Post-race interview - Stage 3 - Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift 2024

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00:00Alot, do you feel just a little bit disappointed to lose the yellow today?
00:06No, not at all. I have no regrets. I gave it my all. I went full gas and someone was stronger.
00:15Still wearing this nice jersey. I'm really proud of the last two days.
00:23My Tour de France is already complete.
00:25What will you keep in your mind from these three first stages in your home country?
00:32I think it's unforgettable. Really really special.
00:38Now you lost the yellow jersey but you keep the green jersey. Is it now your biggest goal to keep it until Alpe d'Huez?
00:45Of course I'm going to try and fight for it. It's too nice to give up on this already. I have some good points already. I fight for it.
00:57According to all the people here, there is still a chance to win a stage. Do you agree with that? Only one bunch sprint in the last week?
01:07It's a hard stage. It's not as flat as we have here but I think I'm in good shape. I will try. Who knows?
01:17Before this TT some people said there are some pure specialists but the sprinters can also be in the battle. Was it too difficult to do two battles today?
01:28No I don't think it was two battles but 6k is still quite long. Normally I'm really good in a prologue that's half the distance.
01:37This one was a bit out of my comfort zone. I gave my all and I'm really proud.
01:44Thank you Charlotte. Good luck and good rest.
