Rupiah Menguat di Level Rp16.400

  • 3 months ago
Nilai tukar (kurs) rupiah pada perdagangan Selasa (25/6/2024) kembali ditutup menguat 19 poin atau 0,12 persen ke level Rp16.400-an per USD.


00:00Let's move on to the other trading indicators, where the Rupiah continues to strengthen in the US dollar trade
00:06and is getting stronger below the US$16,400 level.
00:11Quoted from the Artia data, until this afternoon's US dollar trade, the Rupiah strengthened at 0.17%
00:17at the US$16,353 level.
00:21Even intraday, the Rupiah managed to touch the US$16,338 level.
00:28Previously, the Rupiah has been open to strengthen at 0.12% at the US$16,370 level
00:35in the morning's trading.
00:38This position has been the strongest since June 19, 2024.
00:42The Rupiah strengthens at the US$105.46 level from the US$105.49 level.
00:50Meanwhile, domestically, the domestic market is relatively calm
00:54as stated by the economic team of Prabowo in the press conference with the government.
00:59In the press conference, it was revealed that the synchronization and the current government
01:03already have an understanding in allocating the budget to implement the program in the upcoming 2025.
01:11Immediately, we will try to update the movement of the Rupiah exchange value
01:15towards the next major currency.
01:18You can watch the graphics on your television screen.
01:21The movement of the Rupiah exchange value towards the US$
01:24seems to be still moving below the level of Rp16,400.
01:28The position of the movement of the Rupiah exchange value towards the US$
01:32at Rp16,380,
01:35then towards the euro at Rp17,600.
01:39Pound Sterling at Rp20,763,
01:43while Yen Japan at Rp102,67.
01:51For more information, visit
