Rupiah Pangkas Pelemahan ke Rp16.255USD

  • 2 months ago
Nilai tukar (kurs) rupiah pada perdagangan hari ini, Rabu (10/7/2024), kembali ditutup menguat 10 poin atau 0,06 persen ke level Rp16.200-an. Berdasarkan data Bloomberg, rupiah sempat dibuka pada level Rp16.290 per dolar AS.


00:00Let's move on to the other trading indicator, Pemirsa, where the Rupiah managed to break the weakness against the U.S. dollar
00:07in the middle of the fight that still needs to wait for other economic data to break the Suku Bunga this year.
00:14Until this afternoon's trading, the Rupiah spot managed to break the weakness at the level of 16,255 USD,
00:22whereas before that, the Rupiah opened weak at 0.22% at the level of 16,288 USD in the morning trading.
00:32The Rupiah spot is stable compared to the previous closing, which is also at the level of 16,251 USD.
00:39The weak Rupiah in the middle of the U.S. dollar index in the morning rose slightly to 0.02% at 105.15 compared to the previous position at 105.13.
00:51Meanwhile, from the global side, the chairman of the FED, Jerome Powell, in a testimony in front of the Sena Banking Committee said
00:57that the inflationary trend has subsided, and the FED still needs additional data to make sure that the expected cut rate will occur this year.
01:09Let's just see how the Rupiah exchange rate moves against the next major currency.
01:14The Rupiah exchange rate moves against the U.S. dollar at 16,249 Rupiah.
01:23The Rupiah exchange rate moves against the euro at 17,609 Rupiah.
01:27The Rupiah exchange rate moves against the pound sterling at 20,779 Rupiah.
01:31The Rupiah exchange rate moves against the Japanese yen at 100.63 Rupiah.
