• last year
00:00So you have a very fine taste for aromas. Have you ever thought about going in that direction?
00:04Ratsan had the idea that you would like to accompany me in my kitchen one day.
00:08That's very nice. But no, thank you.
00:23What are you doing here?
00:24This is my house.
00:26Your house?
00:30I'm worn and painted by the sun
00:32And it's in my eyes
00:34And it's in my eyes
00:38Caught by the rapture of the dawn
00:40And a restless sky
00:42And a restless sky
00:46This is my life
00:48This is my life
00:50This is the way to find my own
00:54This is my life
00:56This is my life
00:58This is the world where I belong
01:04I'm rolling on
01:06I'm rolling on
01:28Clemens, these things...
01:30You never wanted anything to do with me again.
01:32I respect your wish.
01:34So, go.
01:37And this time through the door. It's open now.
01:58Oh, Mrs. Winter.
02:00For God's sake, is everything okay with you?
02:03I mean, my circulation was a bit weak.
02:06I'm fine again, thank you.
02:07The climbing action after the surgery wasn't the best idea, was it?
02:11No, that has nothing to do with it.
02:13I just had an extremely unkind encounter.
02:17On two bicycles.
02:19And I was in the middle of the road.
02:21And I was in the middle of the road.
02:23And I was in the middle of the road.
02:24And I was in the middle of the road.
02:25And I was in the middle of the road.
02:26And I was in the middle of the road.
02:27On two legs.
02:28A brother-in-law, Clemens Winter.
02:30Your brother-in-law? What does he want in there?
02:32Yes, obviously he bought this tea office from Mrs. Jansen.
02:37Yes, with all the things in there, do you know what I found?
02:40An old poetry album from my mother.
02:42Photo albums.
02:43I mean, of course I'd like to have all these things.
02:46And didn't he throw them out?
02:48No, he threw me out before I could see anything.
02:51I don't understand that.
02:52What does he want with those things?
02:53They're completely worthless to him.
02:57He uses them.
02:58He uses them to annoy me by...
03:00by withholding them from me.
03:02Complicated family relationships.
03:06Excuse me.
03:08I have to go to the hotel.
03:09I have to lie down a bit.
03:11I'll take you there.
03:12And please don't say that it wouldn't be necessary.
03:15It really isn't necessary.
03:17Hold on.
03:20Nice and slow.
03:29What a coincidence.
03:30Do you have a break?
03:31I wanted to hear how you're doing after the accident.
03:36Not so good.
03:37Do you have complaints?
03:47When I got the electric shock, I suddenly had a terrible fear.
03:51When I got the electric shock, I suddenly had a terrible fear.
03:57And the child?
04:02I just did an ultrasound.
04:07I saw how the little heart was beating.
04:11It just goes on and on, doesn't it?
04:14It's suddenly so absurd not to want the child.
04:17Are you thinking about having the child?
04:23Oh, Greta.
04:26That would be so wonderful.
04:29But then my career is over.
04:32The research work, the doctor's office.
04:35Everything I worked for.
04:39Of course it won't be easy.
04:43But you're a strong person.
04:45And the child gives you strength.
04:49And you also have Ben.
04:55Why does this have to happen now?
05:01I really think there's never the right moment for a child.
05:06But if you and Ben...
05:08I mean, if you really want to have a child,
05:11then now is not a worse or better time than in a year.
05:18I have the feeling that everything is slipping away.
05:22But you're not alone.
05:27Talk to Ben.
05:29It's about your future together.
05:45Oh, good day.
05:46How are you two doing?
05:47Or should I say the three of you?
05:49The best.
05:50All of Lichtenhagen.
05:51Even the unborn.
05:55Anna missed a power outage in the melee with a toaster.
06:00Yes, but I was lucky in bad luck.
06:02Really nothing happened.
06:03So no reason to worry.
06:05Yes, Mrs. Lichtenhagen,
06:06that can't prevent his defending father.
06:08You see.
06:10Vielen Dank für die Rückendeckung.
06:12Ich werde das bei Ihrem nächsten Antrag,
06:14der im Rathaus eingeht, berücksichtigen.
06:17Ich glaube, ich ziehe mich besser zurück,
06:19ehe ich meine Konzession noch einbette.
06:24Herr Eckhardt, was machen Sie denn noch hier?
06:26Haben Sie nicht längst Feierabend?
06:27Herr Flickenschild.
06:29Ich habe auf Sie gewartet.
06:30Es geht um den Askania Park.
06:33Ein Espresso, bitte.
06:34Ich habe uns von dem führenden Bauunternehmen
06:36Angebote schicken lassen.
06:37Das sind natürlich nur grobe Orientierungswerte
06:39für die bessere Planung.
06:40Aber ich habe mir gedacht,
06:41man bekommt einen ganz guten Eindruck
06:43ins Kostengefälle.
06:44Ja, das ist alles ganz interessant,
06:46aber ich kann mich nicht daran erinnern,
06:48Sie darum gebeten zu haben.
06:50Das war proaktiv.
06:51Habe ich im BWL-Kurs gelernt.
06:53Hört sich gut an.
06:54Machen Sie weiter so.
06:55Aber die drei hier scheinen mir
06:57die interessantesten zu sein.
06:59Auf die sollten wir uns ein Foto machen.
07:01Winter in Westerau und der Main top 3.
07:03Sagen Sie, Herr Roman,
07:04Winter ist doch momentan bei uns zu Gast im Hotel.
07:06Soll ich vielleicht einen Termin ausmachen?
07:08Von mir aus gerne.
07:09Gleich morgen, also wenn es Ihnen passt.
07:11Schon erledigt.
07:12Sie übernehmen?
07:23Könnte ich vielleicht ein Glas Wasser bekommen?
07:27Ein Glas Wasser.
07:31Was ist denn mit dir passiert?
07:33Bist du gefallen?
07:35Alles halb so wild.
07:37Ihre Frau hat nur eine kleine Klettertour unternommen.
07:39Wie bitte?
07:41Roman, reg dich nicht auf.
07:43Frau Jansen hat ein altes Lagerhaus geerbt,
07:45das man meiner Mutter gehört hat
07:47und ich war da, um es mir anzusehen.
07:49Aber der Schlüssel passte nicht mehr,
07:51weil das Konto inzwischen weiterverkauft wurde
07:53und dass Ihre Frau flieg wie ein Wiesel
07:55mal eben durchs Fenster hinein.
07:57Ach, und das haben Sie sich
07:59in aller Seelenruhe angesehen, Frau...
08:01Van Loon. Merle Van Loon.
08:03Wir haben uns doch schon in meiner Gärtnerei getroffen.
08:05Van Loon. Na herrlich, das passt ja.
08:09Das passt.
08:11Ich bin noch nicht fertig.
08:13Da meine Frau wohl kaum
08:15auf solch einen hirnrissigen Unsinn kommt,
08:17war das sicher Ihre Idee.
08:19Meine Frau ist heute aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen worden.
08:21Ja, ich weiß.
08:23Ach, das ist ja noch schlimmer.
08:26Das machen Sie mal halblang, guter Mann.
08:28Ihre Frau ist ein erwachsener Mensch.
08:30Von den juristischen Folgen ganz zu schweigen.
08:32Das war Einbruch.
08:34Sie sind doch ein erwachsener Mensch, oder?
08:36Könnten Sie Ihren Mann vielleicht mal aufklären?
08:40Ich glaube, ich gehe jetzt besser,
08:42bevor ich mich noch aufrege.
08:44Na gut, sehr gut.
08:46Sie haben für heute auch genug Schaden angerichtet.
08:56Ja, du hast recht.
08:58Die GmbH ist die bessere Gesellschaftsform.
09:00Aber wo soll ich denn 12.500 Euro hernehmen?
09:02Hast du nichts gespart?
09:04Ich habe mein Geld angelegt.
09:06Ich schätze mal in Motorräder.
09:10Herr Albers, bingo.
09:12Ja, dann wohl doch eine GbR.
09:16Obwohl Herr Lichtenhagen
09:18eindeutig für die andere Lösung plädiert.
09:20Sie wissen, dass Sie bei der GbR
09:22mit Ihrem Privatvermögen haften, nicht?
09:24Ja, siehste, kann auch von Vorteil sein,
09:26wenn man nichts hat.
09:28Ja super, jetzt räumen wir weiter.
09:30Dann hast du eine Menge Schulden.
09:32Als ich damals mein Gestüt
09:34in den Staaten aufgebaut habe...
09:36Herr Albers, wir sprechen hier gerade über Windräder
09:38und Wartung.
09:40Vielleicht können wir uns Ihre Pferdegeschichten
09:42dann für später aufheben, okay?
09:48Von Dr. Thies, gut, dass Sie kommen.
09:50Was finden Sie interessanter, Windräder oder Pferde?
09:54Ben, hast du einen Moment Zeit?
09:56Wir haben hier gerade echt zu tun.
09:58Die Idee für unsere eigene Firma nimmt langsam Form an.
10:00Ja, ich werde offensichtlich
10:02seriöser Geschäftsmann.
10:04Ja, dann schieß mal los, du seriöser Geschäftsmann.
10:06Und lass uns das Problem mit deiner fehlenden Einlage klären.
10:08Bist du wirklich sicher,
10:10dass das jetzt die richtige Zeit ist, eine Firma zu gründen?
10:12Rita, ich bin beschäftigt.
10:14Vielleicht sollten wir später drüber reden, ja?
10:16Es wäre schön, wenn wir das heute noch schaffen.
10:18Ich bin zu Hause.
10:20Ja, ich weiß nicht, wie lange es hier noch dauert.
10:24Ich glaube, wir müssen den Kredit aufnehmen.
10:26Sonst habe ich keine Ahnung, wie wir das Ding hier stemmen sollen.
10:28Sagen Sie mal,
10:30ist mit Frau Dr. Thies alles in Ordnung?
10:32Ich hatte den Eindruck, dass sie was auf dem Herzen hat.
10:34Nein, dann hätte sie ja was gesagt.
10:36Hoffentlich haben Sie recht.
10:54Was ist das?
10:56Siehst du doch.
10:58Wozu soll das gut sein?
11:00Hilft gegen Wut und stärkt das innere Gleichgewicht.
11:02Ach nee, ich schlafe nicht.
11:04Ich schlafe.
11:06Ich schlafe.
11:08Ich schlafe.
11:10Ich schlafe.
11:12Ich schlafe.
11:14Ich schlafe.
11:16Ich schlafe.
11:18Ich schlafe.
11:20Ich schlafe.
11:22Ach nee, schon wieder Ärger mit Flickenschild.
11:24Ich dachte, du hättest dich entschuldigt.
11:26Hab ich.
11:28Mit Flickenschild ist alles geklärt.
11:30Stattdessen hast du woanders Ärger gemacht.
11:32Habe ich gar nicht.
11:34Ich habe nur jemandem geholfen.
11:36Madame Winter.
11:38Ich dachte nämlich, sie wäre ein netter Mensch.
11:40Ist sie aber nicht.
11:44Und ihr Mann ist noch schlimmer.
11:46Er hat mich ohne Grund zusammen gefaltet.
11:48Er glaubte, ich hätte seine Frau zu leichtfertigem Unsinn anstiftet.
11:50That's not funny, Vince.
11:52Maybe it's just a misunderstanding.
11:54Yes, but instead of clearing it up,
11:56his wife is standing next to him, holding the door,
11:58and watching how her husband is making me responsible for something
12:01that she did all by herself.
12:03She was standing there like a sheep with pearl jewelry.
12:05Like a sheep? No wonder, your husband is a pretty stubborn jerk.
12:08I'll stay single all my life,
12:10as the wife of such an arrogant bastard.
12:13Just watch your inner balance, Owen.
12:19The fact that my brother has created the old warehouse,
12:22is really the irony of fate.
12:25Can you imagine how I looked at it?
12:29Well, then Clemens took advantage of him.
12:33Ruthless and insolent.
12:36As I said, the search for your missing family
12:39will only make you angrier.
12:41I didn't expect it to be that easy.
12:46First the embarrassing situation with this Pavel Hubert,
12:51your supposed father,
12:53and now the collision with Clemens.
12:58Is all of this worth the stress?
13:03Susan, you have a family.
13:05One that lives and one that needs you.
13:10This search is important.
13:13It's the first time I'm finding out where I come from.
13:18I'm a person without a name, without an identity.
13:21Can't you understand that?
13:23Yes, I can.
13:25But that you're willing to risk your health
13:27for such a stupid thing...
13:29I just underestimated
13:31how much I was weakened by the surgery.
13:33I'm starting to get used to it.
13:40Don't worry too much.
13:43Nothing will change for us.
13:49I just need the reassuring feeling
13:52of being part of something big.
13:55I want to find a place in it.
13:57I understand.
13:59If you feel better, I'll support you, of course.
14:11I've been thinking about the golf course.
14:15The old course manager assured me
14:17that the course is still intact.
14:19And the expert I spoke to confirmed that to me.
14:22The course could be put into operation immediately.
14:25Yes, but we still have a lot to do with the golf course.
14:28You spoke to your expert, didn't you?
14:30That's right.
14:31But we can only do the planting in the spring anyway.
14:33And why leave a functioning facility
14:35lying around for so long?
14:37We could make money with it
14:39that would benefit us for the construction of the rest of the building.
14:43I see the Ascania Park and the golf course more than a unit.
14:47And I don't think it's a good idea
14:49to open them separately from each other.
14:52But we could have noticed us a long time ago
14:55and have solvent customers come to us.
14:57Yes, they will then burst again
14:59because we have to temporarily close the golf course because of the unprocessing.
15:02The gentlemen wouldn't be that sensitive.
15:04I see it differently.
15:05This clientele doesn't like to stand in front of closed doors.
15:08Only for a few weeks.
15:10Then we start again with a big campaign
15:12together with the hotel.
15:14If we lose a few customers, okay,
15:16we have to live with that.
15:17I see it differently.
15:19And now, excuse me,
15:21I still have a few phone calls to make.
15:23So my talk time is already over again?
15:26Wow, that was a minute longer than the last time.
15:29I'm sorry, but I just have a lot to do.
15:32That you can afford
15:34to waste profitable resources.
15:37It's great that you take the suggestions of your client so seriously.
15:50Oh, Mrs. Thies, one more thing.
15:52Don't be surprised.
15:54I left all the material for my Kensington study
15:57on your desk.
15:58So that I can work on it.
16:00Yes, and it's urgent.
16:01I need research resources pretty quickly.
16:03You don't want Dr. Miller to leave the field in New York.
16:07He is much further along with his placebo group than we are.
16:11How quickly do you think you are able to help me?
16:15I know it's a lot.
16:18Especially next to the station service.
16:21Do your private circumstances allow that?
16:25You can rely on me, Mrs. Professor.
16:28I know that.
16:30I'm glad to have you on board.
16:33Then we want to share the good news with Mrs. Janssen.
16:38Good morning.
16:39Good morning.
16:40Any news?
16:41Is my grandma tolerating the condition?
16:43Come, Julchen, please.
16:45Mrs. Professor is certainly just about to share it with us.
16:48Exactly, Mrs. Janssen.
16:50And I have to say, you are doing a great job.
16:52Well, it's going up again.
16:55The cytostatic surgery and the full body radiation
16:58have shown the desired effect.
17:00We can thus begin with the stem cell transfer.
17:03Keep fighting, Mrs. Janssen.
17:05You see, it's worth it.
17:09I have to admit, there were moments in my life
17:12when I felt more faithful.
17:14But I don't want to miss a moment of this time.
17:21And when I look at you like that, Julchen,
17:24then I know what I'm fighting for.
17:30Yes, exactly.
17:32The music direction should be from the 60s, 70s.
17:35The best titles, yes.
17:37What's the point of that?
17:41Like a music system.
17:43Well, the one you have.
17:45The size of the room, I don't know.
17:49But maybe you should call the Three Kings.
17:52The dance party should be in the Salto.
17:56Sound, disco ball.
17:58I beg you, you're the DJ.
18:02Achim, the man wants to know a lot of technical things about me.
18:06Help me.
18:08My dear Erika, I don't understand anything about dancing or technology.
18:12You should know that by now.
18:16Yes, excuse me, please.
18:18I'll take care of it.
18:20Yes, I'll call you back.
18:23See you.
18:26Really, right?
18:28You think you're booking a DJ,
18:31and then the whole thing pops out of the hardware store
18:34with an incomprehensible manual.
18:39Maybe Merle can help you.
18:41Merle is already taking care of the flowers.
18:44And why should she do it better than you?
18:46Everyone can do it better than me.
18:49This is my area of expertise.
18:52Achim, you could try a little harder and help me.
18:57My list is very long.
19:00And I haven't done anything yet.
19:05Before you plan a party,
19:07you should think about whether you have grown in the organization.
19:11I don't have a hand for such things.
19:14So don't scold me if you've taken over.
19:17I haven't taken over yet.
19:19I'm already thinking about going through the waltz.
19:26Martina Schanz is really a spiritual woman,
19:29and on top of that, attractive.
19:32Will you see her again?
19:35Rather unlikely.
19:37We had a nice day together
19:39and got along in a friendly way.
19:42So there is no continuation?
19:44No, not even for you.
19:46I'm just saying.
19:48On the other hand, you're so unequal.
19:50That's exactly what he's saying.
19:55Do you want to hear the latest Van Loon anecdote?
19:59Well, it was nice not to talk about Merle.
20:03She wants to open the golf course independently of the resort.
20:08Is the place so far intact?
20:10Well, if everything works out, it would be ready within a week.
20:14That's a good idea, both financially and marketing-wise.
20:18A great pre-advertisement for the Askania Park.
20:21Yes, that's what she argued.
20:23So she obviously has a lot of business.
20:26Even if in a very chaotic way, but with the right nose.
20:34And with the right nose when you disturb.
20:37Oh, disturbing wasn't my intention.
20:41Mr. Dickenschild, I thought about your arguments again.
20:44And I have to say, you're absolutely right.
20:46The whole package counts.
20:48We shouldn't spoil our big performance.
20:51No, no, maybe I just had the wrong approach.
20:55No, no, we went through the horse again.
20:58Mrs. Van Loon, I'm glad you took my advice to heart.
21:02But this time you're right.
21:04And besides, the numbers speak for themselves.
21:09We should open the golf course as soon as possible.
21:12Could you show us the way?
21:14You've already talked to the manager.
21:16Yes, I have, but are you sure?
21:21I'm glad we're in agreement.
21:24Yes, great.
21:26I'm looking forward to it.
21:36It's really entertaining to watch you.
21:47Dr. Prima, please go to surgery.
21:49Dr. Prima, please.
21:59You look better than when I woke up last night.
22:02I had an early shift.
22:07I wanted to apologize for yesterday.
22:09You don't laugh when you forget the time.
22:12That's what I thought, so I went to bed early.
22:20The baby?
22:29Here's the heart.
22:34I can't do this, dad.
22:37I feel bad when I think we won't get the baby.
22:45I feel bad, too.
22:53I save someone's life every day, but not my own child's?
23:00I can't do this.
23:05We'll get it.
23:11I'm so happy.
23:13I'm so happy.
23:15But the decision brings a lot of difficulties.
23:18It doesn't matter. I'll support you.
23:21I'll do anything you want.
23:25Be happy.
23:27We'll have a baby.
23:34We'll have a baby.
23:48We'll have a baby.
24:19She's not very good in a professional kitchen.
24:22There's a very rough tone.
24:24But once she realizes she's talented, she'll be more confident.
24:29Wait. Maybe you don't need her help.
24:32She has to find her own way.
24:35I'll go to the reception. There's an important fax.
24:44Why are you smiling?
24:46Sweet. Your commitment to your girlfriend Fenja.
24:49You don't have to emphasize it.
24:51She's just a nice girl who needs a little help.
24:54Sure. And you're the nice guy who helps her.
24:57I already have a great girlfriend.
24:59But if you want, I can introduce you to her.
25:02Thank you. I think I'm more interested in her big sister, Bente.
25:06I don't think Bente likes little boys like you.
25:09I'm four years older than her.
25:12Have you ever heard of emotional maturity?
25:15When you're 14, you go to preschool.
25:17Oh, right. I forgot. Emotional maturity.
25:20Thank you, Gandhi.
25:22I bet you don't stand a chance with Bente.
25:25We'll see about that.
25:28Ciao, Vic.
25:31Johanna is impressive.
25:33You're lucky to have such a mother.
25:35I know.
25:37Even if you sometimes forget it in everyday life.
25:42The key.
25:43Oh, you were in the house?
25:45The key didn't fit anymore.
25:47I had to take the way through the window.
25:51Your mother has sold the warehouse.
25:54And the new owner has already exchanged the castle.
25:59Johanna sold the warehouse?
26:02To my brother-in-law Clemens Winter.
26:06What the hell does he want with it?
26:08She didn't mention it to me.
26:12Do you think I can talk to her about it?
26:17Maybe she can get Clemens to give me the private stuff of my grandmother and my mother.
26:23My attempt wasn't particularly happy.
26:27We have to be careful about that.
26:29Everything that has to do with you, your mother and your past.
26:33Does it upset her?
26:36Of course.
26:38Everything that has to do with the family hits you right in the heart.
26:43It sounds like you also have problems with your family.
26:46Yes, with my youngest.
26:49She's dead unhappy because she has to go to a boarding school to do her Abitur.
26:53And what does she want?
26:55That's it.
26:57She has no idea.
26:59And she doesn't dare to do anything.
27:01That's why every goal...
27:04I would like to see her happier again.
27:06Seeing her sad makes me sad as well.
27:22Could you please take care of the espresso machines?
27:24Yes, of course.
27:27Mr. Winter, nice to see you.
27:29How are you?
27:31I hope you don't mind me setting up my office here.
27:35I have a potential customer.
27:37That's what a hotel is for.
27:39Besides, we have very interesting lectures.
27:42Are you interested in boats?
27:44You know, I used to like sailing myself.
27:47But after an accident, I let it go.
27:50And yet, yesterday I was at the boat fair in Hamburg.
27:54The motor boats appealed to me.
27:56So, if you want to buy a boat,
27:58call me. I can advise you.
28:01Yes, I'll be happy to come back.
28:03Thank you very much.
28:05Mrs. van Loon.
28:07Don't worry, I don't want to see you.
28:08I would like to discuss with Mr. Eckert
28:10the flower decoration for my aunt's dance event.
28:13Oh, excuse me, may I introduce myself?
28:15My business partner, Mrs. van Loon.
28:18Mr. Winter.
28:19Hello, nice to meet you.
28:20Nice to meet you.
28:21Are you related to Roman Winter?
28:23Yes, he's my brother.
28:26So, to distinguish, I'm Clemens Winter.
28:30So, you're the new owner of the old warehouse.
28:34You know a lot about me.
28:36And I don't really know anything about you.
28:39I own the Albers garden.
28:41So to speak, a hub for information.
28:44I almost forgot.
28:45The amenities of a small town.
28:47If you don't want to arouse interest,
28:49then you should leave such mysterious purchases in the future.
28:53Especially since I don't like him at all.
28:56May I ask what you plan to do with the old warehouse,
28:58in a small town style?
29:00You know what?
29:02I'll get it out.
29:04Is that an invitation?
29:06Of course.
29:08See you.
29:26I've been trying to distract myself all day.
29:30They started transmitting the stem cells at grandma's today.
29:34Somehow I'm always afraid that someone will come and bring bad news.
29:38Johanna Janssen is strong.
29:40She will make it.
29:44Have you forgotten something when shopping?
29:46Can I help you somehow?
29:49That's the list of my personal inabilities.
29:52I can hardly imagine that.
29:53Yes, yes, that's true.
29:55That's the list of my dance in the evening.
29:58It's forever long.
30:00And I haven't done everything yet.
30:02You can do it.
30:03How much time do you have left?
30:05Until tonight.
30:09The stupid thing is, I've already put out flyers everywhere.
30:13Well, that's always something.
30:15Yes, but it's a disaster.
30:17When the masses come to my party and nothing is prepared.
30:20Mrs. Saravacos already knows.
30:23Well, then we should better stick to it.
30:25Tell me, what else needs to be organized?
30:27You want to help me?
30:29That's more sensible than polishing silver, isn't it?
30:32And you have nothing else to do?
30:34I've already finished my work for the publisher today.
30:37At least I don't have to worry about grandma all day.
30:41Your grandma always told me what an angel you are.
30:45But for the first time, Johanna Janssen exaggerated.
30:54Oh, that was good.
30:56If I don't sleep well, at least I have to eat well.
30:59What? You didn't sleep?
31:00Well, the meeting started at eight o'clock and I prepared you for half the night.
31:04Oh, Anne.
31:05Oh, Torben, thank you very much for your concern.
31:07But you've been exaggerating since the curfew. Clearly.
31:10Yes, but someone has to worry about you.
31:13Okay, I'll allow you one worried question per day, but no more.
31:16You're driving me crazy.
31:17Yes, understood.
31:18I have to go.
31:19Should I stop by the town hall?
31:21I think I still want something sweet.
31:23But you don't have to wait for me.
31:25Merle will certainly be happy to give me company.
31:28Bye, you two.
31:31Custard cake?
31:32Oh, yes.
31:33Two custard cakes, please.
31:35Coming right up.
31:36Anne, you have to help me.
31:38I just don't understand Flickenschild.
31:41Flickenschild lost, the hundredth.
31:43I don't know why we always get mixed up.
31:47I wanted to be particularly cooperative today.
31:50What was it about?
31:51About the golf course.
31:53I wanted to open it right away.
31:55He'd rather do it together with the Ascania Park.
31:57Oh, thank you.
31:59We couldn't agree on anything.
32:02And when I agreed to it, he was suddenly in favor of a faster opening.
32:07Maybe you just convinced him with your arguments.
32:09Merle, you're a good businesswoman.
32:11Why shouldn't he listen to you?
32:13I don't know.
32:14Somehow it felt like there was a hook in there.
32:18I have this strange feeling that I'm missing something.
32:22Merle, take a step back.
32:25Teamwork has never been your strength.
32:27Maybe you're just overstressing his nerves.
32:31You mean I just have to calm down and then everything will relax?
32:35That sounds logical.
32:37Let's not get carried away.
32:39I know that your other construction projects usually move in completely different locations.
32:46Especially because of the international contracts, I don't have a lot of capacity.
32:51And I have to think about how to distribute them.
32:53Then I'm glad that we were able to introduce you to our little lover project.
32:57Don't overdo it.
32:59An extraordinary hotel facility that you're planning.
33:03And your assistant, Mr. Eckert, was very convincing and made me curious.
33:09Yes, I'm also very happy to have him.
33:11Especially since we will be opening the golf course in advance.
33:14Oh, so the course is already finished?
33:17Yes, except for a few improvements. Why?
33:21You know, I'm a passionate golfer.
33:25How long are you going to be in town?
33:27That's hard for me to say.
33:29My private obligations are still dragging on.
33:33Then I would like to invite you to a game.
33:35I think the course will be available in a few days.
33:38Oh, that would make me very happy.
33:40I'll call you.
33:43I'll check again if we can include your little lover project in our plans.
33:51Mr. Flickenschild.
33:52Mr. Winter.
33:53It was a pleasure.
34:14Oh, Verloren.
34:17I wanted to thank you for your service yesterday.
34:20You were very friendly.
34:23From the mouth of your husband, it sounded completely different.
34:27I want to apologize to him.
34:29He exaggerates sometimes with his worries.
34:31He really didn't mean it badly.
34:33You shouldn't apologize to your husband,
34:35but for standing next to him while he was wrongfully held responsible for your escapades.
34:40I didn't want to pour oil into the fire.
34:42I know my husband.
34:43Discussing in such a moment makes no sense at all.
34:46Besides, I really wasn't in good health yesterday.
34:50But that didn't stop you from your climbing game.
34:53Apparently, you only get weak on your legs when you bump into an enemy.
34:57Your brother-in-law or your husband.
35:00I understand your annoyance.
35:02But that's no reason to hit under the belt line for a long time.
35:05Suddenly so sensitive when it comes to your own skin?
35:09I don't know what you're up to,
35:12but these accusations don't suit me.
35:14I can imagine.
35:16Especially because your husband isn't there to defend you.
35:19You don't even know what this is about.
35:21But judging others is always the easier way.
35:25But you're not hearing this for the first time, are you?
35:30I'm sorry.
35:36I'm sorry.
35:41These tables have to go. We need space for the dance floor here.
35:44Then the buffet can go here.
35:46A few extra chairs in the back.
35:48And the music system there.
35:50Okay, that's fine.
35:52When was the music system delivered?
35:53Around six o'clock.
35:54Together with four speakers and the light system.
35:56Hopefully there will be enough gentlemen.
35:58That's always a thing.
36:00But crucial for success.
36:02I can already see the first sacrifice.
36:07Do you have plans for tonight?
36:09Is that the question after a date?
36:12Does that sound like it?
36:14Mrs. Rose is having a dance party here tonight.
36:17And you could do something for your karma by coming here and doing a few rounds.
36:22As usual?
36:24To wonderful hits of the 60s and 70s.
36:27Almost my music.
36:29But not quite.
36:31You don't want to press it?
36:34Will I get a seat on your dance floor?
36:39We'll see.
36:47I'd like a double espresso, please.
36:50Yes, Mom.
36:52I'm sorry I didn't call.
36:55Then just leave me alone.
36:58No, I'm sorry.
37:00I mean...
37:02I just need some time for myself, okay?
37:06I'll call you.
37:07See you.
37:13I didn't mean to.
37:18I didn't mean to.
37:22Are you upset?
37:23Me? No.
37:24Just with my mom.
37:25She's annoying because I don't want to do my Abitur.
37:27Mrs. Saravagos told me that she offered you a snack day in the Salterküche.
37:31That's a great chance.
37:33Then you can see if it's your thing or not.
37:35Why did you turn it down?
37:37Me in the kitchen of a fine restaurant?
37:39That's absurd.
37:40I don't think so.
37:41Your cupcakes were great.
37:43And you can cook just as well.
37:45I'm just improvising.
37:46That's why you don't start as a sous-chef right away, but as an intern for one day.
37:50But I'm an extreme burden for Mrs. Saravagos.
37:53Fenja, every newbie needs a chance at the beginning.
37:56Dare yourself and take it.
37:58You think so?
38:00And if the work in the kitchen isn't fun for you, then you know what you don't want to do.
38:04If you want your parents to stop making your decisions, then you have to handle things yourself.
38:10Do you think the offer is still valid?
38:12Let's find out.
38:13I'll go with you.
38:14You're coming?
38:17Let's go.
38:24It's great that you fulfilled your promise so quickly.
38:27Of course.
38:28It's not my way of putting things on the long bench.
38:31Neither pleasant nor unpleasant.
38:33Well, then I hope your visit is one of the pleasant things for me.
38:40These are great rooms.
38:42I think it's great what you're going to do with them.
38:45It wasn't that easy to find central rooms where you could build a boat workshop.
38:53But I fell in love with this warehouse right away.
38:56I can understand that.
38:57Well, and when the demolition company is through, we can start with the renovation.
39:02You want to dispose of everything here?
39:04Even the old tables and chairs over there?
39:07What am I supposed to do with them?
39:09Well, I would keep a few of the old furniture.
39:12And set up an office or sitting area with it.
39:15It would be nice if a little of the old history of these rooms is preserved.
39:19Maybe you're right, but...
39:22I don't like all this rubbish.
39:24So get out of here.
39:27Oh, excuse me.
39:28Excuse you?
39:29Of course.
39:30Hi Steve.
39:31Yes, did I call the statics department?
39:40Don't look at me like that.
39:44Compared to the last few days, I feel much better.
39:50Thanks to you, my mother is on the path to recovery.
39:53That's obvious.
39:55After all, we are family.
39:57That's right, Susanne.
39:59We are family.
40:01Mom, we have a question for you.
40:05You sold the old warehouse, didn't you?
40:08Oh, child, I'm so sorry.
40:11I wanted to finally clear up the whole affair.
40:15And I still had no idea about your existence.
40:19Of course, Johanna.
40:21There is only one problem.
40:23In the house there are still a few personal things of my grandparents.
40:26And maybe I can find a trace of my father there.
40:30Could you talk to the buyer to give the things out?
40:35Unfortunately, the buyer is my brother-in-law Clemens Winter.
40:38And we have a rather bad relationship with each other.
40:47Well, good.
40:49I will talk to your brother-in-law.
40:53Let's see if an old lady who has just jumped from the ship to death
40:59can make a request.
41:07Mrs. Janssen.
41:10Time for a few examinations.
41:12Regina, we can't thank you enough.
41:15How do you feel?
41:16Is everything okay?
41:17Yes, my circulation is still a little tense,
41:21but I'm actually doing very well.
41:23Don't forget to protect yourself.
41:26The attack you had behind you was not a walk.
41:33I really didn't think it would go so fast.
41:35We don't have time to lose.
41:37Some of the companies I signed up for could start right away.
41:40But our favorite is currently here.
41:43Winter Invest.
41:45Then I have to come up with a restaurant concept very quickly.
41:48Not that you start building and I don't know what my kitchen should look like.
41:52I have a run at the moment.
41:59Mrs. Sahabakos?
42:01I wanted to ask you if I could still do an exam with you.
42:06So you are interested?
42:07Yes, from the beginning.
42:09I just wasn't sure if that was something for me.
42:11But that's exactly what we'll find out.
42:13The only thing you need to know is that in a professional kitchen
42:16sometimes there is a pretty rough environment.
42:19You have to be able to handle that.
42:21No problem.
42:22I'm grateful for the opportunity.
42:23Nice to meet you.
42:24And then there's only one question left.
42:26When do we start?
42:28Right away?
42:29Of course.
42:30Then we'll organize a coffee break for you.
42:32Come on.
42:35And again I can only stress that
42:37Ella is the only one for me.
42:39Have I ever claimed anything else?
43:20Oh, you again.
43:23What a coincidence.
43:24You're already working on my stuff.
43:28I have a company on call that's going to pick up everything today.
43:31We need space in there so I can start with the renovation work.
43:36You don't need the things that belong to the office?
43:40Not much.
43:41A few old furniture that are still in good condition.
43:44There was also a lot of documents and photo albums.
43:47Is there a chance that you'll leave these things to me?
43:50I told you that my grandparents lived here.
43:52And my mother practically grew up here.
43:55That wouldn't be a problem.
43:57Well, then may I come in?
44:00Susanne, it wouldn't be a problem if I still had the things.
44:03What do you mean?
44:05Well, the whole paperwork has to go to the trash can today.
44:09I'm really sorry.
44:10You're too late.
44:19Yes, hello.
44:20Come in.
44:22Hi, Albers.
44:23Mr. Albers.
44:24If you want to drink something, please serve yourself in the fridge.
44:26Thank you, thank you.
44:27Are you still not feeling better?
44:29Well, I still have a very intense, deep-acting salve mixed in.
44:35You know, all the salves and these cherry cores and all that, it's no use.
44:40Although I'm being nursed and cared for here, you know.
44:43Well, then you have to go to Dr. Thies and get yourself a syringe.
44:48Well, sometimes the muscles just get so tight,
44:52that all natural remedies no longer help.
44:56I think I'll try it again with the salve here,
44:59before I bother Mrs. Thies in the hospital.
45:01I mean, she has to take care of the really serious cases after all.
45:04Yes, well, at the moment it seems to me that you are one of them.
45:07Oh, Mrs. Hose, you know, men and pain, that's a chapter in itself.
45:13If you get a miracle healing,
45:18then I would very much like to invite you to my dance party.
45:23Oh, that's a nice idea.
45:26Yes, I mean, a little movement can't hurt my back.
45:30Then let's just hope that we both won't be the only men,
45:34and I'll see to it that your back is black.
45:36Yes, we'll see how many gentlemen are willing to accept a caring invitation.
45:43Who are you calling?
45:48Hello, Pavel, this is Erika Rose. Yes.
45:52Please make sure that I need the signature as soon as possible.
45:56Maybe someone can bring me the documents again today.
45:59Yes, all right.
46:04Are you all right?
46:08What happened?
46:10I made a stopover at the tea shop on the way here.
46:13And did you run into your brother-in-law again?
46:18He took care of everything.
46:22He threw all personal belongings of my family into the garbage bin.
46:27Oh, no.
46:32It's all gone. All pieces of memory of my family are gone.
46:40I don't want to interrupt the family idyll, but this belongs to you.
46:45I really don't have the nerves to deal with your provocations. Really.
46:50Before you make a quick judgment, take a look inside.
46:54Take your garbage with you and leave me alone.
46:57You can't just leave it.
47:13That's not possible.
47:17These are the things from the tea shop.
47:22She saved them all.
47:28What did the bank say?
47:32They've been following you for years.
47:36Sex is dangerous, Mr. van Loon, for the successful closure.
47:40We're always there for you, Mr. van Loon, whenever you need us.
47:44As long as you don't put my money in your pocket, everything is fine.
47:48This dance is mine now.
47:50Nothing there. The lady is my companion.
47:55If you keep pushing the lady, I'll forget my good manners.
47:59Diethelm Ehlers. Accountant.
48:02I totally missed that.
48:05I have to find him.
48:09He can definitely tell me something about my father.