Motorway Cops Catching Britain's Speeders S01E01
Original air date - (20th September 2021)
Nicky Campbell narrates a look at how the nation's roads are policed, joining Cheshire's elite team of motorway officers as they crack down on Britain's worst drivers. In the opening edition, Amy Hollis is on the hunt for a drunk driver who has been on a late-night wrecking spree through the streets of Chester, leaving a trail of damage to parked cars.
Original air date - (20th September 2021)
Nicky Campbell narrates a look at how the nation's roads are policed, joining Cheshire's elite team of motorway officers as they crack down on Britain's worst drivers. In the opening edition, Amy Hollis is on the hunt for a drunk driver who has been on a late-night wrecking spree through the streets of Chester, leaving a trail of damage to parked cars.