• 2 months ago
Hollyoaks 12th August 2024


00:00You know, when I heard a man who'd just been shot was moving in next door,
00:03I wasn't best pleased.
00:04You'll get no trouble from me.
00:05Look at us, a proper family.
00:08It's all of the wanted.
00:10Why lie?
00:11What's wrong with being a policeman?
00:13A gangland boss known as Blue.
00:15You never found Blue.
00:17That's the Blue I know.
00:20It's all about playing the long game.
00:22I will never let them have me, okay?
00:25At least have the guts to show me your face.
00:30Yeah, but we got his drugs.
00:31Let's just kill him now.
00:33I want him to suffer first, like he made me suffer.
00:36He's got no idea the fireworks are getting stuffed for us.
01:30Oh, it probably smells around here like something's died.
01:45That's probably a bird or a crow.
01:57No messages from Blue.
01:59He's still out there.
02:00I'm so hot, I'm sweating like...
02:07Don't be cold.
02:08You're right though, it is roasted.
02:11Tell you what, why don't you...
02:14Why don't you go up?
02:15I'm gonna get us a couple of slushies to cool us down.
02:17Oh, okay.
02:22What are you doing?
02:23You're supposed to be selling Warren's drugs.
02:25Yeah, that'll be a doddle.
02:26I'm concerned why he hasn't found his mum's body yet.
02:29It's been days now.
02:30He'll find Norma soon enough.
02:32Well, Warren and his missus thought that they could push me around the other day.
02:36I want to see that rat suffer.
02:38All good things come to those who wait.
02:39Listen, in the meantime, just do exactly what I ask you.
02:44All right.
02:45Now go and knock out that gate.
02:47Yes, boss.
02:51Even though I'm going straight, I still need to protect my three girls, don't I?
02:56You make sure you mean it this time.
02:57I do.
02:59Your mum might have touched base from her jollies.
03:01Yeah, well, it's not just a holiday, is it?
03:03She's using the time to close down the businesses.
03:08You really miss them, don't you?
03:10Oh, it's just so loud when they're about.
03:13You barely get time to think.
03:14But when they're not here, the silence can just feel a bit deafening.
03:19Yeah, well, it's not going to be quiet around here in a couple of hours
03:24because me and you are going to host a barbecue as a family.
03:28Oh, that sounds good.
03:29Yeah, Dave really did me a favour yesterday.
03:32He's always top of the list.
03:34Want a cup of that?
03:42Fancy a choc-ice to keep us cool?
03:48Still trying to uncover Blue's identity, I see.
03:52You know I need to do this.
03:53Of course I do.
03:54I just don't want you to put yourself in any danger.
03:58You're forgetting I've got a secret weapon.
04:00Which is?
04:02You're the only person who knows I used to be in the force.
04:04To everyone else, I'm just that bloke that runs a local market.
04:08Totally under the radar.
04:11Not to me, you're not.
04:13See, what I don't get is why you're focusing on this group of people.
04:17I mean, with her history, Grace Black is a big yes.
04:20But Mercedes is a new mum.
04:22Cindy works part-time in the local shop.
04:24And Dave, well, I mean, I know he's had his issues with drugs and so on,
04:28but he's just an everyday bloke.
04:31Looks can be deceptive.
04:33This crowd either despise Warren or they're in his inner circle.
04:37They're either Blue or they're working for him.
04:46Looks like I can do some digging later.
04:48We've just had a surprise invitation.
04:51Daniel, the sun is cracking the flags outside.
04:54Get off your computer game and go and play.
04:58Joel, he does message.
05:00Him and Mercedes are having a barbie.
05:02Invite us over.
05:03Yeah, um, I saw him, actually, and he always asks us to be godparents to the twins, doesn't he?
05:12We've barely even been able to be around them.
05:15Please tell me you didn't say yeah.
05:16Come on, he's my dad.
05:18I mean, look, he put me on the spot.
05:20Joel, after everything that's just happened with Noah,
05:23I mean, really, would you not think to speak to me first?
05:25I just assumed that he'd be okay with it.
05:27I mean, you've handled everything so well recently, I thought...
05:28Do you know what? I'm not even surprised anymore.
05:30Come on, let's not have a row about it.
05:32Don't shut this down.
05:33We need to speak about it.
05:35You know what? Ever since Noah's funeral, you have barely been communicating with me.
05:39Do you know what?
05:40Where were you going?
05:41I'm not going anywhere.
05:42I'm not going anywhere.
05:44Do you know what?
05:45Where were you going?
05:48Need some space.
06:01So, come on, lady.
06:04Yeah, we want to know all the deets about you and Hunky Donny over there.
06:08There's no deets.
06:09Oh, come on. I've seen the way you two look at each other.
06:15It's only days yet.
06:16Donny and I are still getting to know each other.
06:18Yeah? Well, from what I hear, everything is going absolutely fine.
06:22Nothing the more so.
06:29Things are going well.
06:32Remarkably well.
06:34But this is all very new to me.
06:37Donny's the first non-Muslim man I've been in a relationship with.
06:41Is that a big deal to you?
06:43Something I need to consider alongside my faith, yeah.
06:47Sounds like you've got a lot to think about.
06:49I do.
06:51Anyway, it's good to see that you and Dave have managed to sort things out.
06:56Oh, that was just a storm in a teacup.
06:58I'll tell you, if my fella slept with a prosy, I would.
07:01No, but you, you should stay with him.
07:02Don't want another wedding, do we?
07:04Uh, says you, who's addicted to walking down the aisle.
07:07My days of playing the field are well and truly done.
07:10You know, me and Warren might have had our blips,
07:12but this time, it's for keeps.
07:15This bit of kit must have sent him back a few bow, eh?
07:18Couple of grand, at least.
07:21Yeah, that's just water off a duck's back to someone like Warren, isn't it?
07:26Is it?
07:27Yeah, I got to know and like him over the past few weeks.
07:32Everybody's aware of what line of business he's in.
07:36Nah, he's given all that up now.
07:39Can a man like that really change?
07:40You know, I take people at face value,
07:42so if he says he's going on the straight and narrow,
07:45we're all weak to disbelieve him.
07:47Yeah, I suppose.
07:49Is it difficult for you, though?
07:51Have a beer,
07:53breaking bread with a man who's ultimately responsible for harm to your daughter?
07:58You know, when they were my kids,
08:00I couldn't rest until I hunted them down.
08:02Yeah, I won't lie.
08:04I obviously hate him for his involvement in what happened to Lizzie.
08:10Spent hours thinking ways that, you know, could make him pay.
08:14Then everyone knows I went off the rails,
08:16but do you know what?
08:17After a while, I realised I was eating myself alive.
08:22I was destroying me, destroying my family.
08:26I just had to put it all behind me and move on.
08:33So, here's to a great afternoon,
08:36and us all getting to know each other properly.
08:38Oh, nice one.
09:08And that, my friend, is the dictionary death of irony.
09:16Warren Fox's stash of smack passed on to his own son.
09:22Here you go, you beautiful ladies.
09:27There's something about a man and a barbecue
09:29that's always got me a bit hot under the collar.
09:33Yeah, your man certainly is wearing a pair of tongs.
09:35I wouldn't even have a turn-on thing.
09:38Have you and Warren known each other longest?
09:40Yeah, forever.
09:42We've despised each other on and off for years,
09:44but we've changed.
09:46He's different, I'm different,
09:48and I just know that life is going to be amazing from now on.
09:53Here we go, boys.
09:54One for you, one for you, and one for me.
09:58What are you grinning about?
10:00I just never thought in my wildest dreams
10:02that an impromptu barbecue with my neighbours
10:04would be my idea of bliss.
10:06And with everything that happened the other week,
10:08I'm just glad I'm around to realise that.
10:10Do you ever get to the bottom of who the shooter was?
10:13Just some muppet with ideas above his station.
10:16Who is it?
10:17I don't know, but he hides behind some stupid name, Blue.
10:22And hopefully he's going to crawl back
10:23behind the rock he came from and stay there.
10:25Hey, babe, how long's that food going to be?
10:27We're all starving.
10:28Er, coming right up, love.
10:30Let's do as the boss says.
10:35Hey, wait, boo.
10:36I'll go.
10:37I'll get whichever Maria it is to not wake the other one up.
10:41I'll get him back to sleep.
11:37Oh, you're enjoying that, aren't you?
11:50Naughty girl, trying to wake your sister up.
11:54Hey, I couldn't get cross with you.
11:57Not with a smile like that.
12:01How you getting on?
12:03Took a while, but I think I've...
12:06I think I've got her off.
12:08I remember my nan used to say
12:11every time a baby was born it was like, um,
12:15a tap of joy being switched on.
12:18I thought she was talking rubbish.
12:20And then my eldest, Sam, was born.
12:25I know exactly what she meant.
12:29Doesn't matter what you've got going on in your life.
12:32There's always something to look forward to.
12:37Wake up in the morning, see his little face.
12:44See his first steps.
12:49Do his first words.
12:52I was the same with Dre.
12:55I was just sorry I never got to see Vicky
12:57until she was a young woman.
12:59It doesn't matter how old they are.
13:00You should always treasure them.
13:05Because you never know when they'll be taken from you.
13:08I'm sorry about this.
13:17You know, if Warren is serious
13:18about staying on the straight and narrow,
13:22these two little girls could have gone for a better dad.
13:25These two little girls could have gone for a better dad.
13:38I never knew cooking was a forte of yours.
13:41Well, I wouldn't call chucking a burger on a grill
13:43and then throwing it in a bowl and fine dining.
13:45It was delicious.
13:46Which is why, if we have any more sunny days like this,
13:49you must come over to ours
13:51so we can return the favour.
13:52Yes, and they?
13:54I can't believe I'm saying this,
13:56but that sounds great.
13:57Really great.
13:58Why can't you believe you're saying it?
13:59Well, I'm a bloke who spent most of his life
14:02doing the wrong thing.
14:03My life was about getting what I wanted.
14:05Well, when it comes down to it,
14:06everyone's out for number one.
14:08But I didn't care who got hurt along the way.
14:11Family, friends, women that I loved.
14:14Let me ask you a question.
14:16What makes a man like you afraid?
14:20I'm afraid of someone pushing me too far.
14:23Because I know it'll end up very badly for them.
14:26But that part of my life is done now.
14:28And you're ready to move on?
14:30Well, not too long ago, I might have thought differently.
14:33But today, yeah.
14:35Yeah, I can do it.
14:36And that's because of the attempt on your life?
14:44But mainly, it's because of this woman here.
14:48The old woman Foxy's gone.
14:49See ya.
14:50And you can move on from this existence?
14:54I've got the chance to be a dad again.
14:57Only this time, I'm gonna do it properly.
14:59You know, with Joel in the early years,
15:02I only really got to know him when he was a man,
15:04with his own life.
15:07And then with Ella,
15:09I was just getting close to her and she was taken away from me.
15:12And then with Sophie and Sebastian,
15:14when they came along,
15:15I was so wrapped up in other things,
15:18I messed it up.
15:19So now, with the twins,
15:21I am gonna do everything right.
15:23And I'm never, ever gonna hurt them.
15:26I'm so proud of you.
15:28It's in.
15:29I need to go.
15:31So, if that means,
15:33summer barbecues with the neighbours,
15:36having a beautiful girlfriend,
15:38and raising our gorgeous girls together,
15:41then I'm up for it 100%.
15:45I'm so proud of you.
15:46Yeah, listen, it's me.
15:48Meet me at the pub car park in 10 minutes, okay?
15:50I'm hiding.
15:52Hey, Barry.
15:53Everything okay?
15:55Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.
15:56Oh, right, well, it's just, um,
15:58you know, I saw how emotional you were.
16:02You know, it's not often you hear a bloke,
16:04especially someone like Warren,
16:06talk so openly like that.
16:08What was?
16:09Um, fixing a leaky tap for Jacqueline's bar.
16:12What do you need all that for?
16:13Well, it's a messy job.
16:14Come here.
16:16You know?
16:17Not that I'm complaining,
16:18but what was all that about?
16:19I just wanted to show you how much I love you.
16:22You know, I know I've messed up a lot lately,
16:24but I'm a good man, really.
16:29I know.
16:36I don't get why we're doing this.
16:37I told you.
16:38Morris was trying to be an ordinary bloke.
16:39I know what that feels like.
16:40We can't do this to him.
16:42What are you talking about?
16:43Yesterday, you said about making his life an absolute misery,
16:46until the moment you killed him.
16:47That was then.
16:48This is now.
16:48The man's got kids.
16:50So, of all the other blokes you've offed over the years,
16:52you didn't give them a second thought?
16:53He's a family man.
16:54Those little girls are gonna need their dad.
16:57What's wrong with you?
16:59You sound like that sucker Dave.
17:01Have you forgotten who you really are?
17:04I haven't forgotten who I am.
17:06Now, shut up and do as I tell you.
17:13So, what's all this little soldier talk yesterday, then?
17:15That was for Blue.
17:17The merciless gangland boss
17:19that I waited over a decade to be reunited with.
17:23Not whoever you are right now.
17:27I'm done.
17:58Well, if this is how Warren raises his kids,
18:00then maybe he deserves everything he gets.
18:23How was the barbie?
18:24Yeah, it was good.
18:25We missed you and Joel not being there, though.
18:27Yeah, sorry.
18:28You haven't seen him, have you?
18:29Look, we had a few words earlier.
18:30He went out and I had to move since.
18:32Not worried, are you?
18:33Just want to know where he is.
18:35If I see him, I'll get him to give you a call.
18:47It's me.
18:48Listen, I just bumped into your message.
18:50She told me you've had a barbie.
18:52I'm guessing you're at the flat.
18:54And Fyre will be there in five.
18:56Right, you two.
18:58Let's get you home
18:59so I can look after your big brother.
19:03I can't quite believe I'm saying this,
19:04but spending the afternoon in the company of a retired gangster
19:08was actually quite entertaining.
19:12I'm not sure I'd be able to do it without you.
19:16How many people do you think Warren's actually killed?
19:19I can't believe my new squeeze is such a gossip.
19:21Behind the veneer of this middle-class doctor
19:24lies someone who enjoys a bit of a gossip
19:26as much as anyone else.
19:28Anyway, today's all about unearthing clues.
19:32How'd you get on?
19:34I found this.
19:36Now, in my experience,
19:37people only use Burnaphones for one thing.
19:39Something dodgy.
19:41It's got a past, hasn't it, obviously?
19:44But luckily enough for me, I've got a mate in the force
19:46who should be able to override it.
19:49And when he does,
19:51I'm going to use this to get in touch with Blue
19:54and set a trap for them.
20:06What are you doing here?
20:07Oh, I was just checking in on Minnie and Maxim,
20:11but they're not here.
20:13Stinks round here.
20:15Yeah, probably the drains.
20:17Yeah, I should get out to the council.
20:24Hey, listen, um...
20:27It was really good chatting earlier,
20:29you know, getting to know them.
20:31The real you.
20:34Do you fancy a pint?
20:38I can't.
20:39There's a few things I need to sort out.
20:41Another time, though, yeah?
20:43For sure.
20:44See you.
21:04Come here.
21:05Come here.
21:06Come here.
21:08You're okay.
21:09You're okay.
21:09You're still breathing.
21:10What's happened, son?
21:11What's happened?
21:14What have you done?
21:17You stupid boy.
21:25It's okay.
21:27Here we go.
21:29It's gonna be all right.
21:29I promise you.
21:30I promise.