• last year


00:00The plus guys really he's pretty chill right now. Okay, Keith
00:04Well the number 96 of hunter lawrence got back to the form that we have last seen before his crash at red bud
00:10He's on the motorcycle. He wants to be on and if he can go out and win this second moto
00:15I don't want to get too crazy, but we could start talking about him being back in this championship fight
00:20But it has to start here. He has to win
00:22He has to show jay sexton that he's that guy that had the red plate not so long ago
00:27Ken roxon welcome back. It's the last race. You're going to be racing outdoors on the 450s suzuki. So let's get out there
00:35Let's have a little bit better finish than the first moto, but good to see you back here
00:39Get ready for hayden deegan in a couple weeks ken roxon. Let's see if we can get better in seventh this moto
00:44and speaking of seven
00:47You said it's seven of aaron plessinger with that third and moto one. He just edged justin cooper
00:52He continues to close on third in the series. He's now one point behind cooper. They are slugging it out
00:58For third of the championship at the end of the pro moto cross campaign
01:02So here it is a classic and moto one between sexton and lawrence. Will we have another one?
01:08As we write more history at unadilla
01:17And as we said 30 minutes and two laps the race distance 40 riders at the gate
01:22Let's go
01:33They held that gate a long time a couple of riders flinched who is it running down the inside?
01:38I think it might be sexton now with the lead
01:42Motosport.com whole shot for him. I think it's craig that almost had him on the inside
01:47That's cooper webb up there great start by chase
01:50He was a little bit farther outside than hunter lawrence and those guys but between him and cooper
01:54They were the farthest outside that good angle, but you've got to get a jump and chase sexton exactly where he wants to be out front
02:02Have not seen much of that from sexton this year. The starts have maybe been the only weakness
02:07for the championship leader
02:10There is
02:12Getting aggressive on the 14th. Yeah, and when you haven't been out front, this is uh,
02:17Very important for guys like dylan verandas, but even kristen craig hasn't been out front that pace is pretty strong
02:23You can see i'm starting to get passed back
02:25It looks like kit roxson trying to go up the inside and hunter lawrence behind him as well
02:29Yeah, roxson in yellow battling craig on the 28th, and there is hunter lawrence 96
02:35And they're all going by craig right now
02:37Roxson on the roll. He's gonna go around the outside. Can he get anderson? Yeah, nice move by oh
02:43Did they touch? No, it looked like he's just a little turned down for what? That's all that was nice move by kenny
02:50And this is the ken roxson
02:52We've come to expect so good early in the races and that fire is back as he returns to racing today
02:58Anderson going back after him
03:01Yeah, nice respect by jt could have ran it in but those bonds from now
03:05Look at kenny might have an opportunity as you mentioned that ken roxson that we is we expect we got to know and
03:12love to see
03:13This track is difficult right now jay
03:16Yeah, what are you seeing? It's so tough
03:18Just it's dry now. And so as the day's been on it was started out a little wet
03:22But this is the dunadilla. I hate it where it's got all these ruts and it's drying out
03:26They put a little bit of water. So these guys are trying to race pace, but it's slippery out there
03:32And he's doing a good job, oh look at him set up for andis outside to inside
03:38That was beautiful, even though he didn't make the pass. That was beautiful. That's ken roxson for you. Fool. That's right there
03:43Yeah, we're getting the 94 experience now
03:46I believe chase xman cut the track because dude is gone
03:50Dude is gone. He's got a six second lead already. Yeah, we're not even at the end of lap one
03:55That's what he could do if he could just get starts. That's been the one problem this year roxson and ferrandez
03:59still fighting
04:02Yeah, kenny
04:04Shout out to cooper web. I mean as quickly as dylan got up to him
04:08You thought maybe he was going to get around him but cooper just like kenny
04:11They got them laps in that first photo. So you're feeling more confident
04:14The more they up front that's where they feel like they belong. So shout out to cooper
04:19See, I would think it's the other way. I think they'd just be more sore and beat up
04:22But do you think it could be better after you get a race under your belt? It'd be better
04:26I mean, they're gonna hate life tomorrow. Okay
04:28Today it's not like they're doing anything different but jt good to see these guys out front
04:32And chase x and did a 216 the next best lap on the racetrack was a 222
04:38So that first lap intensity is the only thing you really mentioned he worked on throughout the break
04:42A lot of guys took a lot of time off
04:43But I think it was important for chase x and to work on what his perceived weaknesses are because again
04:48Yes, he's trying to win this pro motocross championship the big picture. He knows some of his big biggest competition
04:54Will be returning soon and he needs to be his best self. So I think he's really showing us something here
04:59He's showing us at the beginning if he gets out front. He has that 2022
05:032023 sprint speed that we can't be known for yeah, absolutely and even if expand on that more
05:09I don't think i've seen chase do this since he's been on a ktm to have this speed you're right
05:14This is the honda version and not only is he preparing for guys coming back
05:18But what he also did by being so quickly out of the gate
05:21He probably since hunter wasn't in second by having his lead
05:24It's gonna be unlikely that hunter is gonna be able to make that time up on chase
05:28So that first lap he might have put this race to bed. He can stay up
05:32Yes, and hunter stuck in sixth place right now because you see web for andis roxson and others riding so well
05:40Now what chase to do he's got that gap now, he'll slow down
05:43You know this gap might stay around six seven seconds until we get going
05:47Now he's got that gap now. He needs to stay allowed his race to come in to him and just keep it rolling
05:53Uh, you mentioned a gap
05:55We still wait. Oh, they're all it changed roxson second
05:59Yeah, kitty got by both these guys. So
06:04That's what he does early in the race. Although the real shock was just how big that gap was already
06:09What he does early in the race, although the real shock was just how big that gap was already
06:14Fans loving it. There's a lot of roxson fans these days wherever you go. He's riding
06:18Well for andison web duking it out. Yeah chase had a big enough lead if we I bet the people at home thought their screen froze
06:27They were like, all right, it's gonna come but that's how good chase is riding
06:31Or maybe these fans are like it's roxson ahead. I don't see anybody ahead of him. Yeah
06:36Oh for andis sneaks around the outside of web
06:39Yeah, when you mention what would he be sore? Maybe cooper is like this is second moto
06:43So, you know, it's hard to come back in the middle of the season after the injury, especially a thumb injury
06:48Um, you know, he might be feeling it. You can tell he there wasn't much fight right there a couple weeks
06:54That wouldn't happen for sure. Well, that's the hope get the soreness out get in shape and be ready for the playoffs in september
07:00Doesn't really matter the result right now. Here comes anderson
07:04Oh hunter lawrence a couple of mistakes back there in sixth
07:10Which way is this going to go looks like anderson is the one on the attack. Yeah, and
07:16Ironically enough jason. He can sense what cooper is
07:19He can tell by his body language that cooper's really not trying to fight for this thing
07:23he knows he can probably go around the outside and he needs to get around cooper quick because
07:27Cooper's not going to keep up a fight as he does as I was just saying jason since that
07:32Hunter will as well
07:35I never thought about that. So you guys when you're out there, you can even tell when there's like a wounded animal
07:39So to speak. Oh, yeah, we might not be able to smell him, but we can see him
07:43He's definitely wounded out there
07:45Get onto him. Nothing wrong with becoming a buzzer. They're doing racing into second moto a lot of meat out there
07:52Jason anderson, we're calling you a vulture in the most respectful way taking advantage now hunter lawrence looking to do the same
07:59There's anderson number 21 the monster kawasaki the lead is 10 seconds for chase sexton
08:06Yeah, yep. Hunter lawrence got around cooper pretty good. I believe he did it around the outside. So
08:11Cooper's doing the right thing. He knows if he's not 100 this thing was all about the future
08:15So getting out here finishing these motos, you'll be fine
08:19Now i'm interested to see what last race when hunter lawrence got a bad start. He just finished there, you know
08:24So can this can he get up? Maybe can he get second?
08:28See if he can get around these guys because it'd be important for him
08:32Most likely he probably won't win this moto unless chase x and has something but he can get up there and still solidify
08:37This day is a good day if he can get around these guys in front of him
08:42Set it to katie
08:44Well, you guys are talking about hunter and his ability to maintain or maybe that's what he's working on
08:48In fact, he said that he knew his body. He knew coming in here what it was consisting of after his last little incident
08:55Of course moto one didn't show it but he did say he's just trying to get to that 20 minute mark
08:59He's really tried to work on maintaining
09:02And sustaining to that point and of course
09:04We're kind of seeing him come to here at that 20 minute mark and like you're saying to do
09:07You know, maybe that's where he'll finish or perhaps that's where he's really going to kick it into high gear
09:13And that will be the key
09:15How strong can he be down the stretch? Can he at least get back up to the group ahead of him?
09:19We're going to find out chase. Exton leads unidilla
09:39So laurence starting to close on his old rival jason anderson multiple incidents in the laurence brothers and anderson this year, so
09:47He always took a little more closely when they're about to hook up in a battle
09:51Yeah, but I think hunter understands that it's still early in this race and he has the pace that he's obviously closed on
09:58on jason
10:00Just let this thing happen because I think he feels like at the end of the race
10:04He'll be able to get to him and it's a lot different than what it was a few weekends ago at washugal
10:08So hunter's in a good spot. He knows he's going to need a little bit of luck with chase exton
10:12But again learn this motorcycle come out here. It's been a strong day so far
10:17Just don't get too close to aljambre, you know if you get in his airspace
10:22he's liable to
10:24Relapse a little bit safe for the podcast. I think got some other terms that anderson plays it
10:29We'll just listen up above his world everybody. But yes, anderson will fight no doubt about it and also shout out to forandis
10:36Man, it has been a long climb for him and that phoenix racing honda team to maybe get into podium position
10:43He's in it in the moto right now
10:45Uh, you see that front end wash from jason when he landed off that that's how this track's drying out and
10:50even that then that wall jump
10:52He made a mistake at the bottom of that corner
10:54But the bike slid around and he was able to recover and get up that hill without losing too much time
10:59And forandis are watching here to be the first moto podium of the year for him
11:06So pro moto cross from unadilla continues
11:10frenchman dylan forandis of the 14th in third
11:13Ken roxson up ahead has broken away from him. He is trying to keep the jason anderson and hunter lawrence battle
11:20From closing there's anderson. There's lawrence
11:26A great ride by kenny
11:28Coming out different rider than that first moto. You can tell what a star does and
11:33This is more like what kenny does good track technical track, you know, he feels pretty comfortable
11:38Proxima via the overall podium today if he can maintain this spot
11:42That'd be a heck of a return to racing
11:44from a broken
11:46Essentially a broken leg the part right at the top of the leg
11:50under the knee
11:53Impressive that he's come back in this amount of time spent seven weeks on crutches could not put weight on it
11:59And there he is running in the second place position in this moto right now
12:03Yeah looking great
12:05Looking really good
12:08And our thor battle box letting us watch malcolm stewart, oh
12:13Malcolm stewart your brother and the very likable estonian harry kulas who's fighting for playoff points and position
12:21And he's got the battle and I think aaron
12:24somewhere up
12:25right in front of these guys, so
12:29Yeah, plessinger is eight. Yeah. Yep and really rallying right now for playoff positioning is brandt harland
12:35Who's running in ninth one of the best races of his career?
12:38I believe going back to washugal and then running well today looking to put it in the top 10
12:43On the 23 be 10th overall right now as we watch and look look at the difference. It has made
12:50These points matter too. Yeah, so welton would be in if it ends like this
13:00Having a rough day today. I saw nicoletti mistimed the gate badly off the start flinched and he is way back in 18th right now
13:07Yeah, I wonder was justin cooper close to him because justin's behind these guys so he wasn't up there
13:13So I wonder if he was caught up in that
13:16gate flinch
13:17There he is right behind these guys. Yeah, and I think harland
13:20You didn't see on that chart because he's already to the top of that group
13:22I think he's at the 15th and points now here is justin cooper normally a great starter
13:27But yeah, something definitely went wrong there
13:30Because he's working his way through traffic now in 13th
13:34Yeah, it's not typical for justin to be this far back
13:36So I wonder that gate flinch where he was close to nicoletti or something
13:40but clearly
13:42That is some power right there, baby
13:44Sorry, freddie doran. Yeah, I think he must have went down because you look at his shroud. It's loose
13:49So maybe justin went down his right side of his shroud
13:54And norin another one of the riders we were talking you got six seven guys fighting for the last five playoff spots
14:00If you don't make that you've got to go to the last chance qualifier at all three playoff races
14:05Norin has been very strong for the bad parts. Kawasaki team here in pro motocross stacking those points
14:11But he's not holding up justin cooper
14:14And we also mentioned cooper and plessinger close in pro motocross points
14:21Back to the leader there's sexton
14:2413 seconds is the job. Yeah, he's way out front. But I mean that first lap was
14:30I mean that was beast mode out there and chase knew like I don't even want to have to ride against hunter lawrence
14:35I get out front pull away from him and that race was gone jt
14:40James, I have a question. I was speaking to a former racer and one whose opinion I trust and he was theorizing that chase sexton rides
14:46Very differently when he's out front and he is dictating the pace
14:50Versus when he's in a battle and the pace is being dictated to him less mistakes more confidence
14:56One the question is are you seeing the same thing and two?
14:59Is that just a mental thing where he starts to think about what they're doing versus what he's doing?
15:04Well, yeah, I I completely agree with that. I mean chase he's a different rider out front and
15:10But this what we saw today
15:12This was the honda version of the speed of being out front how quickly he got away, but also the kcm ktm consistent
15:19So yeah when chase is out front, I think he just he's able to go where he wants
15:23He doesn't have to worry about getting caught behind guys
15:26And just like what we saw him in supercross and some of those heat races dude would be out front
15:30And then he would just be rolling and it would be lap after lap same lap times
15:34He is definitely a different rider out front than he is following but this outdoor season
15:39He's been pretty good from coming to the back as well
15:41yeah, I remember talking to you at press day the day before the monster energy supercross open here and you said, uh,
15:47Chase sexton might be the new ryan dungey, which he was kind of the exact opposite of dungey until this year
15:53But man, he has definitely improved in the consistency side
15:57And uh proving you're right
16:01yeah, I mean this is
16:03I think this moto is gonna we there's key parts of the this series for chase x and that second moto at um,
16:10hangtown and we're looking at uh
16:12You know
16:13Then we had the race where he went 1-1 when he was able to beat jet lawrence at second moto at southwick
16:18Then he went 1-1 at red
16:19But yeah, this is going to be another one because now this is the first time all year that in the beginning part of the
16:25The um race that he's had speed and he's able to get around them
16:28So when jet lawrence comes back that was one of the issues that we were thinking
16:32Jet puts him in a different spot than even hunter lawrence because jet is so quick
16:36In the beginning part of race now chase was able to answer that and do it here
16:40I think it's going to give him confidence that he does have that race pace early
16:44Well, I got some proof of race pace
16:47I'm going to show you the lap time here in a moment
16:48But first we got to catch up to this battle for andis got passed by roxanne earlier and he wants some more
16:55Yeah, dylan rode great here last year. I mean he was able to come up and get on the podium
16:59So he feels pretty comfortable here and he knows probably
17:02If anybody's going to have any kind of issues that fitness wise it might be ken roxson towards the end of these motos
17:08He's starting to see kenny sit down a little bit, which is expected. This track is tough
17:13He's in no man's land. He's 13 seconds behind
17:15chase sexton
17:17Dylan might be able to get around him if he gets an opportunity here soon
17:21Halfway through the moto
17:24Monster energy is available now at morabito
17:28And as we get into the second half, this is not just a better start for for andis
17:32It's a better ride and he just powers up the inside hook that rut and takes over second
17:40Power move by dylan for andis
17:44It's finally here. I mean we weren't even talking about for andis anymore
17:48He just finished five and six week in and week out now back to being a podium player jt
17:54Well, it shouldn't come as a shock and he would excel here
17:56If you look back and think about what he did here last year
18:00He pressured jet lawrence all the way to the finish and jet. Yes
18:03He went on to be 22 and 0 but this is one of the closest battles that he had was dylan for andis
18:08Here at unadilla so you could say it's the european upbringing the natural flow racetrack
18:13But something about this place agrees with dylan for andis
18:18And with that pass he would now be in position for an overall podium
18:23To be the first time for him on that phoenix racing honda team
18:26Now it's starting to come apart for roxson anderson making a move on him as well
18:31So that'll push roxson from second now back to fourth. There is hunter lawrence
18:36Things happening in a hurry for the 94. Yeah, they're starting to see it and just early as what we saw with cooper
18:42Webb, there's some wounded ducks out here. So these guys have since that and it's suspected they've been out all year long
18:48Ken, rox has done exactly what he needed to do same thing with cooper webb
18:51It's not surprising to see him get
18:53Passed by these guys who've been racing all year long. That's all right
18:56He's still getting a lot more out of it than if you were just sitting at home
18:59and learning to go
19:00And by the way, it was face full of roots. He might want to be at home after that
19:04But yeah, it's still a good day for kenny
19:08And a reminder this has been a cool thing
19:10We've had all season long the smx video pass for international fans includes a spanish language broadcast
19:16Normally, it's tommy rios and edgar lopez today. It's tommy and his dad giving you the call in spanish both former pro racers
19:24And fans from 106 countries around the world can listen to the call every weekend in spanish
19:29If they so choose on the smx video pass and that will also be part of telemundo for the pro moto cross finale
19:36At ironman, let's send it back down to katie osborne. Yeah as jason anderson is trying to hold off hunter lawrence here
19:43He did have his first podium of the season at washougal
19:46So, you know that there's a bit of momentum and then also during that break time
19:49They found some new settings on the front rear suspensions
19:52So again that conversation about jason anderson being comfortable on the bike
19:55It's coming together slowly
19:57But surely and of course this might be another opportunity for us to all see
20:01That jason anderson feels like he should be the guy up at the top
20:06Absolutely. Well, I can tell you nobody's comfortable out here today
20:10Just the way the track is
20:13So for anderson, yeah building off that podium headed into unadilla. We asked him about the break in between
20:20Kind of in the middle, you know, I feel like uh, we're pretty worn out after that for for a race stretch
20:26Um, but then sometimes a two-week break you can also kind of get out of that little that race mode. So, uh
20:33I don't know for me. It would have been nice just to kind of uh
20:36I want to just get it all over with I enjoy I enjoy racing. Um, the off weekends are hard whenever you have them and uh,
20:43Your mind's still in race race mode. So it's kind of tough
20:49Yeah, that's one way to look at it some guys like the brakes some guys rather just keep on going
20:53Anderson keeps on going right now trying to hold on to third
21:06And they still have forandus in sight so it is still a duel
21:12between these two
21:13but also
21:15Not out of it as far as forandus and that could
21:18That could put anderson on the overall podium again
21:22Yeah, if he's able to get around dylan now to change that and also hunter is able to get around. Um,
21:29Well, if it gets around anderson and yeah
21:31The podium stays the same but yes, I think hunters
21:34Maybe he's waiting for these guys a little bit. He seems like he has a little bit more pace
21:38I think this is different hunter lawrence than we saw in the last few weeks, but
21:41he's kind of waiting a couple more laps and
21:45As I say that he must have lost a lot of time, but he looks pretty good to me still
21:49And then out of our window, we just saw marshall welton
21:51One of the riders in that top 20 battle pull off the track. Oh and now what has happened to cooper webb. Is that?
21:58Yeah, cooper webb is off the track and he has his hand at his side, man, I hope he didn't hurt himself
22:03But that does not look promising for the two
22:07Yeah, it looks like he's favoring his his hand a little bit. So could have been
22:13Oh, he crashed
22:19Trying to see where that
22:22Trying to see where that
22:24Spicer's down a little bit
22:26And we love when these guys come back from injury, but you don't want to see
22:30Make things worse and i'm not sure by the way if that's anything to do with the thumb
22:34Could be something different but that's going to be the end for cooper webb at least today
22:40Hopefully we get him back for buds
22:43And eli tomac scheduled to return the great four-time pro motocross champion in the 450 class
22:50Should be there next weekend
22:53Chase sexton continues to lead the elf fuels unidilla national and what a lead he has 14 seconds
23:00for dylan farrandis
23:02Well james, you talked about him working on intensity and speed and all those things
23:06Was he also just mad that he got beat in the first moto? Could that be a bit of a factor? I mean
23:11No, I mean, I think chase understands that hunters a really good rider
23:15I mean, he's suspected to be for this fight. So hunter wrote really good. I mean chase
23:20After winning seven motos in a row, he just suspected that he'll be able to get it
23:23But hunter did a good job at holding him off and chase went back
23:27understood that where maybe hunter was a little bit better and he mentioned on the podium that
23:31He felt like the race was won once hunter got back around him and hunter was in front of him
23:35So he got that whole shot
23:38Got a lead. I mean he had 10 seconds within two laps and now since then it's only growing about four seconds and really
23:44It's been about the same since lap four
23:47But this is chase's plan intensity was there get a gap and now you just manage this race and ride this thing out
23:52And that's exactly what he's done
23:55This guy is rolling yes the photo win streak as you said is over at seven
24:00But looking to keep the overall win streak alive
24:04To be four in a row
24:07Seven minutes and two laps left
24:10And I think this is as I mentioned earlier, it's a big statement not only for chase in his mindset
24:15Especially if that's what he's working on the intensity, but for the rest of the field now, you know
24:20Like this guy can come out the gate
24:22We can't allow him to be out front as well because he can do this and I think
24:25It's hard to find a rider that can do both be really strong at the end of the race
24:29But also be really quick in the beginning part. It's like
24:33Can finding uh, eva tomac beast mode at the end and ken roxson in the beginning now you got number four
24:40That's what you're seeing
24:41It's impressive
24:44And that's what's cool
24:45This could be
24:46Just pro motocross talk and what will it be like when everybody's back next year?
24:51Now we're going to get everyone back in just a few weeks for the smx world championship
24:56Chase sexton clearly is going to be ready for that. Well right now the focus is to lock down
25:01What could be his first ever pro motocross title what we're watching here is roxson and now
25:06Blessinger who has caught him for fifth?
25:08Yeah, ap had a bad start. He's been fighting his way up and they're not too far behind. Um,
25:14Hunter lawrence and and those guys but aaron plessinger got that third place in that first moto
25:20Now he can sense
25:21Same thing with kenny kenny probably won't put up too much of a fight
25:24Especially if aaron has a clean line on the inside of him. Can you probably let him go through?
25:31Not quite enough there for the seven
25:34Getting closer though
25:39There he goes inside
25:44Roxson showed some fight here. Yeah that line funneled back in here you go
25:49It's gonna be inside for the seven now
25:51Here comes plessinger
25:53And there roxson let him go. Yeah, you see I mean kenny probably didn't even know aaron was that close
25:58But yeah, he wasn't gonna put a fight. I mean aaron's fighting for
26:00Uh third in his championship and truthfully
26:03Kenny, he did exactly and probably more than what he even needed to do this race by being out front
26:08He knows he has the pace and that was a big thing and that's what he was wondering coming in
26:12So the fitness is we expect it to be a little bit. Um off on the second moto
26:18Kenny's doing a great job. See if you can hold on to sixth place
26:21This is moto and we will get roxson back in motocross
26:24He's gonna race ironman in two weeks, but in the 250 class, that'll be wild hasn't raised 250s since
26:302013 and this battle is still going hunter lawrence. Jason anderson
26:36And forandis because their battling has been able to stretch it back out forandis on the podium. That would be huge
26:42For the phoenix honda team. Yeah, that'd be huge for for those guys and just the way he's been riding
26:47Um this year to be able to come out and pass these guys and be really solid
26:51I mean chase was just on a different field, but
26:54Yeah, he hasn't been better than jason all year long pretty much if they both stay up and the same thing with hunter
26:59So good to see jason out here. But as we say that look how much time the hunter lost in that one corner
27:06Tough for him, it's not the area where hunter was best
27:09In the first photo. Yeah, it's just a different part and that's the difference where being out front you kind of dictate
27:15Hunter's got to dodge the roof that's going up. So
27:18All these guys are kind of taking his line so he can't really follow him especially in that section and losing that time
27:25Gonna have to rebuild four minutes and two laps to go if he wants to put in a challenge toward anderson
27:31now hunter will be on the overall podium in second, even if it ends like this, but
27:36Championship points are paid out with each individual moto
27:40And you see today he would lose four points to sexton. He would only lose two
27:45If he can pass
27:49Yeah, you can start to see hunter maybe he's starting to feel it a little bit
27:54Not as aggressive and that could be a lot just to do with this racetrack how slippery it is, but
28:00Jason anderson, he's doing a great job the same thing with dylan. Those guys are running great in front of them. So
28:06Yeah, there's fred it's at the bottom of the screen
28:09Boy, they never gave up on it factory connection a lot of the folks that ran the very successful
28:14Geico honda team in the past are back working on that motorcycle
28:19And good line by jason right there nice wheelie i'll give him that yeah what he did he
28:25Was beautiful and closing back in on forandus. This battle is not over from unidillo
28:38Ken dylan forandus hold on
28:40For his first podium of the year
28:42First podium of the year it would be the first podium ever in pro moto cross for the phoenix racing honda team
28:48with the help of factory connection
28:52Something over the break must have been better
28:54We did have jason thomas allude to how strong forandus is on this track
28:57But it's an overall a much better performance than we've seen
29:00It's kind of quietly been the fifth sixth seventh place guy in almost every moto often ahead of one group
29:08And behind the other group in that no man's land, but today he's in that battle
29:11Yeah, and I think also we come here. Oh, he missed that inside or maybe he's just planning on going outside
29:17But I think with dylan he's first time he's been up front
29:21In a while, so that's good to see he's actually got up battle these guys
29:25Coming to a place that he likes
29:28Not surprising
29:34Csmx playoffs once again offering an opportunity for camping at all three rounds and spots are going quick
29:40Sign up today at supermotocross.com
29:44I mean look at what people do here at unadilla
29:46massive campgrounds
29:48And then people walk to the fences find their best spot and then make a weekend out of it. You could do that
29:54At cmax dragway at charlotte texas motor speedway
29:57And the strip at las vegas motor speedway as well
30:03Closing back to forandus. This is going to be a furious battle to the end now
30:07Yeah, that's because hunter lawrence is closing in on jason and what dylan needed was for hunter to close in on jason to have him
30:14Run behind him because jason understands that he needs to get dylan to get that third place overall to knock dylan off
30:21Oh, there's hunter james, can he get him inside?
30:26Inside's going to be anderson's now. How does hunter play it? He's going to try to grease the outside
30:31He can still get him. He can still get him. Yeah, he's on the outside
30:34But now it's going to be the inside anderson fights back
30:39Locks it down. Nice moves power move by hunter. He just stayed there and jason tried fighting him
30:45But with all those ruts, he couldn't do anything
30:47For him nice move by hunter now. He's right behind dylan
30:51See if he can get up and maybe get second place and dylan probably doesn't even know that hunter is there
30:56So we have an opportunity to sneak up on him
31:00And forandus uses
31:02The lawrence brothers facility for his riding during the week there they've been close for years good friends off the track
31:09So a change now with hunter lawrence making the move on anderson
31:14Up to third in the moto. Can he make tracks toward dylan forandus? This won't affect the overall podium
31:21But forandus I think just wants to show he's back in this conversation with these podium guys
31:27Not just one moto, but in general can fight the fight
31:31And it's important for dylan to hold hunter off because if he doesn't
31:35Then he gets knocked off the podium and aaron plessinger is up in there. So there's a lot to fight for at the end of this
31:42Wow, yes, he only has a one point edge for the overall podium over plessinger plessinger gets anderson
31:48That could make the difference
31:51Let's talk smx track view and we've got a lot of cool new things coming for those playoffs in september
31:57And something some things we're innovating right now
32:00And what smx track view is we have a couple of bikes with transponders on them with gps
32:04So we can show you where they are on the track
32:07The goal would eventually be to have the whole field to have this they've been experimenting with this
32:11With the scouting moto combine for some of the amateur riders. Now. We have it for the pros for the first time
32:17Actually had it at loretta lynn's and the monster energy amateur national last week
32:21yeah, well
32:23Thanks to chase x and it looks a little farther away than what they are
32:26But we're hoping to have them all in here, but this is really cool
32:29technology from here and these motorcycles everybody's just trying to
32:33Get better and this is going to help the riders as well because it'll let them know once they watch the replay where they're losing
32:38Time at really cool to see this from these guys. Yeah, I saw I went into the ama truck
32:42They showed when you zoom in you can actually see line choices so riders could review that but the main reason they want that system
32:48It's actually for the safety
32:50They want to get to the point that if a bike stops moving in a certain section
32:54The lights that are on the faces of most of these jumps will turn on automatically
32:58So you'll still have yellow flaggers and red flag cross flags out on the track, but you'll add an automatic light element
33:05Which they use in formula one if a car is stopped on a certain side of the track
33:09The lights turn on automatic that is what they're trying to get to
33:12And running some experiments with that system
33:15Really cool. Yep
33:17And lauren's still closing
33:19on forerunners
33:21Might have had some lights going off on my day. I hit the ground a few times. Yeah, i'd stop moving
33:26The bike didn't stop moving at times. Sometimes you get back up though. Yeah, I get start moving again. Yeah, they'll cut off eventually
33:32There's anderson and oh here comes plessinger now
33:37Aaron's been fighting after that bad start
33:43And i'm sure ap knows that if he gets around jason you'll be third overall
33:47So he's got two chances whether it's hunter lawrence gets him or he can i'm sure his mechanic has told him
33:52He needs the 21 from three
33:55Third bottom podium. I'm, not
33:57Sure, two things can happen
34:00hunter passes ferrandez
34:03That would definitely I believe get plessinger third overall plessinger makes this move
34:09Did we gain a point I think him ferrandez might still end up being tied and the
34:15Second moto is the tiebreaker. So I believe for your plessinger. You need both things to happen. You've got to make a pass and then
34:23Hope that there's a pass made by lawrence or if lawrence passes him and
34:27Plessinger stays where he is. That would be the overall podium as well
34:31And this battle is still raging. It is not going to be easy for ferrandez
34:35Oh, here we go
34:37White flag out. Yes. It is for sexton now second and third
34:42Yeah hunter knows this is the opportunity he's gotten a lot closer
34:45he's got to be clean in all these corners so he can stay close to dylan maybe surprise him up the inside or outside but
34:52Man dylan, he wants to hold this off because he's in his own destiny. He controls this podium
35:00Yes, he does got about five bike lengths on
35:04hunter right now
35:06Dylan killed that section really good job of getting in and out of that
35:09Didn't lose too much time actually pulled away from hunter
35:16And again, it does pay championship points for hunter to make this move
35:21So he has motivation to get him
35:24sexton with a 12 second lead
35:26And the championship points as they run right now will be a 30 point lead for sexton hunter trying to get it to 28
35:33Uh hunter spun up out of that corner
35:36lost a bit of time
35:37Still has another opportunity because now you got these lap riders coming up with dylan
35:41So he's going to have the undecisiveness of where they're going to go
35:44Maybe slow them down a little bit see if hunter can close on close in on them
35:53Let's see if there's a spot maybe
35:55The ups and downs toward the end and the wall that could be where hunter could get him if he can get close enough
36:00Oh dylan lost his momentum coming out of the corner
36:05Plessiger made the move on anderson now he and for and it's are tied in points
36:10Tiebreaker goes to the better second moto. So for end is still has the podium at least for now, but he's got to hold off
36:17Oh lap traffic everywhere. Lawrence gonna squirt by
36:21What a move and that's where I was mentioning that just the undecisive of what dylan not
36:25Look at dylan fight back james
36:26But he's trying to get back hunter needs to get to the inside of his lap rider keep dylan outside
36:31Oh dylan sends it in deep
36:34Ah, there was nothing to bank off of it ain't over yet. Dylan's opening up this corner and he knows what that means
36:39Yeah, you can tell he's going for that podium
36:43Checkered flag meanwhile in sight no drama for this man said he needed better track position
36:49He grabbed the moto sport.com hole shot and a dominant win chase sexton takes unadilla
36:55battle to the line
36:57Hunter lawrence will steal the podium away
37:00From dylan ferrandez hunter was going to be second no matter what but that pass
37:05Should bump aaron plessiger up to third overall
37:09Hey rod, buddy. These guys nice ride by dylan
37:12They were all that wouldn't even say they were chasing chase. He was gone. Yeah, they were in their own battle