• 2 months ago
Hollyoaks 13th August 2024


00:00Don't worry, I'll stick to our deal.
00:01So long as you keep that mouth of yours shut.
00:03And if you don't stop, I'm gonna tell Darren.
00:05I'll never believe you.
00:06Enjoying ourselves, are we?
00:08After attacking my daughter.
00:09I didn't push Frankie down the stairs.
00:12I've asked my dad loads for that game, but...
00:14Bet he'd buy it for Ro though.
00:16What do you mean?
00:16She's getting all the attention, ain't she?
00:18He. And there was no need for what you said yesterday.
00:20Mum and dad are obsessed with her.
00:22They've basically forgotten you exist.
00:24If there isn't a second goes by, I don't regret what happened.
00:27Look at us.
00:28We're a proper family.
00:30At least have the guts to show me your face.
00:32He's still got his precious family,
00:33and I'm not going to be satisfied
00:35until he's suffered like I've suffered.
01:19♪ We are the boys in you
01:25♪ Can't turn it back
01:26Can't believe Mormon's dead.
01:28Yes, you do, don't you, Sue?
01:31Just goes to show,
01:33you never know what's around the corner.
01:34♪ Some legends were told
01:38♪ Sometimes you're just up to go
01:40It's awful, isn't it?
01:43Nurses in their own home.
01:47Where's my wages?
01:48No chance.
01:49♪ It's all you can take
01:51♪ And go down in history
01:55You got this?
01:56Yeah, well.
01:57I'm innocent, so they have to believe me.
02:00♪ And go down in history
02:06♪ Remember me for centuries
02:09Warren, can you talk to him?
02:19How did you not see her?
02:20All that time, how did you not know she was there?
02:23No, I don't know.
02:23She was smacked off your face, that's why.
02:25You need to forget about him, Warren.
02:27We have got enough to deal with.
02:29How can I?
02:30It don't mean you have to do the same.
02:32Look, please, Warren, can we just tell the police?
02:34I don't talk to the police.
02:36I need to sort this out myself.
02:38You have been up with him all night.
02:40You've been brilliant.
02:41Checking his blood sugars was crucial.
02:42Can we just do what we said we would?
02:45For us, for our family.
02:46I can't just sit here and stew,
02:49knowing what he has done to my mum.
02:53I need to find him.
02:54The door was open.
02:57I was just checking in on you.
02:59I can't believe what's happened.
03:01It's not fair.
03:02I wouldn't have agreed to this summer job for no money.
03:04You left four meals to go cold while you were chatting.
03:07I was collecting glasses.
03:08And you broke more than you actually collected.
03:11Dad, can you tell her?
03:12I heard, James.
03:13I'm very sympathetic to what you and Steve are going through,
03:15but there's no point wallowing.
03:17I need you to consider Beau's case
03:18and put Wade in to talk to me.
03:20Hey, it's so obvious how much Beau did.
03:22Ryan's here now that he's gone.
03:23Tony, I'm run ragged here.
03:24There must be something you can do.
03:26Yes, those tickets for the basketball are still out.
03:28I could get two for me and Dee Dee.
03:29Oh, that's great.
03:30And do you know what?
03:31That'll really cheer her up after she's been so poorly.
03:34See what happens when you put a little bit of graft in.
03:35I was gonna buy that new game today.
03:37Yeah, well, you should have thought about working harder.
03:40Now, take that medicine up to your sister, you.
03:42And don't forget to let Dee Dee buy tickets.
03:44Hey, wow, love the colour.
03:48Professional and pretty.
03:50Yeah, so all I have to say is...
03:55..not guilty.
03:56Not guilty.
03:58Oh, have you guys heard about Norma?
04:00Yeah, but we're trying to keep things light, Cindy.
04:03We're in rehearsal mode.
04:05Oh, right, yeah, of course she's got her own body.
04:08She's got her own body.
04:10Rehearsal mode.
04:11Oh, right, yeah, of course she's got her own bar in Spain.
04:15She gets everything she wants.
04:18Oh, my sister, Jude.
04:20Some people have all the luck, eh?
04:22And some people are trying to get ready for court.
04:25Oh, I don't know what it says about that.
04:28Oh, yeah, it does help that I'm actually not guilty
04:31of pushing my stepdaughter downstairs.
04:33Yeah, yeah, I know that.
04:34It's just that, don't they say that a guilty plea
04:36is like less hassle or something?
04:38Not very helpful, Cindy.
04:40And besides, why would I admit to something I didn't do?
04:42You know, I'm a mother, I'm a teacher,
04:44and I would never hurt a child.
04:46Yeah, I know, I was just playing devil's ad for what's-it-called,
04:49but just keeping it light like you did.
04:51It's a very serious matter, but it'll all be over soon
04:54and then you can get back to normal.
04:57I can go home.
05:01Not that I'm not forever grateful for this place,
05:03but, you know, Oscar and Morgan, they need to be with their dad.
05:07And today is the day I start to clear my name.
05:13You need to get to the hospital.
05:18You OK there?
05:19He don't feel too good.
05:22He was the one that found her.
05:23Oh, man, no wonder you're in a state.
05:26I mean, your head must be in a right mess.
05:30I take it you didn't see anything?
05:35He should have been there for ages, though.
05:37It was blue.
05:40He was a dead man walking.
05:41Hey, hey, hey, hey.
05:44You've got to leave this to the police, Warren.
05:46You're moving in different circles now, remember?
05:51Dave's right, Dad.
05:53Are you too mad?
05:55The only thing on my mind is tracking down that little rat.
06:00Warren, please.
06:01This will not end well.
06:04Starting with Rex.
06:05Honestly, when the dust settles, you'll regret all of this,
06:08like I regret going self-destruct after Lizzie.
06:13Yeah, well, maybe you shouldn't have forgiven me.
06:15I forgave you because, in the long run, that's the right thing to do.
06:18One death does not make you an expert.
06:22That's not what I'm saying.
06:24I am not like you, Dave.
06:27I'm clearly not meant to change.
06:30People like me, we get revenge.
06:34That's all I know.
06:36But after what he did to my mother,
06:40I am going to take him down piece by piece.
06:54Oh, you know, there's so much info in here about accommodation,
06:59you know, all the performances we get to do.
07:02Off to read there, aren't you?
07:03Frankie, give us a candle.
07:04Oh, he's put something red in the white washing.
07:08Oh, great. There it is.
07:10Hey, I've got the United contract.
07:12Yeah, you have. Well done, you.
07:16Yeah, nice one.
07:17You know, I knew you were going to smash it at that summer camp.
07:20Listen, you've really worked hard for this. I am proud of you.
07:24I'll be signing in a couple of days.
07:26Right, I'm going to go and tell Pearl the good news.
07:29Darling, good luck today, son.
07:33I reckon you should get us a massive burger to celebrate.
07:36What, now?
07:38I'm starving.
07:40Yeah, well, I can't because I've got Nancy's plea hearing today.
07:45We all just want justice, don't we?
07:48Yeah, of course we do.
07:51It's a big day.
07:55Oh, he's struggling with this hair and he's missing Nancy so much.
08:00It'll be over soon.
08:04What are you up to today?
08:08I am taking Oscar to the park.
08:11And, well, all this reading's due.
08:17We've all got to keep our promises, don't we?
08:27They're not supposed to be seen in public.
08:30I made that clear.
08:31So what now?
08:32Well, see, I would say it was fate that I found Joel of his face in that flat.
08:36Because now I can escalate things.
08:37His mother's dead.
08:38What more have you got planned?
08:39See, I think being Mr Nice sets us up perfectly.
08:44He is not going to know what's hit him.
08:49Drink that and go have a lie down.
08:51Go have a sleep.
08:53I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep.
08:56Now, have a lie down.
09:00Listen, Leela, I can't see me like this.
09:01Can you make something up?
09:08I'm coming.
09:13The babies.
09:17Listen, Merce, I heard about Norma.
09:20I was such a shock.
09:21Yeah, Warren doesn't know what to do with himself and I don't know what to say.
09:25Me and Joel had a row.
09:27I mean, it just seems so stupid now.
09:29But he's answering the phone to me.
09:31I just want to help him.
09:32I just want to be there for him, you know.
09:34Is he here?
09:35He, um, he stayed here last night, but he's gone out to get some fresh air.
09:39But he's clearly bottling up his grief.
09:41Same as his dad.
09:42Yeah, but even before this happened with Norma, he just...
09:45He seems so distant.
09:47You know, so absent.
09:50After losing Noah, I just feel like I'm losing him, too.
09:53Norma's murder has knocked them both.
09:56But I'm sure he'll be back.
09:57I mean, how can he not?
10:00Hey, if you, um, if you hear from him, will you just give me a call, please?
10:03Yeah, of course.
10:12That is the first and last time I'm going to lie for you.
10:16Look, Joel, I know you've had it hard recently.
10:19You've lost Noah, too, but...
10:20You've lost Noah, too, but...
10:23You are in this together.
10:24Come on, you really need to sort your head out.
10:27I will.
10:29I promise.
10:33I know exactly where you can start.
10:40Right, watch this.
10:50Ant, have you seen the money Mum gave me?
11:06This is new.
11:07Trying to concentrate.
11:08You stole my money?
11:10Got all these sweets, too, while you were out here, yeah?
11:12Mum, Ant stole my wages and bought that game that he wanted.
11:17You should have paid me, it's only fair.
11:18Excuse me?
11:19Who are you talking to?
11:21Right, Roe earned that money, and we don't steal in this house, thank you.
11:25Do you know what, this behaviour's unacceptable.
11:26The game is going back to the shop.
11:29Can't I just work off the debt?
11:30And how's that going to teach you any morals?
11:33Oh, do you think this is funny, do you?
11:35Well, your mum will be hearing all about this.
11:38Right, turn that off and clear up all this mess.
11:41You're grounded.
11:42Roe, I threw up.
11:50What, you gonna let that go?
11:53Stay, it's me.
11:55Look, if you know how to find Rex, then you'd better tell me.
11:58I need to know who this blue is today, and if I have to torture Rex to find out, then so be it.
12:04Now, does that sound like a good idea to me?
12:08Trying to have a private phone call, eh?
12:10Yeah, but the sound of it seems like it's something you need to get us informed of.
12:13And given the circles Miss Crow moved in, I'd like to ask you a few more questions.
12:17I'm busy.
12:18I thought you'd want to tell us as much as you knew.
12:21Unless, of course, there's something I'm missing.
12:25My mother has just been murdered, and I haven't got time to speak to scum like you.
12:31Hey, he's grieving.
12:34Why don't you lay off him?
12:38I'll be in touch later.
12:40I don't need babysitting.
12:44I just want to help your dad.
12:46Do thanks him also, too.
12:48Think about your future with Mercedes.
12:49And what about my mum's future?
12:52Just ripped away from her.
12:53Remember that speech she gave yesterday at the barbecue?
12:56That beautiful speech about being a family man, a dad.
12:59Yeah, exactly.
13:01Norma wouldn't want all this revenge talk, would she?
13:03That's exactly what Norma would want.
13:05All they care about is tracking down Blue.
13:08And watching him beg for his life.
13:11Hey, hey, hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.
13:15Let me, uh, let me take you somewhere that might persuade you to think differently.
13:21Trust me.
13:22We'll do you both good.
13:34Whoa, waiting is so boring.
13:37How long's it been again?
13:38About a minute since she last asked.
13:41Why don't we just go in?
13:42Because she explicitly said she didn't want us there, mate.
13:47Hey, how'd it go?
13:50Well, it's fine though, isn't it?
13:51You told them the truth.
13:52You told them you're innocent.
13:54Hey, hey, hey, it's okay.
13:56It's okay.
14:03What is this?
14:05I'm not staying here.
14:06Hey, hey, hey, hang, hang fire.
14:09Please, just, we're all hurting here.
14:13Okay, it's not just about you.
14:15Give it a chance.
14:19Who would like to start?
14:21Yeah, yeah, yeah, I will.
14:23Um, I've, I've lost someone.
14:32And then my, my daughter, my beautiful daughter.
14:36She's gone.
14:38And the day after she died, I just, um.
14:42I just had a shower.
14:43I got up and had a shower.
14:44I just did something mundane.
14:47I can't remember what, but I, I, I cracked on as though,
14:51as though it was just a normal day.
14:54Death, grief, loss.
14:57It changes you, changed me.
15:01Spend the rest of your life feeling guilty about
15:06what you could have done differently.
15:10No, I get it.
15:13I, uh, I couldn't say my, my son's name for a long time.
15:20Because I felt if I said it out loud, it would make it real.
15:25The door would unlock.
15:28Unlock a door that I was too scared to open.
15:31And, uh, since there's been another loss in the family,
15:36seeing my dad like this, it's hard.
15:41So I used to be able to help people in, uh, in dark times.
15:46But now I, I just don't know what to say, really.
15:52Not to myself.
15:55And, uh, not to my dad.
16:04I never had a family.
16:06I grew up in care.
16:09Never had a pet or a favourite teacher.
16:14Always in and out of prison.
16:18I haven't had a normal life.
16:20Until this last year.
16:24Yesterday, I woke up feeling like I'd won the lottery.
16:28Looking forward.
16:32I'm not the kind of person who looks forward to anything, but.
16:40I was looking forward to my little girl spending Christmas with her grandma.
16:46Letting her go to school.
16:50Letting her see them take the first steps.
16:55Ella never got to spend much time with her grandma, either.
17:01Ella was my daughter, was she?
17:05She was killed in a hit and run.
17:07After it happened, I, I used to lie awake at night.
17:12Just thinking over and over what she must have felt like those last few moments of her life.
17:20My mum.
17:26My mum was the strongest person that I ever met.
17:34Shot and killed by some coward.
17:36And just left.
17:43We all thought that she was just on holiday.
17:46She must have been there for days.
17:51I couldn't save her.
17:59Just like I couldn't save Ella.
18:05It's my fault.
18:21I'd love to get a look in on the crime scene.
18:24Yeah, that'd be so cool.
18:25Oi, you little worm.
18:28That is Joel's grandmother that was murdered.
18:30Have some respect.
18:31It's not cool, okay?
18:33And neither is being cheeky to Diane.
18:36Now, just wait there whilst I get a drink.
18:38You are lucky you're not grounded.
18:43As if she would.
18:45Right, grasses need to be punished.
18:48What are you on about?
18:50Your sister's gonna get it from us tomorrow.
18:53Good and proper.
18:58The first time I spoke to anyone about this was when I told Cindy.
19:02You've got Mercedes there, wanting to support you.
19:05Don't push her away.
19:08It's good to hear.
19:10Are you listening to this?
19:13You mean Leela?
19:14What about Leela?
19:20You hiding from me?
19:23Look, I was about to come and find you.
19:24I hate rowing with you.
19:26Okay, but I'll make it up to you.
19:28I'm sorry.
19:29Look, I went evil because I was the first person that found Norma.
19:36Come here.
19:43Thanks for taking me today.
19:45You're a good mate.
19:46I just want to make sure you get what you deserve.
19:55You know, I thought I was all fierce and full of fight and I get in there and I just...
20:01I just crumbled.
20:04What did they say to you?
20:05Well, nothing really.
20:06It was just the reality of it hit me.
20:08I'm stood there on trial and I'm not even on trial yet.
20:12Seriously, you know what?
20:14I knew I should have been there with you.
20:16All I had to say was my name and not guilty.
20:20How am I going to cope when I have to give actual evidence?
20:23I'll all be there with you.
20:25And it's a way off yet.
20:27And in the meantime, I'm just stuck in this limbo with my family split up.
20:31We are just around the corner if you need us.
20:33You know that.
20:34What did your solicitor say?
20:37That if I get found guilty, I'll never teach again.
20:40Sounds like you need a new solicitor.
20:42Not helpful, Cindy.
20:43Well, come on.
20:44She's just being realistic.
20:45Yeah, but you're innocent.
20:47Yeah, you had a wobbling core, but you're really strong.
20:51I don't feel very strong.
20:52But when Morgan was ill, you were abroad on your own.
20:56Look, nothing is going to destroy our family, okay?
20:59Oh, come on, Darren.
21:00We're a mess.
21:01All right, we're in the same village, but families get ripped apart all the time.
21:04I mean, look what just happened to Norma.
21:06It's been more to that than meets the eye.
21:07And I reckon that-
21:09Cindy, not now, please.
21:11And you know what?
21:11We can't forget Frankie in all of this.
21:14There's got to be a reason why she's saying I pushed her.
21:18That girl deserves all our love and compassion, too.
21:28Where have you been?
21:30Mr Fox.
21:31What's going on?
21:32They've got a warrant.
21:33They've been searching the place.
21:34I don't know what they're looking for.
21:38Oh, interesting.
21:41Waiting for a tip-off.
21:43Which says that the cartridges in this gun
21:45will be the same as the ones used in the gun to kill Norma Crowe.
21:48I've never seen it before in my life.
21:50I've been set up.
21:56Warren Fox, I'm arresting you in suspicious of murder.
21:59No, look, you don't know what you're talking about.
22:02He wouldn't hurt his mother.
22:03You've got this all wrong.
22:05Warren, tell him.
22:07Please, stop it.
22:08Stop it, please.
22:39Oh, hello.
22:41Oi, that game's going back to shop.
22:43Yeah, not yet.
22:44I've got to finish this level first.