TV ve DiziDöküm
00:00Senin işin bitti mi?
00:01Evet, bitti.
00:02Hızlıca yap.
00:06Bugün hızlıca geçip,
00:08bütün DPP'yi yaptık.
00:10Batla Sir doğru söylüyor.
00:11Eğer inorganik olsaydın, soruları çabuk olurdu.
00:15Orbital SPDF'yi neden okuyorlar?
00:17Inorganik olarak başlamalıyız.
00:19En azından çocukların güvenliği artacak.
00:22İlk defa böyle oldu ki,
00:23bütün DPP'yi 15 dakikaya yaptım.
00:26Ben 12'de yaptım.
00:27Belki de hızlıca yanlış yapıyordun.
00:33Hadi bakalım.
00:34En azından,
00:35Sriji'nin Kachori'yi yapalım.
00:37Hadi bakalım.
00:38Hadi bakalım.
00:39Hadi bakalım.
00:40Hadi bakalım.
00:4415 dakikalık iş yapmalıyız.
00:46Zamanla yap.
00:47Bu Pande.
00:49Evet, hanımcığım.
00:51Evet, hanımcığım.
00:52Yarın 15 dakikalık iş yapacağız.
00:55Evet, hanımcığım.
00:58Hayır, hanımcığım.
00:59Pande kapalıydı.
01:04Hanımcığım, pande kapalıydı.
01:16Çok fazla fiziksel konuşma yapma.
01:18Çünkü şimdi pande kapalı olsaydı,
01:20yarın rentte 200 lirayı ödeyeceğim.
01:28Bu çıplak kadın.
01:29Herkes para istiyor.
01:31Bu çok pahalı.
01:33Bu para değil.
01:35Bu Lalita Pawar.
01:37Babamdan çok fazla para veriyordu.
01:39Bu benim Pande.
01:43Pankeyle uyuyamadım.
01:45Bunu ödeyeceğim.
01:47Pankeyi bir daha ödeyeceğim.
01:51Pankeyi dövüyoruz.
01:52Boş ver.
01:54Pankeyi dövüyorsunuz.
01:56Boş ver.
02:02Egemen, benimkini aşağıya bırak.
02:07Egemen, benimkini aşağıya bırak.
02:09Ben geliyorum.
02:16Çünkü Faizan Rolu yapılıyor.
02:19O neydi?
02:25Çok iyi.
02:26Doğru, Minal.
02:27Gördün mü?
02:29500 rank arttı.
02:30İIT-BHU Computer Science'dan çıkıp,
02:32direkt İIT-Bombay'a gittin.
02:35Arkadaşlar, rank,
02:37inorganik olarak artıyor.
02:39Ustam, sizden ne kadar geldi?
02:42DPP mi?
02:43Evet, evet.
02:44DPP yapalım.
02:50En önemli şey.
02:51Evet, doktor.
02:56Bu, fakültenin feedback formuydu.
02:58Bunu 2 günde satın alın.
03:01Üçüncü installamın son gününde,
03:02sadece 5 günde kaldı.
03:04Bir sonraki leksiyonu da satın alın.
03:07Satın alalım.
03:09Bansal doktor,
03:10ben Almanya'ya gidiyorum.
03:12Hemen mi?
03:19Nereye gidiyorsunuz?
03:23Evet, hadi.
03:24DPP yapalım.
03:25Evet, doktor.
03:35O zaman,
03:37ilk olarak,
03:44İlk olarak,
03:51İkinci olarak,
03:58Üçüncü olarak,
04:06Dördüncü olarak,
04:14İkinci olarak,
04:37DPP yapalım.
04:39Ve sabırsızlanma.
04:40Röportaj için.
04:41Ve dördüncü olarak?
04:44O çikolata sorunu.
04:46A1 batşı için koydum.
04:48Tamam, doktor.
04:51Dördüncü olarak,
04:52C nasıl olabilir?
04:53Bu kompansiyon yapamayabilir.
04:55Yoksa, oktetrol kırılır.
04:57Evet, kesinlikle doğru söylüyorsun.
05:00O zaman?
05:03Bu bir özgürlük.
05:07Ama doktor,
05:08Siyasi yöntemde yöntem kırılmaz.
05:10Sizden kim söyledi?
05:14Kemestirin yöntemidir.
05:17Anladın mı?
05:19Salt Analysis başlayalım.
05:20Oturun, oturun.
05:23Tamam mı?
05:25Dikkat edin.
05:26Herkes dinleyecek.
05:27Çok önemli bir şey.
05:28Ne gülüyorsun?
05:29Her yıl,
05:30Salt Analysis'dan
05:313 numara geliyor.
05:322 numara geliyor.
05:33Soru geliyor.
05:34Bunu başlayalım.
05:35Tamam mı?
05:38Çok az içtik.
05:42Halva mı?
05:43Yok mu?
05:45Halva yok.
05:47Bugün çok acıdı.
06:08Yavaş, yavaş.
06:10Tamam mı?
06:12Yiyeyim mi?
06:14Sadece çikolatayı bana verin.
06:17Çikolata mı?
06:20Ekofrenik olmalı.
06:22Çok acıdın.
06:23Hayır, hayır.
06:25Bu çikolata değil.
06:26Bu trofiler.
06:27Benim 4. çikolata sorunu.
06:36Çikolata sorunu yapar mısın?
06:38Sen A6'dasın değil mi?
06:39O zaman,
06:40Ben ne yaparım?
06:415 kişi daha yapar.
06:43Ne diyorsun?
06:44Evet yapma.
06:45Sadece A1'e yapabilirsin.
06:47Ver bu çikolata.
06:57Fark etmez miyim?
07:00DPP'de ne kadar inorganik oluyorsun?
07:03Inorganik mi?
07:1113-14 gibi.
07:19Çok inorganik.
07:31Bu çocuklarla çikolata sorunu oluyor.
07:33Bu çocuklarla çikolata sorunu oluyor.
07:35A6'da ne farklı bir şey var?
07:38Çikolata sorunu.
07:40Çikolata sorunu.
07:42Çikolata sorunu.
07:44Fakülte sorunu.
07:47Değil mi?
07:54Hadi, anlatacağım.
07:56Hadi, hadi.
08:03Sevgilerinizle söylüyorum!
08:25Ne yapıyorsun?
08:26Şaka mı yapıyorsun?
08:28Kötü marklar vermek, öğretmenlere şeref veriyor.
08:31Ve öğrencilere değil, A5K'ye.
08:33Çomu, kötü feedback vermezsen o orada okumaya devam edecek.
08:37İğrenç bir saat okumaya devam edecek.
08:39Öğretmenler, ailemiz gibi.
08:41Aynı şekilde ona da feedback ver.
08:42Babacığım, senin akılların yok.
08:45O zaman bugün, babacığım senin odanda uyuyacak.
08:48Ne dedin?
08:49Sıcak mısın?
08:50Hadi, ışık aç.
08:52Işık açmayacak bugün.
08:55Ama ben biraz sıcak hissediyorum.
08:58Önce formu at, sonra ışık açacaksın.
09:13Su içmeye gidiyorum.
09:17Hey, Meena!
09:20Duaper Yüzü'ndeydi.
09:21Guru Dronacar'ın şerefine sahipti.
09:25Ne zaman bu?
09:26Arjun, Dronacar'a savaştı.
09:29Ramayana da zayıfsın.
09:31Dronacar, en iyi öğretmeniydi.
09:34En iyi öğretmeni.
09:36Ama ona savaştı.
09:40Ve sen, Meena.
09:41JEE'ye, Batla'ya bir feedback formu satamazsın.
09:44Ben olsaydım, buradan atılırdım.
09:46Atılırdın. Kötü numara ver.
09:48Ben yapamam.
09:50Tamam, tamam.
09:52Batla'ya bir private engineering college'a katıl.
09:55Kötü non-IIT'li öğrenciler.
10:03Ne oluyor?
10:04Hiçbir şey, anne.
10:05Bir su geldi.
10:06Su içmekle Holi'yi oynuyor musun?
10:08Doğru söylüyorsun, anne.
10:10Hayır, anne.
10:11300 rupi.
10:14Anne, dinle!
10:16Anne, ben de Bunty gibiyim.
10:23Kötü üniversiteye su içeceğim.
10:25Bunty'e para vermeyeceğim.
10:27Kötü bir kız.
10:29Al bunu.
10:30Kötü üniversiteye su iç.
10:34Hiçbir şey değil.
10:35Bu dünya'nın rahatsızlığı...
10:37...Badal anlıyor.
10:39Hey, Kumar, Vishwas.
10:46Biz de vermiştik.
10:48Ama herkese kötü bir feedback vereceksek...
10:51...Batla'yı bırakacaksın, değil mi?
11:13Çabuk getirin.
11:14Üniversite adı Batla.
11:16Çohan Bey A2'de okudu.
11:17A5'de değil.
11:18Kötü bir şey.
11:19Ben A5'de okudum.
11:42Hayır, kötü bir feedback veremeyeceğim.
11:45Çocuklan diyorsun?
11:48Çocuklan diyorsun?
11:53Evet, ailemiz.
11:55Bakın, öğretmenin tarzı, Batla...
11:592, 2, 2 verirseniz 2 veririz.
12:01Soru sorgulama?
12:041, 1, 1
12:090, 0, 0
12:10Ve puşkulatı...
12:20Performansı çok iyiydi.
12:22Pardon, bir düşünever, öğretmenim.
12:23Öğretmeni, ilk bir efsanete ve sonraki bir kezüden...
12:26...pürürterilerini temizliyorum.
12:27Bu çok iyi.
12:28Çok kötü.
12:31Bu form...
12:32Bu form...
12:34...iğrenç bir tarzım yok.
12:36Bu bir şey çok iyi.
12:38Hadi güle.
12:39Şimdi tüm Ağız Temizleme İşlemi'ni temizlemek zorundayım.
12:45Hayır, A5 me hokey bi A6 valoki tarifi problemi solkena kismet miyni?
12:50Su boleche?
12:57Very nice initiative.
12:59Patla should be changed.
13:01In fact, every teacher in this coaching should be changed.
13:04No no, this coaching industry should change.
13:07Exam patterns, syllabus, curriculum, pedagogy should change.
13:09IIT should change, this whole educational system should change.
13:12And for that...
13:15Patriarchy should change.
13:18What do you think, Shivani?
13:20I think you should go to class first.
13:29A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, Organic, In...
13:34This is written as AWS under inorganic.
13:36And now he will teach?
13:38What? Batla has moved?
13:40He used to be very respected.
13:42He didn't move.
13:43He has moved.
13:45He has moved.
14:13Mr. Batla.
14:14How are you?
14:15Yes, sit down.
14:19Tell me more.
14:20How did you come here?
14:21Sir, I wanted to talk to you.
14:24Yes, tell me.
14:25Sir, A5 has moved.
14:27So, I wanted to put some extra doubt classes.
14:31Doubt classes?
14:34Who will come, sir?
14:36Sir, just don't reduce the money.
14:38Do whatever you want.
14:39Sir, if you want, give me junior class.
14:41Sir, I will teach physics till 8th grade.
14:43What are you saying, sir?
14:45You are respected, sir.
14:47No, sir.
14:48Respect is for other subjects.
14:50Whereas inorganic requires the most effort.
14:52Yes, sir.
14:53I have to revise every morning.
14:55And if you look at the salary, it's more than others.
14:57Sir, look.
14:58Math and physics are taught by these ITians.
15:01If you give less salary, the other institute will take it.
15:03That's why brother-in-law pays them so much.
15:06What can I do in this, sir?
15:08Yes, I could have given scholarship to your nephew.
15:11But I didn't.
15:13Although he didn't deserve it.
15:17Sir, but if I had to remove, I would have given it to Mr. Rao.
15:22Or, sir, I would have given it to the A6 teacher, Parminder.
15:27Sir, he removed junior from me.
15:30Do you know, sir?
15:31He is a number one psycho.
15:33Sir, he doesn't know anything.
15:35He used to attend my lectures.
15:37So, sir, did you make a mistake or not?
15:40What is senior and what is junior in inorganic, sir?
15:42Someone had to put it, so he put it.
15:45And sir, he is a psycho.
15:47He has been sitting at home for four months.
15:48He can sit for four more months.
15:51He has put two hostels.
15:53And sir, tell me one thing.
15:54If he was a true teacher, wouldn't he have joined a coaching institute?
15:58Sir, why are you making fun of the poor?
16:01You also know.
16:02No institute takes the faculty of inorganic.
16:10Get up.
16:11Stand up quickly.
16:13If you don't know this exception, what have you studied till now?
16:16Today, call your family and tell them that you can't do IIT.
16:19And if you can't do it, if you don't have the courage,
16:21then do one thing.
16:22Download TikTok.
16:23People like you make a lot of money.
16:25And they earn more than they deserve.
16:27Should I give you a discount?
16:28Take it.
16:31Four out of fifteen came.
16:35Sir, do you have a chocolate problem?
16:38Of course I do.
16:40So sir, what is the reason for this exception?
16:42But only with A1 students.
16:44Because they don't ask stupid questions like A5.
16:47It's a fact.
16:48It's information.
16:49But no.
16:50We have to ask logic.
16:53Why do notes only come from 100 and 50?
16:55Why not from 75?
16:57Why did Ranveer choose Alia?
16:58Why not Deepika?
17:00Hey, write what is written quietly and finish it.
17:03But no.
17:04We have to ask logic.
17:05We have to be a topper.
17:07And sir, do you know
17:08why I am a topper of A5 and not A1?
17:11Because I am a donkey.
17:19If you want to be inorganic,
17:21then do as I say.
17:22Keep it that way.
17:23That's it.
17:24No questions asked.
17:26Are you getting it?
17:27Yes, sir.
17:28Say it loudly.
17:29Yes, sir.
17:30Did you hear me?
17:31Yes, sir.
17:34We have some questions for Jai and Ranveer.
17:37We will solve them.
17:38You can come this year.
17:40Take out your copies.
17:50Sir, I have a request.
17:53Did you fill the installment?
17:54Yes, sir.
17:55When did you fill it?
17:57Say it again.
18:03can the faculty of inorganic be changed again?
18:08Why not?
18:10Fill the feedback form next year.
18:12We will change it.
18:17Sir, it will be too late by next year.
18:20Why don't you give it to Mr. Batla again?
18:23You idiots should never give a feedback form.
18:28Toppers never give feedback.
18:30Get out.
18:31Get out.
18:39Sir, Meenal is also very upset.
18:41What happened to her?
18:42I don't know.
18:48Call Meenal.
18:59Give it to me.
19:01How many times have I told you not to call toppers?
19:20Is there any problem with the new teacher?
19:26Tell me.
19:29Yes, sir.
19:30A little.
19:32Why did you wait?
19:34You are the topper of the year.
19:37Girls' topper.
19:40Whatever happens,
19:42message me immediately.
19:44I gave you my personal number.
19:47Yes, sir.
19:48I missed it because my phone changed.
19:51Then write.
19:58Okay, I'll give it to you later.
20:02Put the voice in the foundation.
20:05Okay, tell me.
20:06Which head do you want?
20:09A6 head.
20:12A6 head.
20:15A6 head.
20:33He has a girlfriend.
20:34But who is involved in his affair?
20:36The boys of Kota.
20:38Where are they from?
20:39The boys of Kota.
20:42the girlfriend of the brother
20:43refuses everyone except the brother.
20:45So what happened to our brother?
20:48And what happened to the girl?
20:49She got involved in this idiot's affair.
20:52We will understand the essence of the matter.
20:55Wherever there is chemistry,
20:56there is
20:59Very good.
21:00I am enjoying it.
21:01My brother used to tell me before the class that
21:02inorganic chemistry is very dangerous.
21:05It is very complicated.
21:06I will leave it.
21:08I said,
21:09your girlfriend is also complicated.
21:11Do you leave her?
21:13No, right?
21:14What do you do with her?
21:15You pay attention to her.
21:17You focus on her.
21:18You talk to her with love.
21:25What did you say?
21:26After hearing this,
21:27the boy behind him also stood up.
21:30Sit straight.
21:32You are laughing a lot.
21:33Stand up.
21:36Do you have a girlfriend?
21:39I am not surprised.
21:41Sit down.
21:43Just like our brother is alone,
21:44Boron is also alone here.
21:47Boron lacks electrons.
21:49He is not giving electrons.
21:52What will he do?
21:53Will he sit alone?
21:55Did our brother sit alone?
21:57Our brother found a fool like us.
22:00What did he find?
22:01A fool.
22:02I will call him a fool.
22:04Boron finds another fool like us
22:06and makes a bond with him.
22:10Not James Bond.
22:14Now two friends will make a bond with each other.
22:15What will they call him?
22:16It will be a banana, sir.
22:19Very good answer.
22:21It will be a banana.
22:22And it will become
22:23Banana Bond.
22:26It is also called
22:28Three Center Two Electron Bond.
22:33What is it called?
22:34Three Center Two Electron Bond.
22:36There is no need to remember.
22:37No one will help you to clear IIT.
22:39What do we have to clear?
22:41Very good.
22:43So, did you make a bond?
22:47Did you make a bond?
22:49Come on.
22:50Write it in a copy.
22:52When two atoms combine to form a bond of similar type
22:57due to lack of electrons
22:59the bond is known as
23:01Banana Bond.
23:03So, kids.
23:04If you have any questions on Banana Bond, we will make it.
23:07Yes, sir.
23:09So, did you see Banana Bond?
23:12Very good.
23:13There is one hour left.
23:14Let's go.
23:15Everyone will finish their work and come.
23:16And whoever doesn't finish his work will be punished.
23:18Let's go.
23:19Sir, sir, sir.
23:20Sir, can we play a song?
23:21A song, sir.
23:22Yes, sir.
23:23A song, sir.
23:24A song, sir.
23:25A song, sir.
23:26A song, sir.
23:27A song, sir.
23:29Are you here to listen to a song?
23:30Should I play a song for you?
23:32There is an interview going on.
23:33This is why parents pay the fees.
23:37Play a song, sir.
23:38Play a song.
23:45You made it so easy.
23:48He is the best teacher.
23:49He is the best singer also.
23:50Even A6 students used to say that.
23:52But they never told me that they can make people laugh so much.
23:55I swear.
23:56If I wasn't a teacher, I would have gone to stand-up comedy.
23:58With the help of Ganesh's M.A in Organic Chemistry,
24:00I met Jeetu.
24:02I remember the whole lecture.
24:03I don't even have to open the notes to do the DPP.
24:06He teaches very well.
24:07This is how the class should be.
24:10I have opened my mind in chemistry today.
24:12It has already opened.
24:13It has opened today.
24:14The door has already opened.
24:17Remove all the nets.
24:18Remove all the nets.
24:19Throw away all the garbage.
24:22Come, son.
24:24I think I will have to deduct money from your security.
24:27What happened now, aunty?
24:28What is this?
24:30It's the floor.
24:31What is on the floor?
24:33It's you.
24:34Are you acting like Gano Rana?
24:36What kind of stains are these?
24:37Crispy, crispy.
24:38They are not getting clean even from the slides.
24:40I am telling you.
24:41I am telling you.
24:42My Kota Marble should not get spoiled.
24:43It's not Kota Marble.
24:44It's Kota Stone.
24:45What are you saying?
24:46Aunty, from now on,
24:47we will take care of your Marble more than books.
24:50From now on,
24:51there will be daily cleaning here.
24:52And it will be deducted 500 rupees per month.
24:55Let's go.
24:57Get out of the way.
24:58You don't even take a bath.
24:59Aunty, give me hot water.
25:03I wish I had the feedback form of this Tadka.
25:05Forget about Tadka.
25:06You are a hero, hero.
25:08If it wasn't for you,
25:09neither the teachers of 9 or Guinea would have changed
25:11nor my luck.
25:13Brother, I will offer my first two chocolates to you.
25:19Come on, son.
25:20Take out the sheet.
25:21We will start.
25:22I am telling you the answer of the question.
25:23We will match everything.
25:25Very easy question.
25:26I am feeling shy to ask.
25:28The answer is A.
25:29We will move forward after marking.
25:31Everyone, tally.
25:32Tell me the second one.
25:34B. ZNS.
25:38It's a very easy question.
25:39We will solve it orally.
25:42The answer is B.
25:45What an easy question.
25:47Time waste.
25:48A more basic question.
25:50C. Answer.
25:51If you didn't get it, do something.
25:53Question number 4.
25:55The answer is B.
25:57Very basic.
25:59The answer is C.
26:01We got it in the last class.
26:03C. Answer.
26:04We will get the answer.
26:06We will move forward after marking.
26:08Sir, sir.
26:10Sir, sir.
26:11How can question number 7 be A?
26:13It should be C.
26:14Let's go to the end.
26:15No, no, sir.
26:16First, tell me this.
26:17Sir, Aluminium is from the family of Boron.
26:18It doesn't have electrons.
26:20So, it will make a bond with someone like us.
26:22So, it will make a banana bond.
26:24What is this coordinate covalent bond?
26:26This is an exception.
26:27This was taught to you in the class.
26:29But sir, banana bond itself is an exception.
26:33This is an exception of exception.
26:37What was the first rule of chemistry that I told you?
26:39Where there is chemistry, there is...
26:43Let's move forward.
26:45Question number 8.
26:59Don't worry.
27:00We will solve the chocolate problem.
27:03Hey bro, what's up?
27:04Get out of here.
27:05Get out.
27:06Get out.
27:11Get out of this illusion.
27:13We are not going to get the chocolate.
27:15Do you understand?
27:16Nothing is going to happen to us.
27:17No matter how many teachers you change, nothing is going to happen to us.
27:20I have found out.
27:22These A6 batch students have taken the correspondence course of the institute.
27:25They have solutions even before the DPP discussion.
27:28We get the chocolate, but where do we get the numbers in their tests?
27:31That's why they are in A6.
27:33Let's do one thing.
27:34Let's put an individual class of inorganic outside the institute.
27:39What will happen?
27:40What will happen?
27:41What will happen?
27:42They will teach us well.
27:44They are teaching this too.
27:46Meena, the problem is not in the teachers.
27:48It's in this stupid subject.
27:50This is a very boring subject.
27:52There are only facts that have no logic.
27:55There are more exceptions than there are rules in the name of logic.
27:58First they will tell us in the octal tool that there should be only 8 electrons.
28:01But then?
28:02They are making a compound of so many electrons.
28:044, 6, 7, 8, 10.
28:06And 12.
28:08There are so many models on a single atom.
28:10First they will teach us Dalton's model.
28:12As soon as they understand, they will say, oh, this is wrong.
28:15Okay, we accept it.
28:16We made a mistake once.
28:17Then they will teach us the Thomson-Plum pudding model.
28:19That is also wrong.
28:20Then they will teach us the Rutherford model.
28:21That is also wrong.
28:22Then why are you going to study?
28:24Make it first.
28:25Sit down and make it.
28:26No, no, no.
28:27We will teach.
28:28We will teach.
28:29Bohr's model, Heisenberg's model.
28:31There is no such thing.
28:32There is no such thing.
28:33These people are talking about exception and making fun of it.
28:37This is not an exception.
28:39It is an excuse.
28:40Pure excuse.
28:41They don't have any theory to give all the answers.
28:45And how will there be a theory?
28:46How will it be?
28:47Tell me.
28:48Einstein and Newton used to give theories.
28:50Genius people.
28:51They didn't study the subject of stupidity.
28:53There is no logic.
28:54Here is the exception.
28:58Didn't you get confused when you saw inception?
29:00As much as the exception has done.
29:02Every atom acts and reacts on its own.
29:05Everyone's oxidation state keeps changing.
29:07Plus 2, minus 7, plus 3, minus half.
29:10Oxygen's oxidation state is not fixed.
29:13When your own elements are not with you.
29:15Then why do you have to make a happy periodic family?
29:18Learn something from math.
29:21Fixed 0 to 9 at once.
29:23But here.
29:24Their elements have not come yet.
29:26Something new appears every year.
29:28This time it is in the lucky draw.
29:29Number 113.
29:30We will name it.
29:32No, no, no.
29:35It is easier to write Sanskrit mantras than this.
29:38Newton gave three laws.
29:40It becomes half physics.
29:41But here.
29:42A new rule for every question.
29:43Then accept it.
29:44Accept it.
29:45That you are not logical like math and physics.
29:48Okay, brother.
29:50Okay, tell me one thing.
29:51It's simple.
29:52What will happen if you drop the apple in the air?
29:56It will fall down.
29:57It will fall down.
29:58It will fall.
29:59But it will fall in physics.
30:00It will not fall in chemistry.
30:01What will happen in chemistry?
30:02Steric hindrance will come.
30:03If it is less, it will have resonance, inductive effect, everything.
30:06Anything can happen here.
30:07Anything can happen.
30:08They don't even say the color straight.
30:10Not green.
30:11Apple green.
30:12Not red.
30:13Crimson red.
30:14Not pink.
30:15Hot pink.
30:16That's why chemistry is only good for girls.
30:17They keep doing anything.
30:18Flame test.
30:19Salt analysis.
30:21Brown ring test.
30:22Rotten egg smell.
30:23Why should I smell rotten egg?
30:26Atomic science trend.
30:27Ionization potential trend.
30:28Electro-affinity trend.
30:29Electro-negativity trend.
30:30Horizontal trend.
30:31Vertical trend.
30:32We call something a trend when you can predict something from it.
30:37If anything is happening anywhere like Tux of India, how can we call it a trend?
30:42I'm telling you, Meena.
30:43Chemistry is not a subject, it is subjective.
30:45What haven't you done for this subject?
30:50You sat in front.
30:51You changed three teachers.
30:52You changed the study strategy.
30:53But what is the end result?
30:56Jeetu was not stopping.
30:58That's why I brought him to you.
31:01You understood it perfectly.
31:03The problem is not in the teacher, but in the subject.
31:07There must be some reason.
31:08Physicists meet in universities.
31:09And this chemist is everywhere.
31:12You understood that you can't do so much.
31:15That's fine.
31:16But brother, how did it get solved?
31:19It didn't?
31:21I thought it was simple.
31:22Let's say you have to go on a date.
31:24Do you have a girlfriend?
31:26Let's say there is a hot girl like Katrina.
31:29She is punctual.
31:30She calls you at 8 o'clock in the evening.
31:32You are going on a date.
31:33You will take some gifts, right?
31:35Champagne, bouquet.
31:36Teddy bear.
31:38You are a fool.
31:40Let's say you are taking a teddy bear.
31:42You meet a thief on the way.
31:44He snatches the teddy bear and runs away.
31:46What will you do?
31:47How can he run away?
31:48I will catch him and beat him.
31:50Of course.
31:51That's what you should do.
31:52But the thief is fast.
31:53And he has two gifts.
31:55What will you do?
31:56We will shout loudly.
31:57Someone will help us.
31:58There can be one approach.
32:00It may work.
32:01What will you do?
32:04I will let the gift go.
32:06And I will run away with the other two gifts.
32:09Then run away.
32:11I told you it's simple.
32:12She is a hot girl.
32:14And bouquet and champagne are physics.
32:16Teddy bear is inorganic chemistry.
32:17You can't catch it.
32:19But a real life girlfriend needs a teddy bear.
32:22It can't be IIT without inorganic chemistry.
32:25Who said that?
32:26Who is an IITian in this room?
32:31Do you think I studied inorganic chemistry like an idiot?
32:35First of all, study that exam before studying for the exam.
32:38What do you think?
32:39How much score do I have to score for top 5 in IIT?
32:4390% for top 5.
32:45Are you crazy?
32:47How will you face this cruel world?
32:49You will be beaten 40%.
32:5140% for top 5?
32:53Only 40% for top 5 in IIT.
32:56Are you kidding?
32:57Son, there are many other things besides memes on the internet.
33:00So go straight now.
33:01Watch the video on Unacademy.
33:03Strategy for IIT JEE.
33:05JEE toppers are taking their time from IIT and making some videos for you.
33:08Work so hard.
33:09Your brother Jeetu will solve everything.
33:11Even if you leave 60% syllabus, there is a chance that it will be done in IIT.
33:14Inorganic chemistry will have a syllabus.
33:16Let it be.
33:18What is the weightage in your exam?
33:19What is the weightage of inorganic chemistry?
33:21Chemistry is 1 third.
33:23Chemistry is 1 third.
33:26Then see.
33:27Do you want to run after 11% and spoil your pants?
33:30Or do you want to focus on 89%?
33:33Bring 40% and then enjoy in some good IIT for 4 years.
33:38Brother, I will burn all the sheets of inorganic today.
33:42Hey, wrong thing.
33:43Yes, it is science.
33:44It will be a sin.
33:45Sell it in scrap.
33:46You will get some money.
33:47Eat curd and kachoris.
33:49But Jeetu, rank improves for inorganic.
33:52Rank improves for those who are coming.
33:54Your witch will eat it.
33:56So the best way to tackle such witches is...
33:58Don't get confused.
33:59Get out of the way.
34:00Did you understand?
34:01Come on, get out.
34:02I have to go.
34:03Why do you look so confused, Meena?
34:06But Jeetu.
34:08That day you were saying that if there is a problem in life, find it.
34:11Make the problem a dare.
34:12Make the dare a habit and keep doing it.
34:14And today you are saying that if there is no inorganic, leave it.
34:21Son, inorganic chemistry is an exception.
34:28Come on, get out.
34:32Thank you, brother.
34:33Inorganic chemistry is an exception.
34:36The objective in the exam should not be to solve all the problems,
34:40but to solve the maximum number of problems.
34:45Inorganic chemistry is an exception.
34:57If a problem is very confusing and time-consuming, we can skip it.
35:01If we have time, we will get back to it.
35:04Remember, there is no cure for every problem.
35:07You fool.
35:08How many times have I told you not to put so many clothes in a second-hand washing machine?
35:13Mertciiii, nasılsın?
35:15Al bunu.
35:17Bu senin ekstra ödüllerin.
35:19Her ay vereceğim.
35:21Sadece tüm ay beni rahatsız etme.
35:33Merhaba arkadaşlar.
35:35Öncelikle, inorganik kemiksizliğe
35:37nefret ettiğini,
35:39yorumlara yazın.
35:41Şimdiye kadar yazmak zorunda değilsin.
35:43Hayır, şimdiye kadar yazmak zorunda değilsin.
35:45Ve Vibho'nun röportajında hangisi en iyisi geldi?
35:47Şimdiye kadar yaz.
35:49Siz rahatça yazabilirsiniz.
35:51Rahatça değil, şimdiye kadar yaz.
35:53Tüm hayatımı inorganik kemiksizliğe zarar ettin.
35:57Onlar biraz fazla tepki veriyorlar.
35:59Ama siz akademide kemiksizliği
36:01öğrenmeye bir deney yapabilirsiniz.
36:03Buradaki öğretmenler,
36:05inorganik kemiksizliği konseptini
36:07çok kolayca öğretecek.
36:09Katrina Kaf gibi bir kız arkadaşınızı
36:11bulmak zorunda değilsiniz.
36:13Ama özellikleri var.
36:15Çok fazla öğrenci
36:17İETJ'de hazırlanıyor.
36:21stratejik bilgiler ve tipi
36:23burada bulabilirsiniz.
36:25Katrina Kaf gibi bir kız arkadaşınızı
36:27bulmak zorunda değilsiniz.
36:29Sadece size anlatacağım.
36:31Sizde bilgileriniz varsa,
36:33yorumlara yazın.
36:35Biso, dinle!