Saihate no paladine: Tetsusabi no yama no ou episode 1 english subbed

  • last month
_Episode Title:_ The Iron Fang Mountain King

This episode serves as a special episode or OVA (Original Video Animation) for the Saihate no Paladin series. It takes place after the events of the main series and follows Will, a young paladin, as he faces a new challenge.

_Key Events:_

- Will is tasked with investigating strange occurrences at Iron Fang Mountain.
- He encounters a mysterious figure known as the Iron Fang Mountain King.
- Will must use his skills and experience to uncover the truth behind the strange happenings and the Mountain King's identity.

_Character Developments:_

- Will: Will is the main character of the episode, and his paladin skills and experience are put to the test.
- Iron Fang Mountain King: The Mountain King is a mysterious figure with unknown motivations and abilities.

_Action and Emotional Moments:_

- Will faces various challenges and battles as he explores Iron Fang Mountain.
- Emotional moments as Will reflects on his past experiences and growth as a paladin.


00:15Can meet up a hitotsu de Gokigen dana will
00:19Call me the data. Nah, on the no huddle and I didn't meet a knee. Kami. No, they didn't. Yeah. Yeah, she did
00:28Took an inch you got a Ken Joe Sarita, Yaska
00:31Sakuna Nakada Ichiban, yes, that's a
00:35Hunter, this soda
00:42Cora, Kona Machino Mirai, Dakara
00:53Know most of the toji, Dakara, man
00:58Nigiyoka, Nina, Tana
01:02Nina, Maya, Shisha, no macho de de cava. Zoey Nikita a talk that the book one hundred sui both shimaji no Toshio, Mitsuka
01:10She don't any of the psyche. I have to go. I didn't you know, he told me to look on the macho Tomoshibi no Kako
01:19Will I know Kami got Kono Machino Mirai to do you know?
01:23She went no Mokusa. You'll kill you. That's the point. Oh, so it was a loser. Yeah, so no, it's Kiana
01:29Dakara, Kono Machino, Sankyo, Takahashi night on it
01:33June and go no time
01:35So they got no committee walker go so no key Nance Vicky die eat for that
01:41Oh my doki-doki can I go a little foot boy, you know
01:45Menelka, it's not a kiss. You're a danger. Come on. That's I have to know cheetah. I should tell you I should know come on, sir
01:52That's not kill me. That's a little
01:55What else could miss in there? No, you can know. Oh, God. Oh, no, she only come like that. Oh, yeah
02:01So they'll fight a key time
02:08That's why the god of the torch chose you
02:12You're the one who's going to die tomorrow in the middle of the front line
02:15You're the one who's going to say, I'll sow the seeds for ten years
02:23By the way
02:25White sales royal highness
02:27I was invited to the New Year's ceremony, but what should I do?
02:32That's right
04:39No, no, it's not what's it? I thought I was cut that off
04:44They won't scar it off. He can't go she never I hate I said tomorrow to God meet a me who don't like you
04:50I'm on the name
04:52Menelka fukutoka meet at a decrepit
04:55Bagley Shinden Chouka, that's getting that's not the car
04:57None took a connoisseur. Oh, they never know a focus got on me. I got that one
05:02Tokoro there's so no mineral
05:05Soso Tanda Kato
05:06Lucy told you could I you couldn't a saucer. Oh, yeah
05:11B waddle more got that. What's wrong Torvador? Nito? They were cocky little kid?
05:25Don't stand on
05:27Kono, macho. I got pretty kid. I don't have to
05:30Be still it's no more. I'm not a mother. I'm a G
05:34Booker what the company don't
05:38Be there
05:49So you can't miss it
05:52B. I'm not up there so it don't go on your name
05:59Look what you got thunder
06:02Kami-sama no kentoshi to jerk off a lot
06:05Kami-sama not a toasty Nagyoku hito scooped
06:11Sonoko Kuroda she was taking a koto dashi totally Monoda Tomo Kido
06:15That's not a motto. Kami-sama got your logo. You'll miss you not sign on
06:19Kami-sama, but can I tell you know?
06:22That I have another knee or a list to come in on a little more ticket. I'm a bit of a yes, it'll get there for a flutter
06:27That's a lot
06:28Go, Jim, and they come with a good ass. I did
06:32Kami-sama, Mona. She can watch that. Oh, my
06:39Arigato be all rainy killer B. No, Sukinaところに付き合うよ
06:45Jonetsu 的 な お 誘い ねー それ じゃ
06:53Kino no
06:54Kimo ha
06:56Mitai Mono Gara
06:57Kedo, Asakura Shijin Fuzei が ちょっと 入れ て ください
07:01入れ て くれる 場所 じゃ ない の よ ねー
07:03でも ウィル なら 忍び込める でしょ 新刊 戦士 で ある と 同時 に すごい 魔法 使い らしい
07:11金 息 の 森 に ある 創造 の 言葉 の 探求 者 魔法 使い たち の 学び や アカデミー
07:20行き ましょう 待っ て
07:24これ は
07:25おそらく 迷い の 路地 の 魔法
07:28それ に いくつ も の 印
07:30警報 麻痺 眠り 盲目
07:35うん これ は 無理 だ ね
07:38ウィル なら 行ける ん じゃ ない の なんか こう ほら 筋力 的 に 強引 に 突破 しよう もの なら
07:45血 の 雨 が 降る よ
07:47割と 比喻 じゃ なく
07:49無断 で 忍び込め ない よう に なっ てる
07:53そっ か
07:57まあ ウィル で も 無理 なら 仕方 ない わ ね 街 に 戻っ て 城 で 忍び込む の は 無理 だ けど
08:07正面 から 訪問 しよう
08:11それ は いい 考え ねぇ
08:21ああ あれ
08:23あたしたち 今 どっち から 歩い て き て あれ なに これ 頭 で は 分かっ てる の に
08:32しっかり 手 握っ て ね
08:43I don't know what to do with this.
08:45W-Which way is the wrong way?
08:50Hey, Frontie, give it to me.
08:58This way is the right way.
09:04Out-dis-kay, out-dis-kay-day.
09:07Out-dis-kay, out-dis-kay-day.
09:10Learn this, and you will be free.
09:14Will, don't push yourself.
09:17Even the wandering sage of my childhood couldn't cross this path on his own.
09:23Huh? The gas?
09:25Even the wise men of Shindou couldn't even knock on the door of the academy without the help of their master.
09:32There's an episode about that.
09:37I see. Even the young Gas couldn't break through this.
09:45What's this? A curse?
09:47It makes me really anxious when I look at it.
09:51Hmm, I don't really feel Mana's work.
09:55I-Isn't that suspicious?
09:57It's a staple to use a small device on something suspicious.
10:03It's true. There's a mark that makes me a little anxious.
10:07He really has a bad temper. I think he can sing a song with just this.
10:23Are you a guest?
10:25Nice to meet you.
10:27My name is William G. Marie Bradd.
10:30I'm B. Robina Goodfellow.
10:33I'd like to take your name if you don't mind.
10:38Hohoho. My name is Morivan of the Academy.
10:44I'm just a little old, but I have a lot of experience.
10:47I don't deserve to be called a paladin.
10:51Anyway, you must be cold.
10:54Why don't you take a break?
10:59Hey, Mr. Morivan.
11:01Is it still a long way from here to the Academy?
11:04Hmm, what are you going to the Academy for?
11:09You look like a new student.
11:14There's something I want to see!
11:17However, the Academy is closed to those who are not magicians.
11:24I'd like to ask you to allow me to see the Academy for a while.
11:29I hope you can forgive me.
11:33Come on, it'll warm you up if you eat it.
11:37Wow, thank you!
11:39Thank you for the meal.
11:57Wow, it's delicious!
12:00It's cheese made by the father of the goat!
12:02Thank you for the meal.
12:04It's really delicious.
12:06By the way, I heard that Mr. Paladin of the end of the world is a magician.
12:11Yes, I've been taught some magic.
12:14I've seen a lot of magic because I'm Morivan of the Academy.
12:19I'd like to see what kind of magic Mr. Paladin has.
12:26I wonder if this is being tested.
12:30Magic cannot be used for mischief.
12:34Please forgive me.
12:36I'd appreciate it if you could.
12:39Please forgive me.
12:40That's what I've always thought.
12:43Yes, it's the teaching of death, and I'm going to do my best to be like that.
12:49Then, can I ask you a favor?
12:53I'm listening.
12:54It snowed last night, and the trees in the forest were cut down.
12:58Today, the bonfire is also ticklish.
13:01I'll pay you a lot for the prison.
13:04I'd like some dried firewood.
13:07Would you like to make a request?
13:11It was a problem that could be solved if I whispered my impressions.
13:20Dried firewood is dried on a bonfire.
13:24Such common knowledge.
13:27Oh, thank you.
13:31It's warm.
13:33It's warm.
13:35It's warm.
13:37Now, I'd like to ask you two.
13:41If there is a great magic in this world, what kind of magic do you think it is?
13:50Isn't it the magic that makes people happy?
13:55I think it's equally great if it's the simplest words, the most wonderful, complex, and artistic sign of happiness.
14:08That's an interesting opinion.
14:11Why do you think so?
14:14Actually, Will uses magic like that.
14:18So I like Will pretty much.
14:21I don't think it's a good idea to just leave your own happiness to chance.
14:28I see. I see.
14:51Allow me to introduce myself.
14:53I'm Hiram, a professor at the Academy.
14:59I'm in charge of the forest board.
15:03Forest board?
15:05It's a bit of a special case, but I'll allow you to take a look at it.
15:11By the way, what do you want to see at the Academy?
15:24I see.
15:27Well, let's go.
15:36What's that?
15:38A doll is cleaning!
15:41It's a golem made with the same shape as the previous one.
15:45It's very convenient.
15:48Wow, that's a great move.
15:51Even though Mana is stable in a dark state, I wonder how much ingenuity has been put into it.
15:58I see.
16:05By the way, how do you tell if a child has magical talent or not?
16:11The words of a child with talent have power.
16:15If you follow the origin of the words we use, the words of creation and the words of continuation,
16:21the words of a child with talent will naturally occur.
16:27I know that, too.
16:29When such a child supports you with all his heart, you feel a strange excitement.
16:34On the contrary, if you say bad things to someone you hate, you actually get hurt.
16:41It is said that magicians are gentle, calm, and quiet.
16:48If it's a harsh temperament, he'll use harsh words.
16:53If you keep using harsh words, you'll eventually get hurt.
16:59When I was a kid, Gus often told me a lot of stories like that.
17:04It's a common and universal teaching for those who deal with magic.
17:09It's deeply rooted in this academy.
17:16Well, we're here.
17:21This is the library of the academy that you wanted.
17:32Under my responsibility, you are allowed to look around the basement.
17:39Thank you for listening to my unreasonable request.
17:44Well, I'll be in the courtyard.
17:47Let's talk again when I'm done reading.
17:53B, I wanted to see a book.
17:55Yeah. Were you surprised?
17:57Kind of.
17:58I thought you wanted to see a magician's study room for reference.
18:03There's a book I'm looking for.
18:05Do you want me to help you?
18:09I'll look for it myself.
18:11I brought you here, but I might make you bored.
18:14I'm sorry.
18:20The Magician's Study Room.
18:22I've learned a lot from Gus,
18:24but I wonder how it has changed in the past 200 years.
18:35B, I'll hold it for you.
18:45The graduation record of the academy,
18:48and this is the city of Kyoto, which summarizes the records of the region.
19:28Hey, B.
19:29Why were you looking for that book?
20:02She's a troublemaker.
20:05I don't know her name,
20:07but in a certain area, she was called a hero.
20:11I'm having fun, so I'm just walking around.
20:15And then I came to a place where the road was divided,
20:18and I waved goodbye and said,
20:20See you later.
20:22She died right after we parted ways.
20:26She fought against a lot of youma and protected the city.
20:37Ah, don't get me wrong.
20:39It's not like I'm worried about her death.
20:42It's sad, but she's prepared, too.
20:46She doesn't like to say what she's prepared for.
20:53But I can't accept that she's going to forget her resolve right away.
20:59Her heroic death was suppressed by the people.
21:02But it was eventually pushed aside by everyday life and forgotten.
21:06Gradually, no one spoke of her name.
21:09This world is full of danger.
21:12Heroes also disappear when they are born.
21:15I guess that's what it is.
21:19I don't want to die with gratitude.
21:24A person's resolve is not a consumable.
21:28That's why I sang.
21:30That's what I thought when I sang.
21:32And then I realized.
21:35A hero's song is hope.
21:40There's someone out there who's trying to save people with their power.
21:44Someone's fighting.
21:46Or they've been fighting.
21:48That's a lot of hope for everyone.
21:52Like your favorite, San Eiketsu.
21:55Or like you right now.
22:02The brightest star that shines before the darkness of the night.
22:07That's what a hero is.
22:09If you walk, there will be someone chasing you.
22:14Isn't that amazing?
22:17That's right.
22:18That's why I sing.
22:21The brightest star is right here.
22:28This is the end of my story.
22:31I want to sing while I'm talking.
22:35Do you want to sing somewhere?
22:37Sounds good!
22:38Let's go for a walk!
22:40Let's go!
22:41Since we're here, let's go pick up some coins!
22:45All right!
22:47B will never come to me.
22:52It's so luxurious to have a ball with a ballerina.
22:56She wants to sing.
22:58She wants to spread her song.
23:00I'm sure she won't stay in one place.
23:05But even if she leaves, she'll come back.
23:10Hey, if you can, let me hear that magician's song.
23:14Yeah, I'll let you hear it.
23:17I've got plenty of materials.
23:21Even if I end up fighting somewhere,
23:26I'm sure...
