Blue Lock Episode 9 Eng Dub

  • le mois dernier
Blue Lock Episode 9 Eng Dub
00:30off. A super long pass from over his shoulder? Not only that, it had topspin and dropped like a stone.
00:38Gaining control of a ball on the run is difficult enough.
00:42But he had defenders on either side of him too. If his control wasn't precise,
00:46they could have stolen it off of him at any time. He plucked it out of the air without ever breaking
00:51his stride. So many high-level techniques, and all of them jam-packed into a single moment.
00:56So that's him. The highest-ranked player out of everyone in Building 5.
01:04Five it is, then. But what a hassle.
01:08I knew the final match would be tough, but we're up against this monster?
02:25What the heck was that move?!
02:49P.I. Lock, that's all!
02:51Come on, it was only a single goal!
02:53Time for us to attack, amen!
02:54Trust me, I'm more than ready.
02:56That's right. We have a strategy for how to deal with them, and we're sticking to it.
03:05I've gotta find a way to get the ball over there.
03:07Ten more meters to go.
03:09Six. Three.
03:11I can't afford to let you get within your shooting range. I know all about you, muscle boy.
03:18Where do you think you're going?!
03:20He's good at holding onto the ball.
03:22Ready for another one, Nagi?
03:24It's the same place before?
03:26Hey, Nagi! Igaguri! Stop him!
03:28I'll press him!
03:29That trick won't work a second time.
03:33It popped up! This is our chance!
03:44No... way...
03:45Wha- what the hell is going on here?
03:48This guy is no joke!
03:51This is bad!
03:52The score's two-zip! Our strategy isn't working!
03:56Is there any way out of this?
03:58Hey, Kunigami! Why did you let them steal the ball?
04:01Go do your job, Frontline, and stop screwing over the rest of us!
04:04My job? Why don't you do yours and defend?
04:07That's enough! If we lose this game, it's over.
04:10So stop arguing with each other and just play the best you can!
04:13Yeah, he's right about giving it your all and not giving up!
04:16Have faith! Never stop fighting back!
04:18Can I get an amen?
04:23They're good, but thankfully, we have one weapon left.
04:27Heads up! Chigiri!
04:29Come on! Break it! Get the ball!
04:31We're at a disadvantage, but my speed ought to close the gap!
04:35Who's this guy? He's quick!
04:38Team V has someone faster than Chigiri?
04:42Nice, Zantetsu!
04:43I'll get him! He's gonna pass to Nagi!
04:45Damn it! I'll drop it, too!
04:47In that case...
04:48You're up, Zantetsu! This is your territory, right?
04:52Crap! We put too many people on Nagi and left that guy wide open!
04:55Naruhaya! Move back up!
04:58This is my territory, without a doubt.
05:09Ryo, remind me what territory means again.
05:14You realize wearing fake glasses doesn't make you any smarter.
05:17Stupid Zantetsu.
05:19It's fine. I mean, we still got this, right? You guys?
05:26They've trapped us in a hopeless situation.
05:30It barely took their team any time.
05:32None of us believe there's a chance of winning at this point.
05:35We're even putting up a fight!
05:41Know what I love about soccer?
05:43Playing a match as fun as this.
05:46Is something wrong with him?
05:48I've got no idea.
05:50Pachira, what's there to smile about?
05:52Huh? Seriously? Who wouldn't be hyped up?
05:55The whole system that trio has is incredible!
05:59We're down 3-0, and you're acting like we have a chance!
06:02Wait a sec. Don't tell me you're scared.
06:06There's no getting past it.
06:08Those three goals they scored were super special.
06:11But the solution to winning is obvious.
06:13What we need...
06:15is to be equally super special!
06:20Well, pass it here.
06:21What? Their team's already torn our strategy to pieces.
06:24So what? Then we go beyond the plan!
06:26Hurry up, or they'll steal it!
06:29If weapons and formulas don't work, and using them to the max doesn't cut it,
06:34then the only way we'll score against these guys is if we can surpass our own individual limits!
06:39You can't hear him, but the monster inside me is speaking!
06:42In a desperate situation, don't be frightened!
06:45Because that's when things get exciting!
06:48He's right.
06:50You're an interesting one.
06:51Bring it on, Meguru Bachira!
06:53You got it! Coming on through!
06:58Ultra-fast stepovers?
06:59Same team left, but you're really going right.
07:05He pulled off a roulette?
07:07No, you don't. That's far enough.
07:10You're quick, Specs. Change of plans.
07:13A lob? I've got the advantage if we both go for it.
07:18Outside, huh? Which means he's going left.
07:22An air elastico?
07:23Hey, it worked! There's no end to my inspiration.
07:26My bad. He's headed your way!
07:28I'm almost there!
07:30Just three more to pass.
07:31Guys, take him on at the same time!
07:33You've gotta love this feeling.
07:35Every player came to Bluelock because they want to become the best striker in the world!
07:39If we crap out against Team B now, it's as good as admitting that's all we're worth!
07:48Three more.
07:50Hachira, you're incredible.
07:52Smiling even now just because you love the game.
07:56You're totally right.
07:58If this is it, the last game of my entire soccer career, I'm not holding back!
08:10I can wallow in despair if we lose.
08:14In order to win,
08:17I must evolve!
08:20Bastard, don't screw it!
08:27Aw yeah! Botch it up, baby!
08:30That was sick!
08:31You see? I got a super special goal of my own.
08:34Your turn. If this isn't fun, then what is?
08:40The only way to score goals is by making plays that push us past our limits.
08:45It's almost like they have a sense of renewed complacency, right?
08:48The word you're looking for is camaraderie.
08:50Stupid Santetsu.
08:52Guy's got talent.
08:53We'll have to shut him down completely.
08:56Another hassle.
09:08We just witnessed a super special limit-breaking goal!
09:12I freaking love you, dude!
09:13I feel like there's nothing holding me back now!
09:16There's more that goes into surpassing your limits besides being reckless, Higurashi.
09:20Nice, Bachira.
09:22Wait, like what?
09:23That goal of his, it was born out of Bachira's dribbling weapon.
09:28As for your personal limit, that refers back to your goal formula.
09:32The formulas we used going into this game aren't equaling points,
09:36so we have to make up new ones.
09:38You said it.
09:39I mean, all that stuff just popped into my head and happened to work out somehow.
09:44In short, we have to try new techniques in this game.
09:47We find a way to evolve.
09:48Otherwise, our careers are extinct.
09:50That's right.
09:52Bachira managed to change our entire perspective with his play style.
09:5665 minutes left.
09:57That's all the time we have for our egos to evolve.
10:01Let's get another one!
10:04I will find it.
10:05The formula that only works for me.
10:08Look at them all hyped up over that goal of his.
10:11They were down and out a minute ago.
10:14Reo, you're not mad, right?
10:16Not really.
10:17Thing is, Nagi and I both took up soccer six months ago,
10:21and I don't want to stain on our perfect record.
10:24Six months?
10:25They're a couple newbies.
10:27We're definitely up against some monsters.
10:29You've got to be kidding me.
10:31But Aichi, we need you to mark Reo.
10:34And why the hell should I do that?
10:36Because with your physique, we can pincer him.
10:38Chigiri and Gagamaru, cover the space that opens up.
10:41We need to stop Reo before he sets up Nagi,
10:43or they're going to keep scoring.
10:45We'll go with that.
10:46Hurry and adjust the formation!
10:48Damn it.
10:49How can I play my sexy version of soccer when I'm stuck defending?
10:53Fine, I'll do it, bastards!
10:55But if we end up losing, mark my words,
10:57I'm going to haunt your descendants till the end of time!
11:00Holding grudges isn't popular with the ladies,
11:03Push me, see what happens!
11:05I'm stuck on defense!
11:06The last place a striker wants to be!
11:08No way I'm letting my soccer career end playing this position!
11:14Don't worry.
11:15I'll slice open a path to the goal, same as last time!
11:18No, you don't!
11:19It's my turn to crush you!
11:20The speed king around here is me.
11:22Stupid specs.
11:24We're not friends.
11:25So you don't get to call me stupid, you slowpoke!
11:29You ready, Nagi?
11:30You think I'd stay quiet after you outran me?
11:34Not fast enough, slowpoke!
11:36Way to cut him off, Shiguri!
11:38That passive of his went wild!
11:39Here's my chance!
11:40Don't steal it!
11:42He's shooting from back here!
11:47Madball, don't get past me!
11:49That's what I call using your head!
11:52Give it your best, you banged freak.
11:54But I hope you don't expect to make it past me again.
11:57I don't.
11:58But this is different from last time.
12:00I'm not the only one who's fighting now.
12:04We've awakened.
12:05Let's show him what we got, Team Z!
12:11Get on him!
12:12Don't let him make it into shooting range!
12:13Once I'm within 28 meters of the goal,
12:15my middle shot weapon's odds of success skyrocket!
12:19Still too far out.
12:21I can't score goals unless I evolve.
12:23What's the play?
12:24Should I try to dribble past them?
12:26No, that's not one of the tools in my arsenal.
12:28Kunigami, pass it here!
12:30How can I change?
12:31This could be the last game of my career.
12:34Unless I...
12:35Don't lose your nerve now!
12:37Go for it!
12:38You want to be a superhero, don't you?
12:41Wait a sec.
12:42He's right.
12:42I've been settling for what I know I can do.
12:45If I don't challenge myself, I can't evolve!
12:48There's the shot!
12:49Outside my 28-meter range.
12:51Zeroing in on the sweet spot for a full-powered technical shot!
12:55That's what a superhero would do!
12:57Blast off!
12:58Wrong shot from outside his shooting range?
13:00It's dead center!
13:01If I punch it clear...
13:04There was no spin?!
13:06Let's go!
13:12One more golem retired!
13:14Kunigami's shot was legendary!
13:15No denying it!
13:16Why didn't you tell us you had such an amazing no-spin mid-range shot?
13:20You're a true superhero, Muscle Boy!
13:24I just focused on how I made good shots.
13:27I just focused on how I made contact with the ball, more so than usual.
13:31When I scored that goal, though, I felt something new.
13:38There's a formula for scoring based on the potential of your weapon.
13:41Follow that to its conclusion, and you'll gain a new sense of how to score goals.
13:46Basically, your ego can only evolve as an extension of what you are capable of at present.
13:50The question is, what's in my arsenal right now?
13:54Is it my spatial awareness?
13:56My movement on the field?
13:58That goal from before?
13:59How did I manage to make it?
14:01If this is going to be our final battle, I should take a chance on a new version of myself.
14:08So far, our five-man defense formation is working.
14:11When we go out there for the second half, everybody here give more than a hundred percent!
14:15Whether you like it or not, we only have 45 minutes left!
14:18All we need is a single point to catch up to them.
14:20As long as the front line keeps doing their job, we can turn this game around!
14:26We're gonna win this, there's no question.
14:29All their team can do is use a pull-back-and-counter approach.
14:32So we should change our own tactics and response, too.
14:35You hear the redhead back there?
14:36He actually had the nerve to call me stupid, even though we've never met before.
14:40He's dead.
14:41That's the spirit, you idiot.
14:43There's no way we're gonna lose to these amateurs, right?
14:46Kunigami, you're up!
14:49Of course they'd press me quicker after my goal.
14:51It's obviously reckless to shoot from here.
14:54Gotta pass!
14:55Kakamaru, coming at you!
14:57Where is that going to land?
14:59Oh man, I ran too far ahead of it.
15:02Whatever, I'll shoot it anyway!
15:04Wow, nice scorpion kick!
15:07It's in.
15:16Dude came out of nowhere.
15:17So what, he's defending now?
15:19They've beefed up their defense.
15:21Second ball!
15:2520 meters to the goal.
15:26No, more like 23.
15:28I can make that shot.
15:30Nearly there.
15:32Crap, my path got blocked.
15:34It's no use.
15:35This formula won't allow me to score a goal.
15:38Isagi, behind you!
15:40Isagi, you pulling a kuon?
15:42You suck, get it back!
15:45What am I lacking?
15:46What could I have done differently?
15:47Clear it!
15:48I managed to get in range for a shot,
15:50but I couldn't take it.
15:52If only my weapon was something like dribbling,
15:54or I had a strong physique to hold onto the ball.
15:58It's pointless wishing for things I don't have.
16:01The answer to how I evolve is buried somewhere inside of me.
16:04I can't do everything, but I know what I can do.
16:07I must refine my technique,
16:08and I have to do it before the clock runs out!
16:11Talk about inefficient.
16:13You acted cool then didn't shoot?
16:15How pointless.
16:17Well, what happened?
16:20Great, this guy!
16:21I'm confused.
16:23How come you don't just give up?
16:25Why are you still coming at us?
16:26Are you stupid?
16:27I don't understand.
16:30If I was at your playing level,
16:31I would have quit soccer a long time ago.
16:35So, what's your deal?
16:37What motivates you to fight the inevitable?
16:40We're almost to the good parts!
16:42Do me a favor, genius, and shut it!
16:48What a weird guy.
16:51Just stay up top!
16:52We'll hit them on the counter!
16:53Looks like he's gonna have to manage on his own, doesn't it?
16:56You my official stalker or what?
16:58Yeah, and I'm not letting you out of my sight.
17:02It appears the match is turning out exactly as you predicted, Ego.
17:07It is quite intense.
17:09Win or lose.
17:10Life or death.
17:11The frenzy of such extremes has an important effect upon a striker.
17:15They're forced to awaken as if from a deep slumber.
17:18This is what I wanted to witness.
17:21Anri, do you know what it means to awaken?
17:24Uh, I think?
17:25Um, is it like going from ordinary to extraordinary like a super sa-
17:29I mean, well, you know.
17:31You're way off.
17:33That's merely an idiotic analogy used by people who've never tasted success before.
17:39Awakening is like doing a jigsaw puzzle with your accumulated thoughts and experiences.
17:45You're in an intense situation, desperate to taste victory.
17:48And after much trial and error,
17:50the scattered pieces of success begin falling into place and a new ego blossoms.
17:55In short, an awakening is that moment you open your eyes and learn who you really are.
18:02Not pointless.
18:03Not shooting.
18:07He's right.
18:09I was being inefficient.
18:11When I was in front of the goal, I hesitated.
18:13And during that moment, their defense blocked my shot.
18:17With my spatial awareness, I can position myself for a chance to score.
18:23Basically, I need to cut out anything that gets in the way and just shoot the ball.
18:28Hey, Ryo!
18:29Build it up one more time!
18:31The stalker won't get off my back.
18:33What are you gonna do?
18:34Report me to the police for being good at my job?
18:37He's been running non-stop.
18:39Doesn't he ever wear out?
18:41I'll admit when we started the match, I thought you were something else.
18:44But the longer it's gone on, the clearer it's become how to stop you.
18:47Whenever you receive a pass, the first thing you do is look for your nagi.
18:52Nice work, Raichi!
18:53The pass lanes to nagi are limited now, so it's easier to defend.
18:56For your information, I'm not scared of you anymore, Mr. Genius.
19:00Hey, man.
19:01When you don't have Ryo bossing you around, you can't do anything.
19:05Same goes for you, by the way.
19:07Without that prodigy of yours, you're just a jack-of-all-trades and master of none.
19:14Team B, number nine.
19:16Ryo Mikage.
19:17For elbowing an opponent, you receive a yellow card.
19:21Yeah, get mad.
19:22One more card and you're off the field, pal.
19:25What are you waiting for, princess?
19:27Do your thing!
19:29Just try it, missy.
19:31I'm still faster than you are.
19:33Don't call me missy, moron.
19:35If I can't manage to outrun him, we can't score.
19:38His weight's on that leg, so...
19:40That way, huh?
19:41He reacts fast, too.
19:42I see.
19:43So that's his unique weapon.
19:45He's equipped with explosive acceleration.
19:47Compared to my reaction time, he has the advantage at this distance.
19:51I have no chance about pacing him, no matter how many times I try.
19:55But wait...
19:58I did get a touch on the ball earlier.
20:01In that case, if a situation doesn't exist where I can use my weapon,
20:05I'll just have to create one out of thin air.
20:08There's nobody over there.
20:09Who are you passing to?
20:10Myself, since you asked.
20:12You're so naïve, missy.
20:16I'm faster than you are.
20:18If you haven't noticed yet, four-eyes, your initial burn is...
20:22An awakening is something that can only occur during the most extreme of circumstances.
20:27For example, when facing an opponent much stronger than oneself,
20:31a weaker player will integrate every one of their abilities.
20:36They'll invent a new formula allowing them to seize victory.
20:40I can't beat him within the initial 10 meters in terms of explosive acceleration.
20:45What I need to do is draw him out to a range where my weapon is at its most effective.
20:5050 meters in 5.77 seconds.
20:53Give me a long sprint where I can go my top speed.
20:56And he's never catching up to me.
21:01Why don't you hang back a while?
21:04Now then, there's 30 minutes until the end of the match.
21:07You want to know who will be the best striker in the world?
21:15It's the one who will dominate the field in this blue frenzy.
22:53Additional time.
22:55Hey you, hands off my dumpling.
22:59Way too easy, man. Kagamaru.
23:01How'd you know?
23:02You totally nailed his voice.
23:04What's going on?
23:06The Who Am I Championship, right?
23:08Okay, I'm up. Guess this one.
23:11You want to win? Betray people.
23:13Thank you, Team Z.
23:15Let's go on.
23:17Correct. Great work, guys.
23:19Not exactly the most challenging role.
23:21Okay, fine. You're next.
23:23Uh, no thanks. I'm good.
23:26Stop being shy. Give it your best go.
23:28Yeah, time for your debut performance.
23:32Uh, well.
23:36If all you're looking for is a fun game with your pals, then lock off.
23:40The winner.
23:42A true thespian, not acting.
23:44Lock off, lock off, lock off, lock off.