Dead Heat (1988) Action Horror Comedy

  • last month
While LAPD detectives Roger and Doug are investigating crimes committed by dead criminals, the former is killed. Later, he is brought back to life by a resurrecting machine
00:01:50Now, this is something quite spectacular.
00:01:53It's from Brazil.
00:01:58Come on!
00:02:00Come on!
00:02:05Isn't that an absolutely exquisite piece?
00:02:07Yeah, but I was looking for something
00:02:09a little more expensive.
00:02:18All right!
00:02:19Everybody move!
00:02:21First on the counter, lady!
00:02:22Come on!
00:02:23You want to be dead?
00:02:24Here's a chance of a lifetime.
00:02:26On the floor, brown-arm!
00:02:30Hug the rug!
00:02:35Ah, you cheap old bitch!
00:02:37Well, Smitty, come on!
00:02:42You idiot!
00:02:49What are you doing?
00:02:51Just looking.
00:02:55You asshole.
00:02:57Shut your mouth and fill the bag.
00:03:26I felt that we were going plain close today.
00:03:28Why didn't you tell me we were going undercover?
00:03:30You didn't ask.
00:03:32What's the matter, Rod?
00:03:34I look like an FBI agent on a Rose Bowl float.
00:03:37You look great, man. Relax.
00:03:40Five Adam 38.
00:03:44Five Adam 38.
00:03:47Five Adam 38, please respond.
00:03:49Five Adam 38 what?
00:03:51Two 11 in progress in Melrose Place.
00:03:53Proceed immediately.
00:03:54You didn't say, may I?
00:03:57All right, kick-ass 30, Harry!
00:03:59Ain't you losing this time?
00:04:00Roger, Roger, but you can't get him if you're dead, man.
00:04:16Morning, Detective.
00:04:17Got a bit of a situation.
00:04:18I'm being?
00:04:19Two 11.
00:04:20Perps in the jewelry store with automatic weapons.
00:04:22We're going to take them when they exit the premises.
00:04:24I'd have said it better myself, Lieutenant.
00:04:26Come on, come on.
00:04:31You think it's our cash in the dashboard?
00:04:33Who else would pull a clown in a stunt like this, Roger?
00:04:36How about your fingers here?
00:04:37Too much, leave it.
00:04:47Freeze! Drop your weapons!
00:05:34Hey, Roger, a little too early in the morning for this.
00:05:39Where have these guys stayed?
00:05:41We hit them about 50 times each.
00:05:43Maybe they're just flesh wounds.
00:05:45Will you cover me, please?
00:05:47Can I borrow your car, Lieutenant?
00:05:49Absolutely not!
00:05:54Come on!
00:05:56Come on, come on!
00:06:54You're under arrest.
00:06:56You have the right to remain disgusting.
00:06:58Are you sure that's necessary?
00:06:59You can't be too careful.
00:07:03That was the craziest, stupidest,
00:07:05most dumbfucked stunt I ever saw.
00:07:07No, please, don't thank me, Lieutenant.
00:07:09I get my thanks from helping others.
00:07:11You better believe the captain's gonna hear about this.
00:07:15Gee, you think he'll want a word with us?
00:07:17Unauthorized use of a city vehicle.
00:07:20Reckless endangerment of property and lives.
00:07:23Use of a non-regulation firearm.
00:07:25That was me, not Bigelow, sir.
00:07:27Disrespectful conduct.
00:07:28Flippant and tasteless verbal remarks.
00:07:31That was me.
00:07:33And 18 parking tickets so far this month.
00:07:36Need I point out that you guys are already on probation twice,
00:07:40and that this morning's cowboy adventure
00:07:42puts both of you on the endangered species list,
00:07:45and that your badges go into the shitter
00:07:47if you screw up just one more time.
00:07:49Captain, this man deserves a medal,
00:07:51and I think I deserve one for saving his life.
00:07:53Look, I couldn't help noticing
00:07:55that in spite of Herzog's whining,
00:07:57you guys did the job he didn't.
00:07:59So I'm prepared to cut you a little slack.
00:08:02Thank you, sir.
00:08:03But it would be nice
00:08:05to earn it by nailing the rest of these cash-and-dash fuckers to the wall
00:08:08with a 12-inch railroad spike.
00:08:10We're working on that, sir.
00:08:12Work harder!
00:08:20Fine man, Captain Mayberry.
00:08:22Make a really good gym teacher.
00:08:24Just be glad we're still employed.
00:08:25Call me Thursday.
00:08:27I love this job, Roger.
00:08:28I love the power. I love the little badges.
00:08:30I love being a human target
00:08:31for anyone within sniping range of a donut shop.
00:08:33It does have its perks.
00:08:37So what did we learn from this little adventure, Dorothy?
00:08:40So far, we've had six robberies.
00:08:43Three banks, two jewelry stores, and a goldsmith shop.
00:08:46All in the past three weeks,
00:08:48and all in the same nine-block radius.
00:08:50A Beverly Hills jewelry store robbery
00:08:52ended in bloodshed today,
00:08:54part of what police are calling
00:08:56the most violent string of robberies in city history.
00:08:59Six incidents in the last two weeks
00:09:01have been linked to the so-called
00:09:03Cash and Dash gang,
00:09:05which has thus far eluded capture,
00:09:07although two of its alleged members
00:09:09were killed in today's battle with police.
00:09:11Hey, Roger, how many think are in the gang?
00:09:13That's hard to say.
00:09:15Descriptions are always different,
00:09:17so there's got to be a bunch of them.
00:09:19Maybe they take turns.
00:09:21Are you sure it's the same folks?
00:09:23The M.O.s are the same.
00:09:25Perpetrators are heavily armed and work in pairs.
00:09:28Often striking in broad daylight
00:09:30with reckless disregard for their personal safety.
00:09:32Yeah, and if you shoot them, they don't die.
00:09:36Some drugs do that.
00:09:38PCP users can shrug off all sorts of physical trauma.
00:09:41Yeah, but bullets runch.
00:09:43It's possible.
00:09:45Yeah, it's bullshit, man.
00:09:49It's Smithers. I've got something for you.
00:09:51Get down to the morgue as fast as you can.
00:09:53Did you ever wonder about your death day, Roger?
00:09:57Let's say your death day was, I don't know, April 23rd,
00:09:59and somehow you knew that.
00:10:01You could have a death day party.
00:10:03You have passed weird, Bigelow.
00:10:05You're approaching degenerate.
00:10:07You can get totally ripped, man.
00:10:09Pig out, invite all your friends.
00:10:11Get yourself a beautiful lady, right?
00:10:13Right in the heat of passion.
00:10:15Sorry, did I interrupt last night's conquest?
00:10:19Hi, Roger.
00:10:21Hello, Rebecca.
00:10:25So how have you been?
00:10:27I have a home phone, Roger.
00:10:29Using the mutilated remains of street scum
00:10:31as an excuse to ask after my health
00:10:33is not exactly what I would call thoughtful.
00:10:36And you call me degenerate.
00:10:40So what's the story on these John Doe's?
00:10:42What's so unbelievable?
00:10:44I'll show you.
00:10:46Hey, nice shot, Roger. Thanks.
00:10:48Is there enough here to identify?
00:10:50I wondered that myself.
00:10:52The teeth and fingerprints are practically worthless.
00:10:54But I noticed one thing. What?
00:10:56I can see where the cut was made,
00:10:58traversing the sternum and incised with an electric saw.
00:11:01They had surgery? Nope.
00:11:03They had autopsies.
00:11:05They've been here before, fellas.
00:11:08I certified them myself.
00:11:10I even took pictures.
00:11:17Well, we all make mistakes, Dr. Smithers.
00:11:20Dr. McNabb, I am not in the habit of signing a death certificate
00:11:23for someone who just doesn't feel well.
00:11:25I would hope not.
00:11:27But the fact remains that I think you screwed up
00:11:29when these two boys got up after you were done
00:11:32and strolled out of here.
00:11:34I never forget a body, Doctor.
00:11:40Well, in five years, she'll be damn good.
00:11:42But right now, she's too quick
00:11:44to jump to fanciful conclusions
00:11:46without really digging for the truth.
00:11:48And that, gentlemen, is what autopsies are all about.
00:11:50Asshole. I beg your pardon?
00:11:52That's fascinating. Yes, isn't it?
00:11:54I have to admit, it is very strange.
00:11:56Strange, yes, but... Excuse me.
00:11:58Hey, Doctor, what is this for, anyway?
00:12:02You wouldn't want to know.
00:12:10Knock, knock.
00:12:12Come to read me my rights?
00:12:15Was that one sugar or two?
00:12:17Two, but I gave it up.
00:12:19I thought we gave those up, too.
00:12:22Yeah, well, I kicked one bad habit
00:12:24and picked up another.
00:12:26Whoa, hey.
00:12:28I came in here to give you some moral support.
00:12:31Don't you believe in fish that swim?
00:12:33No, they're just as pretty,
00:12:35and I don't have to feed them.
00:12:37What about those corpses?
00:12:39Do you believe me?
00:12:41There's definitely something very weird going on here.
00:12:43I'll say.
00:12:45Look, is there anything else in this room
00:12:47that you don't believe in?
00:12:49I don't believe in anything.
00:12:51I don't believe in anything.
00:12:53I don't believe in anything.
00:12:55I don't believe in anything.
00:12:57I don't believe in anything.
00:12:59Is there anything else
00:13:01that you find strange about these guys?
00:13:04You mean besides the fact that they won't stay dead?
00:13:09Yes, I did turn up something unusual in their skin tissue.
00:13:11Like what?
00:13:13Trace quantities of sulfathiazole,
00:13:15a drug once used in bacterial infections.
00:13:17Pretty obscure stuff.
00:13:23Dante Pharmaceuticals.
00:13:25Recent purchaser of 50 kilos of sulfathiazole.
00:13:28You do the talking, Roger.
00:13:30I'm not sure how to phrase this.
00:13:32Well, let's just tell the truth.
00:13:34We're looking for someone who hijacks dead bodies
00:13:36and brings them back to life to rob jewelry stores.
00:13:45Good afternoon.
00:13:47Police Detectives Mortis and Bigelow.
00:13:51Good afternoon.
00:13:53Police Detectives Mortis and Bigelow.
00:13:57Sorry to interrupt your erection, pal,
00:13:59but we'd like to speak with the management of this facility.
00:14:05Miss James, the front, please.
00:14:24What can I do for you?
00:14:27I'm Detective Mortis,
00:14:29and this is Detective Bigelow, LAPD.
00:14:33Do you manage this facility?
00:14:35I'm in charge of public relations.
00:14:37Randy James.
00:14:39How do you do?
00:14:41What's this all about, officer?
00:14:43Well, we're not at liberty to disclose the details, Miss James,
00:14:46but we are interested in a recent purchase you made
00:14:48of a drug called sulfathiazole.
00:14:50And if you know any zombies.
00:14:52Beg your pardon?
00:14:54What's the drug typically used for?
00:14:56Quite a number of things.
00:14:58Let me show you our basic product line.
00:15:05Most of our products are over-the-counter items,
00:15:07not terribly interesting to the layman.
00:15:09Cosmetics, personal hygiene,
00:15:11toiletries and so on.
00:15:13Items everyone uses but nobody likes to talk about.
00:15:18Hemorrhoid cream? Stuff for crabs?
00:15:20Among others.
00:15:26Right this way, gentlemen.
00:15:28All of our products are thoroughly tested
00:15:30before release to the general public.
00:15:32Great. The dog gets skin cancer, so we don't have to.
00:15:34You were telling us about sulfathiazole.
00:15:36Uh, yes. Nothing really special about it.
00:15:38It was widely used up until the 40s
00:15:40when it was replaced by other compounds.
00:15:42Well, we still use it as an antiseptic agent
00:15:44and an herbal skin ointment.
00:15:46I hope I don't offend you,
00:15:48but, uh, you ever seen these guys before?
00:15:50Oh, never.
00:15:52No, I can't say I regret it either.
00:15:54Hey, what's that?
00:16:00Sad but necessary.
00:16:02When we have to kill an animal, it goes in here.
00:16:04The room is airtight,
00:16:06and a piston evacuates the air
00:16:08in a period of a few seconds.
00:16:10The animal perishes quickly and quietly.
00:16:12Didn't I see one of these at Disneyland?
00:16:14Well, that's just about it, gentlemen.
00:16:16I don't know if I've been any help to you.
00:16:18Hey, what's in here?
00:16:20Uh, toxic waste products.
00:16:22Properly disposed of, I assure you.
00:16:24Well, I think that's all we need to see.
00:16:26Uh, you know, Miss James,
00:16:28I gotta take a leak so bad my teeth are floating.
00:16:30Is there a little boys' room around here?
00:16:32I just gotta pee-pee.
00:16:34Down the hall.
00:16:36Excuse me.
00:16:38Down the hall.
00:16:40Excuse me.
00:17:04No admittance, my ass.
00:17:08No admittance.
00:17:38What the hell is this?
00:18:16Well, thanks for all your help, Miss James.
00:18:18Not at all.
00:18:20Listen, uh,
00:18:22about my partner, he's...
00:18:24A Neanderthal?
00:18:28But a nice Neanderthal.
00:18:30It's all right. The world's full of them.
00:18:34Get him!
00:18:50Oh, hey!
00:19:12What is this thing?
00:19:14Very ugly.
00:21:31What's going on here, Doug? I heard on the radio there was a shooting.
00:21:36Doug, where's Roger?
00:21:40He, uh...
00:21:42got locked in the decompression room.
00:21:47Died the way dogs are supposed to die.
00:21:51They just got that fucking door open.
00:21:55I have to see him, Doug.
00:21:59God, Roger, you thought you were indestructible.
00:22:04What exactly happened here, Doug?
00:22:07Forget it, Becky. You wouldn't believe me.
00:22:10Try me.
00:22:21Come on.
00:22:33They must use the sulfothiazole as some sort of preservative until they get them on here.
00:22:38Becky, can we just get the hell out of here, please?
00:22:51This is how they do it, Doug.
00:22:53This is how they resurrect the dead.
00:22:57Get out of here.
00:23:07Looks like he's in remarkably good condition.
00:23:10He's dead, Becky.
00:23:12It doesn't matter, Doug. Someone has found a way to revitalize dead tissue,
00:23:15the way a starfish grows new limbs.
00:23:17After all, what really separates life from death?
00:23:20But the soul, Becky. What about the soul?
00:23:23Looks like they may have found a way around that, too, Doug.
00:23:29What if he wakes up like some mindless idiot?
00:23:34Then I hope you'll shoot him in the head.
00:23:37Thanks a lot.
00:24:26Hi, guys.
00:24:29You're alive.
00:24:31Of course I'm alive.
00:24:33I must have taken a hell of a shot there.
00:24:38Hey, uh, Roger. Roger, how you feeling?
00:24:41I feel...
00:24:44Hey, what is this place?
00:24:47What are you doing here, Rebecca?
00:24:49Roger, we'll explain that to you later, but please just tell us how you feel.
00:24:55Well, come to think of it, I...
00:24:58I feel terrific.
00:25:01I feel incredible.
00:25:04Ooh! Ooh, it's great to be alive!
00:25:09Mortis, I thought you were dead.
00:25:12Oh, sorry to disappoint you, Doctor.
00:25:14What's the last thing you remember?
00:25:17Well, we were, uh...
00:25:20We were at the research place, and, uh, we were looking around.
00:25:26And Doug was fighting this thing.
00:25:31I got locked in that room, and I guess I must have blacked out.
00:25:37It was like I was rushing toward this weird light or something.
00:25:43And then I looked down, and I saw myself.
00:25:46My body.
00:25:49Just lying there.
00:25:53But when I reached out to touch it, it was...
00:25:56Like I got hit with 10,000 volts.
00:26:00Well, it's uncommon, but it has happened before.
00:26:03The clinically dead people reviving at the last possible moment.
00:26:06Roger was dead for an hour.
00:26:09Don't you see? We literally brought him back...
00:26:13Oh, my God.
00:26:15What is it?
00:26:17I'm not getting a heartbeat.
00:26:19Oh, don't be ridiculous.
00:26:21May I borrow those, please?
00:26:34Obviously, there's something wrong with this thing.
00:26:37Give me that.
00:26:39Something wrong with it.
00:26:51You're faking it. He's faking it.
00:26:53I don't know what's going on here,
00:26:55but I want Mortis back in the lab for some tests.
00:26:58He doesn't need tests. He's dead.
00:27:01Dead? That's ridiculous.
00:27:04Becky, we've both seen this guy shit-faced.
00:27:06He's looked a hell of a lot worse.
00:27:08Listen, this is crazy. I never felt better in my life.
00:27:11Without a heartbeat, that's hard to believe.
00:27:13Dr. Smithers, I have two corpses in the next room
00:27:16that I doubt are going to make a comeback.
00:27:18Now you'll know where I am after you finish with this nonsense.
00:27:26My God, you're cold.
00:27:42What the hell is this?
00:27:49I cut the artery. How come I'm not bleeding?
00:27:53Wait a minute.
00:27:55I'm no deader than you are.
00:27:59Roger, it's the resurrection machine.
00:28:02I still don't believe it.
00:28:04I'm sorry, Doug. I just don't believe it.
00:28:07Minute by minute, Roger, that's the only way to take this.
00:28:10It's the only way to live, anyhow.
00:28:12Easy for you to say.
00:28:14Roger, you haven't heard the worst of it.
00:28:16I'm dead, Rebecca. How much worse can it get?
00:28:19I've been scanning the lab report.
00:28:21The resurrection process has an unfortunate side effect.
00:28:24Which is what?
00:28:26Progressive decay of reanimated tissue.
00:28:28Irreversible cell damage.
00:28:30You've got 10 to 12 hours, tops.
00:28:33And then what?
00:28:35All of the cells of your body will dissolve
00:28:38into a kind of organic stew.
00:28:41Becky, can't you just pop them back in for a recharge?
00:28:45Becky, can't you just pop them back in for a recharge?
00:28:48This thing isn't a toaster oven, Doug.
00:28:51Come back to the lab. Maybe we can do something.
00:28:54The most important thing for me to do right now
00:28:57is to nail whoever did this to me.
00:28:59You understand that, don't you?
00:29:01Personally, rip his heart out with my bare hands, Roger.
00:29:04Hold the heart in the palm of my hand.
00:29:07And we'll watch it stop beating together.
00:29:09That's good, Doug. But let's find him first.
00:29:12Where do we start?
00:29:15Let's find Randy James.
00:29:17Roger. We'll meet you at the lab.
00:29:1910 to 12 hours. Don't throw it away.
00:29:23You know, the weird thing is, I feel fine.
00:29:26I feel like I could run in the Boston Marathon.
00:29:29No, you couldn't, Roger. It's not open to dead people.
00:29:32You think they checked?
00:29:34Oh, they're very strict now.
00:29:37Oh, shit.
00:29:39What's the matter?
00:29:41Find me a drugstore. I gotta fix my face.
00:29:53So, what color did you get?
00:29:55Uh... mulberry wine.
00:29:59It's a good choice.
00:30:01Brings out your eyes.
00:30:03Go to hell.
00:30:05Missed a spot.
00:30:08Right there.
00:30:09Don't touch it. I almost got it straight.
00:30:11I love it when you get angry.
00:30:14How do women do this?
00:30:17I don't know. Tribal memory, I guess.
00:30:26Who's guilty? Me.
00:30:30Who's guilty? Me.
00:30:34You left without saying goodbye.
00:30:36Let go of me.
00:30:37Going on a trip?
00:30:38Is it any of your business?
00:30:40What happened to you?
00:30:42Cut myself shaving. Mind if we ask you a whole lot of questions?
00:30:45Look, I don't know anything about what happened in there today.
00:30:47I got scared and I left, okay?
00:30:50Let's talk about it inside.
00:30:55Hey, nice pad.
00:30:58Would you mind telling us what this is all about?
00:31:00I told you.
00:31:02I'm their public relations person.
00:31:04At least I was until you two showed up.
00:31:07How about if I work her over a bit?
00:31:09Oh, I get it.
00:31:11You're the tough cop.
00:31:13And your partner here, he's the nice cop
00:31:15because he's not too scary with lipstick on.
00:31:20Miss James, I got locked in that room where they killed the animals
00:31:23and some nutcase decompressed me,
00:31:25so I am not in a very good mood.
00:31:27Now, all I want is to find him.
00:31:33I'm truly sorry,
00:31:35but I can't help you.
00:31:37I don't know anything.
00:31:40Hey, get out of there.
00:31:42Looks like the lady's going somewhere.
00:31:44Extra patties. Dad giveaway.
00:31:47Where were you headed, Miss James?
00:31:49Away from here.
00:31:51Hey, what's this?
00:31:53That's personal.
00:31:55Must be a tape machine around here somewhere.
00:31:58There we go.
00:32:04We have something on the monitor, Captain.
00:32:10This may be the last time that I ever talk to you,
00:32:14and I want you to know certain things
00:32:17that I was unable to say until now.
00:32:26Are you all right?
00:32:30Remember the good old days when guns killed people?
00:32:33You're just jealous, that's all.
00:32:37Open the door!
00:33:06Let's just go!
00:33:08I'll back to the patio!
00:33:23Let's go!
00:33:53Let's go!
00:34:51That's really disgusting.
00:34:56What the...
00:35:01What the hell is going on?
00:35:03It kind of looks like somebody wants you dead.
00:35:05You must have outmanaged it, too.
00:35:07But why? I didn't do anything.
00:35:09Maybe it's what you know.
00:35:11I don't know a goddamn thing.
00:35:13I play tour guide, and I write press releases.
00:35:16Roger, you were underwater in that jacuzzi
00:35:19for five straight minutes.
00:35:21That's right, I was.
00:35:23Did you teach my girlfriend how to do that?
00:35:31They're dead.
00:35:34They always die on me.
00:35:38I'd say there were extenuating circumstances.
00:35:40I don't understand. The blue damsels are my favorite.
00:35:44My favorites always die.
00:35:47Princess, I hope you understand
00:35:49what I am trying to tell you.
00:35:51Yeah, I recognize that guy.
00:35:53If you have any further questions,
00:35:55just contact my lawyer.
00:35:59And always remember how...
00:36:02how very special you are.
00:36:05That's Arthur Loudermilk. Didn't he just die?
00:36:08Two weeks ago.
00:36:12He's my father.
00:36:15Hey, why are you dead?
00:36:17Or even hurt?
00:36:19Kind of a long story.
00:36:22They can't kill me. I'm dead already.
00:36:25I'm a walking corpse, just like those killers.
00:36:28This is nonsense. I can't deal with this.
00:36:31Well, you're gonna have to deal with it!
00:36:38Look, Miss James...
00:36:41Look, Miss James...
00:36:44we need your help.
00:36:48And I think that you need ours, too.
00:36:57All right.
00:37:01Dante Pharmaceuticals
00:37:03was my father's private think tank.
00:37:06Anything that interested him,
00:37:08from mosquitoes to microchips,
00:37:10they researched it for him.
00:37:12So he bankrolled the Resurrection Project?
00:37:14No! He wouldn't!
00:37:16Use human leftovers to rob jewelry stores?
00:37:20Go ahead.
00:37:22Well, last week I did deliver some sulfathiazole
00:37:26to a guy named Thule in Chinatown.
00:37:28Where in Chinatown?
00:37:30Would you like me to write it down?
00:37:32You don't have to. You're coming with us.
00:37:34Forget it. I know my rights.
00:37:36Are you sure? Let me remind you, just in case.
00:37:38You have the right to remain silent.
00:37:40Anything you say can be used against you.
00:37:42What are you doing?
00:37:44Right now, you are our primary suspect.
00:37:46Would you rather come with us or cool your heels in jail?
00:37:49All right.
00:37:51Roger, maybe you ought to get yourself a change of clothes.
00:37:54Being dead isn't something you should advertise.
00:37:56I might have something in my closet.
00:37:58Something for that unexpected overnight guest, Miss James?
00:38:02From an ex-boyfriend, Mr. Bigelow.
00:38:06A very ex.
00:38:41You okay in there, Roger?
00:39:03Not a word.
00:39:08How many tickets is that this month so far?
00:39:11What the hell do you care?
00:39:13Good point.
00:39:15Roger, this place here has got great egg rolls.
00:39:18Doug, let's talk to this guy first and eat later, okay?
00:39:21I'm dying for some chop suey.
00:39:27This is great. I am starving.
00:39:30Good afternoon. Police Detectives Mortis and Bigelow.
00:39:33We'd like to speak to Mr. Thule, please.
00:39:39Good afternoon. Police Detectives Mortis and Bigelow.
00:39:42We'd like to speak with Mr. Thule, please.
00:39:48Listen, Mongo, we're cops,
00:39:50and if Thule's not out here in ten seconds,
00:39:52we're gonna kick some honorable ass.
00:39:58Ah, Miss James.
00:40:00Always a pleasure.
00:40:02Thanks, Mr. Bigelow.
00:40:04Thanks, Mr. Bigelow.
00:40:06Thanks, Mr. Bigelow.
00:40:08Thanks, Mr. Bigelow.
00:40:10Thanks, Mr. Bigelow.
00:40:12Thanks, Mr. Bigelow.
00:40:14Thanks, Mr. Bigelow.
00:40:16Always a pleasure.
00:40:18Mr. Thule, something terrible has happened.
00:40:20Yes, I know. Are these your friends,
00:40:22the police detectives?
00:40:24Got it right the first time, pups.
00:40:26We're looking for the man who takes deliveries
00:40:28from Dante Pharmaceuticals.
00:40:30You have found him. How may I help you?
00:40:32What did Dante send you?
00:40:36Nothing of any importance.
00:40:38Maybe more important than you think.
00:40:40Your friend takes one more step,
00:40:42he'll find himself dead.
00:40:44Death and death are both expressions
00:40:46of the same eternal spirit.
00:40:48You ought to write fortune cookies, pal.
00:40:50Let me illustrate.
00:41:38I don't know what it is,
00:41:40but suddenly I've lost my appetite.
00:42:12That's it. From now on, I'm a vegetarian.
00:42:14All right.
00:42:16This little piggy's going to market.
00:42:20Oh, that's gross.
00:42:22Oh, God!
00:42:32You're kidding.
00:42:34Just one shot?
00:42:36They're not all zombies, Doug.
00:42:52How do you fight this thing?
00:42:54Maybe we could drown it in A1 sauce.
00:43:02Oh, no.
00:44:14Now I'm gonna puke.
00:44:16Google's gone.
00:44:18Guy makes one hell of a diversion, doesn't he?
00:44:20Hey, you're hurt.
00:44:26Lady, I'm fucking dead.
00:44:32Oh, that doesn't give you the right to be rude.
00:44:42You know, you can never find anything good
00:44:44until you really trash a place.
00:44:46Stumbling over any clues, detectives?
00:44:58Zombie duck heads.
00:45:00What a concept.
00:45:02This could replace the whoopee cushion.
00:45:04Imagine what you could do with a search warrant.
00:45:06Hey, Doug.
00:45:16Look at this.
00:45:18Dates and initials.
00:45:20What do you think it means?
00:45:22I don't know, but that last one, APL,
00:45:24Arthur P. Loudermilk?
00:45:26My father?
00:45:28Oh, God, you're right.
00:45:30He died on June 12th.
00:45:32This is a list of death dates.
00:45:34These folks are all recently deceased.
00:45:36Who do you think they were?
00:45:38I don't know.
00:45:58You're quite the seamstress.
00:46:00Just hope it doesn't get infected.
00:46:04Yeah, well, I'll take my chances.
00:46:08What do you think?
00:46:14After you.
00:46:18Now, this is what a library looks like, huh?
00:46:20You know, I've never seen one of these things from the inside.
00:46:28These should cover the dates in question.
00:46:30I got dibs on March.
00:46:34It's amazing the people who died in the last three months
00:46:36never even heard of.
00:46:38Here's one.
00:46:40George Nelson Canfield, the denim king,
00:46:42inventor of sweat-to-fit blue jeans.
00:46:44Died February 12th.
00:46:46Oh, crap.
00:46:48What is it?
00:46:50The Lakers won yesterday, but they didn't make the point spread.
00:46:52They had ten bucks riding on that game.
00:46:54Here's another one.
00:46:56Oliver Lang,
00:46:58microchip wizard, March 4th.
00:47:00Here's another.
00:47:02Howard Davison, commodities broker, April 3rd.
00:47:04You see any pattern?
00:47:08They all sound like a bunch of wussies to me.
00:47:10Yes, and they all had a nice hunk of disposable cash
00:47:12when they kicked off.
00:47:14So, rich dead people, what does it mean?
00:47:16I'm not sure, but it looks like your father
00:47:18was one of the victims.
00:47:20That's crazy.
00:47:24Now, this is not what you'd call a routine case.
00:47:28I guess they can have their obituaries back.
00:47:34Hey, Rog, what's up, man?
00:47:36You look all freaked out all of a sudden.
00:47:40These obituaries.
00:47:42They're writing new ones all the time.
00:47:46They're writing mine.
00:47:48Hey, now, take it easy.
00:47:50Roger Mortis,
00:47:52beloved husband of nobody,
00:47:54father of none,
00:47:56who always thought he'd go out in a bleed,
00:47:58but he never did.
00:48:00Father of none,
00:48:02who always thought he'd go out
00:48:04in a blaze of glory.
00:48:08I gotta get out of here.
00:48:30Hey, Rog,
00:48:32that was quite a chase.
00:48:34Not bad for a guy in your condition.
00:48:36I guess being dead agrees with you.
00:48:40Come on, Rog,
00:48:42we don't got time for this.
00:48:50I can't do it.
00:48:54I can't live a lifetime in six hours.
00:48:56Nobody's got all the time they need, Roger.
00:49:02You remember when we were in training?
00:49:04They always told us you can't be a good cop
00:49:06if you're a dead cop.
00:49:08Here's your chance to prove them wrong.
00:49:10You're good,
00:49:12and you're dead.
00:49:16I'm good, and I'm dead.
00:49:20Come on, Rog,
00:49:22let's go find those guys.
00:49:24Come on, Rog,
00:49:26let's go find those suckers and trash their ass, man.
00:49:30Come on, Rog.
00:49:32It's asses. It's plural.
00:49:34It's plural?
00:49:40You know what I heard once?
00:49:42What's that?
00:49:44I heard that the population of the world is so big now
00:49:46that half of all the people who ever lived
00:49:48are still alive today.
00:49:50Come on.
00:49:52If you took all the people who've died
00:49:54since the beginning of history
00:49:56and all the people who are alive right now,
00:49:58you'd be about the same number.
00:50:00So if anybody ever asked you
00:50:02when you're gonna die, you can just say,
00:50:04well, I don't know.
00:50:06So far, it's only half of the happiness.
00:50:08Not only that, if you multiply the population of Rhode Island
00:50:10by the square root of my ex-wife's weight...
00:50:16Well, you two sure know how to show a girl a good time.
00:50:18Don't mention it.
00:50:20I think I may have some good news.
00:50:22Rebecca Smithers, Randy James.
00:50:26Oh, you work here?
00:50:28Yes, actually, I do.
00:50:30Rebecca's an expert in all sorts of forensic pathology.
00:50:34What a unique accomplishment.
00:50:36Chillier than usual in here today.
00:50:38Wherever did you find the time
00:50:40to make such a nice little friend?
00:50:42Randy was head of P.R. for Dante Pharmaceuticals.
00:50:44I see.
00:50:46So what's the big news, Becky?
00:50:50Some shirt. Unbutton it.
00:50:56Roger, you've been shot.
00:50:58Oh, yeah, I meant to tell you about that.
00:51:00It's amazing you lived as long as you did.
00:51:02So how are you feeling?
00:51:04Great. Picture of health.
00:51:06Subject mortis, comma, Roger.
00:51:08Post-mortem follow-up, July 6th.
00:51:10Approximate time, 1845.
00:51:12Do you have to talk into that thing?
00:51:14This is not an autopsy.
00:51:16Hey, Rog, you aren't dead.
00:51:18This is a morgue. She is a coroner.
00:51:2287.2 degrees Fahrenheit.
00:51:24Since you died,
00:51:26you've been steadily cooling off.
00:51:28So what's the verdict?
00:51:30How long have I got not to live?
00:51:32Well, decomposition is progressing
00:51:34more rapidly than I'd hoped.
00:51:36It's even starting to show in your face.
00:51:38I'd say maybe three or four hours.
00:51:40What the hell am I doing here?
00:51:42Roger, I think I can buy you a chance.
00:51:44I found something in Dante's files
00:51:46about a special process they've been testing
00:51:48to extend the resurrection period beyond 12 hours.
00:51:50Can you guarantee that?
00:51:54Then I can't take that chance.
00:51:56Rebecca, it's my job.
00:51:58Your job? Christ!
00:52:00Haven't you learned anything?
00:52:02You spent ten years out on the street
00:52:04risking your neck,
00:52:06and now you're dead, and it's still not enough.
00:52:10Well, I guess I'm just a glutton for money.
00:52:12Well, I guess I'm just a glutton for punishment.
00:52:14So are you two. What's next?
00:52:16I'm gonna take a look at Loudermilk's grave.
00:52:18Why don't you pay a call on Loudermilk's lawyer?
00:52:20We'll hit the cemetery and meet your bag of ranties.
00:52:22Uh, if you don't mind,
00:52:24I think I'll skip the trip to my father's resting place.
00:52:26Oh, I mind very much.
00:52:28I want you where I can see you.
00:52:30Miss James?
00:52:34Chick Digsby. I could tell.
00:52:38I'm not giving up hope, Roger.
00:52:42You go ahead, man.
00:52:44I'll catch up with you later at Randy's.
00:52:52Hey, nice wheels.
00:52:54Must be a lot of money in carving up dead people.
00:52:56A little early for your post-mortem,
00:52:58aren't you, detective?
00:53:00Just stopped by to reserve a body bag.
00:53:02Oh, that's very good!
00:53:04Oh, that's...
00:53:06That's excellent.
00:53:08Oh, that's...
00:53:14I love that guy.
00:53:16I can tell.
00:53:32Just over there on the right, Roger.
00:53:34Maybe I should pick one out.
00:53:38I wonder if they take MasterCard.
00:53:46Nice place to spend the rest of your life.
00:53:48Swaying palms,
00:53:50the smell of jasmine,
00:53:52quiet neighbors.
00:53:54Very funny, Roger.
00:53:58What is it?
00:54:02Shooting star.
00:54:12So, now what?
00:54:14I haven't got a key.
00:54:16Allow me.
00:54:18I'll get it for you.
00:54:20So, now what?
00:54:22I haven't got a key.
00:54:24Allow me.
00:54:26Isn't that illegal?
00:54:50Looks like he's resting comfortably.
00:54:56What's your real relationship
00:54:58with Loudermilk, Randy?
00:55:00What do you mean?
00:55:02Outside, it says,
00:55:04Arthur P. Loudermilk,
00:55:06beloved husband of Loretta.
00:55:08It doesn't mention any darling daughter.
00:55:20All right.
00:55:24I met him in the hospital.
00:55:28I was there for drug rehab,
00:55:30and he took me under his wing.
00:55:32The daughter he never had?
00:55:36Yeah, and he got me that great house
00:55:38and set me up with a job at Dante,
00:55:40and I bet he never even knew
00:55:42what kind of snake hole he was dropping me into.
00:55:44So, this whole zombie thing
00:55:46came as a complete surprise to you?
00:55:52Looks like he left something for us.
00:56:00Doug ought to be back by now.
00:56:12Oh, sweetheart.
00:56:14Doug must have got the TV on.
00:56:19I found George Reynolds, Mrs. Phillips.
00:56:21He's been dead for five months.
00:56:23He didn't steal the bill of sale.
00:56:25No, he didn't, but you could have stolen it.
00:56:27I'll see if he's in the kitchen.
00:56:29How dare you?
00:56:31You knew who I was when I came here today.
00:56:33You were surprised to see me alive, weren't you?
00:56:35But I'm not alive, Mrs. Phillips.
00:56:37Sure, I can stand here and talk to you.
00:56:39I can breathe and I can move, but I'm not alive,
00:56:41because I did take that poison,
00:56:43and nothing can save me.
00:56:45What are you going to do?
00:56:47I kill you now, I have nothing to lose.
00:56:49No, no, you've got to listen to me.
00:56:51You've got to give me a chance.
00:56:53But I didn't have a chance.
00:57:03It's Doug.
00:57:18Let's get him down.
00:57:50Sorry, Roger.
00:57:54I didn't want to tell you.
00:57:56I didn't think you'd understand.
00:57:58What are you talking about?
00:58:00I, uh...
00:58:03lied about the drugs.
00:58:08I was in the hospital because I was...
00:58:11dying, too.
00:58:16I was dead.
00:58:23What do you mean?
00:58:25They brought me back, Roger, just like you.
00:58:29Only they said I'd have a normal lifespan
00:58:31as long as I helped them.
00:58:37Helped who?
00:58:39They lied to me.
00:58:41Who, Randy?
00:58:45I don't know.
00:59:15I'm sorry, Roger.
00:59:45I'm sorry.
00:59:54I'm sorry, Roger.
00:59:58Please forgive me.
01:00:36Hello, this is Rebecca.
01:00:38Rebecca, listen.
01:00:40I'm not here to take your call, but leave me a message
01:00:42and I'll get back to you later on.
01:00:46Rebecca, Doug's dead.
01:00:50Randy's dead.
01:00:52I wish...
01:00:54Well, I wish...
01:01:10Wait a minute.
01:01:15Wait a minute.
01:01:24Namaste letters, namaste letters.
01:01:41Damn, that's it!
01:01:45Damn, that's it!
01:02:15Roger, what are you doing here?
01:02:17What do you think, McNabb?
01:02:19You've had to be more specific than that.
01:02:21Okay, you want specific, here it comes.
01:02:24You killed me.
01:02:26And you killed Doug. And maybe you didn't kill Randy,
01:02:28but you should have had the decency to let her stay dead.
01:02:30What on earth are you talking about?
01:02:32Revenge, McNabb.
01:02:34And you're on the receiving end unless you come up with some real fast answers.
01:02:37But this doesn't make any sense. I was helping you.
01:02:39I don't think so.
01:02:41Loudermilk's think tank built a machine for resurrecting people,
01:02:44and you've been trying it out, haven't you?
01:02:46That's absurd.
01:02:48Of course, Roger, you're losing your mind.
01:02:50Your brain is deteriorating.
01:02:52When you buried him alive, Loudermilk wanted to point the finger at you,
01:02:54but he was afraid to write his McNabb in case you came back and erased it.
01:02:57So he tried something just a little bit subtler.
01:02:59It's a coded message,
01:03:01using the numbers-to-letters scheme found on any telephone.
01:03:04Here's what it spells.
01:03:06Body Doc.
01:03:08Sounds a bit like you, doesn't it?
01:03:11Well, that's what happens when you die, Roger.
01:03:14Your synapses misfire, leading to all sorts of demented conclusions.
01:03:18My mind, McNabb, has never been sharper.
01:03:22Neither has my aim.
01:03:24Son of a bitch.
01:03:26How many others have you buried alive, McNabb?
01:03:29Canfield, the Blue Jeans King,
01:03:31Oliver Lang,
01:03:33Howard Preston.
01:03:35You take their money and you brick them up, is that it?
01:03:37That's a lie!
01:03:39Nice watch.
01:03:41Nice ring, too.
01:03:43I got a hell of a hunch if we wanted to,
01:03:45we could trace them both back to those Druey storeholders.
01:03:47Hey! Give me that!
01:03:49When you resurrected those robbers, you wanted to test them.
01:03:52So you sent them out to do what they do best,
01:03:54rob something.
01:03:56And when I stumbled onto all this, you murdered me.
01:03:58Circumstantial evidence. Wouldn't hold up in any court.
01:04:00I'm not waiting for any courts, McNabb.
01:04:02Roger, I can help you.
01:04:04Like you helped Randy James?
01:04:10Good evening, Doctor.
01:04:12Well, it's about time. Where the hell have you been?
01:04:14This bastard almost killed me.
01:04:16Give me my diamond ring.
01:04:18You see, Roger,
01:04:20every job has its little perks.
01:04:22It just takes a while to discover them.
01:04:24No amount of money is going to make up for what happens to you, McNabb.
01:04:28It seems our detective is in rather poor condition.
01:04:31Not as poor as you.
01:04:33Silence him.
01:04:39How do you wish this man killed?
01:04:42Roger, I've come to love you like a son.
01:04:44You're honest, trustworthy, dependable,
01:04:46like a friggin' Boy Scout.
01:04:52Ironic, isn't it, Roger?
01:04:54You're going to spend your last moments on Earth
01:04:56inches from freedom right here in front of the county morgue.
01:04:59For this very reason, Doctor, we should waste no time.
01:05:02Yeah, yeah, put him in the van, lock him to the side rail.
01:05:11I hope you don't mind sharing the bed space.
01:05:18Yes, I know it's a nuisance,
01:05:20but then Smithers was always a nuisance.
01:05:22I'll send you to hell, McNabb!
01:05:24You can't keep me here!
01:05:26This van is lined in stainless steel.
01:05:29Soundproof, in case you're thinking of calling for help.
01:05:32It's custom-made, the perfect place to disintegrate,
01:05:35which I figure will happen in precisely 45 minutes.
01:05:39Let's go, Doctor. We're expected back at the lab.
01:05:42Yes, yes, yes, get the door, get the door.
01:05:45Happy trails, Roger.
01:06:00Well, Rebecca, I always thought we'd end up together,
01:06:03but never like this.
01:06:34You and I...
01:06:40are going for a ride.
01:06:43A ride?
01:06:59A ride?
01:07:17Oh, wow. This is gonna be great.
01:07:29Holy shit!
01:07:32Oh, yeah!
01:08:01Give me a hand, give me a hand.
01:08:03A little bit more line over here.
01:08:06Got it.
01:08:08People, you gotta stay back.
01:08:30Jesus H. Christ.
01:08:38Take it easy, mister. You're not well.
01:08:46Hold it.
01:08:48That's far enough.
01:08:59Detective Mortis, homicide.
01:09:02You're... you're a cop?
01:09:08I need your gun, officer.
01:09:30Ladies and gentlemen,
01:09:32last week, all of us were shocked and saddened
01:09:35by the news of the untimely death of Arthur P. Loudermilk.
01:09:39I would like to take this opportunity
01:09:42to review his many accomplishments.
01:09:45He was a great man.
01:09:47He was a great man.
01:09:49He was a great man.
01:09:51He was a great man.
01:09:53He was a great man.
01:09:55He was a great man.
01:09:57But wait.
01:09:59Why not let Arthur tell you himself?
01:10:02Ladies and gentlemen, Arthur P. Loudermilk!
01:10:11Friends and associates,
01:10:14how nice to see you again.
01:10:16I saw you buried, Arthur.
01:10:18Dammit, I saw you buried!
01:10:20I'm afraid you have been misled, Walter.
01:10:24The man in my grave is a, um, volunteer,
01:10:28personally selected by Dr. McNabb.
01:10:32As you will see, ladies and gentlemen,
01:10:34the demonstration that you are about to witness
01:10:36makes burial somewhat unnecessary.
01:10:41Did you become the world's largest jet manufacturer
01:10:58just so that you could leave your fortune
01:11:00to a wolf pack of scavenging relatives?
01:11:04Gertrude Bellman, are you prepared
01:11:07to become a memorial plaque on the cornerstone
01:11:09of a library building?
01:11:11We all die, Arthur.
01:11:13Rest assured, Gertrude, that you can afford not to.
01:11:18How many of those rich bozos do you suppose
01:11:20he's got in there tonight, huh?
01:11:22Isn't it frustrating?
01:11:24All of that money, all of that raw power
01:11:27just within your grasp, and then it's all gone, poof.
01:11:31Suddenly, you're six foot under, and the mob of money
01:11:35grabbing nobodies are devouring all that is yours,
01:11:38like rodents after a lump of cheese.
01:11:41Isn't it sad?
01:11:43Everybody dies, rich and poor.
01:11:45Death doesn't discriminate, at least not until now.
01:11:49This is ridiculous.
01:11:51Well, let's face it.
01:11:53Poor people are supposed to die, but the same rule
01:11:57doesn't apply to us.
01:11:58We're rich.
01:11:59God wants us to live forever.
01:12:02And even if he doesn't, we can always buy him off.
01:12:06It'll cost all of you half of your fortune.
01:12:09But you have forever to make it back.
01:12:11What the fuck is that?
01:12:42Think of what I'm offering, sir.
01:12:44Life without end.
01:12:45Your personal savings compounded daily
01:12:48for a million glorious years.
01:12:50What's your gimmick, Arthur?
01:12:53No gimmick.
01:12:54Eternal life.
01:12:56Well, I know that it's absurd, impossible,
01:12:59but aside from the proof of my being here,
01:13:02I've planned for you a very graphic little demonstration.
01:13:06This man has been dead for a million years.
01:13:11And he's been dead for hours.
01:13:14Come on, inspect him for yourself.
01:13:23Sit down.
01:13:25Well, now that you are satisfied
01:13:26with this poor man's unfortunate condition,
01:13:29I would like to treat you to a little product demonstration.
01:13:34Dr. McNabb, if you would.
01:13:36Of course.
01:13:37This model incorporates all of our most advanced refinements.
01:13:40It will give you eternal life without any limitations.
01:14:41That's okay, don't get up.
01:14:45Get him, get him, get him!
01:14:56Help me!
01:14:57Get him! Get him! Get him!
01:15:10I told you not to get up.
01:15:12I know.
01:15:27Let's go.
01:15:28I'm going down.
01:15:55What do you want?
01:15:56Not you, old man. I want him.
01:16:00You're dead, McNabb. You're even deader than I am.
01:16:03Oh, I don't think so.
01:16:12Doug, you're alive.
01:16:14He can't understand a word you said, Roger.
01:16:16He's been brain-dead too long,
01:16:18which means that he's mindless and totally obedient.
01:16:22Kill this guy, would you?
01:16:25Kill this guy, would you?
01:16:27Now, Doug, stop. Doug, it's me. It's me, Roger.
01:16:30Kill this guy, would you?
01:16:31Doug, Doug, don't. Kill this guy.
01:16:33Doug, would you?
01:16:38Hey, Doug, do you realize that we both have the same death day?
01:16:42Doug, you know what we could do? We could throw a death day party.
01:16:45We could invite all our friends, get really ripped.
01:16:48Well, do something.
01:16:49Kill him. Kill him, you brain-dead son of a bitch.
01:16:53Doug, remember the lipstick?
01:16:56Mulberry wine brings out my eyes.
01:17:08Hiya, Doug. Welcome to Zombieland.
01:17:14Roger, he said I should...
01:17:18He said I should hurt you.
01:17:21But I'm gonna hurt him.
01:17:25Kill that guy, would you?
01:17:27Oh, no.
01:17:37Kill him! Why can't you kill him?
01:17:40Shut up, you fart!
01:17:51Oh, no, you bastards aren't gonna take me.
01:17:56You cheated me.
01:18:00Goddamn you, McNabb, you cheated me!
01:18:04It's over, Rog. Forget it, man.
01:18:10Not just yet.
01:18:20Not yet.
01:18:40Hi, Doug.
01:18:42You wanna see what happens when you resurrect somebody twice?
01:18:45Not really.
01:18:50Oh, no! No!
01:18:59No, wait. Save the machine.
01:19:02It's short-circuiting. We can fix it.
01:19:05I can make you normal again. Immortal.
01:19:08I'll give you anything you want.
01:19:10Money, power, eternal life,
01:19:13riches beyond your wildest dreams,
01:19:16to save the machine.
01:19:30No! No! Stop! Stop!
01:19:35Wait. Wait. You don't understand.
01:19:38You live forever. Forever!
01:19:45Man, Roger, you are a mess.
01:19:47I've seen meatloaf that looks better than you.
01:19:49You're not exactly a forest-lawn poster child yourself, Doug.
01:19:53Hey, we really trashed our ass, didn't we?
01:19:56That's asses, Roger.
01:19:59Hey, Roger, think we'll be reincarnated?
01:20:01As what?
01:20:03I don't know. Maybe you get a choice. You can be whatever you want.
01:20:05Oh, you mean like a statesman or a president or a prize-winning novelist?
01:20:08Personally, I'd like to come back as the seat on a girl's bike.
01:20:11Now, that is truly inspiring.
01:20:15You know, Doug? What's that?
01:20:17This could be the end of a beautiful friendship.
01:20:47You'll never see the finish line
01:20:50It's a dead heat
01:20:53In a razor against time
01:20:58You don't wanna cash it in
01:21:00With your life on the line
01:21:04You're in a dead heat
01:21:07In a toothless car
01:21:11If you don't get there first
01:21:14You won't get there at all
01:21:16You're running in a dead heat
01:21:31You're not an exit on the road
01:21:35You got no place to hide
01:21:38But if you crash and burn
01:21:41At least you might enjoy the ride
01:21:44So push a little to the right
01:21:48And watch the world go by
01:21:51You know you can't slow down
01:21:54You either speed it up or die
01:21:57You're in a dead heat
01:22:00And your key's losing ground
01:22:05The devil is closing fast
01:22:07Better not turn around
01:22:09Better not turn around
01:22:12It's a dead heat
01:22:15But no one really cares
01:22:20Nobody said that life was gonna be fair
01:22:25Keep running in a dead heat
01:22:32Keep running in a dead heat
01:22:39Keep running in a dead heat
01:22:46You're in a dead heat
01:22:53You're in a dead heat
01:23:09You're in a dead heat
01:23:21It's a dead heat
01:23:24In a resonance time
01:23:28If you don't wanna cash it in
01:23:30With your life on the line