Venezuela, Electoral Chamber of the SCJ gives balance of the first phase of contentious appeal

  • last month
*Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia is absent to the process
*Edmundo Gonzalez disregards the mandate of the highest instance of the electoral contentions jurisdiction
*Organization “Sumate” is behind the electoral consultancy
*Postulants of former candidate Edmundo Gonzalez argue they don´t have documentation related to the elections
*Postulants state that they did not participate in the process of transferring and safeguarding material
*Postulants affirm not knowing who uploaded the information of the alleged tally sheets


00:00Staying on Venezuela, the Electoral Chamber of the highest judicial body announcing its
00:03ruling on the first balance of the contentious electoral appeal that seeks to settle the
00:07controversy of the July 20th elections that the former far-right candidate Edmundo González
00:12Urrutia is in contempt of court.
00:14Let's report with Madeline García.
00:25The Electoral Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice gave the balance of the first phase
00:29of the expertise of the contentious appeal that concluded with the appearance of President
00:33Maduro before the Electoral Chamber, a process that will lead to know all the details of
00:38what happened in the July 28th presidential election.
00:45Forty-eight people were summoned, 38 from political parties, nine former candidates
00:50and the Venezuelan president.
00:51The big absentee was Edmundo González Urrutia, the ultra-right-winger who caused all the
00:56doubts about the electoral process.
01:01It is hereby stated for the record that the former candidate Edmundo González Urrutia
01:11did not attend and, therefore, did not comply with the summon order.
01:18Disregarding with his inaction the mandate of this, the highest instance of the electoral
01:25contentious jurisdiction of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
01:34But that's not all.
01:35Political parties that supported Edmundo González Urrutia said that they had access neither to
01:39the witnesses nor to the minutes, because behind all that electoral consultancy was
01:44the organization called CIMATI, created by Maria Karina Machado.
01:54All members of the Democratic United Platform Alliance and postulants of former candidate
02:01Edmundo González Urrutia did not submit any electoral material, arguing that they do not
02:07have any type of documentation related to this electoral process.
02:12In this sense, they stated that they do not have the minutes of the scrutiny of the witnesses,
02:19nor the list of witnesses, alluding, furthermore, that they did not participate in the process
02:25of transferring and safeguarding any material.
02:30They also pointed out that the organization CIMATI is part of the technical advisory team
02:37of the Democratic Unitary Platform Alliance, and, in turn, they did not know who uploaded
02:46the information of the alleged dolly cheats in the web page
03:02The electoral chamber will initiate the second phase of the expert analysis of all the minutes
03:08and electoral material consigned.
03:10At the end of the process, they will issue a final sentence, which must be obeyed.
