don't got a key?
00:35:06No, I have keys, but this is not how we lock up.
00:35:11This isn't ours.
00:35:13I don't get it.
00:35:14Stand aside, cupcake.
00:35:18Fucking Danny.
00:35:19It's Danny, isn't it?
00:35:20It's a fucking birthday prank.
00:35:22No, not Danny.
00:35:23Paul and Jackie do pranks, like, both of them.
00:35:28It's locked.
00:35:29They took our phones.
00:35:33Are we sure it's not them?
00:35:34Come find me.
00:35:36Come find me.
00:35:38Look at what you're looking for.
00:35:40Jackie, please, come on.
00:35:41I don't want to play this game.
00:35:43I want to keep drinking.
00:35:44It's my birthday.
00:35:46It's my birthday.
00:35:48Come find me.
00:35:49Look at what you're looking for.
00:35:52Now we have to play their stupid game.
00:35:54There's probably a fire exit here, right?
00:35:56Yeah, you know there is.
00:35:58We do?
00:36:01You scared the shit out of me earlier with the mask.
00:36:04Not me.
00:36:05Nor me.
00:36:07Don't look at me, I don't wear costumes.
00:36:09Well, maybe it was Paul.
00:36:11I guess.
00:36:12Please, trapping women?
00:36:14It's totally a Paul thing to do.
00:36:23Ah, shit's still locked.
00:36:25I even saw him messing with this.
00:36:28Paul, earlier.
00:36:30Hate to say I told you so.
00:36:33Where the hell have you been?
00:36:35I was in the bathroom.
00:36:36Doing what?
00:36:38Would you like a number?
00:36:40Anyway, the faster we play their game,
00:36:42the faster we can get out of here and get some real drinks.
00:36:48Okay, how about this?
00:36:49First person to find our resident sleazy couple
00:36:52doesn't have to pay for a single drink all night.
00:36:55Oh, I am into that idea.
00:36:58Excuse me, buddy.
00:36:59Well, we have to find them, dumbass.
00:37:01Where the fuck did they go?
00:37:02Well, if we knew that,
00:37:03we wouldn't have to go looking for them, Ryan.
00:37:05Jeez, you need that hockey scholarship.
00:37:07What I need is another beer, thank you very much.
00:37:10Mmm, I doubt that.
00:37:12The hell you just say to me?
00:37:13I said, let's go find them.
00:37:15Jungle gym, that's where they are.
00:37:21You sure?
00:37:23No, not at all, but I needed something to motivate them.
00:37:27I think Ryan will do anything you tell him to.
00:37:30Like, if he wanted to murder a homeless man, just tell him.
00:37:33He's eager.
00:37:34He's all bravado.
00:37:37But, you know, it's not a bad thing.
00:37:41How do you mean?
00:37:45Well, he goes for what he wants.
00:37:48To risk it all, not knowing what might happen?
00:37:52Yeah, I kind of like that about him.
00:37:57But, you know, it's not him that I like.
00:38:07Can I give you your gift now?
00:38:12Wait, is this some terrible subplot of a 90s slasher film?
00:38:17The boy who can't get the girl next door.
00:38:20No, it's not.
00:38:22It sure sounds like a really bad 90s film.
00:38:26I wasn't alive in the 90s. I know your audience.
00:38:29That's right, she wasn't alive in the 90s, but she is now.
00:38:33Which is something we can't figure out.
00:38:35So maybe you should know your audience.
00:38:37I know my audience.
00:38:39Then get to the good part.
00:38:41Who saw him first?
00:38:44Look, who are these people?
00:38:48I just want a goddamn drink.
00:38:51Oh, shit.
00:38:53Okay, nice.
00:38:58Holy fucking shit, dude.
00:39:02You scared the shit out of me, man.
00:39:04Holy crap, she's going to freak when she sees you.
00:39:21No one wants to play your game anymore, guys.
00:39:45Not funny, Paul.
00:39:48Let's go.
00:40:43Ryan, you douchebag!
00:40:50Stop dicking around!
00:41:02Help! Somebody help me!
00:41:45Where are you taking me?
00:41:53Oh, God.
00:41:55Is it food?
00:41:57I love food.
00:41:58Even better.
00:41:59What's better than food?
00:42:02Oh, God. Please don't be naked.
00:42:04I'm not Ryan.
00:42:06No, you're right.
00:42:08I never would have closed my eyes if you were him.
00:42:20Is this...
00:42:21Yes, it is.
00:42:22No way.
00:42:23This is every sour candy from around the world.
00:42:27Are you serious?
00:42:29You remembered?
00:42:31Who would forget?
00:42:32What? Everyone.
00:42:33I always tell them how much I love sour candy.
00:42:35Anyone who really knew you would know.
00:42:37This is all she wants.
00:42:39Anybody who really loves me?
00:42:43Well, don't just sit there.
00:42:45Pick a country. Dig in.
00:42:50Ooh, fishies.
00:42:52Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:42:54Remember your life as it is now?
00:42:57And go.
00:43:03Oh, my God.
00:43:07Yeah, you did good.
00:43:09That one has some kick.
00:43:15Um, so...
00:43:18Do I get a birthday wish?
00:43:23Ask me out.
00:43:28If you really want to make my birthday something special,
00:43:31ask me out.
00:43:46What's up?
00:43:48We have a big problem, like a serious one.
00:43:51Yeah, well, are you okay?
00:43:54It's blood. Not my blood.
00:43:56Ryan's gone absolutely nuts.
00:43:58It's probably just Ryan.
00:44:00No, listen to me. He's gone completely nuts.
00:44:02There's blood all over the jungle gym.
00:44:07Is he hurt?
00:44:09No, babe, not his blood.
00:44:11Like he murdered someone's blood.
00:44:13Like he's on a drunken rampage or something.
00:44:15Okay, enough. I'm gonna go to the office.
00:44:17I'm gonna turn off the music.
00:44:19I'm gonna go to the office. I'm gonna turn off the music.
00:44:21Switch on the light.
00:44:22Good plan.
00:44:23Stay here.
00:44:25You want me to come?
00:44:27No, it's okay.
00:44:29We'll get that moment back later.
00:44:33I wish I had my phone or something.
00:44:36Like he's attacking people?
00:44:38Yes. He swung a knife at me.
00:44:41Okay. Uh, we gotta call 911.
00:44:46Hence the phone comment I just made.
00:45:05Beep. Beep. Beep.
00:45:07The call you're trying to reach is dead.
00:45:13Why golly gosh, look at you.
00:45:16Go find your friends and we can all play a game of hide-and-seek.
00:45:21But this time, if I find any of you, it's game over.
00:45:25Beep. Beep. Beep.
00:45:45We should go.
00:45:47It's on the next door.
00:45:49Yeah, but I'd rather get in a parking lot than in here.
00:45:52Because if we get him in here, then we might get kicked out.
00:45:55Then we have to find some arrows to drink.
00:45:59That's smart.
00:46:01See, that's actually smart.
00:46:05Oh, come on.
00:46:07What is that?
00:46:08Well, look who arrived early.
00:46:11He thinks this is some sort of costume party.
00:46:18Jeez, this is gonna be easy.
00:46:20I think Buddy here's on the spectrum or something.
00:46:23So we really can't do what Ryan's asking.
00:46:26So let's make this clear.
00:46:28Stay the fuck away from Alex.
00:46:33Hey, Buddy, are you listening?
00:46:39So you got it. You're gonna stay away.
00:46:45Excuse me?
00:46:47You think this is a joke?
00:46:50This fucking guy.
00:46:52Stay the fuck away from Alex, you hear me?
00:46:59I don't believe it.
00:47:03Well, there's another way we can go about this.
00:47:05If you're really having difficulty understanding,
00:47:08is that what you want?
00:47:21You know, man, we were just kidding around.
00:47:27There's no need to do anything else.
00:47:42No doubt, honey.
00:47:44There's probably one at reception.
00:47:46No, let's wait for Alex.
00:47:49You okay?
00:47:50No, did you see him?
00:47:52No, and we don't want to.
00:47:55Yeah, I couldn't get the power on, the lights on,
00:47:58and I think the power's off in most of the building.
00:48:00Fire exit?
00:48:01Yes, fire exit. Let's go.
00:48:21Hey! Whoa, whoa! What's going on?
00:48:25Turn it off!
00:48:26Turn it off!
00:48:28Ryan, turn it off! Turn it off!
00:48:35I am too high for this. I am too high for this.
00:48:38Turn it off!
00:48:40Turn it off!
00:48:42Ryan, turn it off!
00:48:47Get up, get up, get up!
00:48:50I'm way too heartless. I'm way too heartless. I'm way too heartless. I'm way too heartless. I'm way too heartless. I'm way too heartless.
00:48:55Get me the fuck off this ride!
00:48:57Get me the...
00:49:03Holy fuck.
00:49:06Yeah, we have a serious problem here.
00:49:08What the hell?
00:49:10Are they dead?
00:49:11Yeah, Maria. They look pretty fucking dead.
00:49:14Ryan's lost it, like, why would he do this?
00:49:16Not even steroids.
00:49:19That's it? Drugs and alcohol? And the fact that you wouldn't hook up with him?
00:49:23Oh, great idea. Yeah, I'll go find him now that he's murdering people. It's a little late now.
00:49:29Let me try the door one more time.
00:49:31Oh, right, because it's going to be less locked this time.
00:49:33Ryan! Ryan! Turn it off! Turn it off!
00:50:22What was that?
00:50:23Was that Danny?
00:50:24I think so.
00:50:26Fuck shit!
00:50:28What? Do you have a fucking plan?
00:50:30Yes, I got a plan. Don't panic.
00:50:33What's the plan?
00:50:35To... not panic.
00:50:37Oh my fucking God! Alex!
00:50:39Okay, um, well, we clearly need to get out of here. We can break the glass. We can find something to break the glass with.
00:50:44No, don't make too much noise. He'll hear us.
00:50:46Well, be quick about it.
00:50:47I'll get something.
00:50:48Wait, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. We all go together.
00:50:54Haven't you seen any horror film ever?
00:50:56No, Marcus. I have a sex life.
00:50:58Okay, if we split up, we're dead. Alright? We stick together.
00:51:03How are you two not fucking already?
00:51:55Shit, this thing's realistic.
00:51:57Or am I actually drunk?
00:52:34Guys, like really, fuck off.
00:52:37This isn't funny.
00:52:58Oh, forgive me, sweetheart.
00:53:00But seeing as this is a time when people started dying,
00:53:02how did you see or know about it if you weren't in the room?
00:53:05And where exactly were you?
00:53:08I was in Lasertag.
00:53:10So how did you know what was going on?
00:53:11Because the office had CCTV and I saw it from there.
00:53:14But you were in Lasertag.
00:53:15I was there before. I went after.
00:53:18After you saw a maniac with a gun?
00:53:21And then you saw a maniac with a gun?
00:53:23And then you saw a maniac with a gun?
00:53:25After you saw a maniac with a knife, you just went on your way looking?
00:53:29I thought it was a game from Paul and Jackie.
00:53:33What's the issue?
00:53:34Our issue is this.
00:53:39Somebody wiped all the CCTV footage.
00:53:42I guess you were near the office, right?
00:53:46I'm not technical.
00:53:48No, but you were near the CCTV footage.
00:53:51I was in Lasertag. That's where I saw him.
00:53:56I thought you saw him in the jungle gym.
00:53:58He moved from place to place impossibly quickly.
00:54:03So you're in Lasertag. Can anyone back that up?
00:54:07Yes. Danny.
00:54:10Well, that's helpful.
00:54:12It's true.
00:54:14That just makes you the last person to confirm they saw Danny alive.
00:54:18I had no control over what happened to him. I tried to save him.
00:54:23I told him to run.
00:54:25Well, I guess he wasn't very fast.
00:54:39Jesus! Are you okay?
00:54:41There's someone in here with us.
00:54:42There's somebody in here. We have to get the fuck out of here right now.
00:54:48Are you fucking kidding me?
00:54:50How the fuck did Ryan get outside?
00:54:52Are we sure that's Ryan?
00:54:54Well, yeah, he's wearing that jersey and that stupid fucking mask.
00:54:57Vintage. It's a 1928 Mickey.
00:55:00Tell him to shut up!
00:55:02Yeah, Marcus.
00:55:05It's got the whole fucking team in on it.
00:55:08Like some cult shit.
00:55:10Yeah, well, he's not moving.
00:55:14So they want us inside. They want to trap us.
00:55:19You get that bit.
00:55:21Does it work?
00:55:24Not sure what I'd say anyways.
00:55:25Hey, 911. There's a guy dressed as Mickey Mouse trying to kill us.
00:55:28Ha ha, funny.
00:55:30It wasn't a joke.
00:55:31You're so silly. Radio Nana, I'm coming to find you.
00:55:39Okay, focus. This is some sort of game, right? A ritual or something?
00:55:45Okay, and...
00:55:47We can't call out. The lines are dead. We don't have our phones, but...
00:55:50You guys, we need help.
00:55:52Fire Brigade.
00:55:53No, dumbass. The phones don't work.
00:55:55We don't need phones. The alarm will bring them here automatically.
00:56:05Where is it?
00:56:06Yes, no, I'll do it.
00:56:07No. All together, remember?
00:56:09No, you have to stay here to silence it.
00:56:12Okay. Um, what about the others?
00:56:15Use the loudspeaker and tell them to go to the roof.
00:56:18There's only one way up. We'll barricade the entrance.
00:56:20The Fire Brigade will be here in max 15 minutes.
00:56:23Got it.
00:56:24Got it.
00:56:28He's gone.
00:56:30Oh no, he's out there for sure.
00:56:34He moves quick. Too quick.
00:56:38What do you mean?
00:56:40I don't know yet.
00:56:41Okay, this is stressful. Sudoku, let's be less cryptic.
00:56:47Why did I get stuck with you? I'm too pretty for this.
00:56:51Can you even run in those?
00:56:54Take them off.
00:57:21Did you see him?
00:57:22Yes, I saw him.
00:57:23Who is he?
00:57:24I don't know who it is. It doesn't matter.
00:57:25Let's get the fuck out of here and we'll figure that out after, okay?
00:57:28We gotta go.
00:57:34Just do it already!
00:57:38Oh shit.
00:57:42Daniel, Becca!
00:57:43Ryan's gone nuts and he's killing people!
00:57:45Head for the roof!
00:58:00Al, there you are. Where is everybody?
00:58:07Are you high? What did I miss?
00:58:21Oh shit.
00:58:35Okay, let's just make a run for it.
00:58:37We're going nowhere without Alex.
00:58:40Okay, we get it. You're in love with her.
00:58:44Fuck. He's in laser tag.
00:58:46And so is Danny and Becca.
00:58:50Fuck. Well, fucking tell them!
00:58:52Danny, he's coming at you!
00:58:54Oh shit!
00:58:56On your left!
00:58:57This way.
00:59:03Okay, well?
00:59:06I lost them.
00:59:09Well, which way are they heading?
00:59:11This way.
00:59:12Okay, let's go!
00:59:15We better go.
00:59:26Go! Run!
00:59:29He knows how to run, rabbit.
00:59:32Fuck this.
00:59:37No. No.
00:59:41No. No.
01:00:00So you watched Danny get stabbed.
01:00:03In the head.
01:00:04That's what I just said.
01:00:06And you got away.
01:00:07Not exactly.
01:00:09Well, surely not.
01:00:10Not when he cut your ankle half open.
01:00:12I didn't forget.
01:00:14Lucky, though.
01:00:15Let me cut your ankle half open and see how lucky you feel.
01:00:17Well, I'm just saying, he stabbed Danny in the head.
01:00:20But good job he avoided every major organ when it came to you.
01:00:30He's a laser tag.
01:00:31No, he was just in the office with Gemma and me.
01:00:33More than one, right?
01:00:35Wait, no. He...
01:00:37I know this sounds crazy, but he vanished.
01:00:39Like, right in front of my eyes.
01:00:41I dropped my flashlight and when I picked it up, he was gone.
01:00:45Like he can teleport?
01:00:46Yes, I know that sounds crazy.
01:00:48No, it's not crazy.
01:00:50A guy dressed as Mickey Mouse is killing us.
01:00:52Teleportation is still very much on the table.
01:00:55But it tells us one thing.
01:00:58He's alone.
01:00:59She's just much quicker than us.
01:01:03Where's Gemma?
01:01:09Danny and Becca?
01:01:15Okay, I tripped the fire alarm. They should be here soon.
01:01:17How long?
01:01:18Ten minutes?
01:01:19That's too long to be stuck in here.
01:01:22The roof.
01:01:23Yeah, yes, the roof.
01:01:25And how did you escape again?
01:01:26I didn't.
01:01:28He let you go?
01:01:29He got distracted.
01:01:31By what?
01:01:35Someone we almost forgot about.
01:01:42We need weapons.
01:01:43Yeah, we're gonna find a lot of those here at a kid's play area, Marcus.
01:01:46Well, we need to think of something. Otherwise, we're defenseless.
01:01:49Oh, he seemed to have an uninvited guest.
01:01:52Alex, wait!
01:01:55Yeah, he's like completely in love with me already.
01:01:57It's totally disgusting.
01:01:59Listen, put the phone down! Put the phone down, please!
01:02:02Hang up the phone and call 911, please!
01:02:04Jayna! Jayna!
01:02:05I was like, dude, I've already stalked you heavily on the socials.
01:02:08I know everything there is to know about you, dickhead.
01:02:11Jayna, please!
01:02:12No, Jayna, turn around! Please, Jayna!
01:02:15Yeah, yeah.
01:02:16She's super pissed.
01:02:17Okay, look, I gotta go. Bye.
01:02:21No, no, no, no!
01:02:22No, no, no, no!
01:02:23No, please, please!
01:02:58What do you want from us?
01:03:00What do you want, huh?
01:03:02You wanna kill me?
01:03:05Fucking do it already, bitch!
01:03:13No, no, no, no, no!
01:03:20Yeah, bullshit! We saw you!
01:03:22Saw me fucking what?
01:03:24What's going on?
01:03:25What do you mean?
01:03:26It's Ryan. It's him.
01:03:28It can't be him. I just saw him murdering Jayna.
01:03:31You saw one of him.
01:03:33Got the team on it. Right, Ryan?
01:03:35How much did you fuckers drink after I passed out?
01:03:39What the fuck?
01:03:41No, it's not him.
01:03:43Not who?
01:03:45Here is a guy dressed up as Mickey Mouse.
01:03:49Picking us off one by one.
01:03:51And he can teleport.
01:03:56So you guys did drink a shit ton after I passed out.
01:03:59No, we're not drunk. You went crazy and started killing people.
01:04:02What the fuck are you talking about?
01:04:04So if it wasn't you, it was someone wearing your jersey.
01:04:07Ah. Oh, no, it's...
01:04:10See? It's him.
01:04:11No, it's not me.
01:04:12Yeah, really?
01:04:13Yeah, really.
01:04:14But something. You know something, right?
01:04:17No, I don't know.
01:04:38Got the whole team on it, Ryan. I know it.
01:04:41No, dude, it's...
01:04:45I don't fucking know what's happening.
01:04:49But what?
01:04:50But I did ask them to hassle you a little bit.
01:04:53Yes, you.
01:04:54Why me?
01:04:55Because she fucking likes you more than me, and I'm team captain.
01:04:57If the boys see me lose to fucking you, are you kidding me?
01:05:00You know what'll happen to me?
01:05:01Well, now one of your boys is murdering us.
01:05:06Dude, I don't fucking know.
01:05:07Where are our phones?
01:05:08They're in the bag where I left them. Why?
01:05:11It's not him.
01:05:12Why not?
01:05:13You think his dumb ass is masterminding this?
01:05:16Fucking thank you.
01:05:18No, he's not.
01:05:24This is one of your teammates, right, Ryan?
01:05:27Ryan, do something.
01:05:29Yeah, uh...
01:05:38Is that fucking you?
01:05:40Guys, I'm starting to think this isn't the hockey team.
01:05:43Yeah, this is something else.
01:05:45This is the clown with the fucking magic?
01:05:48It's a mouse.
01:05:49With magic.
01:05:51So what do we do?
01:05:53Kill Ryan. Kill.
01:05:55The fuck did you just say to me?
01:05:56He's not a fucking dog, Marcus.
01:06:01Hey, pal, I'm gonna need you to back up for a second here, all right?
01:06:05The light!
01:06:24You're not very good at hide-and-seek because I found you.
01:06:45Fuck yeah, Marcus!
01:06:53Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!
01:07:00You can't trap me! You can never trap me!
01:07:11We need to get out of here.
01:07:12Okay. Okay.
01:07:16Fuck, come on. Come here, Ryan. Come on. Come on.
01:07:18Come on, Ryan. Come on. Come on.
01:07:23Wait, stop!
01:07:27I think that fucker broke my ankle.
01:07:31He's not gonna stop now.
01:07:33And now he's openly facing all of us.
01:07:35Because there's not many of us left.
01:07:37We need to barricade that fucking door.
01:07:39Why? He can teleport, remember?
01:07:41Well, he should have done that before I beat his fucking ass.
01:07:44Beat his ass, Ryan?
01:07:45I got some pretty good shots in. What the fuck did you do?
01:07:48Yeah, you did.
01:07:51No, but the light.
01:07:52Yeah, what is that?
01:07:53He's afraid of it.
01:07:55That's why he attacks it.
01:07:57Yeah, he wounds him. It hurts him or something.
01:07:59I fucking hurt him.
01:08:07Yes, you did. But the light.
01:08:09He doesn't like the light because he can't teleport when it's on him.
01:08:12Yeah, it traps him.
01:08:14So why would he be afraid of that?
01:08:16Because when we trap him, we can fucking beat his ass.
01:08:19Yeah, he's got a physical form.
01:08:23So can't we just use another flashlight?
01:08:25No, maybe we can find something better.
01:08:27I don't want to be in here anymore. Can't we just go on the roof or something?
01:08:30I can't exactly use a ladder or stairs right now.
01:08:32Kate, we have to go. He's coming for us.
01:08:34No, we don't.
01:08:37We have to be smart.
01:08:39Right, so...
01:08:40We gotta be unpredictable.
01:08:43That we should probably think...
01:08:44What, Ryan?
01:08:45Like, what the fuck?
01:08:48I'm trying to save our lives here.
01:08:51I was gonna fucking agree with you, man.
01:08:53Okay, you're right.
01:08:56Yeah, we're good.
01:08:58Okay, so what does that mean?
01:09:01We need to go on the offensive, okay?
01:09:06A game of cat and mouse.
01:09:08And the only way to win is to kill that goddamn mouse.
01:09:12So are we doing this shit or what?
01:09:14Doing what?
01:09:15We know this space.
01:09:17We've been coming here since we were five years old.
01:09:22We know his weakness.
01:09:24He's just going to attack the light.
01:09:28But we can put it somewhere out of reach.
01:09:31So if this guy wants to party...
01:09:34Let's party.
01:09:37We know you're in here.
01:09:40So we're gonna make a deal.
01:09:43One game of hide and seek.
01:09:45You find me in the jungle gym in five minutes.
01:09:48You can do whatever the fuck you want with me.
01:09:51But if we win and you don't...
01:09:54Then you let all of us go.
01:09:58Do we have a game?
01:10:00Ooh, I do love a good game.
01:10:03So let's play.
01:10:05So everyone makes this grand plan to tackle a mass murder.
01:10:12Because they figured out that he has a weird phobia...
01:10:15Towards a flashlight.
01:10:17Strobe light. Yeah.
01:10:19And see, even if I did believe that, which I don't...
01:10:23You couldn't have known that.
01:10:27Because you were still in laser tag.
01:10:30That's where the firefighters found you.
01:10:32They told me what happened in the ambulance.
01:10:34In such wonderful detail, too.
01:10:36They did. It's true.
01:10:38I was worried they'd be in shock.
01:10:40Unable to say a single word.
01:10:45Everyone else that survived, Rebecca.
01:10:47They can't seem to speak as to what they experienced.
01:10:50But here you are, narrating the goddamn story.
01:10:54The only one that seems to get out of this unscathed.
01:10:57Like some sole survivor.
01:11:00And I hate a sole survivor, Rebecca.
01:11:03If you think I came out of this okay, then you really have not been listening.
01:11:20Oh, you found me.
01:11:22But I guess that means I've also found you.
01:11:27Stop! Stop! Stop!
01:11:34Mickey! Mickey, over here!
01:11:48Ever played Mousetrap?
01:11:52Hit it.
01:12:23Come on, come on, come on!
01:12:26Get up! I'm trying!
01:12:30I'm trying!
01:12:42You're beat.
01:12:44We found your kryptonite.
01:12:47It's the light, isn't it?
01:12:48You can't move, can you?
01:12:53Game over.
01:13:13Where the hell did he go?
01:13:19He's gone.
01:13:21He's not coming back.
01:13:25So that's it?
01:13:26Well, nearly the end.
01:13:29You expect us to buy that this killer can teleport.
01:13:33And you guys defeated him with a strobing flashlight.
01:13:39Rebecca, you don't seem very upset that all your friends are dead.
01:13:43And that's our big problem.
01:13:52Some friend you are.
01:14:06He's not coming back.
01:14:31I never got to ask her out.
01:14:36And he just cut her head off.
01:14:43And teleported away.
01:14:51What a complete c...
