Penguatan Rupiah Terhenti, Dolar Naik ke Rp15.900-an

  • last month
Nilai tukar (kurs) rupiah hari ini ditutup melemah 31 poin atau 0,19 persen ke level Rp15.924,5 setelah sebelumnya berada di level Rp15.893 per dolar AS.

Berdasarkan data Bloomberg, rupiah sempat dibuka pada level Rp15.941 per dolar AS.


00:00Let's move on to other trading indicators, where the Rupiah weakened against the US dollar after the release of the US unemployment claims data, recorded lower than in the previous week.
00:17According to the RTI data, the Rupiah weakened by 0.11% on Friday, at the level of US$15,908.
00:27Previously, the Rupiah had weakened by 0.22% at the level of US$15,925 on Friday morning.
00:36This is different from the increase in our trading by 0.87%.
00:42The Rupiah weakened by 0.01% on Friday morning, at the level of US$13,22.
00:49The US dollar index strengthened after the release of the Bureau of American Employment,
00:53which reported a new number of unemployment claims over the past week, which ended on August 3, 2024,
01:01was lower than expected.
01:04This data shows that the US economy remains stable and the risk of recession is overestimated.
01:10Let's take a look at how the Rupiah exchange rate is moving towards the next major currency.
01:16You can see the graph on your TV screen, where the Rupiah exchange rate position towards the US dollar is trying to get as close as possible to the level of US$16,000.
01:26The US dollar movement towards the Rupiah is at US$15,912, then towards the Euro at US$17,387.
01:36Then towards the Pound Sterling at US$20,315 and towards the Yen Chupang at US$108.24.
