First Note of Love (2024) Ep.1 Engsub

  • last month


00:00Welcome to talk about music, the biggest news in today's music circle is that the Asian hospital company Echo Music has announced that it will cut off the independent band Magnet.
00:29The two are not only handsome, but also talented in music.
00:34Echo Music and Magnet are a two-man band formed by brothers.
00:39They have been popular on the stage since they were in college.
00:43The Asian hospital company Echo Music has announced that it will cut off the independent band Magnet.
00:49The Asian hospital company Echo Music has announced that it will cut off the independent band Magnet.
00:54The Asian hospital company Echo Music has announced that it will cut off the independent band Magnet.
01:00There was a serious car accident in Xinyiqiao, Kaohsiung.
01:03One of the people was seriously injured.
01:05The cause of the accident has yet to be clarified.
01:07As far as I know, two passengers in the car were band members.
01:19I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not
01:49perfect, I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect, I don't know
04:39Hey, Xiaohai, have you taken this class on marketing and digital management?
04:54Yes, I have.
04:56Recently, the department is recruiting people.
04:58I hope everyone can join.
05:00Are you interested?
05:04Then we won't have many activities this term.
05:06There will be a quick win and a final activity.
05:08Ask someone else.
05:15Are you jealous?
05:17As expected, a handsome guy like you won't have any friends.
05:21Let's go.
05:22Let go of me.
05:25Don't pull me.
05:26My feet can walk.
05:28Of course I know you have feet.
05:29I'm not afraid that you will run away.
05:30I will run away.
05:32Come back.
05:34Nice to meet you.
05:35It's not my first time to meet you.
05:36Hi, boss.
05:37Nice to meet you.
05:38Long time no see.
05:39You are still here.
05:43What are you doing?
05:45Come here.
05:49Have you had a chance to come back?
05:51Not yet.
05:53You can let go of me now.
05:57You really won't run away?
05:59I won't.
06:00I'm exhausted.
06:04Let go of me.
06:06What do you want to do?
06:13What are you looking at?
06:15I'm working.
06:31Are you hungry?
06:41Your contract will expire today.
06:43Do you know that?
06:45So what?
06:47If you don't renew the contract,
06:48you will be homeless.
06:50I don't need money.
06:52If you have money,
06:53what do you need?
06:55Do you want to sell the house?
06:58How can I renew the contract?
07:01So you have to pay for the album.
07:09The company can find me some big actors.
07:11And I think you
07:13can help the company
07:14develop some other careers
07:15to make money.
07:20And Xiaomei.
07:22She is so mean to her artist every time.
07:24You have to tell her
07:25to respect each other.
07:29You still don't want to change this poster?
07:32If you don't pay for it,
07:33how can I help you
07:34with these jobs?
07:39I know it's unfair to you
07:40to put all these expectations on you.
07:42But can you see
07:43that I and the company
07:44take care of you so much?
07:46Try harder.
07:56I know it's really hard for you.
07:59But it's really unfair
08:01to put all the expectations on me.
08:03I'm leaving.
08:05If the contract is due,
08:06the copyright of Magnet will also be due.
08:13Do you want your brother's music
08:14to be sold by the company
08:15to those who don't care?
08:18If you don't want it,
08:20cheer up.
08:26What's this?
08:28Your new composition.
08:50I'm leaving.
09:21I'm leaving.
09:28we are preparing
09:29a new music project.
09:31We are going to make
09:32a new mini-album
09:34with Magnet's lead singer Neo.
09:36We even invite you
09:37to be the composer.
09:39If you are willing,
09:40please reply in time.
09:42We will further discuss
09:43the details of the cooperation
09:44and ask you to reply.
09:48Neo is still alive?
09:50He is doing well.
09:54Did you promise them?
09:57I don't know if I should go.
10:01Why don't you go?
10:03I play music not to be a composer.
10:05And Magnet...
10:10It's okay.
10:12Then why do you play music?
10:16I don't know.
10:43How are you today?
10:47Not bad.
10:49Did you listen to her?
10:51I have asked her out.
10:52I did.
10:54Where are you going?
10:55To the toilet.
10:58You locked me up for four hours.
10:59I can't go to the toilet.
11:02Okay, go.
11:04What are you doing?
11:09Can't I?
11:10You can.
11:18Neo ran away again.
11:43What's wrong?
11:44I'm hungry.
11:45Hurry up.
11:47Bruce is waiting for us.
11:48Let's go.
11:50I want to eat fried chicken and mango.
11:53You sing tomorrow.
11:54We perform.
11:55We go to eat fried chicken.
12:45Do you know how many people on this planet?
12:47How many?
12:48How many?
12:49I don't know.
12:50I don't know.
12:51But I heard that many people meet here.
12:53How many?
12:54I don't know.
12:55But I heard that many people meet here.
12:57Think about it.
12:59Think about it.
13:00Xiao Ai.
13:02Two cups of Pohai Nao Cheng Jing.
13:05Is it your treat again?
13:08My treat.
13:10So good.
13:11So good.
13:16So good.
13:18So good.
13:32I'm heartbroken.
13:35You are heartbroken again.
13:36You'd better be heartbroken every day.
13:40I have a girl on my dating app.
13:42She said she would have a late-night snack with me.
13:44But she didn't reply to me.
13:48I got it.
13:49She must like my heart.
13:52Not my body.
13:56I'm going to have a late-night snack with you.
13:58I'm going to have a late-night snack with you.
13:59Let's go. I don't need your company.
14:00Let's go. I don't need your company.
14:01I don't want it.
14:03I'm heartbroken.
14:04I'm heartbroken.
14:15Let's go.
14:27Hello, madam.
14:28A bottle of beer, please.
14:31I want something like Love-made wine.
14:33You are still ordering in the store.
14:35Poor you.
14:37If you break up today, I'll treat you.
14:40You'll treat me?
14:42You don't have to be so courteous.
14:44This is good. I love this.
14:46This, this, this...
14:48Hey, don't order randomly.
14:49Wait, wait, wait. We're not buying.
14:52Don't order randomly. You're ordering everything.
14:56You've ruined my relationship.
14:58You've caused me to have a stomachache.
15:00You're crazy.
15:01How can you treat someone who's in love like this?
15:04I can't help it. I pay for it myself.
15:06Hey, boss.
15:09You can finish it.
15:10You have to eat more when you're in love.
15:13Hey, boss.
15:14It's done.
15:15Is it okay to buy a steak like this?
15:17There's a rule in the company.
15:18You can't have a private relationship with customers.
15:20You can have a public relationship.
15:22Don't be like this.
15:25Come on.
15:26I have 8,000 yuan on me now.
15:28No, no, no.
15:29I have 10,000 yuan.
15:30Don't touch me.
15:32Don't go too far.
15:33Who is it?
15:34Little brother.
15:35Are you looking for a hero?
15:36Who is it?
15:37Are you looking for a hero?
15:39I think it's a curse.
15:40What do you want?
15:48Another curse.
15:49What do you want?
15:51Fuck you.
15:53Fuck you.
15:55Don't hit him.
15:58Don't hit him.
16:00Are you arrogant?
16:02I'll kill you.
16:04Don't hit him.
16:05That's enough.
16:09Fuck you.
16:23I'll protect you every time.
16:24Come on.
16:25Are you arrogant?
16:36Are you okay?
16:39What are you doing?
16:40What are you doing?
16:41What are you doing?
16:43How can you protect him?
16:54Don't play the bottle.
16:55Hit him.
16:56Fuck you.
16:58I'll do it.
17:00Fuck you.
17:04Hurry up.
17:05Hurry up.
17:07Hurry up.
17:08Fuck you.
17:12Hurry up.
17:36Let's go.
17:38Hurry up.
17:44Hurry up.
17:47Don't run.
17:48Hurry up.
17:49Don't run.
17:56I'll protect you every time.
18:03Fuck you.
18:04Hurry up.
18:06Hurry up.
18:07Don't run.
18:08Fuck you.
18:36Fuck you.
18:50Where are you going?
18:51Be careful.
19:06Are you okay?
19:09I'm fine.
19:16Be careful.
19:18Don't be found by them.
19:36I'm fine.
19:50I'm still working.
19:52Why do you keep pulling me?
19:55What uncle?
19:57We are protecting you.
19:59I can solve it myself.
20:02Little girl.
20:03How do you solve it?
20:05They are so strong.
20:11Hold it.
20:14Chili water.
20:19Give it to me.
20:23What is this?
20:31A stick.
20:36A stick.
20:41I'm going to be fired.
21:02Xiao Ai.
21:03Xiao Ai.
21:06Are you okay?
21:07I'm fine.
21:08I'm fine.
21:09That's good.
21:10Don't you think they look familiar?
21:13It's okay.
21:14But I think that girl is weird.
21:16She can do magic.
21:18She can do finger fire,
21:21chili water,
21:24and a mirror.
21:34Wait for my message.
22:00YoYo English Channel YouTube
22:30早被席卷 顺利破碎 The moon has long been washed away, and broken by the power
22:35当舞台边缘 画出地平线 When the stage edge draws a flat line
22:41被吞噬的我 像落日下坠 I, who was devoured, fall like the sunset
22:53在我觉得全世界都不要我的时候 When I think the whole world doesn't want me
23:00一切都会没事的 Everything will be fine
23:03你就像太阳 来到我的身边 You are like the sun, coming to me
23:09从那一天起 我便追寻着你 Since that day, I've been looking for you
23:16指南针永远会指向北方 The compass will always point north
23:19就像吸引力法则 Just like the law of attraction
23:22不断 把我拉向你 Pulling me to you
23:30指南针永远会指向北方 The compass will always point north
24:00我今天跟Rice有约 I have a date with Rice today
24:02你是C? You are C?
24:05进来吧 Come in
24:12这里 Here
24:30谢谢 You're welcome
25:00才看清世界 心却早被席卷 Only then I see the world clearly, but my heart has already been sucked away
25:07支离破碎 当舞台边缘 画出地平线 When the stage is at the edge, I draw a horizontal line
25:16被吞噬的我 像落日下坠 I, who was devoured, fall like the sunset
25:23我敢说他是台湾现在音乐圈少数的天才少年 I dare say that he is one of the few talented young men in the music circle in Taiwan
25:27天才少年? A talented young man?
25:31你不是那个Magnet的Neil大明星? Aren't you Neo from Magnet? He's a big star!
25:36对啦 过气歌手 Yeah, he's an old-fashioned singer
25:40我这礼拜的活动是出了问题 I had a problem this week
25:42本来答应要来表演的乐团联席就不来了 The band I promised to perform with didn't come
25:44乐团? A band?
25:45那你有没有愿意唱歌的人? Do you have anyone you want to sing with?
25:57我正在学会滚烫多少泪 I'm learning how many tears I've shed
26:21才够催怜一句时过境迁 Only a few words can make me feel better
26:28我还在盘旋那条幻指线 I'm still looking for the exchange line
26:34漆黑中追寻在彼此嘴边 I'm looking for it in the darkness
26:52我的存在该怎么呼喊 How should I call out my existence?
27:11黑暗中徘徊 坚持着勇敢 Wandering in the darkness, holding on to courage
27:18每一片淡滩海 多渴望重生在冰层旭日 Every single sea wants to be reborn in the ice age
27:28给的温暖 不怕释怀 Giving warmth, not afraid to let go
27:37黑暗中期待黎明的到来 Looking forward to the arrival of dawn in the darkness
27:44每一片淡滩海 多渴望重生在冰层旭日 Every single sea wants to be reborn in the ice age
27:53给的温暖 不怕释怀 Giving warmth, not afraid to let go