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Video Information: Shabdyog session, 28.11.2018, Advait Bodhsthal, Greater Noida, India


"No one can reveal to you nothing but that which already lies half asleep in the dawning of your knowledge."
¬ Khalil Gibran

Why do you avoid me?
Why do we choose ignorance?
What is the main cause of ignorance?
Is ignorance good or bad for you?
How to escape ignorance?
Is there a cure for ignorance?
Is there a cure for ignorance?

Music Credits: Milind Date
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00:00No one can reveal to you nothing but that which already lies half asleep in the dawning
00:09of your knowledge.
00:14You already know and I said it's a wonder how you pretend that you are ignorant.
00:25You already are fine, perfect and healthy and you already know everything that even
00:35the best of teachers might teach.
00:41This great wonder is not your ignorance but the pretense of your ignorance.
01:02All that I have told you Deepika is something that you knew even before me, even without
01:17I just spoke it out.
01:20I just spilled the beans.
01:43The entire crowd knew that the king is naked.
01:50I am like that petulant child who shouted out but the king is naked.
02:01I wasn't the first one who noticed it.
02:08Everybody knew but you have your reasons to keep silent.
02:13I have my reasons to shout out.
02:17The difference between us is not that you do not know and I do, the difference between
02:27us is that you act as if you don't know and I don't want to act that way.
02:44You have dreamt up some interest in remaining poor and unconscious.
03:13I do not know what that interest is.
03:14That's the difference between you and me.
03:34You know so many people are scared of coming to me, listening to me, meeting me face to
03:45It's an absolute horror for them.
03:52They haven't yet met me.
03:54They haven't yet listened to me.
03:56They haven't yet had a face to face with me.
04:02Why are they scared in advance?
04:09Their fears are well justified.
04:12They are afraid because they already know what I would say.
04:23It's a funny thing.
04:24Often those who listen to me do not know what I am saying but those who avoid me definitely
04:32know what I am saying.
04:38Those who do not listen to me know me perfectly well.
04:49Those who listen to me may sometimes fail to resonate with me but those who stubbornly
04:59avoid me will vouch for my authenticity.
05:09They know that there is something really authentic here that ought to be avoided.
05:17Whenever you would avoid me, Deepika, rest assured, there is something that you would
05:47know to be depraved and you still want to do it.
06:03And you would avoid me just because you do not want the pretense to be exposed.
06:31The true teacher in that sense is never a surprise.
06:37He is absolutely predictable.
06:41At times I know I have said that the true teacher is absolutely unpredictable but from
06:49where I am speaking right now, the true teacher is totally predictable.
07:07You know that the sun would give nothing but the light.
07:11It's a done thing.
07:14No exception or aberration is possible.
07:20So if you are fond of lazing around and sleeping, you block out the sun, don't you?
07:30Why do you block out the sun?
07:32Because you know for sure that the sun would send down nothing but brightness through your
07:44Had there been some doubt, you would not have pulled down the curtains, right?
07:54But even before sunrise, even when you are going to sleep, if you have decided to wake
08:02up late, what do you ensure?
08:06That the windows are all blacked out because it is a matter of absolute predictability
08:15that the sun would only send brightness down the window.
08:26There is no doubt the sun is predictable.
08:31So you take countermeasures.
08:52Those who avoid the scriptures are in some sense great fans of the scriptures.
09:04They know how powerful the scriptures are and therefore they would not mess with them.
09:22We know.
09:23We all do.
09:24And I will never really be able to appreciate why we live as if we do not.
09:39That would remain a great wonder to me always.
