How is Drake Maye so far in camp?

  • 2 months ago
Drake Maye hit or bust? What is your prediction?
00:00I was very right about Mac Jones. I was dead accurate on Mac Jones, actually.
00:04You're talking about somebody that came from Alabama versus somebody that came from North Carolina.
00:09Yes, exactly. Mac Jones was much farther along in the process, but had way less of a ceiling when he came out of college.
00:15How many years did Mac Jones start in college?
00:17Okay, what are you talking about, Sean?
00:19He played for a better offense.
00:20You just said further along.
00:22Yes, Curtis. That was literally the whole point Bedard made, by the way. You just completely misinterpreted it.
00:27Is that Mac Jones entering training camp as a rookie was much farther along than Drake May is.
00:33No, he's talking about things he's able to do at this stage of training camp in relation to Mac Jones.
00:39Yes, Curtis. That is exactly what much farther along means. Get with the program, please.
00:43Wait, wait, wait, wait, Mike. Wait one second.
00:47So, Sean, you thought at this stage of training camp, Mac Jones was going to be more ahead of Drake May.
00:53Yes, but Curtis, he didn't have...
00:55That is such a laughable thing, Sean.
00:57Curtis, no it's not. You need to open your ears and listen for a second.
01:01Because you are just ignoring everything and you just want me to be wrong.
01:06Am I losing my mind, Greg? Did Sean belly bump after one practice at OTAs?
01:11Yes, he did.
01:12What are you talking about? I got excited about one throw. I didn't belly bump anybody.
01:16You can't do it that way.
01:17I don't have a belly anymore, so get it right.
01:19Good point.
01:20Anyway, there's no S.
01:22Anyways, here's the issue because the thing is Mac Jones came out of college.
01:27That was Mac Jones' big thing.
01:29He was quote-unquote pro-ready because he could step in and more or less run an NFL offense, which was completely accurate.
01:36However, does not have the physical tools or ability that Drake May has.
01:40And thus, Drake May has a far, far higher ceiling than Mac Jones will and has ever had.
01:46And so that is the major difference.
01:48And that was the whole thing coming into the draft was that everybody was worried about Drake May's footwork and how he was going to adjust.
01:54But he's going to adjust just fine because he's really, really talented.
01:57And it just takes a couple practices.
01:59It's been one padded practice for the love of God.
02:01Okay, can we go to the audio where Shyam predicted he would suck at training camp because I can't find it anywhere.
02:06See, Greg, this is worse.
02:07Curtis, it's been one day. He hasn't sucked at training camp.
02:10He was awful yesterday.
02:11He was awful.
02:12They may want to raise the ceiling that you're talking about.
02:15They may want to raise it because he will most likely throw a ball in.
