• 2 months ago
Hollyoaks 8th August 2024


00:00Did you know that Rex was working for Blake?
00:01And Warren's still out there.
00:03But who wants him dead?
00:04You know, when I heard a man who'd just been shot was moving in next door,
00:08I wasn't best pleased.
00:09You're getting our trouble from me.
00:10Look at us. A proper family.
00:13It's all of us all wanted.
00:16So I am really grateful for everything you've done
00:18trying to get my Curtis back out of care.
00:26Where'd you get this?
00:27I don't think that's a question you should be asking.
00:29I think you should be asking.
00:30Now you know, what are you going to do about it?
01:59You need to get back to Casa McQueen.
02:10It won't run itself.
02:12Come on, Sal. Don't be a sourpuss.
02:13Just give me 10 more minutes. It'll be fine.
02:20What are you doing here?
02:22I was planning a surprise for Mercedes tomorrow.
02:25A naming ceremony for the twins.
02:27I was hoping you'd come.
02:28I think we've made our feelings perfectly clear.
02:30We don't want you anywhere near us.
02:32I get it.
02:33I wish I could prove to you how much I've changed.
02:36But you can't take my mistake out on Mercedes.
02:38She doesn't deserve it.
02:39This was more than just a mistake.
02:42We will never see Hunter again because of your actions.
02:45I know that.
02:46But I also know how much family means to you all.
02:50You might have lost the last piece of Hunter.
02:52Finding out that Zoe's baby isn't his.
02:54But there are two little baby McQueens over there that need you.
02:59I mean, we could show our faces.
03:01Absolutely not!
03:02No, I meant no.
03:03You know, I find it ridiculous
03:05that you could use the Zoe situation to try and point score for yourself.
03:10You've not changed at all.
03:13And the sooner Mercedes figures that out for herself
03:16and leaves you the hell alone, the better.
03:29What if he's been run over?
03:31Or he could have been beaten up?
03:32Or worse, he could be lying in a ditch somewhere.
03:35I'm sure if he is, he's got an empty bottle of Bordeaux in his hand.
03:38This is James we're talking about.
03:40He's probably gone on some fancy little wine bender.
03:42His phone battery's just died.
03:44Do you reckon?
03:47Or, listen, what if he's been held up somewhere?
03:51By who?
03:55Right, I will go out and I will look for him.
03:56And you can stay here in case he comes back.
03:58Thanks, Thea.
03:59Yeah, Thea.
04:03You all right?
04:04Dad, mister.
04:06Oh, no, you can do one right now.
04:08Oh, well, hello to you too.
04:10Well, it's business, all right?
04:11No pleasure.
04:13Word on the street is that Warren has got a cheeky supply of drugs hidden somewhere.
04:18So we've hit a bit of a drought.
04:20So Blue wants Warren's supply.
04:23You know, consider it compo for the burnt cash.
04:26And oh, yeah, trying to burn me along with it.
04:27Warren's supply is his business, OK?
04:29I haven't got time for this.
04:31James has gone missing.
04:33Oh, no, what a shame.
04:35Hang on, have you got something to do with this?
04:37Because if you have, I swear-
04:38Oh, well, it's not my handiwork, unfortunately.
04:41Although James disappearing wouldn't be the worst thing for us.
04:45Come on, we both know you enjoyed our little session.
04:48Look, there is no us.
04:49You were a mistake.
04:52The only man I want right now is my husband.
04:54So can you get out, please?
05:03Are you finishing up?
05:04Oh, no, I had my breakfast on my break.
05:08Night shifts play havoc with my appetite.
05:10Well, waste not, want not.
05:11Have any of you guys seen my keys?
05:13I've got to drive Vanessa but told me in five minutes ago.
05:18I'll see you later.
05:19Actually, I'm hanging out with Lucas in a bit.
05:21Can he come round for dinner?
05:22No, no, he can't.
05:24No, he can't.
05:25Dad and Miz were having a romantic meal so we are clearing out.
05:28No, that's not necessary.
05:30No, it's fine.
05:31You two lovebirds enjoy.
05:33I'm a go as well.
05:34I've got somewhere to be.
05:36You don't have to stay out.
05:40Okay, what is going on?
05:41Why are you so on edge?
05:42You've been out with Dad before.
05:44I'm fine.
05:45And this dinner isn't the big deal you think it is.
05:48Come on, you're practically together already.
05:51I mean, plus it'd do you some good to have a little snug in private
05:53without us being around.
05:56Actually, we haven't kissed since our indiscretion.
06:02And the ink's barely dry on my divorce
06:04and I'm only just getting to know Donny.
06:06It all feels a bit quick.
06:09You are overthinking this way too much.
06:12Dad's a great cook.
06:13You're single and stunning.
06:16Just enjoy yourself, yeah?
06:23James, where have you been?
06:30I'm just coming to love you.
06:30I've got Leah out searching.
06:32I slept at the office.
06:35Well, she's already been there.
06:36She said it was in darkness.
06:39You've had me worried sick.
06:41Right, do you not answer your phone?
06:47Is there anything you need to tell me?
06:50Nothing you feel the need to be truthful about?
06:54We don't have secrets from each other anymore, do we?
07:01What about Alan?
07:08Well, you can't stomach it.
07:10No, I couldn't either.
07:13Grace could, though.
07:15She was positively gleeful when she handed me that.
07:19Yeah, I thought about it all night.
07:23About hearing you out.
07:27But you just proved that you are incapable of telling the truth.
07:34So there's no way back for us now.
07:53There you go.
07:55Thanks for the flowers.
07:57Perks of the job, I guess.
07:58Taking them from your own market.
08:00I love you.
08:00No, I paid for them.
08:02Oh, thank you.
08:05I was hoping to chat to you, actually, about tonight.
08:11I was wondering what your expectations are.
08:14It's your expectations I'm worried about.
08:16You're a lady of very high standards.
08:22Why did you give Dave that video?
08:23What is wrong with you?
08:24Where do you think we get it from?
08:26I told you I'd get you back for what you and your little mate did to Freddie.
08:28He's not!
08:29Me mate?
08:30Right, he works for Blue.
08:31He's just some psycho who destroys people's lives.
08:34And you'd know all about that, wouldn't you?
08:37Are you working for Blue?
08:40Oi! Steve, what are you doing?
08:42What you got in here, eh?
08:43Got blue bullets.
08:45You have lost the plot!
08:47This is your fault!
08:48You shouldn't have had an affair with somebody else.
08:50What's the deal, sweetheart?
08:52He needs some privacy.
08:53Come on.
08:53Let's get you out of here.
08:54He needs to be locked up!
08:55That's enough, eh?
08:57I'll see you later.
09:02Wait, hang on.
09:02Aren't we meant to be the ones pulling all-nighters?
09:05Middle-aged men like James.
09:07I wish Dave was an all-nighter.
09:08You know, that's what's worse.
09:10I mean, Dad's really worried about him.
09:14Er, what's with the water guns?
09:16Just a little side hustle.
09:17Something that's gonna make me a lot of money for the start of summer.
09:20I need a little money-maker, too, you know?
09:22Scott said that I can come and stay with him and Freya in Spain for a holiday, right?
09:25But I need money for the plane tickets.
09:28But look at them.
09:29They're so cute.
09:29They're having so much fun.
09:31You know, why don't you ask your brother for some money?
09:33After his, er, business picks up.
09:35Oh, good idea.
09:36Yes, please.
09:37Afraid not.
09:38I'll go invest all my money into stocks and shares.
09:40You're such a bore.
09:41You won't be saying that when I'm rolling it in like Tom.
09:43Like Tom?
09:45Seriously, of all people, you wanna be like Tom?
09:47Say what you want about him,
09:48but a man knows what he's talking about when it comes to money.
09:52I don't know.
09:53I don't know.
09:55Yeah, I can think of more exciting ways to make it, though.
09:58Oh, Ethan, seriously?
09:59He's got, like, a dead murky past, right?
10:01So his ex-girlfriend's a gangster or something.
10:04Who cares?
10:05I know I'm getting to Spain and I'm gonna have fun doing it.
10:11Grace, please wait.
10:14Take Donny's advice and just go home.
10:16But I can't do that, can I?
10:18Jay's all speak to me.
10:19I just...
10:22I just need you to tell him
10:24that you give him that video of me and Rex sleeping together out of revenge.
10:27You did what?
10:28I don't know what all the fuss is about.
10:30It's not like I killed anyone.
10:31I just delivered the truth.
10:33And he deserves it after what he did to you.
10:35It wasn't Steve.
10:36It was Rex.
10:37Steve tried to untie me and let me go.
10:42Now's not the time for more lies, Steve.
10:44You're only digging yourself deeper.
10:46I'm gonna lose him, aren't I?
10:49Not if you're honest.
10:51I'm guessing you're never gonna do this kind of thing again, right?
10:53No, never.
10:54And you still are rock solid, yeah?
10:57Other than this, yeah.
10:58So consider this a clean slate.
11:00James can't throw your marriage away over some no-mark-like Rex.
11:04You gotta fight for him.
11:06You gotta convince him that you deserve a second chance
11:09by telling him the truth.
11:20Oh, yeah.
11:23You know we're closed, yeah?
11:25And even if we weren't, I wouldn't serve you.
11:27Not after last week.
11:28Come on.
11:29Tell you what, why don't you come back in a couple years
11:31after you've learned how to handle your drink?
11:34I'm not here for a drink, though.
11:35I'm actually after a job.
11:37Okay, well.
11:39We have no openings.
11:41I'm not even a tiny lot of money.
11:43I'm not even a tiny bit of money.
11:45I'm not even a tiny bit of money.
11:47Not even a tiny little spot I can wiggle my way into.
11:51No, Vicky.
11:52I'm not giving you a job.
11:53Come on, Ethan.
11:55Look, I really need the money.
11:56And plus, should a manager like you be doing menial jobs like this anyway?
11:59Well, my glass collector just left.
12:01But my bar staff are picking up the slack.
12:03Okay, but there'll be no slack if I'm around.
12:07Just give me a chance.
12:10Look, I will give you a trial shift tomorrow.
12:12Yeah, but no promises.
12:13Yes, thank you.
12:15That's all I need.
12:18Oh, and plus, once we've had a little bit of one-on-one time,
12:21I'll be begging you to stay.
12:34Don't speak, just listen.
12:37Grace only showed you that video out of revenge.
12:40And you know what?
12:41I'm glad she did.
12:43Because now it's not hanging over me,
12:44and there's no more lies between us.
12:46And yeah, I know you're gonna shout at me,
12:48you're gonna scream,
12:48you're gonna call me every single name under the...
13:00All right, I'll see you later.
13:01Yeah, later, son.
13:02Wait, you don't have to leave.
13:04I was only dropping something off.
13:05Don't want to kick the rest of the big day.
13:13The kids didn't have to leave so early.
13:16Did Vicky say where she was going?
13:18Oh, never mind then.
13:19Let's enjoy the peaceful ones here.
13:20I'll get your laughing gear, Elna.
13:25It's lovely.
13:28You've gone to a lot of trouble.
13:31Not trouble.
13:32You're worth it.
16:19I know what I did was unforgivable,
16:21and I'm gonna regret it for the rest of my life,
16:23but I'm asking for forgiveness.
16:27You need to understand, I was in the worst place.
16:31Yeah, I thought I was going to prison,
16:32and I only cut ties with you because
16:35the thought of us being apart, it was killing me.
16:37And your answer was to
16:40get a jumpstart on your prison rendezvous?
16:44I pushed you away so it wouldn't hurt so much when I did go to prison.
16:48Come on, think of everything that we've been through together.
16:52Your mum.
16:55What happened with Ella?
16:55You were there for me, weren't you?
16:57Yeah, you helped bring me back from the brink with the drugs.
17:00And this is how you repay me?
17:03We've been through so much worse than this.
17:05Don't throw it all away over one stupid decision.
17:10Do you love me?
17:15I'll never stop.
17:25Shh, sleeping.
17:28So, apparently we're having a naming ceremony.
17:31It was supposed to go to the loft.
17:34Babe, it's a really good idea,
17:36but Nana's gonna want to get him baptised good and proper, you know?
17:38I know.
17:39Well, it's just for a bit of fun.
17:41I just wanted to cheer you up.
17:42I asked your lot if they wanted to come, but they said no.
17:46I wouldn't have expected them to anyway.
17:49And I have got everything I need right here.
17:54I better get the bottles ready before the sleep feeds fully kick off.
17:59You're happy though, yeah?
18:01I'm made up.
18:07Oh, what's this?
18:08Came today.
18:21You're there off?
18:23Oh, I got them for you.
18:24They were supposed to arrive tomorrow.
18:26You are so cute when you want to be.
18:29Tomorrow is gonna be ace.
18:30I love you.
18:32I love you too.
18:49I'm gonna get you the best out of the red
18:52and the tastiest cheeseball my size has got to offer.
18:58What's wrong?
19:01I can't do this, Steve.
19:03You can.
19:05You've just said that you love me.
19:09I do.
19:10Every time I close my eyes,
19:14I see you and Rex together.
19:17You've got to try.
19:19I know he's still raw, but if you give it time,
19:22I don't want to lose you.
19:26You just don't want to lose.
19:28Whether it's me, suitcase full of money,
19:31crate load of drugs,
19:33you can't bear to lose.
19:36You care more about petty crime than you care about me.
19:40Warren may not have killed you,
19:43but he's obliterated your soul.
19:46You're just a shell of a human now.
19:49Petty crime?
19:51You've got no idea of the things that I've done?
19:55And I don't want to.
19:57I pity you.
20:00Not just like all the clients that you made a fortune out of defending?
20:06Because unlike them,
20:08your actions are indefensible.
20:10You say that now, do you?
20:13Because you're the victim.
20:18No, I didn't mean that. I'm sorry, okay?
20:20I'm sorry.
20:23We're done.
20:27The trust is gone.
20:29It's over, Steve.
20:41This day turned out for the best.
20:43It certainly did.
20:50And thank you.
20:52For what?
20:53Your offer of patience.
20:55It only confirmed what I already knew,
20:57that I really am getting to know the real you.
21:01I'm just thankful you like what you see.
21:03I think we make a good couple.
21:04We do.
21:06We're so lucky.
21:07We do.
21:09We're so lucky.
21:10I mean, look at Paul Stee and James.
21:12They seem like such a good match, too.
21:15Yeah, they must have been through some troubles for Stee to cheat like that.
21:18I don't think they'll come through this.
21:20You can't sustain a relationship on secrets and lies.
21:25I wonder who Stee's got himself mixed up with.
21:28What did he say?
21:29That they were trying to destroy his life?
21:32And what was all that about blue bullets?
21:34I don't know. I wasn't paying attention.
21:36Listen, why don't we head back upstairs before those pesky kids get back?
21:39I can't find the bottle opener anywhere.
21:41You've got one on your keys, haven't you?
21:43Yes, ma'am.
21:51Thought you didn't know anything about blue bullets.
22:06So, I must have dozed off there.
22:34Have you been here all day?
22:36Pretty much, yeah.
22:37Well, John Paul's at Castle McQueen and, well,
22:40I was just topping up my tanning in case we were going to the naming-
22:43Don't even think about it, lady.