Utilities ( 1983) Comedy Romance

  • 2 days ago
A Chicago social worker (Robert Hays) charms a policewoman
(Brooke Adams) while bilking utilities in behalf of the needy.
00:01:15The beginning
00:01:16God created the heavens and the earth
00:01:19And the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon
00:01:25That's where we come in
00:01:30On the average there are ten balls
00:01:36And nine appliances
00:01:38seven electrical
00:01:42Per person in this city
00:01:45That makes for a grand total of 60 million units
00:01:51Each one connected directly to Eastern Gas and Electric Corporation
00:01:55We are their life-support system, that's why we're a monopoly in this great land of free enterprise
00:02:02That's why as president of Eastern Gas and Electric Company
00:02:06I can promise you the board of directors the largest return on your investment in our history
00:02:12Because we are necessary
00:02:15Because we are the future
00:02:24Because we care
00:02:36Eastern gas to help you. Yeah, I smell kind of funny. I think there's a gas leak somewhere
00:02:42Please hold while I transfer your call, but but I
00:02:45Eastern gas and electric company. May I help you?
00:02:49The power just went off in my apartment
00:02:51I'm on an iron lung support system. Can you send a repairman? Yes, we will within the hour within the week, sir
00:02:59But i'll be gone by then
00:03:02Mr. Gas, may I help you? Yeah, when I turn on my stove, I get stevie wonder music coming out of the gas ship
00:03:08What should I do about it? Try hooking on your stereo
00:03:12Accounting officers accounting officers. Why do I want with accounting officers? I got a gas leak. Hold on. I'll transfer your call
00:03:20The operator i'm trying to call a long distance number and I keep getting a weird sort of beeping buzzing sound
00:03:25Did it sound sort of like?
00:03:29Or was it
00:03:32Yeah, that's it
00:03:34The number you have reached six five zero three nine two five is not in service
00:03:38The new number is six five zero divided by two hundred and thirty eight multiplied by six. Thank you
00:03:44Gas service department miss hadley speaking. What's the problem? Yes. What do you think? It's starting to leak like mad
00:03:50Uh, when did you first start to smell it? What the hell is that guy they do with it? I think it's dangerous
00:03:55Just calm down. We'll send somebody out
00:04:11How you doing good
00:04:15I got detroit omaha cleveland. It's philadelphia. Let's get you to philadelphia for 180. Where are you giving us, sir?
00:04:55What happened to you this time I got thrown through a plate glass window
00:04:59Okay, tell me about it. Did you listen to me for a second?
00:05:03The man is handicapped. He runs a phone order business out of his home
00:05:07Is this meant to amuse me cecil, please not now?
00:05:10I have an annual report due tomorrow and as usual
00:05:13There is only one person in this entire office who is yet to have his files posted
00:05:17Would you care to take a wild guess as to who this is? I know there's a reconnect fee. He wants to pay it
00:05:22But he's got to get his phone put back in to make enough money to man social security number
00:05:26His signature seemed to have escaped me. You call this an application for medical aid. I call it bad form for christ's sake
00:05:32Cecil man was thrown through a plate glass window
00:05:35No, not him. He can't walk. I saw two of your underprivileged yesterday. Do you know what they were buying?
00:05:41Chivis regal don't tell me there's nothing you can do about it. The man was not drunk
00:05:47Social security number
00:05:49His signature everything you happy? No, he he doesn't need a social security number. He needs a phone
00:05:54You'll never learn will you has been a customer or a contaminating disease?
00:05:58Are you listening to me?
00:06:06Goddamn phone company. What did I tell you?
00:06:14Mr. Ramirez your dog he likes you
00:06:25I am not. Dr. Martha Rogers
00:06:27She is an old lady who will probably freeze to death if you cut off her gas. All i'm asking for is a little understanding
00:06:34I understand that mr. Hunt then you'll give me more time
00:06:36What you don't seem to understand is that I can't give you any more time
00:06:41Our computers are demanding payment. It's your computer
00:06:45Your computers can't it's winter your computers are wrong computers are never wrong, sir
00:06:51That's why they're called computers. What if I pay part we'd be pleased to accept any amount of payment
00:07:0110 11 12 31 32 18 20 to do it. I may want lunch
00:07:10Your receipt, sir
00:07:12When balance is paid the gas will be turned back on but that's why I paid you part so that you wouldn't turn it off
00:07:17I'm, sorry, sir, but those are the rules. Give me my money back. I can't I gave you a receipt
00:07:24Who's your supervisor? The shutoff order has already gone out. Mr. Hunt
00:07:30You have the right to file a complaint you have the right to appear before the public utilities commission
00:07:36Public utilities commission you have the right to be present at the next
00:07:48In two weeks gentlemen when I go before the utilities commission and ask for an increase of 39.7 million bucks
00:07:53I don't want to come out with half
00:07:56or any fraction thereof
00:08:00Want it all?
00:08:03Give me one last push on conservation the more we charge the less they use, right?
00:08:07Then the less they use the more we'll have to charge Leland. I also want a song and dance on gadgetry push it hard time-saving devices
00:08:15Anything that you can plug in and turn on start a pro electric razor campaign initiate some rumors that shaving cream causes
00:08:23Skin cancer that sort of thing
00:08:25And keep the lid on consumer complaints. I don't want any static before the hearing
00:08:31Gentlemen in two weeks i'm gonna stand in front of that damn commission and with your help i'm gonna blow their frigging socks off
00:08:39Boy, I swear it's getting colder in this city every goddamn year
00:08:43I put in 14 transfer requests
00:08:46You know what they offer me pittsburgh for christ's sake pittsburgh
00:08:50Look at these jackets like a t-shirt's warmer
00:08:53Hold it you guys wait a minute
00:08:56I'm, real sorry, but uh
00:08:58This is private property pittsburgh's starting to look good
00:09:01Yeah, well look fella. We got a disconnect order here for 218
00:09:05You 218 order from whom?
00:09:08Gas company, who do you think? Uh, you live here?
00:09:11I'm afraid i'm gonna have to see some identification
00:09:14What's wrong with you something wrong with you humor him show him your ig
00:09:29Well, yeah, that looks pretty good. So glad it's in order now get out of the way, however
00:09:33They could be forged ids now i'm gonna have to get confirmation
00:09:36But you actually do work for the gas company before I allow you to continue
00:09:41This connect order here for 218. Okay, so for who the gas company? Who do you think now? Are you 218? No
00:09:47Do you live in this building?
00:09:51No, she's just what a jerk you want a cookie, uh, no, he's gonna eat him buddy, of course if you don't i'll have to
00:09:58Look, we've got a disconnect order for 218
00:10:02Come on, we're just doing our job
00:10:04Now listen the law clearly states that a customer must receive a notice of intent to discontinue service
00:10:10If payment has not been received in five days and a secondary purchase asshole's lights out about two seconds
00:10:19by a fine of six hundred dollars or not less than 90 days in jail or
00:10:24Robert you don't I got those notices
00:10:28They've every right to turn it off. I didn't pay the bill martha. You can't live without heat
00:10:33The hell idea you're making a spectacle of yourself and me
00:10:37You're satisfied now bud. Listen guys. Can't you just misplace the order for one day? How what do you say?
00:10:42You either let us through
00:10:43Or we call the police
00:10:49We are creating a public nuisance
00:10:53She's an old woman. You can't shut off her heat. You will disperse immediately
00:10:58Otherwise, we will begin making arrests get off your damn soapbox robert or i'll shoot your pants off
00:11:04It's not just the gas company. It's the phone company the power companies. It's all of them
00:11:10They can come into your homes they can shut off your gas they can yank out your phone
00:11:14They can do anything the damn well, please and what do we do about it? That's me
00:11:18That man is absolutely right. It's not fair
00:11:22I don't know who you are, but you are really something
00:11:25I can tell you have a lot to say and I for one would like to hear it
00:11:27I think we would all like to hear it
00:11:40You are you have the right to remain silent until I can get your ass out of here before one of these nice people
00:11:45You seem so concerned about gets hurt sergeant
00:11:47I suggest you leave one car on the corner clear out the rest of this arm and these gentlemen can get back to work jane
00:11:55Do you wish to give up your right to I bet you're really proud of yourself, aren't you?
00:11:59Do you wish to give up your right? I can see the headlines now cop disguised as woman makes big busts
00:12:04No shots fired except for the suspect. He kept shooting off his mouth. Now, damn it. Let me finish
00:12:08Do you wish no?
00:12:09I do not wish to give up my rights to an attorney and have him present during questioning
00:12:13I even have my own dime for a phone call you happy drill. Hey, don't get me wrong
00:12:16I think you did a wonderful job. You have the right to remain silent
00:12:19I beg you to please use it because of you and the illustrious eastern gas and electric
00:12:24One old woman's going to be without heat tonight and 70 000 stockholders are going to sleep peacefully
00:12:29Hold on a second. Let me bring in the violins
00:12:31There are 1.5 million people living at or below poverty level in this city alone, huh?
00:12:38I'm, not talking about bums and social parasites. That's another lecture entirely at least
00:12:45523 are elderly living on fixed incomes. Do you know what that means? Yeah, you love to count up
00:12:51Okay, suppose you got 293 dollars a month
00:12:54150 had to go for rent 40 for food 60 for medicine 25 for your phone 20 for water and power and 50 for gas
00:13:02What do you expect him just to roll over and kick off? No, i'm beginning to wish you would
00:13:08That's not including dental work and repair bill. God forbid that you get mugged which is a better than 50 chance in this city
00:13:15No offense listen
00:13:17Hey, eddie. It's bob any calls
00:13:20Hey, listen, you never guess where I am
00:13:23Good guess can you great? Okay. Thanks, buddy. Bye-bye
00:13:30Where were we? We're about to go down and show you your accommodations. We're not talking about dime stores here
00:13:35We're talking about monopolies. I mean electric
00:13:38Telephone. Hey, i'm talking to you. You broke the law. That's why you're here
00:13:41Not because you're some dead being doesn't pay his bills
00:13:44You were arrested because you threatened to beat the crap out of two guys period
00:13:48And as for your reasons for doing it and your speeches on the injustices of life
00:13:53Save it for the judge. I've been working a double shift
00:13:56All I want to do is get away from you and go to an italian restaurant for some linguine and clam sauce. Hi, ben
00:14:02You like linguine?
00:14:05Now you're gonna give me a speech against linguine
00:14:07No, thank god I can eat my dinner without guilt actually I was gonna make a speech against clam sauce
00:14:20Mr. Hunt if you still insist on defending yourself, please get started. Just let me pay the 50 bucks
00:14:25We'll get out of here. The defense calls the arresting officer edwards
00:14:37It's a matter of principle eddie, what's she the principle or the interest?
00:14:44Good morning, miss edwards
00:14:47It is miss isn't it? It's officer. Ah, well then officer edwards
00:14:54Do you live alone objection irrelevant disregard that last question miss edwards
00:15:00Have you ever lived with a man objection irrelevant again
00:15:07Your honor, I believe that her attitude toward the male is relevant get on with it
00:15:13I lived with a man when I was married
00:15:16Was I was divorced? Well, then it's clear, isn't it?
00:15:20What is oh, come comes edwards. Let's not play games
00:15:23When did you first discover that you hated men objection?
00:15:25My arrest was merely a reenactment of your desire to get back at your husband objection. Mr
00:15:30Hunt, you may not conjecture about the witness's
00:15:33feelings regarding me
00:15:35All right, then officer edwards
00:15:38Why was I arrested for disturbing the peace and obstruction of justice obstruction of justice?
00:15:43I'm glad that you brought that up your honor. I agree. I agree completely with officer edwards
00:15:48There was an obstruction of justice, but I was not the perpetrator on the contrary
00:15:52I was trying to remove the obstruction and set justice free objection. Your honor objection overruled
00:15:57I was not guilty of any immoral act. I was mr. Hunt. I will thank you to let me do my own job
00:16:03objection sustained
00:16:09All right
00:16:10Officer edwards, how long have you been on the force two and a half years two and a half years obviously professional
00:16:17Have you always been a?
00:16:19patrol person up until six days ago
00:16:22What happened then?
00:16:23I was promoted to detective. So you are a detective patrol person. No
00:16:29Well, what are you then I was a detective I am now a patrol person again
00:16:35Yes, since when last night your honor is this
00:16:39Mr. Hunt the court would like to examine the witness for a moment. Sure
00:16:44Witness is all yours. Thank you very much
00:16:47Miss edwards, you are a patrol person now
00:16:53And you were a detective yesterday. Yes
00:16:56Now, why were you demoted last night? Well
00:17:01You see your honor I was doing some undercover work in the neighborhood where the defendant was obstructing justice
00:17:07And I felt that if I did not intervene some unnecessary violence would erupt
00:17:11So the reason you were demoted was because I blew my cover you blew your cover you blew your cover
00:17:17You see your honor
00:17:19her obvious hatred and contempt of of men extends to her fellow officers and therefore my point is that I was
00:17:25Arrested solely because i'm a man you are on trial not miss edwards, right enough of this nonsense
00:17:30guilty of disturbing the peace and obstructing justice
00:17:3590 days 90 days or 150
00:17:39next case
00:17:40I object
00:17:43Where are you gonna be bob? Can I tell you something? I'm gonna tell you something
00:17:47Your social conscience is driving you right into the ground and me into bankruptcy. I have to pay another fine for you
00:17:51They'll have to dedicate a wing to me. Sorry eddie. Why don't you take a vacation, huh?
00:17:55Why don't you drop some acid or smoke some dope snort peanut butter? I don't care. Just freak out for a while. Relax, huh?
00:18:01Man that's what I did. That's how I got the idea for the world energy battery
00:18:0750 satellites going around the planet half positive half negative all linked to a computer
00:18:13Turns the whole world into a six volt battery bingo. No more air boil boycotts. No more energy crisis. It's brilliant, man
00:18:44Excuse me, it's for dr. Martha to get her gas turned back on
00:18:48Love thy neighbor
00:18:54Got a disturbing the peace report the same address where you arrested that nut yesterday, I thought you might be interested
00:19:01I'm gonna kill him
00:19:13Ladies and gentlemen
00:19:16I'm, sorry to break this up, but uh, we've received a complaint. So you're gonna have to tone it down
00:19:23Come on let's eat everybody
00:19:31Miss me, you know, the police have a lot better things to do than run around this city quieting down parties. Oh, I missed you, too
00:19:37It's you. I didn't really imagine your uniform. Dr. Martha louise rogers
00:19:43You did a bang up job the other morning
00:19:45Marion edwards, I like your style come and sit with me. Well, I think it's about time for me to get you off my hands
00:19:55I'm an old eskimo. Did you know that?
00:19:58Oh, i'm not a lieutenant. Dr. Martha. I don't mean to be a bother, but i'm still good at bronchitis
00:20:04I I can't get through my prayers without coffee
00:20:08And you don't smoke or drink? Oh, no
00:20:10That's your problem, you're too damn healthy
00:20:16Now, where was I? Uh, you were an old eskimo
00:20:2020 years in the arctic and robert here insists about treating me like a welfare case
00:20:25Stop breathing
00:20:27I'll come and see you tomorrow
00:20:31Now you two make a wonderful couple, oh, yeah law and disorder
00:20:36There's something exciting about this let's place the music
00:20:42If it weren't for this damned arthritis i'd be out there with it lieutenant, no, i'm not a lieutenant
00:20:49Say something
00:20:51Foxtrot or tango
00:20:56Oh, you dance wonderfully
00:21:00Where did you learn police academy karate school? Hey, listen, this has been fun, but I think i'll just leave right now
00:21:05Isn't she wonderful? Yeah, she's a regular one-woman national health plan. She doctors anybody that needs it her ass
00:21:12I still think I was wrong about what?
00:21:16It was dr. Martha's gas they shut off look at all i'm saying is you cannot go around breaking the law
00:21:22can if the law sucks
00:21:24But that's for the courts to decide if everybody went around breaking the law. We would have chaos
00:21:29The law supports vested interests. It should protect the people
00:21:33Spare me the liberal sophistry. I'm just a cop
00:21:44Those expensive earrings. Oh, no, not really. What happened?
00:21:51You want my earrings?
00:21:53Hold on. Okay. Hey, he wants my earrings. I guess you're what they call a fun date. I'll get you some more promise
00:22:04Happy anniversary
00:22:08They're beautiful
00:22:12And still warm
00:22:17Fellow residents of Martha's vineyard
00:22:20We humbly thank you one and all
00:22:2250 years of holy headlock
00:22:24Sometimes I I wonder all the tough times we've been through why she ever stayed with me. You kept the money
00:22:30Besides he's very good in bed. You're running away
00:22:35I'm on duty
00:22:37Thanks for the earrings
00:22:39I wanted to give her a pair of stockings
00:22:41I don't know you that well yet
00:22:44Marion I uh
00:22:46Was wondering maybe if I'd like to what?
00:22:50well, I thought maybe
00:22:52If you like I could
00:22:54Follow you back to your house to talk
00:22:57You know monopolies utilities mating habits are the can of the goose I don't think so
00:23:22May take time but I'll sleep with a cop if I can wait
00:24:17It's actually a very simple process bob
00:24:18You see when you entered the trip zone the camera focused on you
00:24:21The computer matched your image with its memory bank and opened the door simplastico see
00:24:28Why is it every time I come home at night i'm accosted by gadgets
00:24:34I feel like i'm living in a radio show
00:24:37Thanks, loretta, that's the price you pay for living with a genius
00:24:42I feel lousy
00:24:44Of course you do we all do it's life
00:24:47It's a pointless hopeless bureaucratic black hole that's sucking the life out of us
00:24:52And now for the sparks remember the cop the one in the in the courtroom the one that arrested me
00:24:58Yeah, well
00:25:00I saw her again tonight
00:25:05For a second there I forgot she was a cop
00:25:08It's too weak loretta how many times have I told you don't chisel on the drinks
00:25:13Go to your room you little sleaze
00:25:17Don't talk back to me you little weasel
00:25:39When was the last time you got laid by a real woman
00:26:02Officer edwards bob hunt remember me
00:26:08You remember how nice I was wondering if uh
00:26:12You could set your badge aside long enough for us to have dinner tonight. Shut up. Is that a no?
00:26:18Hey sit on that you want to go out with me? Well, that's a general idea. Yeah, shut up
00:26:27It leaves you speechless doesn't it? Well just tap the phone. Uh once for yes twice for no
00:26:35Why not I mean we hang around the same places
00:26:50Look hunt
00:26:52I appreciate the offer, but I don't think I like to start anything where the deck's stacked against it
00:26:58Sure, okay. See you
00:27:08You're in luck the card wasn't lost nearly misfiled under martha rogers instead of rogers comma martha
00:27:15What is the damage dear including the reconnect fee it's 58 dollars and 77 cents and you will put the gas back on
00:27:23Once we've paid as soon as the balance is settled what?
00:27:28Be honest, please
00:27:4858 dollars 77 cents
00:27:51Raise them all
00:28:14Mrs. Henry payment of bills with pennies in an amount in excess of 25 cents is not considerably tender
00:28:22It's too late. I already issued a reconnect order accounts receivable won't accept it
00:28:35Careful did you I just had this impression stolen take care of this creep for a minute. Will you marry her back sugar?
00:28:47Know that bitch tricked me
00:28:50And I provide a valuable service in this community, you know, I give the people what they want you're breaking my heart sweet dick
00:28:58Well, I want to see my lawyer. I'm afraid no lawyer's gonna get you out this time
00:29:03of course
00:29:05Do you want to tell me who's selling you your smack
00:29:08You might be able to make a deal
00:29:11Matter of fact you would look good out there on the block
00:29:16Mary somebody left this for you. Thanks
00:29:20You're gonna smarten up and cooperate or what?
00:29:24I still owe you an earring meet me at chez michelle's tonight eight o'clock signed
00:29:30Van Gogh, you don't scare me
00:29:33This is sweet dick. You're talking to a bitch
00:29:35Ha ha ha ha
00:29:39Let me show you with love to the last guy who called me that smart ass
00:31:25It's done
00:32:10You're late hunt
00:32:13I was promised
00:32:16You're crazy, you know that well if you take these off
00:32:22Oh god dumb what dumb
00:32:41All right, hun
00:32:42So you think going out with the cop has been kinky you've always wondered what goes on into the dark blue skirts
00:32:49That there must be all kinds of seething unrequited passions kept under lock and key
00:32:54And that to find the combination would be like penetrating the mysteries of a nun and that only you could
00:33:01reawaken my sleeping sexuality
00:33:04With your incredible charm and erotic abandon
00:33:09Well, what do you say yes
00:33:15So now that we've established that my intentions are definitely dishonorable tell me why did you show up?
00:33:23Nobody ever sent me an ear before. Ah, what do you think I could get with a leg a limp?
00:33:33Gee we have fun together
00:33:36I'll let you in on a little secret
00:33:40This dinner tonight constitutes a long-term relationship for me
00:33:45You're a hit and run kind of guy no
00:33:49Not exactly
00:33:51My last long relationship was with my wife
00:33:55Oh, we fought fighting to us was involuntary it was like breathing
00:34:02She thought that I didn't pay enough attention to her
00:34:06I thought she paid too much attention to the guys
00:34:09Finally, we fought our way all the way to a marriage counselor
00:34:13You know the type unctuous always eating yogurt wood chips
00:34:20Said that I kept myself busy fighting social issues because I was afraid of a real one-to-one relationship
00:34:27Maybe you are
00:34:29Isn't everybody?
00:34:31I'm not
00:34:37Still being a social worker is kind of like banging your head against a brick wall
00:34:42Well, you must believe it's getting arrested three times as any indication
00:34:47You're doing your homework, huh?
00:34:49Well, I don't usually go out with criminals
00:34:53I've looked so long
00:34:55Well, that's one one what thing we have in common
00:34:59Well, that's two
00:35:01What's the other?
00:35:02My ex had tendencies to roam like yours
00:35:06You're kidding
00:35:08I think he was a fool. That's three
00:35:12Oh, sorry, i'm like a tight wire police training just checking for weapons
00:35:20Criminal training i'm off duty. Well, you don't want to deny yourself these little pleasures in life
00:35:27Huh take all the fun out of it. Hey, I could be lying, you know, uh, no lies
00:35:34I'm sick of lies
00:35:37Well, the truth is I would like to kiss you but i'm kind of nervous
00:35:46Hey, come on man, come on hurry it up
00:35:53Hold on a second. Okay, don't go away. I'll be right back get back from where what are you talking about?
00:36:00Wait a minute. Hey
00:36:16I ask her out. She locks me up. Okay, I can understand that I take her out. She steals my car. Okay, I can deal with that
00:36:33But what would you do if I asked her to marry me kill me? Okay, I can live with that
00:37:01All right
00:37:31I'm so sorry
00:37:36You know, i'll do whatever I can to help you get it fixed
00:37:42It could have been such a coup in the department
00:37:45I mean it looked like a clear-cut case of b&e right any cop worth his salt would have pursued them
00:37:54You guys supposed to know they were moving they were only moving
00:38:20What is so damn funny
00:38:28Taxi hey
00:38:37Come back you haven't finished wrecking my life
00:38:47Hey, hey, I can't live on this pittance I need more don't touch me perhaps we should consider seeking employment
00:38:59You come with me
00:39:03Well, this is the last time we're gonna have this conversation
00:39:07For christ's sake how can you steal social security checks from your own mother?
00:39:11It's not only illegal. It's disgusting
00:39:31Patrolman edwards summons you to dinner 8 12 belmont street 9 tonight the money's for cab fare
00:39:42Come on wendell, she's the only mother you have
00:39:47What do you say screw you
00:39:50Wendell i'm gonna make this nice and simple you take one more check of hers
00:40:08I'm on my way
00:40:14Oh my god
00:40:25What happened they
00:40:28Never turned her death
00:40:30Back off must have been colder than a deep freeze in her place last night. All her body heat's been drained away
00:40:36Will she make it? Well, she's got severe hypothermia. All we can do is keep her warm
00:40:41You always have to do it alone what's so wrong with accepting a little help
00:40:49I was just beginning to like you
00:40:53Bleeding heart and all
00:41:00Don't get your hopes up. I'm not saying it would have gone any further
00:41:10Difference doesn't make I think i'll have a little more don't bother
00:41:22I admit you're good-looking
00:41:25I'm more exciting
00:41:30More intelligent
00:41:34Oh, well, if you knew some of the guys i've gone out with
00:41:53Asked martha once if she believed in god
00:41:56She said she wasn't sure but if she ever
00:41:58ran across him
00:42:00She had a couple things. She wanted to ask him
00:42:03Why did he make more horses asses than he did horses?
00:42:06And why do so many good people die young so many old fools like her just seem to go on forever
00:42:14If we had more old fools like her
00:42:18This world would be a lot better place
00:42:27The damn gas company they won't get away with this
00:43:20I don't wish to destroy your revelry
00:43:23But your files as usual are strangely absent from my entry go away. Susan
00:43:28Don't provoke me. Mr. Hunt unless you wish to become a client of this office rather than an employee
00:43:34I suggest you move your derriere and get your files into my off. Damn it. Cecil
00:44:18Yes, who's daddy's baby yes
00:44:28Thank heaven for tender mercies
00:44:34Oh my god, what have you done? No, not my in-and-outs I need my in-and-outs
00:44:45Oh get them all back, please god get them all back
00:44:50He threw out my in-and-outs
00:44:53But don't just sit there
00:44:55Do something if you came here for help forget it. I need you have to learn to stand on your own
00:45:00If you leave it up to us, we'll study you
00:45:03Food stamp you back branch you and counsel you and computerize you and then follow your ass under a
00:45:09He threw out my in-and-outs
00:45:17More drinks boys
00:45:20I don't want anything to numb this pain coffee tea triple tequila. I don't want to forget and I don't want them to forget either
00:45:27Forget it. They already forgot it
00:45:30Shut off an old woman's heat
00:45:32Yank out an old man's phone. They flick off the power to god knows how many homes
00:45:37I'm tired of the whole friggin mess
00:45:42You gotta help me eddie, what do you want me to do about it? I want to make them bleed
00:46:20I don't hardly believe it. There's no alarm system. No laser scan not even a damn. So
00:46:27Does that mean
00:46:29It means they don't think there's anything worth stealing
00:46:33Any jerk walk off the street come in here
00:46:39I can't beat this
00:47:14Oh my god
00:47:19All right, oh i'm hot come on feet
00:47:25Oh, yeah
00:47:34All right
00:47:44Okay, let's do it
00:48:13All right, this girl knows what she's doing bob now we see if it takes
00:48:25That's it bob simplistico see
00:48:32It's obvious
00:48:39Thank you, thank you very much
00:49:07Oh, yeah, yeah
00:49:39Hello i'm having problems with my gas bill the problem is you've paid me sir
00:49:44We do not buy gas. We sell gas. We have a lot of gas
00:49:54It's a refund I was probably overpaid last year 28 000
00:49:59And you wanted to switch the oil
00:50:05Have a complaint. Uh, how come my neighbor's got two thousand dollars now? I got only 200
00:50:11Hello department of water and power, uh, yeah, the gas company sent me a refund. Why is it you aren't doing your job?
00:50:19But mama look it's such a big o to you
00:50:26Only in america, hello, I'd like to switch a gas
00:50:32Dennis steinhauser federal bureau of investigation peter bloom federal bureau of investigation kenneth knight
00:50:37Eastern gas and electric company. We'd like to see the files on your employees
00:50:43on every one of your employees
00:50:45Could you give us
00:50:55How did those old people get in here they walked in walked in I know they walked in don't get rid of them
00:51:01Get him out of here. Will you?
00:51:03Appropriate law enforcement agencies are currently taking the necessary steps to ensure a thorough and proper investigation
00:51:10Now when that's been completed, uh, we'll make an official announcement
00:51:13Are you gonna put in that statement that the gas was turned off and that's why the poor old lady
00:51:18Roasted her you killed her. Uh, listen, you better say something woodland. Say something
00:51:23That's then in the dead of winter. They turned off the heat. That's how she died. You killed her for a few lousy dollars
00:51:28Rose to death night. What is this about someone freezing today?
00:51:32The only reason that we would discontinue anyone's service is for non-payment
00:51:43Concerning the computer malfunction
00:51:52Well, we assume that the criminal brushed up against the wet paint or a warning of some kind
00:51:55Oh, absolutely not. Now. This is a this is clearly
00:52:00An act of one deranged individual. It looks to me like he's giving you the finger
00:52:10And the identity of the person or persons who broke into the gas company and reprogrammed the computer to refund a still undisclosed sum of money
00:52:18Remains a mystery tonight. The only clue so far is the symbol left near the computer
00:52:23That's a very personal message i'd say all day long cars jam the streets around the gas company
00:52:28Howling honking and flashing the gesture that has become synonymous with their hero
00:52:33And in fact larry I think that the public is giving the finger a big hand
00:52:38If that isn't enough a group of angry citizens marched into the gas company today protesting the death of dr
00:52:44Martha rogers whom they claim
00:52:46froze to death
00:52:52Who is it I couldn't stand it anymore
00:52:58There I was at home two bottles of champagne no glasses
00:53:03two chairs
00:53:06One person
00:53:08I had to come
00:53:13You know, I pissed off at you
00:53:15You are the most gorgeous
00:53:18Wonderful. Why haven't you called me sexy?
00:53:22I'm asking gorgeous. You've said gorgeous already. No, I can't stand it. I can't stop thinking about you robert. I want to talk
00:53:29I want to have your babies robert. Listen to me. Somebody sabotaged the the gas company. I know it's very wonderful
00:53:37How can you think about that at a time like us?
00:53:40Don't you feel the vibrations?
00:53:42Excitement exhilaration
00:53:46What is wrong with you
00:53:49Nothing that doesn't affect every man several times in his life
00:53:55Listen robert. Did you have anything to do with the gas company sabotage?
00:54:00You have the same problem I do what you talk too much
00:54:08I have to know something. You're right. I confess damn it. I'm not a virgin, but it wasn't my fault. There were too many of them
00:54:15Robert seriously, I've got to know did you have anything to do with it? Yes
00:54:28Don't think we should talk first. Are you kidding?
00:54:40This better be good
00:54:53I loved it
00:54:56What did you expect bells
00:54:59Yeah and whistles cannons trumpets
00:55:04the cover of newsweek
00:55:10Too much
00:55:14Give it time
00:55:17How much five minutes
00:56:06Phone companies had it coming for a long time. They're all monopolies competition
00:56:14The leeches they're bloodsuckers i'm with you remember I want to bring them to their knees
00:56:18I really want to make them pay. I want them to feel it like they have never felt anything
00:56:27Let's go
00:56:43Hello hello lovely lady
00:56:45Good evening
00:56:47Good evening to you lucky for you, but we go to work now
00:56:52You have a nice day we go to work
00:56:59You're not going to like this I don't like anything this early in the morning
00:57:02I can't find any billing not even one charge to a single accountant. It's all just gone
00:57:10Everybody quiet down. All right, go ahead
00:57:13Miles henderson president of trans ally telephone and telegraph denies rumors that the entire city is receiving free telephone service
00:57:20But wbu's has learned that the finger has struck again by erasing billing tapes in the meantime phone lines are jammed
00:57:30Sure mom, I know it cost a lot of money to call you in rome
00:57:33But I want all you grandchildren to wish you a happy birthday
00:57:38Yes, I know. It's not your birthday
00:57:41Yes, I know it's not your birthday, but listen
00:57:46So what's it like living in france great so anyway, have you heard the mystics double album, is it great?
00:57:53Oh, hold on. I'll play it for you
00:57:57Yes, this is switzerland. Do you have the correct time?
00:58:01Hey, is this the dolly lammy today? This is it now. You got a few minutes
00:58:06Eternity great start with the meaning of life and then move on to the tough question. Hello. Is this china good?
00:58:12I'd like an order of chicken chow mein eight for young and fried rice. Would you deliver?
00:58:18Her majesty the queen will speak to you your majesty
00:58:24I've been with trans ally telephone and telegraph for 30 years. Never never have things been so bleak
00:58:3311 million dollars
00:58:36Right down the commode
00:58:41Damn it miles
00:58:43I'm not gonna see my company held up to this ridicule by this
00:58:48Communist cowboy the fbi feels very close to an arrest up the fbi
00:58:54I've got a utility commission hearing day after tomorrow
00:58:59I want the bastard killed
00:59:01I know how you feel kim, but I think it'd be a good idea if we found out who it was first
00:59:09Better go find out what the bad news is
00:59:13I'll keep in touch
00:59:27Maybe we should sir the finger
00:59:31Get him to work for us. Can I get you a drink anything? You read me jay?
00:59:40Right now this
00:59:45Whoever he is
00:59:47Is our biggest liability
00:59:50Damn near a three-mile island
00:59:53But what's to keep him from being our biggest?
00:59:56What's to keep him from being our biggest
01:00:03Hire an imposter to pretend he's the finger
01:00:07I don't think I need to stress the importance of this job or to give you a speech on cotton country
01:00:13But that's just what this is all about
01:00:16Your money will be paid half now
01:00:18Half upon completion if you're caught we'll disavow any knowledge of your existence
01:00:24You've been highly recommended and we're all counting on you as an extra added bonus your taxes have not been withheld
01:00:31most important
01:00:33Be sure to leave the sign of the finger
01:00:35you know
01:00:37I'd give my right arm to be in your place
01:00:45Jack this is a war albeit an undeclared one
01:00:49And if the people want a finger
01:00:52I say let it be
01:01:15Come on a year's a long time and a lot of water's gone under the bridge. What do you say?
01:01:20Do you still have that moment?
01:01:22No, what happened?
01:01:24Somebody ate it
01:01:25officer edwards
01:01:27Dennis steinhauser federal bureau of investigation peter bloom federal bureau of investigation. We'd like to talk to you about a mr
01:01:34Robert hunt the man you arrested in connection with the gas company
01:01:54Look you got eight kids and you're 27 years old. You got to get this under control. Now. What about the diaphragm?
01:01:58My husband says he doesn't want anything up me but him
01:02:02Arrest that man
01:02:12Who the hell do you think you are some avenging angel the finger of god, is that it?
01:02:17Just how far gone are you do you hear voices in the night?
01:02:20Nobody else could ever be right could they only the almighty bob and when he speaks you better listen
01:02:26Because if you don't he might get mad and blow someone up. You could have killed somebody. Did you ever think about that?
01:02:31What the hell are you talking about?
01:02:36Get him out of here. Yes, sir
01:03:28Remember the bay of pigs shit
01:03:32This is beyond belief. I asked you for a patron. You give me a psychopath
01:03:37He doesn't know the difference between reality and fantasy
01:03:42I gotta give you credit jack
01:03:44Will you screw things up? You screw them up royally?
01:03:47You have placed this company in an unforgivable jeopardous position. Now you find that lunatic and stop it
01:03:56Let's go wait in the car, what do you say?
01:04:04No comment no comment charges against you tough because another substation was blown up don't make the deal are you the fingers no pictures
01:04:09Please we're just good friends. If you didn't blow up the substation then who can if you're not the finger then who wins?
01:04:14Eastern gas says they're going to ask for another 13 million at the hearing tomorrow because of the damaged substation. Can you comment on that?
01:04:19Yeah, fine comment. Go ahead. What the hell use is a comment?
01:04:23If they ask for another 13 million, they'll get it. It's that simple. Thank you very much
01:04:29Don't you think the utilities commission is protecting people's interests
01:04:32They haven't denied a rate increase in 100 years, what do you think?
01:04:44We got something planned something so big something so incredible they'll never forget it
01:04:59Go ahead bob tell them the whole thing just like you told me
01:05:02The protest are you planning
01:05:06A demonstration a massive public protest against the utilities companies. Come on. What are you gonna do?
01:05:12I uh, do you have a plan or don't you? Yeah, we have a plan. I want everyone to uh
01:05:18Go ahead bob. Tell them
01:05:21Use less use less
01:05:24Yeah, turn things off what's the lights right turn your lights off tomorrow night at eight o'clock at eight o'clock during the hearing
01:05:31Of course during the hearing when else?
01:05:34Eight o'clock tomorrow night. Well, don't you think you're being unrealistic? Isn't that a little too much to hope for?
01:05:41What's your plan our only hope of stopping this insanity is impossible
01:05:47Everyone turn off your lights don't leave it up to the other guy
01:05:51If you turn off your lights, then maybe we can show the commissioners that
01:05:54We're fed up. There are millions of us
01:05:58But who's gonna care about us if we don't care about each other
01:06:05Tomorrow night eight o'clock turn on
01:06:22The city jack our city
01:06:25Look at it. Feel it. Listen to it. Ah
01:06:28It's a part of us and without us there would be no sony zenith rca
01:06:34Maytag a man of black and decker
01:06:36Without us jack the consumers are nothing more than educated cavemen
01:06:42Great stuff and tomorrow jack
01:06:45Our cavemen will learn that education costs money
01:07:01Just thought you might want to celebrate with me why do you win the asshole of the year award? Oh
01:07:08That's good. I like that
01:07:11You will be thrilled to know that the eastern p and g has withdrawn their request for the most obscene rate increase in history
01:07:20Because they're filing for an obscener one
01:07:23An emergency expenditures they call it. It seems that they're passing along all the costs of the finger right on to the public
01:07:31Great, huh? Don't you get it? This actually helps them get everything that they wanted
01:07:43Don't take it so hard quit trying to be everybody's hero
01:07:51Well today's the day men
01:07:53This afternoon at the hearing. I want everything to go like clockwork
01:07:56Now leave it. I want you to hit the commission with facts statistics
01:08:01and lots of bullshit
01:08:03Jack what about that maniac friend of yours the hook? I've checked his home his office his girlfriends his boyfriends
01:08:09I'll stay on top of it, sir
01:08:11We'll get him you damn well better and fast
01:08:14Now the commission fill me in
01:08:17Leonard wilcox, he doesn't drink doesn't smoke a born again pervert. Yes
01:08:29Matthew clark his vote could go either way
01:08:32we hoped he'd be dead before the hearing sir, but uh
01:08:36Unfortunately, he's still going strong
01:08:39Who the hell is that gilda hoffman the chairperson leeland
01:08:45Seeing her for the past six months
01:08:49I could watch for her vote if you know what I mean
01:08:55Uh, i'm not so sure about that leeland
01:09:00She's been
01:09:02Sleeping with a certain young man by the name of charles lewis
01:09:06We've had a bug on her for the past three months
01:09:11Well, she couldn't
01:09:24Eight o'clock
01:09:39Lights out lights out
01:09:51Sunny and warm for most of the south and southwest while hurricane lisa makes her way northward over the mid-atlantic states
01:09:58The great lakes region will be cold with winds gusting to 20 miles per hour
01:10:03Here in the city it's been snowing for half an hour, but with the temperature drop it should stop just in time for the evening
01:10:40It's those old people again jack
01:10:43Where do they come from?
01:10:55Hey everybody
01:10:57Good afternoon cable viewers here
01:10:59As promised is mtv's exclusive live coverage of the eastern gas and electrics 13 million dollar rate hearing
01:11:06From public utilities commission room four on this bleak cold day
01:11:11A day when all that warm air you've got at home could jump in cost as much as a third or even by a half
01:11:18Of what you're now paying
01:11:38And here to represent eg and e is kenneth knight the company president along with his lawyer
01:11:44Leland thompson and pr executive jack reynolds
01:12:00The commissioners who will judge the cases presented are chairperson gilda hoffman one-time municipal politician and right-to-life activist
01:12:13Along with deputies leonard wilcox a political appointee
01:12:16Circus, what do they think? This is a democracy and matthew clark the democratic candidate in the state gubernatorial race
01:12:28This is the time and place set for the hearing in the matter of the application of the eastern electric and gas company
01:12:35for authority to increase rates
01:12:42Settle down, please
01:12:44This commission will not tolerate public outbursts. I want that understood
01:12:48Otherwise, I will order a closed hearing, but that's not very helpful
01:12:54Is the applicant ready to proceed we are madam chairperson
01:13:00On behalf of eastern gas and electric I would like to state that an increase in rates
01:13:05Is as onerous to us as it is to these concerned citizens gathered here today
01:13:30If the commission will please turn to page three
01:13:33Paragraph nine of the application
01:14:06Repair and replace our equipment which was deliberately destroyed by these recent acts of unamerican terrorism
01:14:18The only course open to the commission is a rate increase
01:14:23This is our first and foremost goal
01:14:28Thank you gentlemen for your presentation
01:14:33Great stuff, I know and now as provided by law the public is invited to testify
01:15:03Now madam chairlady who is in charge here
01:15:07Is he the boss here, sir? The commission does not regulate the gas company's employment your name and address
01:15:12They can come and blow me up in the middle of the night
01:15:16God said let there be light but
01:15:20The eastern gas and electric company says no first. Let there be
01:15:27a deposit
01:15:28Well, the lord is watching. Mr. Knight
01:15:32And that is why i'm here today to join our hero
01:15:37the finger
01:15:38in saying to you
01:15:41Take your rate increase and
01:15:56Once again, they are asking you to charge us more money
01:16:00So that they can go away and find new ways to spend more money
01:16:03So that the next time when they are allowed to ask for even more money
01:16:07They will have already spent all of this money
01:16:10Well, I have a better idea
01:16:12Why not give them less money then they'll have to go away and find new ways to spend less money and maybe next time
01:16:18They won't have enough money to come here and ask us for any more money
01:16:32I got news for you your service stinks. I waited there for two days freezing my butt off all my plants died
01:16:40And my bird froze to death what am I supposed to do with a frozen bird?
01:16:46Oh, mr. Peepers
01:16:59Testing testing
01:17:01Attention all units attention all units. Will someone please escort this person from the proceedings? No, he has a right to speak
01:17:13Just wanted to say that I had eggs this morning
01:17:16Usually I eat scrambled but not the runny kind. I don't like the runny kind
01:17:22I like the dry kind with a little bit of salt, but not too much salt just enough to make them taste salty
01:17:30Will you please get to the point? There is a family of tiny puerto rican businessmen living in my kitchen sink
01:17:37Sir, this is irrelevant
01:17:39This morning I turned around and there were two eggs staring back at me from the skillet
01:17:44These eggs have been hired by eastern gas to keep tabs on me. How do you know they're out to get you?
01:17:49I know because when I put my utility bills in the toaster, they catch fire and try to burn me
01:17:54I think we've heard enough from this raving lunatic
01:17:57And that's why we should take all of america's static electricity and put it into this sweater and send it into space
01:18:04So that we won't suffer from any more static cling
01:18:07Is it any wonder that people like him go insane trying to make sense of the bills the bureaucratic breakdowns the unjustified rate increases?
01:18:14That's right. That's what I was trying to say. I'm not a dinosaur
01:18:39That concludes the public testimony, oh that's it if you don't do something else we can proceed
01:18:44The commission will call a vote to the proposition before us
01:18:48Mr. Wilcox, uh, wait a second. Wait a second. I got something to say
01:18:54When I uh first started working for the social services offices, the public testimony is over
01:18:58My first clients was an 84 year old. You are out of order
01:19:03I will have you forcibly removed from this room if you do not stop immediately
01:19:14Let him speak why'd he come up real pain in the ass
01:19:22Proceed mr. Hunt
01:19:36Say something say something I am the finger
01:19:49I sabotaged eastern gas and electric companies billing computers. Mr. Hunt. Are you aware that you're incriminating yourself?
01:19:55I also sabotaged the phone company, but I never blew up any substations and I never did anything violent
01:20:02Wait a minute. Hold on
01:20:03He doesn't know what he's talking about. He doesn't know a computer from a dictaphone
01:20:08I masterminded the whole thing. I'm the finger. I tell you i'm the finger. They know one of them are telling the truth
01:20:14I am the real finger
01:20:17I am the hand behind the finger
01:20:21I tell you i'm the finger listen, listen, I appreciate what you're all doing
01:20:28She is the finger
01:20:32Any one of you is the finger
01:20:35Is irrelevant to this commission and it's irrelevant to the eastern gas and electric company that an old woman died to them
01:20:41She was a lousy 58 77 now, that's libelous
01:20:45I request the chairperson to order him to step down. Oh, you'd like to ram this thing right through wouldn't you before eight o'clock?
01:20:52Before the lights go out you say that that's the end of public testimony. Well, it's not it's out there
01:20:56At eight o'clock tonight when the city's lights go out that's the final testimony those lights won't go out
01:21:04Those lights will keep burning the same as every night. Are you afraid to wait until eight o'clock afraid?
01:21:11You think i'm afraid of you and your leaflets
01:21:14You're pathetic and I challenge you to wait night
01:21:18Mr. Hunt for the chair's permission
01:21:21I accept your little challenge
01:21:26Would you
01:21:44Reality has set in strong in this hearing room since the initial flush of victory now
01:21:49There's a sense of nervous anticipation
01:21:52As these people wonder whether the city will back them up and visually demonstrate their support for this small group's protest on their behalf
01:21:59These people are afraid afraid the lights may not go out at eight o'clock
01:22:03And that the commissioners will use this moment to back eastern gas and electric in their massive increase
01:22:09It is 16 seconds before eight o'clock. The moon is still quiet and incredibly
01:22:15These people are still waiting 10 seconds to go
01:22:19Nine eight seconds seven six five four seconds three
01:22:25Two one. It's eight o'clock
01:22:33Well, mr. Hunt
01:22:40Great increase will be voted on now. Now. Wait a minute. Wait just a minute. Mr. Wilcox. How do you vote?
01:22:45I vote yay
01:22:49Is that what you mean mr. Clark I vote nay
01:22:56I've got it. I beg your pardon madam chairperson, but I have information that directly relates to this commission
01:23:02May I remind you that a hearing is in progress? I am a police officer
01:23:08No one is to leave this room. That is an order. I have an arrest
01:23:11No, not again
01:23:17We have evidence on the man who has been blowing up the substations
01:23:23In his diaries he refers to himself as a patriot working for a great man whom he names and who is in this room
01:23:34And that great man is kenneth knight
01:23:38Mr. Knight, you are under arrest
01:24:02This man would sabotage his own substations to manipulate the public
01:24:06Substations to manipulate public opinion to subvert these hearings to achieve his own ends
01:24:12Please turn out your lights, please. Don't you see how important it is if you don't show them how strong we are
01:24:17They'll keep doing it again and again
01:24:19I don't mean for a week or a day but just for a minute just to show them that they can't keep walking all over us
01:25:16This commission denies the rate increase this hearing is now over
01:25:45I'm amazed
01:25:50It was pretty terrific, wasn't it what amazes me is you haven't said a word in over two hours
01:25:58I've been kind of busy
01:26:02I like you like this a lot
01:26:05No statistics no speeches
01:26:09One statistic make it short
01:26:14Nine months after the new york city blackout there was an 11.5 increase in the birth rate
01:26:23What are you doing now