What are you looking for this preseason game?

  • last month
What are you looking for this preseason game? As a Patriots' fan?
00:00I'll be looking for from Mayo is just like how he handles certain
00:06situations that happen in the game like, you know,
00:09fourth in one what's his decision like, you know, look
00:13Those are the things that you're gonna try to judge him on in the preseason the best way you can but
00:20Those are the come those are the things within the game where we're gonna start comparing him to bill
00:26How is the team prepared are they jumping off sides a lot right are we seeing
00:31Situationally, they know what to do or they don't know what to do
00:34How is he handling all of those things will be some of the things that you can look for to see like, okay
00:42Hey, they played a clean game. Not a lot of mistakes, especially the the first and second units you go
00:49Okay, they played a clean game. Not a lot of mistakes. Not a lot of
00:53Stupid penalties. Yeah, you'd be looking for things like that. But I think that's what he's probably gonna be focused on himself
01:00I'm just worried about Drake me. That's all I find interesting if the offensive line can remain somewhat
01:06protective of him and
01:08See how he looks see how the the the offense gets the line wiggies good point about the just how the offense
01:15Looks, is it seamless? Are they the the penalties of the years past continuing delay of games inability to get the the play and all
01:22That I think that I don't think fourth and one is gonna be much of a thing tonight
01:25But I think that the Drake may performance and tomorrow morning. My guess is everybody's in love with Joe Milton
01:32Because I think so because this is made for him last year
01:35Who was the guy that we all fell in love with the quarterback that wasn't even on the team?
01:39Only Cunningham Malik magic. Yeah, that'll be the fourth quarter Steve Burton. He'll be jumping up and down
01:47Well, what will you is there something you'll be looking for whether it's for Mayo whether it's
01:52I mean, I think we're all in agreeance that Curtis is right
01:55We all want to see Drake may but is there's only reason people will be there
01:57But is there something specifically that you want to see?
02:01I think I will reserve judgment till the regular season gets here and when it really matters
02:08Like I think that you know, if you're gonna compare him to Bill Belichick, which inevitably is going to happen
02:14Mm-hmm. It's gonna be the strategic in-game stuff
