Kementerian PUPR: Satgas Investasi IKN Akan Wujudkan MoU dan Realisasi

  • last month
Satgas Percepatan Investasi IKN resmi dibentuk. Kementerian PUPR yakin, dengan hadirnya Satgas Investasi IKN realisasi investasi di IKN akan semakin banyak.


00:00The Ministry of Public Works and Housing is confident that with the presence of the IKN Investment Fund, the realization of investment in the IKN will be even greater.
00:20The Ministry of Public Works and Housing responds positively to the presence of the IKN Investment Fund in the capital city of Nusantara.
00:29SatGas is set to have an important role in the realization of investment in the capital city of Nusantara in the 25th presidential election in 2024.
00:39The Ministry of Investment, Bali Lahadalia, as the Chair of SatGas, Minister of Public Works and Housing Basuki Hadimulyono is part of the SatGas membership.
00:48In addition, the position of Basuki Hadimulyono as the Chief Leader of the IKN Authority also makes him join the position as the Chair of the SatGas Investment Acceleration Committee of the IKN.
00:58The Minister of Public Works and Housing, Endra Atmawijaya, said that the SatGas Investment Committee of the IKN was formed with the spirit to accelerate the realization of investment in the IKN.
01:08In this regard, including to promote the realization of the Letter of Intent or LOI or the letter of statement of interest that has previously entered.
01:16The target of the establishment of SatGas is not to look for new investors, but to promote the acceleration of the realization of the interest of investors to the IKN that has existed before.
01:25The hope is that the process can be pushed until there is a concrete step in the form of a note of agreement or a Memorandum of Understanding and the implementation of the project.
01:34Meanwhile, based on the data of the IKN Authority, at least now there are as many as 423 letters of intent from private, local and foreign investors.
01:44From that amount, at least 60 investors have been curated to be pushed to speed up its implementation.
01:50In addition, the government is currently preparing a number of incentives to smooth the way for investors to enter the IKN.
