[Funny, Horror] Exmortis - WORST PARTS START NOW!! - Part 2

  • last month
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........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
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BROFIST ...........
00:00how's it going bros my name is PewDiePie welcome to ex mortis 2 part 2 with
00:25baby's crying or laughing I don't even know the story is apparently we wake up
00:30in the house but we can't leave we're trapped there's some sort of evil force
00:35is keeping us here or a bloody peer oh what fuck Gwen Ray and or just not only
00:48the fuck I just click the girl I didn't wanna I just thought you I didn't want
00:52to I am awake now what do you want from me I'm just here for the period I swear
01:04I didn't do anything I didn't have a bloody period on the wall told me to wake
01:11up but why why why would they do that all right a second hallway is there
01:17anything to click here no it's just stupid door stupid door I don't even know
01:26where to go anymore let's go left
01:33I've already been in this place I don't like this place very much shut up cat no one likes
01:40kitties and meows all the time I don't like kitties and meows all the time just be a good
01:45kidding shut up I've been in all these places I don't understand it must be a fucking place
01:52I don't been to but where it makes no fucking sense bitch make no sense I don't know okay
02:02let's know I have been there many times buddy many times I've been there many times let's go
02:07left again because there's the only place I haven't been on properly properly proper
02:12wake up super creepy it's this period here it's like hey you get nothing you get period
02:23bitch that's all you get that's all you get that's all you get that's his life right there
02:28that's a life lesson for you kids you all you get is period all you get is period that's a
02:35life learning message from PewDiePie I should write it all you get is period
02:42PewDiePie all right we need to continue all the way to the darkness or door that doesn't
02:52tell me where to go always to the dark and it sounds pretty good doesn't it oh god we already
02:57been through this I've been in all these rooms before I'm I guess this means I'm kind of fucking
03:03stuck doesn't tell me tell me man who's looking at me with a weird face I don't get it I don't
03:11get it for quite frankly I don't get it it's a fucking clock what do you want from duty what
03:15do you want to do to clock it's a one o'clock what do you want can I just leave that would
03:23be awesome just maybe now we can go here yeah I forgot about this there we freakin penis go
03:30all right here we go the door sounds a lot behind you well that's fucking great an axe
03:36please tell me we can pick it up I have a fucking axe now what the fuck holy shit the old
03:48airfield training unit but the ducting runs away from the actual house I have a fucking axe how
03:54about that ladies three times that was awesome that was just awesome all right bitches I got a
04:04fucking axe I bring it look guys on the ground tunnels no no I don't know I know it's no what
04:12why why why do I have to go here okay let's take it really easy left all right all the dooliduff
04:21King on a cough cough a lot of pinkie pony all the dooliduff I jump at the beef
04:26puffed off the floor and canoe fuck we gotta go forward okay let's just go it's what no what is
04:38this place I can all go forward again all right it's okay no I chopped his fucking head off that's
04:50what you get bro I didn't mean to do it I swear he ran for me and I just clicked I didn't want to
04:57chop his head off I just ran bro no bro no no I don't I don't like that I don't like that at all
05:08Oh symbols must be fistful no I know he just ran and I just chopped and I know I just cracked
05:25I found a key and it's dirty dirt yes dirt is sweet sweet dirt oh man dirt so good that
05:40key is just wonderful I wish I got poof on the left one first oh I needed a key okay so what do
05:54we got oh oh I just ran for me I swear I didn't kill it become the hand of its mortals no bro I
06:09did he talking about run for the forest was like a similar in order all right I'm just gonna
06:26and do shit I just clicked come on bro run for the forest I'm out of here bros I'm just gonna
06:40go oh look blood and period everywhere all right that's good let's just go here
06:56no you failed to escape the tunnels in time try again okay yes I'm just gonna click like a
07:12motherfucking penis haha I got the words bye-bye bumbayas motherfuckers okay let's go ah sneak
07:20and peek okay good good sneak a peek all right yeah what is this what is this good this is
07:27cricket I don't even care anymore I'm just gonna go bye-bye miss he just dumped in my face okay
07:41that was exploitous I hope you enjoyed I'm not even gonna bother reading that oh it repeated
07:53itself because we woke up and we went in and all I'm now I'm like I don't even know anymore
08:11anyway that was ex-mart is there's a second one is supposed to be even more scary it was I can't
08:21even see me I don't know make a favorite this video for me if you want to and I'll play it's
08:29in a couple days I can't do this right away right now anyway that's pretty much it
08:59oh my god oh my god they killed Mika you bastard
