Blue Lock Episode 12 Eng Dub

  • le mois dernier
Blue Lock Episode 12 Eng Dub
00:18What is this place
00:24The heck that came out of nowhere
00:30Okay, now i'm concerned
01:09How crazy is that feeling
01:12How crazy is that feeling?
02:16A hologram named blue lock man. I'm guessing they want me to make a goal
02:23And the circle shrinking I get it this training simulates a penalty area
02:30First I have to assess the situation then play from a space that gets smaller by the second out with the giga chad holo keeper
02:38And score, oh, yeah, that's the stuff a perfect shot
02:44Wait, what this guy is good?
02:47No high schooler could have stopped that. Also. How did a hologram touch the ball?
02:54That's the game to pass this stage I have to score a hundred goals on blue lock man in 90 minutes
03:01It's a solo battle to test my chops in the penalty area
03:07I won't be making any points if I rely on random shots
03:10Only someone with an exceptional weapon will be able to clear this room
03:14Not a bad challenge now bring it on
03:18They're coming from the left
03:21Go change places. I have to act instantly
03:26See the ball's path feel its speed
03:30Get to the spot where it'll land
03:34Gauge the distance to the goal and make a direct shot
03:44Good that works
03:48This high-tech training method is really creative
03:51It recreates the crucial moment right before you shoot a goal
03:54If I want to keep up with the others i'm going to have to hone my weapon and improve my shots
04:01Okay, I can do this my goal formula works
04:11Great more holograms
04:14Makes sense given what this is simulating. I should have expected defenders
04:20Dang it. It's no good
04:23The difficulty level shot up
04:25new plan
04:26I need to be more accurate
04:28If I don't evolve this is where my blue lock journey ends
04:33This game favors explosive power. The walls are lined with panels that fire balls in all directions
04:39Germany's top clubs are similar, but this room is superior
04:43conditions adapt to each player's individual strengths and weaknesses
04:48Most unique is blue lock man an ai hologram player programmed using data from world-class goalies
04:55I must say he's quite the opponent
04:57Physical interactions with the hologram are possible. Thanks to a microchip inside the ball
05:02This is the future of sports technology a modern marvel
05:07I'll cut to the chase ego
05:09It's bad
05:11We are so out of money. Shut up. It was worth every penny
05:15This is exactly the training program I envisioned
05:19Every player will have to rely on different skills to clear this stage of the process if they're clever
05:25Anyone who coasted by thanks to their teammates will find this 90 minute stage to be quite the difficult challenge
05:31but watch
05:33If a striker commands his weapon and if he can use it to turn zero into one
05:37This room will polish his skills so that he transforms into something even greater
05:42This is where they can test out their weapons and see how far they've progressed
05:47If they're able to pass this test
05:49They'll operate at a whole new level
05:52Nailed it
05:54The three tummies appear at random the ball its trajectory and the goalies placement if I clock those things
06:03The point is mine
06:07Players who are adapting are showing dramatic improvement. This form of training is amazing
06:13Oh, you haven't seen anything yet on me. My plan is still in its infancy
06:26Level max
06:31Okay, breathe i'll keep with what I was doing before
06:36That's way faster and it's spinning now
06:39You're not making this easy
06:43This max level is no joke
06:45The ball moves quickly and the dummies slide around at random. There's no pattern to follow
06:50It's the perfect recreation of what happens in and around the box during high level soccer matches
06:55They must not only assess the situation respond and shoot with accuracy. They also have to maintain that stamina for 90 minutes
07:03Mind technique physical strength. You need all of them to advance
07:07The pretender will see how powerless he really is
07:11Damn it. I can't get the ball past them
07:14At least i'm not wearing out yet. I've still got energy
07:18That conditioning we went through really worked
07:22I'm, finally realizing something I didn't before
07:26The only reason I was able to make those goals was because of some solid passes
07:32That cannon shoots wherever it wants whereas on the field bachata put the ball exactly where I needed it to be
07:39Plus kunigami drew the defenders toward him making an opening for me
07:44And chigiri was always off to the side waiting for me to pass
07:48I was able to score goals only because my teammates were helping I wasn't fighting alone. It was a group effort
07:57But I can't rely on them
08:00Even if we do work well together, I want the strength to succeed alone
08:04I gotta use all my skills and keep racking up points
08:08focus and hone
08:09I've got this
08:12Take in the entire field
08:14Note the defenders and goalie then sprint to where i'll shoot from
08:19Gauge the trajectory and spin of the ball and hit the top left corner
08:26Oh crap, my spatial awareness and positioning are perfect, but my shot isn't hitting the specific place I envision
08:33Damn it
08:34I've got to change my whole mindset
08:36What I really need right now is
08:38better contact
08:41Bachata's passes work out because the ball moves in the right direction, but the balls in this room are erratic and tough to connect with
08:48That's it
08:49Kicking blindly won't help
08:52I need to cut back to 80. No 70% of the power i've been using up until now
08:57In that final moment, I have to focus
09:00on the point of impact
09:07This is it the essence of my ability to score
09:11I have to combine my tricks and strategies to make simple direct shots
09:16Oh, man, this is so much fun
09:19I keep discovering hidden strengths. I had no idea existed
09:23Impressive. He's leveling up so quickly
09:26Humans are the type of creatures that only see what we want to see
09:30When you become aware of your limitations, it changes how you perceive and think about everything else
09:37Right about now
09:40He's overwhelmed by his own evolution
09:47What a rush
09:48I've never thought so carefully about the shots I take before but it definitely helps
09:53Now, I know I can get even stronger
10:01All right, so this is the second stage
10:07We form a team of three
10:22Nagi reo they both passed
10:25Of course, they must be waiting for zantetsu to be their final team member. Oh, hey isugi
10:35Hooray reunited you made it nice going
10:41Now I see all we have to do in this stage is form a little trio of players
10:46So who will be our third?
10:49It's the two of us plus one
10:53Guess he's assuming that we're teaming up together
10:56Not that I mind there are so many options. Let me think if I were to pick the first players who come to mind would be
11:04kunigami and chigiri
11:07Yeah, but we can't draft them both one of those dudes will end up on their own. So who do you want?
11:17How about we wait and team up with whoever makes it here first, yeah
11:21Sounds good
11:22Kind of fun not knowing who it's gonna be right
11:27Hey yoichi isugi
11:29Want to join our team?
11:32You should play with us
11:34What are you doing nagi is this seriously the guy you think we should team up with yeah
11:39He was the most impressive guy on the field when we played his team
11:43I want to see what soccer is like with him
11:47Interesting, what will you do? It's your call. It's not gonna happen. We're staying teammates
11:56Sorry nagi i'm not leaving bachata behind that's that I see
12:07I'll join the two of you instead
12:12That solves the problem
12:16What are you talking about nagi
12:18Think straight you're teaming up with me. Not those guys. Have you gone crazy? You can't do this
12:27Appreciate that you taught me how to play the game
12:31We'll still become the best in the world. I'm certain about that
12:35Thing is we played them and lost
12:39We weren't the strongest players
12:43They frustrated me and that's not something i've ever experienced before I want to understand it better
12:51Because now I want to give this my all
13:03This is a joke do what you want
13:08What do you think isagi
13:11I'd feel better if I knew I could get kunikami or chigiri. I know that's the best move
13:18This would have its advantages
13:23He is
13:27A killer striker
13:30Okay, join us
13:34Solid raster
13:45See ya rayo on the other side
13:54Very cool, this will be fun
13:56I agree
13:57Poor guy. I'm pretty sure you broke his heart. Hold up. Are you a huge jerk or something?
14:04No, and i'd be lying if I said I won't miss him
14:08But my excitement to join you outweighs that it's the smartest thing to do in terms of my ego, isn't it?
14:15Blue lock is harsh. That's how it's designed
14:19He's right only egoists have the power to survive this place
14:24If my teammates can keep up i'll see them again after this stage
14:29so for now
14:31Nagi let's do this
14:38With this team, there's no way we can lose
14:42Oh, yeah, we are definitely the strongest no sweat
14:46We will win this
15:07Hello again, my little diamonds in the rough
15:10Welcome to the third stage of the second selection
15:13three on three team battle
15:16We're facing him right off the bat
15:30Nice job clearing the first stage just you weird. Where is everyone else at?
15:35I was talking to the guys who came before us sounds like isuki bachira and nagi formed a team
15:41They already headed off to whatever's next
15:43Ha seriously
15:45So they decided to leave me behind, huh? Now i'm pissed off. Hmm
15:50You took the words right out of my mouth
15:53Since we're both here
15:54I have a proposal
15:56You know chigiri. I bet you and I might be thinking the same thing
16:02Let's team up
16:06The third stage is a battle between three man teams
16:10This match will be set up in a unique minigame format. Both teams will have blue lock man for a goalie
16:16The first team to score five goals wins the game. They'll advance but there's an additional prize
16:22Winners get to steal a player from the losers moving forward. They'll have a four-man team. You'll want to choose wisely
16:29We get to take an opponent
16:32Kind of sounds like that game. What's it called? You mean red rover? Yeah that
16:38As you progress through this stage, you'll acquire more teammates in order to pass the second selection
16:43You'll have to get to the fifth stage with a force of five
16:46It's as simple as that and what happens to the losing team?
16:50They keep going with their remaining members, but if you lose the game of two on two and don't get picked by the winners
16:56You're disqualified
16:58tragic really
17:01Dominate and steal your enemies in rivalry battle the only way to keep advancing in blue lock
17:07Oh, you're also free to choose which team you play against first
17:11But both of the teams must agree to the matchup. Got it
17:15Good to know so more teams of three will show up eventually and we'll have to be strategic about who we play. Sounds like it
17:22In that case we could wait these guys don't have to be our first opponents
17:27If we can steal a player after we win we should probably choose opponents based on the player we want to take
17:35That's exactly right who you choose to battle will be the key to clearing this stage to inform your choice
17:41I will now announce the latest blue lock rankings
17:46Naturally there are no fake numbers this time around these ranks are in the order in which you pass the first stage
17:53You've put forth a suitable showing each of you are players who can turn zero into one on the field
17:59To move forward you'll need to figure out how to mix your talents to enhance one another
18:05Only strikers who are able to harness their egos will get the opportunity to move on
18:11Use any means necessary to win
18:17In this stage
18:18The real question is whether to steal friends or rivals
18:22Wow, he's put together a pretty devilish game
18:25So in short we advance by winning and forming a team of five bingo
18:30Given the circumstances. It sounds like we can take our sweet time picking who we play against
18:34What do you think isagi?
18:37Should we wait for someone new or maybe
18:43What a nightmare I can't stand it
18:48I don't want to play this game
18:51If we end up blowing it no one will pick me over those two and if I lose again after that
18:58We'll be left alone. Oh, this is awful. I don't want it to end here
19:05Talk about zero confidence
19:07We should play against ranks four through six
19:10Now big bear and clam
19:13Beating the losers who just walked in would be much too easy. So sad destroying them would be an ugly look
19:20Shut up. I don't care who we play
19:23I'll win and move on no matter the circumstance
19:27You two don't even need to join in
19:30Huh, I admit your whole vibe is absurdly clam however, you're a fool if you disregard my talent. Hey guys, please don't start fighting
19:40What's up with them?
19:42They're supposed to be a team
19:44Glam short for glamorous
19:47Don't get it twisted
19:50The only reason we formed a team is because we passed that last stage quickly and ended up here together
19:56You're just stepping stones on my journey
19:59all of you
20:00And blue lock as well
20:04I can join the u-20s national team if I win this thing. That's the only reason i'm here
20:10Why i'm succeeding?
20:12Everything I do is to get on the national team and surpass my older brother
20:17Crushing him is everything to me
20:20my purpose for playing soccer
20:23I knew I recognized that name. This guy
20:26Is the little brother of sai itoshi the genius midfielder
20:32Man talk about an ego intense. They're a formidable team
20:37Though kind of an odd roster
20:39Of course, even your upbringing is glam in that case. I suppose you're technically worthy of being my teammate
20:45Oh when I get stuck in a group with a rising star like him i'm gonna end up drinking everybody down
20:53Right then guys, sorry
21:00I know this is a risky move but
21:05You don't care who your opponent is
21:09Then i'll listen to my ego play us I wanna fight him
21:16That's the spirit. I like this smart move
21:20Are you talking to moi
21:24More importantly sure i'll beat you
21:30I want this guy
23:07Lula additional time can't believe we have to say bye bro. I'm afraid this is as far as I get to go
23:15You're gonna become the best striker in the whole world. I know it
23:18And i'll become a big tv star known for doing impressions of you. I've already decided my stage name will be cascade davidson
23:28This is it bro, make sure you come out on top
23:36Put your faith in me
23:38I'll destroy my enemies make no mistake
23:42I will make them pay you hear that. Did he just form a coherent sentence?
23:49What a weirdo so scary