• 2 months ago
Dick Tracy Chapter 07 -The Ghost Town Mystery- SD
02:10We have no time to lose. Government men are up front, Mr. Callion.
02:13No mooring, Brodsky. Tell Captain Stark to stand by. We leave at once.
02:18Here is Randolph's formula for nickelanium.
02:21My government appreciates your efficiency.
03:04Police. Beat it.
03:15Take this.
03:34Some of the men got away with the spiner, Dick, but we captured a few.
03:37Anyway, the formula's made. Come on.
03:41Gee, Mr. Tracy.
03:42Junior, how did you get here?
03:43Oh, Junior hit in the car. He's the one that sent for the police.
03:45Good work, Junior.
03:52See that, Steve?
03:57It'll be worthwhile for us to contact Death Valley, Johnny, if the spider's plans involve him.
04:01Right. Let's go.
04:03Come on, yo.
04:16It is most important that we find this secret mine.
04:20Before the old prospector reveals its location.
04:24Everything is in readiness.
04:26We will be the only ones to learn the secret of the man who calls himself Death Valley Johnny.
04:34Do you have a gentleman registered here by the name of, uh, Death Valley Johnny?
04:38I should say we have. He's right over there in the midst of all those reporters.
04:42You can't miss him.
04:43How about another picture?
04:45Wait. I gotta have a cigar.
04:52Sure you got enough?
04:53I got a dozen. I ought to be able to get one.
04:56Wait a minute, boys.
04:58Will you have a cigar?
04:59Why, certainly.
05:00Will we have a cigar?
05:01You're a great guy, Johnny. Will I give you the headlines, or will I give you the headlines?
05:05That's all right.
05:07Say, don't forget to print the best one.
05:10Hello, boys.
05:11Hello, boys.
05:13Have a cigar.
05:14No, thanks. I don't use them.
05:17No, thanks. I smoke cigarettes.
05:18Oh, cigarettes, eh?
05:21Well, sit down and let's have a powwow.
05:23We don't mind if we do.
05:26Don't mind if I smoke?
05:28No, go right ahead. Help yourself.
05:30All right.
05:32What newspaper are you boys from?
05:34We're not from any newspaper.
05:36I'm Dick Tracy, Federal Bureau of Investigation.
05:38This is my assistant, Steve Lockwood.
05:41Well, what brings you here calling on me?
05:43We're here in your interest.
05:44We have reason to believe a certain criminal ring may cause you trouble.
05:47Well, I'm a lazy horned toad.
05:50If some yellow coyote ain't trying to get his greasy paws on my specimen gold, eh?
05:55A whole pack of coyotes.
05:58Listen here, young man.
06:00I've guarded the whereabouts of that mine for nigh unto twenty years.
06:03And no umbre's gonna get it away from me.
06:06Besides, the gold won't be mine after ten o'clock tonight.
06:11I'm sellin' out.
06:12Does anyone beside yourself know where the gold is?
06:15No, sir.
06:16I kept the secret of that mine in my head.
06:19And I ain't gonna open my yap until those jewelers sign on the dotted line.
06:25Yeah. I'm sellin' out to a big firm of New York jewelers.
06:29And they're a good stiff figure, too.
06:36It's been a pleasure meeting you, sir.
06:38I hope your deal turns out as you expect.
06:40If I can help you in any way, let me know.
06:42Well, ain't never needed a G-man yet, but you never can tell.
06:48Goodbye, boys.
06:49Glad to have met up with ya.
06:51Goodbye. So long.
06:52So long.
06:53So long.
07:09Five minutes past ten.
07:11I see no reason for this delay.
07:13I'm always punctual in my appointments.
07:17Oh, will you stop that confounded tapping?
07:20I'm sorry.
07:24What can be keeping that lawyer?
07:26Clark said he'd have him here by ten o'clock sharp.
07:31Come in.
07:36Nolan is my name.
07:37Mr. Clark sent me to render my legal services on his behalf.
07:40Mr. Nolan.
07:41Mr. James.
07:42Mr. Noble.
07:43Mr. Wicklund.
07:45And Mr. Death Valley Johnny.
07:48How do you do?
07:49Pleased to meet you.
07:50Take a chair and we'll get to business immediately.
07:52The meeting will come to order.
07:54Gentlemen, as per our agreement,
07:57we have deposited $500,000 to the credit of Mr. Johnny
08:02to be held in escrow pending the time
08:04that he shall turn over all properties
08:06referred to in this agreement.
08:09Oh, shucks.
08:10If you say so, it's right.
08:12Sign right here.
08:15Say, you sure this is right and in order?
08:18Absolutely, sir.
08:19Provided you can produce the specimen gold.
08:21Oh, I can do that all right.
08:43Now, sir, I suppose you won't mind
08:45disclosing the whereabouts of your hidden mine.
08:47I suppose the specimen gold is kept there.
08:53I'll draw you a map.
08:55Here you are.
08:57All right, thank you.
09:02Ain't no trick in finding it once you get on the right track.
09:09That ought to be plain and simple like.
09:11That will be fine.
09:13Mr. Nolan, I'd like to see that map if you don't mind.
09:16I must say your actions are most peculiar.
09:18I'm so sorry.
09:19I'm sorry.
09:20Give us that paper.
09:45Take it easy.
09:46Are you calling a doctor?
09:48No, I'm calling the police.
09:50Never mind the police.
09:51Call Dick Tracy.
09:52I want Dick Tracy.
09:56Operator, can you get me Dick Tracy?
09:58Yes, Dick Tracy.
09:59That's all.
10:00Poor old timer.
10:02He's putting up a great fight, but there's not much hope.
10:05We'll know better after the anesthetic wears off.
10:09Let me have his clothes, will you, doctor?
10:11There might be some clue in them which will prove of value to me.
10:13Of course.
10:14Nurse, will you have his clothes bundled up for Mr. Tracy?
10:17Certainly, doctor.
10:22I'm hunting for those yellow coyotes, Johnny.
10:35Reddish brown.
10:37Copper quartz, all right.
10:39Now, Gwen, let's see another.
10:41Check copper quartz specifications found in the geological atlas.
10:44Find out what locations this type of quartz can be found in.
10:57Do you think we're getting anywhere, Dick?
11:00We're taking the chance that Death Valley Johnny wore the same boots here as he wore around his secret mine.
11:05If such is the case, and if the specimen of copper isn't too common,
11:08we may get a direct lead to the place in time to stop the spider ring from accomplishing its purpose.
11:12Now, here it is, California.
11:14Thunderhead Mountains and Death Valley.
11:16Only mine.
11:17The old acre mine.
11:19Produced 100,000 tons annually.
11:22The stuff's rare.
11:23Where's the mine, Steve?
11:25It's located near Coyote Well.
11:27The mine shut down in 1905 when the town was deserted.
11:31Coast town, eh?
11:32Steve, we're going there tonight.
11:34Gwen, phone the airport.
11:35Tell them to have my plane ready.
11:37Good luck, Dick.
11:42Think they can put one over on me, do they?
11:48Hey, doctor.
11:50Here, here, sir.
11:51You're a sick man.
11:53Hey, where...
11:54Hey, don't go...
11:56Listen, I'm not sick.
11:58The way you folks act, you think I never been shot before.
12:01Where is my clothes?
12:03He hasn't any fever.
12:05What are you holding my hand for?
12:08It's regular.
12:09Certainly it's regular.
12:11Say, I want to see Dick Tracy.
12:14And you get him for me quick.
12:16All right, nurse.
12:17Call Dick Tracy.
12:18Yes, doctor.
12:19And listen, young lady.
12:20You tell him to make this hospital give me back my pants.
12:23There's something in them I want.
12:25Yes, sir.
12:26Yes, sir, I will.
12:27And don't you tell me I'm sick.
12:29I know, but there's nothing the matter with me.
12:32I'll be right over.
12:34Yes, I'll bring his clothes.
12:36Mike, will you get the car?
12:38We're driving right over to the hospital.
12:41You get right back to bed, young man.
12:43Yes, ma'am.
13:02All right, I guess you can go.
13:26Let me carry the clothes.
13:55Spooky looking place, isn't it?
14:15Looks dead enough, but you never can tell.
14:17Let's close in on it.
14:34They may have heard our plane land.
14:36Let's separate in case of an ambush.
14:38All right, Dick.
15:36Look in the hip pockets of them pants, Sonny,
16:00and give me what you find.
16:02Mr. Tracy has already left to go to your mine,
16:04so I came in his place.
16:07How did you know where my mine was?
16:09We were able to trace the location
16:11by the quartz particles still sticking to your boots.
16:15Well, I'll be doggone.
16:18He should never have gone out there
16:20without first talking to me.
16:23Now, there's something awful dangerous in that mine
16:25if you don't know just where it is.
16:29That's it, Sonny.
16:30Give it to me.
16:34But tell me, what is there in the mine that's so dangerous?
16:41You better ring for the nurse.
16:45Mike, we'll have to drive like mad to Death Valley
16:47to prevent Dick from going into that mine.
16:51What's the matter?
16:52Oh, I think your patient has fainted.
16:53Well, you better wait outside.
16:54I'll see what I can do for him.
17:04Come on, you guys.
17:05Snap into it.
17:06The spider will be here any minute.
17:08Hurry it up.
17:19Try and back of the bus.
17:46Look, there's the wing.
18:10The wing.
18:11The spider's here.
18:12Come on, men.
18:13Come on, boys.
18:22Land only long enough to load the specimen gold aboard.
18:37Steve, where's Dick?
18:56Well, I don't know.
18:57Some guy creased me with a bullet last night.
18:58I haven't seen Dick since.
18:59Well, we must find him.
19:00There's something in the mine he doesn't know about.
19:02I'll say there is.
19:59Here's a shot I sure won't miss.