Blue Lock Episode 22 Eng Dub

  • le mois dernier
Blue Lock Episode 22 Eng Dub
00:00This isn't good. If they score one more goal, it's over. The free kick had been made just
00:24now. I was way too late to stop him. I should have read the field sooner and stopped the
00:30play leading up to it. The burst through the middle he made with Tokimitsu. I anticipated
00:36the overall decrease in movement, but Rin saw it more clearly. He noticed Tokimitsu
00:42maintaining his speed before I did and took advantage. He drew on that monster's endless
00:48stamina and somehow created a favorable situation for their team during the final phase of the
00:53game. If I'd spotted it sooner and noticed Tokimitsu's talent, I could have envisioned
00:59a different future, always one step behind. Why can't I catch up to Rin?
02:23If only I'd been in the wall. I would have jumped. Zero hesitation and blocked it. Damn.
02:53No, that wouldn't happen. And Rin only took that shot because I was in the wall. If it had been
03:01Bato, Rin would have gone for the goal in a different way, which means... Wait a second,
03:08that's it. He went with that free kick precisely because it was against me. Can I use that
03:15knowledge? If I change my perspective, I can find a way to use Yoichi Iseki more effectively.
03:23Self-devouring. Maybe this is the new formula I need to beat Rin. One more mistake and we're
03:31done for. Just get me the ball. Back off, redhead. That goes for all you, even if your
03:37leg's about to break. Pass to me. I don't care how, but we have to catch up. Yo, let's go,
03:45Striker. Yeah, it's way too early for our last play. Oh, geez, he's here. You're talking like
03:58some toddler. Iseki, you usually can't keep up with my movements. I see what you're up to,
04:04donkey. You're telling me to get past this guy, right? Hey, I'm in the clear, so pass already.
04:12Sound real sorry, but I don't think you made it by me just yet. What the freak? Stop following me
04:18if all you're going to do is apologize. I'm sorry for apologizing, but I have to win no
04:22matter what. You are so damn annoying. And you're scary, but I can still keep up with you.
04:30He struck down the touchline. That bastard used me as a decoy.
04:33Nice recovery, Bajira. Iseki, wait for me. Don't leave me behind. Hurry up and pass here. Your
04:46dribbling isn't going to cut it. No, over here. A one-two pass. No,
04:51Rin can see through both of those options. He'll be waiting. But drawing in this cluster
04:57of players was the goal. Everyone's focused on how I'm going to pass. With this attack,
05:02I'll change the battlefield completely. Run into that wide open space. Chigiri, hurry!
05:09Nearing maximum speed. You aren't the only one who hasn't run out of steam yet. Here it goes.
05:15We want Chigiri to pass to us, so we all rush toward the goal mouth. Only I can read this
05:21change in the state of play and initiate a move. With everyone fighting to find a path,
05:26I can seize this opportunity to disappear from Rin's sight and make my move with a diagonal run
05:32to the near post. Why is he the only one sprinting that way? Pass it now. I see it. The future of the
05:40field. The one I envisioned. Here it comes, and I'm all free. It's my chance. The perfect setup
05:47for my direct shot. Pain. Shit. You can't be serious. I thought I was through,
05:56but he managed to catch up. He's going to block my shot.
06:05It's no use. I'm not good enough. I can't beat him.
06:10Got him. I fooled you, genius. I thank you. You can read me, which is the only reason this
06:22momentary blind spot exists. No one else could have caught up. Now, genius, you're just in time
06:28to see my true last action. When you least expect it, I direct back heel.
06:42He's the savior of soccer. I devoured you, Rin, and I'm going to surpass you.
06:53Yeah! You're all caught up. You're the best, Isugi. That was crazy. You outplayed Rin without
07:00any help. All of it was calculated based on that sight of yours. Not bad. Yeah. The first thing that
07:08came to mind was the vision of me simply breaking free and scoring a goal. Normally, getting to the
07:14near post would have been enough to do that, but Rin's presence changed everything. With his genius
07:20eyes in mind, I knew he'd be able to spot the play. If I had taken the shot, he would have blocked
07:26it. But the thing is, it also meant stepping in front of me to stop the move, leaving us with a
07:3250-50 ball. That momentary blind spot was the future I wanted for the field. The goal was only
07:40possible because of my special anti-Rin formula. Since he can envision what I've foreseen,
07:45I've found a way to use that against him. So basically, if you'd missed, then they could
07:51have countered. Good thing you didn't cost us the game. That is so you. Who could come up with
07:58a plan like that unless they can see what Rin sees? All right, guys. We've caught up to them
08:04in score and in skill. Come on. Yeah. Let's crush them. This is going to be the last play.
08:12We'll prove that we're the better team.
08:15Score's still tied. We need to win, or it's all been for nothing.
08:27If I'm going to catch up to Hisagi and Min, I need to find that missing part of my ego.
08:33I came to Blue Luck to find monsters like my own, to make friends I could actually enjoy playing
08:40soccer with. That's the only reason I'm here. And I finally found the two people I want to play with.
08:51But that wish and my ego, it's not enough to get me to where they are.
08:58I'm so lost. What else am I supposed to wish for?
09:04The heck was with that crazy backheel shot just now? They won't let us pull ahead.
09:09We can either laugh, cry, or be clam. Bottom line, whoever scores the next point wins it all.
09:15This play, fight as if your lives depend on it. For your efforts, I'll score a goal.
09:33Not so fast. I'm not falling for the same trick twice. Nice, Botto. Focus on pressing Tokimitsu.
09:46This is all speed and no skill is here to help. So that's how you see me, huh? I'll bury you.
09:52Chigiri and Botto's presses are stopping Tokimitsu, so they can't burst up the middle.
09:57They'll be caught off guard, returning to Volterine, and that's when we intercept it.
10:02It's a 50-50. Damn, nearly had it. The high ball, is it meant for Aryu?
10:11A first touch showdown. I'll lose if I go for it at its highest point, so I'll time my jump
10:18and pluck it out of the air. How insolent. You're too ungram. He stole it back? How long are his legs?
10:26He's a damn stick bug. Not good. They're breaking through, but I won't let him do what he wants.
10:34I see you obstructed me. Well, almost.
10:42This is it. I'm being tested. What am I supposed to do? Pass it? No, dribble through them.
10:51But then what? I don't know what anyone wants from me. Tell me, monster. I need your help.
10:59Guide me. Show me my path. What will it take to make those two acknowledge me?
11:08What the hell are you standing around for, genius? You'll see a fortune teller if you can't make up
11:12your mind. Stay off the battlefield. Second ball. Circle. Counter them. So what's the deal?
11:23Are you losing on purpose? Maybe you think if our team defeats yours,
11:29that we'll still end up choosing you. Honestly, we don't need you the way you are.
11:35I want to steal Rin. As for Isegi, he probably feels the same.
11:46If we lose, I won't get chosen? That means I can't play soccer with either Isegi or Rin.
11:55No, you can't leave me behind. I don't want that. I won't let that happen.
12:04Just pass it to me and don't try to out-muscle Tokimitsu. I'm getting sick of this pessimistic
12:10mutant slowing me down. Give it back with interest. Crazy good pass. Same day payment.
12:17That's how you want to play, donkey? I hope you're ready, king. Because we've been stealing
12:22the ball from each other the whole game, we can outsmart both Rin's foresight and Tokimitsu's
12:27quickness. One more time. An anti-combo one-two breakaway. Come back here. What a seesaw game.
12:34This is it. We made it through. Yeah, we'll nail this play.
12:44No, I don't want to get left behind. My feelings, my ego, none of that matters.
12:51I'll win even if it kills me. Since coming here, I've discovered so much and I don't
12:58want to lose any of it. I found my first friends at Blue Lock. Don't take that away.
13:06Please, I don't want to go back to the time I was all alone.
13:21People are looking for something to believe in, but as they grow older, it gets harder and harder.
13:27They pretend they can't hear that inner voice until it stops talking to them completely.
13:33Don't forget what you're trying to believe in. It's a very precious and fleeting thing.
13:39What I'm trying to believe in? Truth is, I'm not sure what that is anymore.
13:45What have I believed in?
13:53Monsters? My friends? Megiddo, you know the answer.
14:01It has been and always will be your inner voice. My inner voice.
14:15Remember it once again. Trust in it. I'm listening to you!
14:31I didn't expect that press from him. I will use the opening. There, stay one step ahead
14:37and pass the chigiri. Now, it's about time for the finale.
14:43Wait a minute, this isn't right. I don't want things to end yet. I won't let you score. I win.
14:49Best supporting role. Dude, a chest press? Hey, striker, it's all yours. You are the best.
14:57No lie. I'm finding my target window. It's not huge, but I can make it.
15:02Wait for me, Nisiki. One more time. This is the end. Give me another shot.
15:09This isn't your victory. It's ours. I'm begging you, one more chance.
15:23Mean, where did he come from?
15:25With that, Megiddo Bachara started to advance. The only thing guiding him was his inner voice.
15:33Such rugged glam. Nice. How'd he do that?
15:38Stop it. Don't come out now, monster. When you're on the field, unconsciously, I look to you.
15:46When I was alone, I could always count on you. I'm thankful. You taught me to keep trusting myself.
15:54The thing is, I depended on you too much and lost touch with my own voice.
16:00Playing soccer became strictly about finding somebody.
16:05I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
16:07I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
16:09I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
16:11I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
16:13Playing soccer became strictly about finding somebody. That's the reason we can't go any further.
16:22Disappear. I'm begging you, please go away. I don't need you anymore.
16:32If anyone gets past, it's game over. This is my last stand.
16:36If only someone was there, I could get in behind Isugi.
16:40Damn it. Old habits die hard. I keep looking for the monster to help me.
16:44At first, you were a source of comfort, a companion, when I had none.
16:50But you became a curse. Something that stifles my vision.
16:55You and this sport were inseparable and gradually became my purpose for living.
17:01Then I came to Bluelock. I met Isugi, who turned out to be a true monster, a real-life version of you.
17:08It felt so good. Playing soccer with him became my reason to exist.
17:13And eventually, it felt like I'd be useless without him by my side.
17:18If I don't break this curse, I can't move forward or hear my inner voice.
17:23Hachira! I'm open! Pass!
17:25Shut up and go away!
17:28I'm open! Pass!
17:29Shut up and go away!
17:31I won't pass the ball to you anymore. I'm scoring myself!
17:35A super aggressive nutmeg? And what's with this new dribbling style?
17:39That look in his eyes. I've never seen Hachira get like that before.
17:43Something in him has changed. He's not who he used to be.
17:47Take it in! You can reach him!
17:49It's so slow, it'll be a piece of cake.
17:51You're all mine!
17:53Hachira, here. Hurry up.
17:55I said I'm not passing to you anymore.
17:59A nutmeg to spawn?
18:01Got into rampage mode, Fang!
18:03Self-destruction if you don't pass!
18:05Shut up! This is my awakening. An exorcism to break my curse!
18:14A triple nutmeg. Damn it!
18:16His moves are on point. At this rate, he'll beat us.
18:20You can't deny it. Hachira's the wild card. The Joker no one can predict.
18:25He's on a solo run. We all need to charge him.
18:29Surround them!
18:31We have him in a three-on-one. This works. We can take the ball.
18:36He's positioning himself. It's easy for Bachira to pass.
18:40And when he receives the ball, he has a direct route to the goal.
18:44But I can see that too. I'm gonna intercept their pass.
18:48Perhaps one open!
18:50That's the price of his rampage. If we get the ball, we can save this.
18:54I've had enough of your buzzing. Swarming me like little insects!
19:00Stop distracting me, you pieces of shit!
19:04That's way too reckless!
19:06He still plans to go it alone?
19:08I can see it now. Rin doesn't understand Bachira.
19:13He's the answer. The last piece. The monster I need to devour in order to beat Rin.
19:20How long has it been since I played freely?
19:25But I found you. My beginning.
19:28You guys should just try to be one with the ball.
19:30Because then you can do amazing stuff.
19:32There's nothing in the whole world more fun than soccer.
19:36That's right. Even when I was alone, I was still having fun.
19:41I would run around till it got dark.
19:45It's the same as back then.
19:48The only thing that matters to me is being one with the ball.
19:51I don't need any other reason to play besides that.
19:54In my eyes, there's nothing more fun than this.
19:57Not in this world. Not in the whole universe!
20:01Doesn't matter if I get teased for being strange.
20:03Or even if I end up alone. It's well worth the price.
20:09I'll fight and lose myself. I'll let my passion burn me alive!
20:15No, you don't!
20:19You're not it. From now on, I'm going to be the monster!
20:25Thank you for staying by my side so long.
20:30If there's no one at the end of this, I'll be heartbroken.
20:35But from now on, I'm going to be dancing all on my own.
20:41Goodbye, monster.
20:45Goodbye, Isegi. You've been my best friend since I got here.
20:49But too late. I can't stop him.
20:56I'm going back! Reclaiming my solitary soccer!
21:06This is my awakening!
21:11Rebuilding my ego!
21:13Will set me free!
21:22I know you, Meguru Batsura! I knew in the end you'd choose to go it alone!
21:42I can't go back anymore. What kind of taste is this?
21:52This season is too complicated. I don't know where to start.
22:00I want you to understand me. What kind of taste is this?
22:10I'm afraid of the dark. I can't take a step forward.
22:18The palm of my hand that's stuck to the ground is cold.
22:28Loveless like a jinja. Loveless like a jinja.
22:32It hurts. No, it doesn't. I'm just thirsty.
22:38Even if it's a dream that won't come true. Even if it's a night that won't come.
22:42Someday, we'll meet again somewhere.
22:46I have a free life.
22:51Even if it's just that, it'll be a souvenir.
22:59Blue Rock Additional Time
23:09Everything under the sun falls into two categories.
23:13It can be either glam or most certainly not glam.
23:16For example, even the manner in which you drink a beverage.
23:19Observe as I flip the cap off this water bottle fashionably.
23:24How can this be? Your post-drink sexy glance was remarkably glam.
23:29Madness. Is it possible there's someone with more glam than I?
23:33Every move he makes, every step he takes is perfection.
23:37You let your guard down, Rin Itoshi. That posture is remarkably un-glam.
23:41Behold, my trademark elegant getting into bed technique.
23:45The Rolling Hood Knight.
23:50Victory. Now for some well-deserved sleep.
23:54Glam night, everybody.