A Love A Fate Full HD

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A Love A Fate Full HD
00:00:30There was so much blood.
00:00:32Who was he?
00:00:34You need to stop watching those movies, Elsa.
00:00:39I gotta get to class.
00:00:54What the hell is going on?
00:01:36Getting married?
00:01:38I don't even know you.
00:01:47Let me go!
00:01:53Touch me and I'll kill you.
00:01:57I'm not gonna hurt you.
00:01:59I'm just gonna marry you so we can save our pack.
00:02:01And you're gonna do as I say, you got that?
00:02:03Your pack?
00:02:05Are you seriously trying to tell me there's werewolves?
00:02:07Those things aren't real.
00:02:12Not real?
00:02:16You better think again, you stupid human.
00:02:19You really think you're the only one rejecting this ridiculous arrangement?
00:02:23Well, but you can reject it.
00:02:25No one's keeping you here against your will.
00:02:27Only over that symbol.
00:02:29You have no idea what it means to be a Luna to an Alpha.
00:02:33And I have to respect this prophecy.
00:02:35I married a pathetic little human girl.
00:02:38You're a beast.
00:02:40An animal, and I'll never marry you.
00:02:48Let's get this over with.
00:02:57Madam Ada, if you don't mind me asking,
00:03:00why does a human girl come to our pack?
00:03:02She will become our new Luna.
00:03:04But why?
00:03:06A human?
00:03:08That is for us to find out.
00:03:12I see you managed to find the girl.
00:03:15Yes, they will be married tomorrow.
00:03:18But I'm still trying to understand why.
00:03:21The prophecy says that your pack will go extinct at the next war,
00:03:26which will happen very soon.
00:03:28How soon?
00:03:29Very soon.
00:03:32And the girl is the only one who can save you.
00:03:34But she has no powers.
00:03:37She has one power stronger than any you have.
00:03:41I cannot say more, or the course of events will change.
00:03:46Now be gone!
00:03:53The marriage.
00:03:54Let's get the marriage over with.
00:03:58And after that, you can leave.
00:04:02I won't touch you.
00:04:04I don't have any interest in a defenseless human girl anyway.
00:04:07Let me go!
00:04:08I can't.
00:04:12I really can't.
00:04:14It's important that we do this,
00:04:15and I know that you don't have the capacity to understand it right now.
00:04:18But do you understand it?
00:04:20No, to be honest.
00:04:22But I believe the prophecy.
00:04:25You get that forcing me to marry you is illegal, right?
00:04:29I don't know.
00:04:33I'll do your stupid wedding,
00:04:35as long as you promise to take me back to school afterwards.
00:04:38All right, deal.
00:04:44Fate has a funny way of working.
00:04:47I just hope Sam is wise enough to listen to it.
00:04:51But do you think the marriage is enough?
00:04:54Won't he need to fall in love with a human girl too?
00:04:58I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
00:05:20Saros, are we drowning tonight?
00:05:28Are you really going to marry that disgusting human girl?
00:05:32You know, Mother, she's got her reasons.
00:05:35And, uh...
00:05:37Yeah, she is special.
00:05:40Oh, come on now.
00:05:43You can make your own decisions.
00:05:50This is sugar.
00:05:53We are getting married tomorrow.
00:06:02She's going to be the new Luna.
00:06:05She might be my wife, so we have to respect her.
00:06:08Do you like her?
00:06:10Do you like the human girl?
00:06:12You know I just get off.
00:06:14And you know I can't do anything about it.
00:06:48That rat bastard got away.
00:06:50Come here.
00:06:51Don't touch me.
00:06:53Look, this is a safe house, okay?
00:06:55I don't know how the vampire got in here,
00:06:57but I promise I'm not going to get to the bottom of it.
00:06:59Safe house? You brought me here.
00:07:01Who's to say you're protecting me and not hurting me?
00:07:04You're a beast.
00:07:13Look, I already told you what I am,
00:07:15but I'm nothing like these vampires.
00:07:17I'm not going to hurt you.
00:07:22Come here.
00:07:26So we're all just the same to you, huh?
00:07:28All just beasts?
00:07:32Maddy, come take care of her.
00:07:51Mother, why am I marrying her?
00:07:53You know, she's just a young girl,
00:07:55and I couldn't even protect her today.
00:07:57Oh, my boy.
00:07:59A vampire got in here today,
00:08:01and they bit her.
00:08:06How did they get in?
00:08:08Your father won the war fair and square.
00:08:10The Green Forest is supposed to protect us.
00:08:13You know what this means, right?
00:08:15If the vampires are after Elsa,
00:08:17that means the prophecy must be right.
00:08:20And the girl is the only one who can save you.
00:08:22She has one power stronger than any you have.
00:08:29We better get this wedding done ASAP.
00:08:34I could just run through the forest, couldn't I?
00:08:36You wouldn't tell on me.
00:08:38The forest wouldn't let you leave.
00:08:40The magic will trap you, Elsa.
00:08:42But why me, Maddy? What have I done to him?
00:08:45It's not like that.
00:08:47He's not trying to hurt you.
00:08:49We need you to survive.
00:08:51He needs you.
00:08:53But why couldn't he have just dated me like a normal person?
00:08:56I actually would have liked him.
00:08:58I know it's strange, but just do the wedding.
00:09:01He'll let you go afterwards.
00:09:03Didn't he say that?
00:09:31Come here, dear.
00:09:44We perform a very peculiar ritual at our wedding ceremonies.
00:09:48You're going to put your feet in this bowl,
00:09:51and then you're going to walk inside our house,
00:09:53and pure positive energy is going to flow from you all throughout our home.
00:09:57You will then be welcome.
00:10:01Who did this?
00:10:16Who did this?
00:10:19Don't worry, we're going to get you bandaged up.
00:10:23Who did this?
00:10:30Who did this?
00:10:35I'm going to ask one more time.
00:10:38Who did this?
00:10:43Did you do this?
00:10:44What? I would never.
00:10:46Don't lie to me.
00:10:48You're the one that pilled it up with milk, weren't you?
00:10:50Yes, but I didn't. I wouldn't, I swear.
00:10:54Don't you touch her.
00:10:56If you kill her, you're going to have to kill me, too.
00:10:58But she deserves it.
00:10:59I'm serious, Sam.
00:11:00From what I've learned, your precious little pack won't survive without me.
00:11:05Show me you're not a beast.
00:11:06I'm not going to marry a murderous wolf, I guarantee you that.
00:11:14All right, everyone, listen up.
00:11:17She is my Luna now,
00:11:19and if anyone of you dare to try to hurt her again,
00:11:21you're going to have to go through me,
00:11:22and every single one of you knows what that means.
00:11:24I will not hesitate.
00:11:26She's my wife now.
00:11:31Someone assisted you in preparing the bowl for the ritual today, didn't they, Maddy?
00:11:37No, no one did.
00:11:39I saw Chloe in the kitchen with Maddy.
00:11:41She was careless enough to break a glass just before the ritual,
00:11:44and the shards must have fallen into the bowl.
00:11:46She almost killed your Luna.
00:11:48That's not true.
00:11:50I didn't break a glass, I swear.
00:11:52Alpha Samurai, I swear.
00:11:55Is that why you're running?
00:12:02Is that why you're running?
00:12:11Calm down.
00:12:12She must have schemed this for a long time.
00:12:14You're safe with us now.
00:12:20All right, let's continue with the ceremony.
00:12:22Mates, please.
00:12:30I do.
00:12:32And do you, Elsa, take Alpha Samurai to be your forever mate
00:12:36under the blessing of the Moon Goddess?
00:12:42I do.
00:12:44I now pronounce you the esteemed Alpha and Luna of the New Moon Pack.
00:12:49You may kiss the bride.
00:12:53Don't push it.
00:13:10No, no, son.
00:13:11She needs to do this on her own.
00:13:23Can I?
00:13:26Just do whatever you want like you always do.
00:13:34How could you be so cold-blooded?
00:13:36Kill people so easily?
00:13:39You're an animal.
00:13:46You know, you don't have to be so afraid of me.
00:13:48We aren't married.
00:13:53We are.
00:14:02See why I killed her?
00:14:04I'm sorry.
00:14:06I killed her to protect you.
00:14:08I won't let anything happen to you.
00:14:12And are you really that scared of me?
00:14:17How could I not be?
00:14:19You kidnapped me and forced me to marry you.
00:14:22And then I saw you kill all these people.
00:14:25And now it's complicated and I'm feeling drawn to you and it's weird.
00:14:41So, you're drawn to me?
00:14:45That's all you got from that?
00:14:53And look, I don't mean to be so aggressive.
00:14:55Or cruel as you call it.
00:14:57But being an alpha forced me to be so.
00:14:59My whole pack depends on me.
00:15:02You know, you just have no idea how dangerous the world we live in is.
00:15:06And I don't want to be a part of it.
00:15:08I don't want to be a part of it.
00:15:11You know, you just have no idea how dangerous the world we live in is.
00:15:14You're not from here.
00:15:17My human world is pretty cruel too.
00:15:19Yeah, but here it's kill or be killed.
00:15:22We don't have laws or democracy to protect us.
00:15:25We have magic.
00:15:26Every single day there's a fight.
00:15:28And you're just too innocent to understand it.
00:15:31But I'm glad you're too innocent.
00:15:33It's way better that way.
00:15:40You can sleep here if you want, as long as you don't do anything.
00:15:50Does it still hurt?
00:15:56What's the matter?
00:15:58Are you still afraid of me?
00:16:01No, actually.
00:16:03I'm afraid of something else.
00:16:06I am too.
00:16:08I think it's too soon.
00:16:27Maybe it's best we don't.
00:16:33You can still sleep in the bed though with me tonight.
00:16:39No, I can't.
00:16:41I can't be that close to you and do nothing.
00:16:54Can you sleep?
00:16:59Me neither.
00:17:03Come on.
00:17:34This is so rude.
00:17:35You can't just come in here whenever you want.
00:17:37I saw my mom out there.
00:17:38She's going to want to check to see if we consummated.
00:17:42She can't hear us.
00:17:43It's okay.
00:17:44It's my mother.
00:17:45She's going to want to know.
00:17:46I know her.
00:17:48A non-consummated marriage can be annulled.
00:17:50And an annulled marriage means that we lose the peace.
00:17:52So please, Elsa.
00:18:23Did it work?
00:18:26I'd say so.
00:18:33I'll let you get ready.
00:18:35Just come down when you're ready.
00:18:41Wake up, girl.
00:18:42He's a werewolf who just kidnapped you.
00:18:51Good morning.
00:18:52Good morning.
00:18:53Please sit with us.
00:18:58No need to feel weird.
00:19:00I'm just glad you two managed to get along.
00:19:02You know, regardless of the circumstance.
00:19:05You'll see.
00:19:06It'll all work out for the best.
00:19:11I'd appreciate it if I could leave after breakfast.
00:19:19Don't worry.
00:19:20I will drive you.
00:19:23Alpha Samar.
00:19:25We have a situation.
00:19:27What is it?
00:19:31Can you come out to the hall?
00:19:33How are you?
00:19:34Is he okay?
00:19:35Sam, you're not leaving me here, right?
00:19:45What's going on?
00:19:46I found him.
00:19:57Are you sure it's him?
00:20:00He's the asshole who bit your wife.
00:20:15My wife is getting here.
00:20:17You remember her?
00:20:18You remember my wife?
00:20:22How'd you get into my house?
00:20:24We ran forward to Texas.
00:20:26How'd you get in?
00:20:31How'd you get in?
00:20:32And what do you want with Elsa?
00:20:35Get in!
00:20:36And what do you want with Elsa?
00:20:47I'll talk.
00:20:48I'll talk.
00:20:49I was sent here by.
00:20:53That rat bastard.
00:20:54My mission was twofold.
00:20:58Steal the basilisk flowers from the forest.
00:21:01Basilisk flowers?
00:21:02You don't know.
00:21:04They can paralyze wearables for hours.
00:21:06Sometimes even days.
00:21:09Logan wants to use it against you.
00:21:12And the second part?
00:21:13Logan wants a drop of Elsa's blood.
00:21:15That's why I bit her.
00:21:17What does he want with her blood?
00:21:18Why does he want a taste?
00:21:20I really don't know.
00:21:21Please, Samurai.
00:21:22I've told you everything I know.
00:21:24Logan wants her blood.
00:21:25He says her blood is special.
00:21:26That's all I.
00:21:33Wearables only deals with vampires.
00:21:35We're not sleazy scum like you.
00:21:37We fight in the daylight.
00:21:38Give me your protection.
00:21:40I'll go back to Logan and tell him I got away.
00:21:43I'll even get Elsa's blood back from him.
00:21:46I don't know how, but I'll do it.
00:21:48I'll do it.
00:21:49And then you'll have an inside spy inside vampire's territory.
00:21:54I'll tell you everything we're up to.
00:21:57You're just selling your own just like that?
00:22:00That's pathetic.
00:22:02I don't need a spy.
00:22:07You're not killing him.
00:22:12You're not killing him.
00:22:14I have no choice.
00:22:15I can't marry a murderer, Sam.
00:22:18Show me that you're human.
00:22:19I'm not human, Elsa.
00:22:24I never will be.
00:22:26He's just working for someone.
00:22:28If you had him on your team, you would do the same thing.
00:22:31You're just scaring me.
00:22:32How can I not be?
00:22:34I've seen your soft side, though.
00:22:35It's really nice.
00:22:37It's just impossible to see in moments like these.
00:22:39I know for a fact if I got on your bad side, you'd do the same thing to me.
00:22:45But listen to me carefully.
00:22:48I will never hurt you.
00:22:50And that's a promise.
00:22:52It's a wolf promise.
00:22:53And that means something.
00:22:56Vampire, you're free to go.
00:23:13Kiss me now!
00:23:23It's not that I'm merciless.
00:23:27It's just...
00:23:29Mercy here will get you killed.
00:23:40Tastes not so bad, is it?
00:23:46I'll give it to you.
00:23:48It's actually really magical here.
00:23:50When there's not blood and killing happening.
00:23:56I can't wait to show you the rest.
00:24:00What is this?
00:24:02This is where you and I are gonna live.
00:24:05What do you mean? I thought you were letting me go back to school.
00:24:08I am. I'm gonna drive you.
00:24:09It's too dangerous for you to live outside the Green Forest.
00:24:11If you live out there, I can't protect you.
00:24:13And Logan will find you.
00:24:16That's the creep that sent for my blood.
00:24:18Look, I know this is all new and strange to you.
00:24:20And that you didn't ask for any of this.
00:24:22But this is the predicament we're in now.
00:24:23So we're gonna make the most of it.
00:24:25And besides, Jack helped me design this.
00:24:27And he knows how to design these things for a human girl to like.
00:24:30It does beat the Goonie Mansion.
00:24:34Yeah, it'll do.
00:24:37Well, I'm gonna get us some firewood.
00:24:38And you go make yourself comfortable.
00:24:40Tomorrow, I'll drive you to school. I promise.
00:24:51Leave him alone.
00:24:53He's mine.
00:24:55Your marriage is a sham anyway.
00:24:59No good comes from humans.
00:25:02You'll only hurt him.
00:25:04I know you will.
00:25:07Get away from him.
00:25:09Before it's too late.
00:25:17Be careful.
00:25:18I'm coming for you, Elsa.
00:25:29So, you okay?
00:25:31Yeah, I mean...
00:25:32Everything's changed and the world is so different from what I thought.
00:25:35Yeah, I think you should probably keep those things to yourself.
00:25:38I think it's better that way.
00:25:39Is that a threat?
00:25:41But, uh, you have been a little distant lately.
00:25:45Hey, did I...
00:25:46Did I see you talking with someone last night when I went to get wood?
00:25:49Dude, werewolves see things and aren't there too.
00:25:52Don't worry, I'll be fine.
00:25:54But can you pick me up later?
00:25:55Uh, no, I have business, so I can't pick you up.
00:25:57But I will send a driver.
00:26:03Oh my god, wait.
00:26:04Elsa, where have you been?
00:26:05I was worried someone kidnapped you or something.
00:26:07No, sorry.
00:26:08I was just at a party for three days.
00:26:10You know how it is.
00:26:11Oh, yeah.
00:26:16Oh, my sweet Elsa.
00:26:18Oh, I haven't seen you since high school.
00:26:20I just transferred here.
00:26:21Oh my god.
00:26:22I wanted to surprise you instead of telling everybody.
00:26:25Oh, you've changed so much.
00:26:27Yeah, we're all grown up now.
00:26:30Maybe now you can keep your hands off me.
00:26:34Wait, do I sense an old flame?
00:26:37That's how I wanna get...
00:26:45Where do you think you're going?
00:26:48To the Green Forest.
00:26:49I'm gonna find that witch that told Ada that nonsense about the human girl.
00:26:54As per your advice, mind you.
00:26:57You won't find it that way.
00:26:58Why not?
00:27:00Because there's magic in the forest.
00:27:03Yeah, well, I've got powerful magic too.
00:27:06Not powerful enough to beat the witch.
00:27:09You're gonna get yourself killed.
00:27:11I have to try, Dad.
00:27:13This just isn't right.
00:27:15If that's what you want, fine.
00:27:17Envy, do not use your magic in the forest.
00:27:40This can't be right.
00:27:42I walked by this tree twice already.
00:27:44I'm walking in circles.
00:27:48Come on, witch!
00:27:50Show yourself!
00:28:08What kind of hate is this strong that you're willing to die for it, my child?
00:28:13I need to know.
00:28:17Why did Ada make her son marry that human girl?
00:28:20Why is she so special?
00:28:22Everyone wants to know why someone else is special.
00:28:25Why do you think you deserve to be the next Luna Insta?
00:28:28Why do you think you're so special?
00:28:30This... this isn't about me.
00:28:33No, it isn't.
00:28:35I need to know to protect my path!
00:28:37Is that really your reason, my dear?
00:28:40Just answer me, witch!
00:28:42Are you gonna try to fight me now?
00:28:44Come, child.
00:28:45Pull yourself together.
00:28:55It's a beautiful day out.
00:28:57You're a beautiful day out.
00:29:00No, but you're just as beautiful as ever.
00:29:04You really grew up.
00:29:29I'm sorry. What's wrong?
00:29:31I thought this is what you wanted, like, since high school.
00:29:34It was. I just...
00:29:37What's wrong?
00:29:41Everything's just right.
00:29:43I have to go.
00:29:55Am I falling for him?
00:29:58God, that stupid wolf.
00:30:05For God's sakes, Envy.
00:30:09You're injured.
00:30:11You used your magic against the forest, didn't you?
00:30:13The witch wouldn't give me any answers, Dad.
00:30:16Lay down.
00:30:19You had a rest.
00:30:24Envy, do not leave this room until you're better.
00:30:28You hear me?
00:30:57It's almost time.
00:30:59Can't wait.
00:31:00Now, now, brother.
00:31:01Let's not get ahead of ourselves just yet.
00:31:04Go and find the girl.
00:31:06Then we'll offer her.
00:31:07Yes, brother.
00:31:11You think you'd actually turn up?
00:31:21Hey, wait up.
00:31:23Oh, it's okay, Jack. Thanks for the ride.
00:31:25Oh, I don't feel comfortable leaving you here alone.
00:31:27Oh, don't worry about it.
00:31:28I just want to make something nice for the alpha.
00:31:30You know, something human, like ramen.
00:31:32What do you think?
00:31:33Oh, he loves ramen.
00:31:35Come on, I'll keep watch.
00:31:50It was my brother's order.
00:31:52We always have a choice, Lincoln.
00:31:55You chose to kill my sister.
00:31:57It was war, Sam.
00:31:59You didn't come out clean, either.
00:32:00You took my sister away from me.
00:32:02And now you want Elsa.
00:32:04When's it gonna stop?
00:32:05We can make it stop.
00:32:07Right here.
00:32:08Right now.
00:32:10We can.
00:32:20Where the hell did he go?
00:32:26Stupid wolf.
00:32:39If you kill me,
00:32:40another war will break out.
00:32:42You know it.
00:32:43Logan won't let you get away with this.
00:32:46And this time,
00:32:47you'll lose more people.
00:32:49Your mother,
00:32:50your delicious new wife.
00:32:53Where have you been?
00:32:55Are you okay?
00:32:58Whose blood is that?
00:33:06I was just trying to do something nice and normal for you.
00:33:09Now you come home smelling like booze,
00:33:11and covered in blood,
00:33:12and I don't even know whose blood that is.
00:33:13Would you shut up?
00:33:14I don't know who you are.
00:33:15I don't know who you are.
00:33:16I don't know who you are.
00:33:17I don't know who you are.
00:33:18I don't know who you are.
00:33:19I don't know who you are.
00:33:20I don't know who your blood is.
00:33:21Would you shut the fuck up?
00:33:25I don't
00:33:26take orders from you.
00:33:28You don't demand things from me.
00:33:30You're gonna make me soft.
00:33:35This is a fake marriage anyway.
00:33:42to me.
00:33:46Oh, fuck.
00:33:54to me.
00:33:58I'm sorry.
00:33:59I didn't mean to startle you.
00:34:00I'm sorry.
00:34:01I'm just a little bit
00:34:02skittish at the moment.
00:34:03Tell me everything.
00:34:05Who do I need to beat up?
00:34:07I wouldn't even know where to start.
00:34:10Maddie, what are you doing here?
00:34:11It's Sale.
00:34:12He's on his way here.
00:34:13He'll ruin everything
00:34:15if he shows his true self.
00:34:18Is that my competition?
00:34:19I thought our marriage was a sham.
00:34:20That's what you said last night.
00:34:24He doesn't even know about us.
00:34:25No one does.
00:34:26That's what you asked of me.
00:34:30Stop it.
00:34:31Seriously, you have to go.
00:34:33You're ruining my life.
00:34:35Are you?
00:34:37I'm sorry.
00:34:38Who are you again?
00:34:39Alpha, please come down.
00:34:45Andrew, I'm sorry.
00:34:46I think you should just leave.
00:34:47I have to explain this later.
00:34:50If you need anything,
00:34:51you know where to find me.
00:34:58You know what, Alpha?
00:34:59I'm done.
00:35:00I'm not taking part in this
00:35:01fucked up charade anymore.
00:35:02Fuck you.
00:35:03Fuck your prophecy.
00:35:04And fuck all you stupid wolves.
00:35:10Leave her for now.
00:35:11No good will come out of it
00:35:12pursuing her in this state.
00:35:14Come on.
00:35:15Let's get your sword.
00:35:19What brings you here, werewolf?
00:35:21I'm here to strike a deal with you.
00:35:23I don't want any games.
00:35:24Let's chat.
00:35:26I've been waiting to have a
00:35:28sit down talk with you.
00:35:30We have a common enemy, I believe.
00:35:32The human girl,
00:35:37I wouldn't say she's my enemy.
00:35:38She's a
00:35:39means to an end, maybe.
00:35:41But certainly not a good enough reason
00:35:43to get in cahoots
00:35:44with a dirty werewolf like yourself.
00:35:47Give me one good reason
00:35:48why I shouldn't have you seized
00:35:49right now.
00:35:51Help me get rid of her.
00:35:54And in return,
00:35:55I will get you
00:35:57the basilisk flowers.
00:36:05I'm listening.
00:36:07I need you to question
00:36:08the witch for me.
00:36:10She knows the truth
00:36:11behind that human girl.
00:36:13But my magic isn't strong enough
00:36:15and she wouldn't tell me a thing,
00:36:16that little bastard.
00:36:18But you,
00:36:19you can use your magic
00:36:21to fight the green forest
00:36:23and get the truth
00:36:24out of that witch.
00:36:25You're really in love
00:36:26with that poor excuse of a man,
00:36:30What's that got to do with you?
00:36:32You want to be as Luna, right?
00:36:34God knows why
00:36:35I can't see him satisfying
00:36:36any woman.
00:36:38Watch it!
00:36:39Sit down,
00:36:46The basilisk flowers
00:36:47in my hands.
00:36:49You think that Sama's
00:36:50going to have a pact
00:36:51to leave with me?
00:36:53Are you willing
00:36:54to risk it?
00:37:01Come on, brother.
00:37:02Have some of this
00:37:03magical potion.
00:37:04It'll help with
00:37:05the hangover tomorrow.
00:37:06Is it water?
00:37:08She'll be back.
00:37:10I'm sure of it.
00:37:11How do you know?
00:37:12She genuinely
00:37:13cares for you.
00:37:14I saw it.
00:37:16She won't disappear.
00:37:18Dude, she hates me.
00:37:20But everything about me
00:37:23is probably for the best.
00:37:25It's time.
00:37:32You need to take a rest.
00:38:02What are you doing here?
00:38:03I told you that we were done.
00:38:05I'll miss you.
00:38:09What are you doing, Sam?
00:38:10Oh my god!
00:38:11Come on, get going.
00:38:13Do not leave!
00:38:14That's not how you get someone to stay.
00:38:15Stop it!
00:38:24Come on!
00:38:25I don't know what I'm doing.
00:38:26I don't know what I'm doing.
00:38:27I'm sorry, Elsa.
00:38:30I'm just drunk.
00:38:31I don't know what I was thinking.
00:38:32I wasn't thinking.
00:38:34Just let me go, Sam.
00:38:36Please don't go.
00:38:38This is not the type of man I am.
00:38:39I don't know
00:38:40what it's gotten into me.
00:38:42I never act like this
00:38:43but I do know that if you leave me
00:38:44it'll be the end of me.
00:38:46Oh my god.
00:38:47You guys keep talking about
00:38:48all these curses and everything
00:38:50and you have no proof of it.
00:38:51That's not what I'm talking about, Elsa.
00:38:54I messed up.
00:38:55The other night when I was being so mean to you
00:38:57it was because I had just gotten into that huge fight
00:38:59with the vampire king's brother and I killed him.
00:39:06I did so to avenge my sister
00:39:08but it reminded me of all the people that I lost.
00:39:10And now with Logan declaring war
00:39:12I'm going to lose a lot more people including you.
00:39:14And I wish I didn't care.
00:39:16But I do care.
00:39:17I don't want to lose you.
00:39:18And I don't give a damn that
00:39:20you're going to break my heart anyway.
00:39:23What do you mean?
00:39:24It means I love you.
00:39:25We're meant to be together.
00:39:27Don't ever think about leaving me.
00:39:34I said such stupid things.
00:39:36You deserve a gentleman
00:39:37not a beast like me.
00:39:39I'm not going to do anything but hurt you.
00:39:42Come on, you're not a beast.
00:39:43You're so much more than that.
00:39:52Now I'm an open book.
00:39:55I think it's because I'm falling for you.
00:39:59Do you feel the same way?
00:40:00Are you still scared?
00:40:03A little bit of both.
00:40:04I think I need you.
00:40:11I need you.
00:40:32You want me?
00:40:37I love you, Sam.
00:40:41I love you.
00:41:04I guess we consummated the fake match.
00:41:08Yeah, enough of that.
00:41:09No more Sam anymore, huh?
00:41:11A few days ago,
00:41:12I didn't even think werewolves existed.
00:41:15Now I'm just left with one.
00:41:18An alphanumelous.
00:41:22What an honor.
00:41:23Yeah, you feel honored?
00:41:25Privileged, actually.
00:41:27Was it the best you ever had?
00:41:29You wish.
00:41:30Of course not.
00:41:31What was that for?
00:41:42Look, I don't want to be the jealous husband,
00:41:44but I do not like that prick you hang out with.
00:41:48He's just a friend.
00:41:49He didn't look that way the other day.
00:41:51I don't want you seeing him anymore.
00:41:52That's just not gonna happen, Sam.
00:41:54I'm sorry, but it's that simple.
00:42:02Okay, okay.
00:42:03We can't do this here, come on.
00:42:08What are you doing here?
00:42:11Is that all you have to say to me?
00:42:13You've become so cold and distant with me, Sam.
00:42:16All because of that Elsa.
00:42:19You can't be happy with a weak human girl.
00:42:22What's she got on me?
00:42:24You don't know what you're talking about.
00:42:27And we should stop before we say something stupid.
00:42:31I've known you for hundreds of years.
00:42:33I know this is just a phase.
00:42:35I know this is just a phase.
00:42:37She can't bring you long-term happiness.
00:42:41You're too much of a free spirit
00:42:43to settle for that boring life.
00:42:47I can accept you.
00:42:50Like I always have.
00:42:54Always have.
00:43:02You have to respect the marriage.
00:43:04This is the last warning.
00:43:06Otherwise, you'll have to leave the estate.
00:43:22What's going on?
00:43:27Prepare to be charmed.
00:43:34Soon, we'll figure out what the hell this is.
00:43:38Yeah, what is that?
00:43:42I don't know.
00:43:44My mom makes it.
00:43:46I thought I'd make it for you.
00:43:49But I don't think I got it right.
00:43:51Yeah, why don't we ditch this
00:43:53and we'll make my famous ramen.
00:43:55How about that?
00:43:56You want me to ditch this?
00:43:57I'm sorry.
00:43:58I want to try that when your mom makes it for me.
00:44:04I want to try your ramen anyway.
00:44:07That means I get to be your sous-chef.
00:44:11Well, that means you have to do everything I say.
00:44:13All right.
00:44:14The chef.
00:44:35With or without it,
00:44:37we'll have the upper hand if the prophecy comes true.
00:44:39But how can we even know it's even real?
00:44:41You expect us to go to war,
00:44:44from the word of some witch?
00:44:46I expect you to do as I say.
00:44:48Is that clear?
00:44:52I'll have a word with the witch soon enough.
00:44:55I have the human girl's blood.
00:44:57The witch can verify it with the prophecy.
00:45:04It's okay, boys.
00:45:05Leave us.
00:45:13have you made up your mind yet,
00:45:17You don't have to sound so disgusted when you mention our kind.
00:45:19Like you're not disgusted by vampires.
00:45:23Just get to the point before I kill you.
00:45:26I'll take the deal.
00:45:28I'll get you the basilisk flowers.
00:45:34And betray your whole pack?
00:45:37I'd rather see the whole pack burn in flames
00:45:39than see him with her one more time.
00:45:41You werewolves are sneakier than vampires.
00:45:45And that's saying something.
00:45:48Shut up, Logan.
00:45:50Just hold up your end of the deal.
00:45:52I'll have the flowers ready for you tomorrow.
00:46:08What's happening?
00:46:10Oh, my God!
00:46:11The coward just went,
00:46:12oh, it's okay.
00:46:13Well, do something.
00:46:14I'm scared of the dark, Sam.
00:46:16I do have an idea.
00:46:17No, what are you doing?
00:46:18Just trust me.
00:46:20Do not fight.
00:46:21It's going to make everything better.
00:46:22Come on.
00:46:23Come on.
00:46:26Sam, Sam.
00:46:36It's beautiful.
00:46:39If you ever find yourself in a dark place,
00:46:41just close your eyes.
00:46:43And remember this.
00:46:45The green forest.
00:46:46And me.
00:46:51I promise I'll always show you the light.
00:46:55You've really changed my life.
00:47:15Oh, shit.
00:47:24Oh, shit.
00:47:34That was unreal.
00:47:37You were actually gentle this time.
00:47:39Yeah, because you took charge.
00:47:43It was actually the best I ever had.
00:47:46Yeah, it was me too.
00:47:52Amy, what are you doing?
00:47:54Oh, shit.
00:47:57It's a vampire bite!
00:47:59Who bit you?
00:48:04What are you doing at Logan's?
00:48:05You know he's trouble.
00:48:07I told you already.
00:48:09I wanted to see if we could make peace.
00:48:11My father told me they're thinking about war again.
00:48:13We all lost too much in the last war.
00:48:16Yes, but the death alone was just stupid.
00:48:19You could have been killed.
00:48:20It's all because of something I did.
00:48:23What did you do?
00:48:24You think it has anything to do with you killing his brother?
00:48:28You killed Luca?
00:48:29Yes. Yes, I killed Luca.
00:48:31Because he killed my sister and I had to get my revenge.
00:48:37But now...
00:48:39Now they're declaring war.
00:48:41I'm sorry that you got hurt because of what I did.
00:48:56Actually, I have one more favor to ask.
00:49:00Bite me.
00:49:23To what do I owe the pleasure?
00:49:24This is enough.
00:49:25This ends now.
00:49:26I didn't know anything had started.
00:49:28Don't play dumb with me.
00:49:31We've both been through enough of these wars to not talk like that.
00:49:34I agree.
00:49:35But I must say I have no idea what you're talking about.
00:49:37I know you're preparing for another war
00:49:39and I also know that Envy came over here yesterday and you bit her.
00:49:42Is that what you think happened?
00:49:44Well, I'll let her burst that bubble another time.
00:49:46Right now I can tell you that...
00:49:49We are preparing another war
00:49:51because you got the Green Forest unfairly.
00:49:54It belongs to us.
00:49:56Your father used its magic against us.
00:49:58We need it back.
00:50:02Cut the shit.
00:50:04You don't care about the Green Forest.
00:50:05You and I both know that it's all about the fact that I killed your brother.
00:50:15You killed Luka?
00:50:17What's done is done.
00:50:18And that's between you and me.
00:50:20But we don't need another war.
00:50:38Consider this a war.
00:50:41Both of you.
00:50:43You are leaders of your species.
00:50:45This is not how we settle things.
00:50:47If you want war,
00:50:49you take it outside in front of everybody.
00:50:51That way whoever wins,
00:50:53wins fair and square.
00:50:56Consider this a declaration of war.
00:50:59You're making a mistake. You're so outnumbered.
00:51:02I don't need numbers.
00:51:03I have a secret weapon.
00:51:05So do I.
00:51:07You're talking about that human girl.
00:51:09Keep dreaming.
00:51:10She's nothing in comparison to what I have in store for you.
00:51:13Save your breath.
00:51:15I'll see you on the battlefield.
00:51:26Thank you for taking care of me, Elsa.
00:51:29You're a good one.
00:51:31I don't know why the other werewolves have a problem with you.
00:51:34They do?
00:51:36Oh, you know.
00:51:37People talk.
00:51:40I mean, maybe if Sam stood up for you more,
00:51:42but it doesn't matter.
00:51:45It'd be easier if he were really into you
00:51:47and not doing it all for his mother.
00:51:49But he is into me.
00:51:50He actually told me so himself.
00:51:52I don't mean to brag or anything, but...
00:51:55You poor girl.
00:51:57You have no idea.
00:52:00You have no idea.
00:52:02What do you mean?
00:52:03I'd better not say anything.
00:52:05It's not my place.
00:52:07It's not my place.
00:52:10All right, all right.
00:52:12But don't tell him I told you, please.
00:52:14Basically, we had a moment the other day.
00:52:18Me and Sam.
00:52:20And he told me about how you're a great human girl.
00:52:24But you'll never be enough for him.
00:52:32Like humans are.
00:52:34You can never satisfy him.
00:52:36Blah, blah, blah.
00:52:38I don't believe any of this.
00:52:40Believe what you want, girl.
00:52:42I'm telling you how it is.
00:52:44Can't you see how different you are from our kind?
00:52:47Can we speak in private?
00:52:49The situation's escalating.
00:53:01About three bags will do.
00:53:03About that size.
00:53:05Don't touch it.
00:53:08Just wear some gloves first.
00:53:10I don't know why she's working for you in the first place.
00:53:13Because I'm helping her back.
00:53:15Now shut up and do your job.
00:53:18And I'll do mine.
00:53:35Ha, ha, ha.
00:53:44A vampire lord this time.
00:53:46To what do I owe the pleasure?
00:53:51Tell me about the human girl.
00:53:53What makes her so special?
00:53:57When I tasted her blood, it was the sweetest blood that I've ever tasted.
00:54:00What does it all mean?
00:54:03Information, please.
00:54:07I will never speak.
00:54:12Why is she so special, witch?
00:54:14Tell me before I cut out your tongue.
00:54:17Vampires, werewolves, they're all the same.
00:54:21You think you're entitled to the truth.
00:54:26Find it yourself, Logan.
00:54:31You stupid witch!
00:54:36Please, just tell me.
00:54:38Tell me the truth about the girl.
00:54:42The truth is buried in the written word.
00:54:53I'm going deeper into the forest.
00:54:55Keep at it.
00:54:58Come on, forest. Let me in.
00:55:01Let me in this time.
00:55:15Having existed thousands of years ago,
00:55:17they have gone extinct.
00:55:19But every once in a millennia,
00:55:21a human can be born with the bloodline of a fairy.
00:55:28Is that it?
00:55:30Does Elsa have the bloodline of the fairies?
00:55:33Can she make the other species live forever?
00:55:40Another day at school.
00:55:44I don't have too much homework, though.
00:55:46It shouldn't be much longer.
00:55:48So I guess I'll see you later.
00:55:50Yeah. Bye.
00:55:58I'm really hungry.
00:56:00I'll see you guys later.
00:56:02Okay, bye.
00:56:04Oh my god. I'm sorry.
00:56:06Are you okay?
00:56:08Don't be silly. I ran into you.
00:56:10Oh, hello.
00:56:12I'm Envy.
00:56:14I just transferred from Cornell.
00:56:16I also recently transferred here.
00:56:18I don't know very many people yet, so...
00:56:20I've heard the best way to make new friends
00:56:22is to throw a party.
00:56:24Students love parties.
00:56:26Right? I don't know who I'd invite, but...
00:56:28Well, me, of course.
00:56:30And that girl you were talking to.
00:56:33I think she likes you.
00:56:35What? Really?
00:56:37I'll help you post it in all the groups, too.
00:56:39How about tonight?
00:56:43Okay, sure. Why the hell not?
00:56:45I'm just...
00:56:59We can't be meeting up like this.
00:57:01Someone will see us.
00:57:03I think I found out why the human girl is so special.
00:57:05Did you talk to the witch?
00:57:07The witch is gone.
00:57:09Gone? But...
00:57:11Never mind that. Listen.
00:57:13If you can find an opportunity
00:57:15to get Elsa away from Sam for just a few hours,
00:57:17I think I found a way
00:57:19to get rid of her.
00:57:35Tomorrow night.
00:57:37I have an idea.
00:57:49Hello, brother.
00:57:51I think I found a way to avenge you.
00:57:57Funny enough,
00:57:59the human girl might be our secret weapon
00:58:01to eradicate all the werewolves
00:58:03once and for all.
00:58:07Starting with that
00:58:09bastard Samer.
00:58:26Jeez, at least pretend to sweat.
00:58:28You're so strong.
00:58:38Don't freak out,
00:58:40but Andrew just invited me to a party.
00:58:42But my roommate's going.
00:58:44And, um...
00:58:46I don't know what to do.
00:58:48I don't know what to do.
00:58:50I don't know what to do.
00:58:52I don't know what to do.
00:58:54And, um...
00:58:56Yeah. Nothing's gonna happen.
00:58:58He literally just told me that
00:59:00he's trying to get with that new girl anyway.
00:59:04Well, I'll go with you.
00:59:06Alpha Samer.
00:59:08Why are you making her jealousy Elsa's problem?
00:59:10Because I know that guy's up to no good.
00:59:12Let her have some human time, would you?
00:59:14I imagine it must be exhausting
00:59:16for her dealing with your werewolf shit all the time.
00:59:18It would be nice to have
00:59:20one night without the blood.
00:59:22Fine, but if I hear that he tries anything...
00:59:24Don't worry, Sam.
00:59:26I only have eyes for werewolves now.
00:59:44And then I drank it!
00:59:52How are you?
00:59:54Hi! You look so cute!
00:59:56Are you having fun?
01:00:00Listen, I've been, um,
01:00:02meaning to talk to you about the other day.
01:00:04It was really rude and
01:00:06I'm really sorry about what happened.
01:00:08Yeah, no, honestly, it's all good.
01:00:10You know, you do you. I get it.
01:00:12I was a little taken aback by the whole
01:00:14husband thing.
01:00:16Yeah, I know. It's crazy.
01:00:18Well, um,
01:00:20are you waiting for the new girl?
01:00:22Yeah, yeah.
01:00:24She's real cute.
01:00:26Her name is Envy.
01:00:28Her name is what?
01:00:36Well, I'll see you around.
01:00:48I'll see you around.
01:01:02Where is she?
01:01:04Where is she?
01:01:06Whoa, crazy!
01:01:08I'll fucking kill you!
01:01:10Where's my wife?
01:01:12Oh my god, I don't know!
01:01:14Honest to god, I don't know.
01:01:16We just left, um, uh, with some guy, uh, with his, his, his cart.
01:01:19I thought it was you.
01:01:20You let my drunk wife leave with another guy?
01:01:23What do you look like?
01:01:24Like, tall, pale, like, really cute fangs.
01:01:28Okay, for the lack of a better word, I, I just think we can leave.
01:01:40Logan has taken Elsa.
01:01:44So we're going to gather the troops and we're going to attack him tonight.
01:01:47Samer, are you sure?
01:01:51Are we even ready?
01:01:53No we're not ready.
01:01:54Alpha, Samer, this is too rash.
01:01:58I agree.
01:01:59Samer, you're letting your emotions get the best of you.
01:02:02You need to think clearly and rationally.
01:02:04We will be risking all of our lives.
01:02:05Everyone, it's the Alpha!
01:02:06Am I not the one that's in charge here?
01:02:07We are going to gather the troops and attack tonight!
01:02:17Logan has crossed the line one too many times and if we don't attack tonight, what does
01:02:23that say about us?
01:02:24Oh, and if any of you are not ready, consider yourselves out of the pack for life.
01:02:37The pack needs a new Luna.
01:02:44They need firm leadership.
01:02:47Elsa's probably dead by now.
01:02:49Oh, Envy, you've always been like a daughter to me.
01:02:54I would love nothing more than to make you our new Luna and have you join Samer and lead
01:03:01our pack to victory.
01:03:04But I must listen to the prophecy.
01:03:07I will seek the witch's wisdom once more.
01:03:10The witch won't help us.
01:03:12She will have to.
01:03:14We must believe.
01:03:17Where are you?
01:03:18My pack really needs you right now.
01:03:19Where are you, witch?
01:03:21But whose?
01:03:22Oh, no!
01:03:40Wake up!
01:03:41Wake up!
01:03:42You said that if my son married the human girl, the werewolves would be safe.
01:03:45What are we going to do now?
01:03:48Please, I need answers.
01:03:50Tell me.
01:03:51Who is Elsa, really?
01:03:52Tell me!
01:04:06Are you here to tell me, too?
01:04:34I repeat, we attack tonight.
01:04:37Now, what better motivation than fighting for the people you love?
01:04:41Why don't you pull it out?
01:04:50Who are you?
01:04:52Your new lord.
01:04:57Get away from me.
01:04:59So this is the girl with the special bloodline.
01:05:04I wonder what you taste like.
01:05:07Get away from me!
01:05:09What is it that Sama sees in you that drove him crazy?
01:05:13Stop it.
01:05:16Sam's going to kill you!
01:05:19Big words for such a soup.
01:05:26Now for the real show.
01:05:30Come here, you coward!
01:05:33Show us your ugly face!
01:05:35Pardon me, dear.
01:05:37I'll be right back.
01:05:38I'm going to go kill your husband.
01:05:44I can't resist.
01:05:45Your blood is just too sweet.
01:05:47Let me go!
01:05:48Let me go!
01:05:57So, the human girl has got some powers.
01:06:01Won't do you any good.
01:06:03Go to hell, you piece of shit!
01:06:05Ah, feisty.
01:06:06Now I see why Sama likes you.
01:06:09But luckily for you, I like a bit of a chase.
01:06:27Elsa, where are you?
01:06:40We just saw the mother wolf take her.
01:06:44Should we give chase?
01:06:45Let them run.
01:06:46They'll be coming for us now.
01:06:48But we have a secret weapon to use against them.
01:06:50Take the flowers, wear gloves, and grind it up into little powder.
01:06:55This powder can paralyze any werewolf who inhales it.
01:07:05Are you going to make us wait forever?
01:07:07Face us like a man!
01:07:16Enjoy your last breath, Sama.
01:07:19Don't waste them.
01:07:27Now, now, Elsa.
01:07:29You have to keep strong.
01:07:32Press this hard.
01:07:34I put a potion on it. It should cure it in a minute.
01:07:39You've always been so kind to me, Ada.
01:07:42Please, darling, please.
01:07:44Save my son.
01:07:46Save my son.
01:07:48You're the only one who can.
01:07:50I don't even know how.
01:07:52I just found out about all of this tonight.
01:07:54I was just bleeding and then all these powers started coming out of my hands.
01:07:57I don't even know how to do any of this.
01:08:00You have a much greater power than you can even imagine.
01:08:04You can save our whole pack.
01:08:08I will tell you, but you can't tell Samer.
01:08:12He'll never let you do it if he knows what you have to sacrifice.
01:08:25Ada, what's really going on?
01:08:27I mean, why did you bring me here?
01:08:29How does this marriage have to do with anything with you, Sam, and the pack?
01:08:36Your blood is special.
01:08:39Every once in a millennium, a human receives the bloodline of the fairies.
01:08:44The leader of all species.
01:08:46You have the power not just to save one species, us,
01:08:51but you have the power to heal any species.
01:08:54And, more specific than that,
01:08:57you are the only one who can break curses.
01:09:03You're an ugly beast, Samer.
01:09:05But your blood tastes delicious.
01:09:07I can't wait to have every drop.
01:09:10Your blood doesn't deserve to be spilled on the fucking earth!
01:09:15Fairies? Curses?
01:09:18In the most recent war, Sam lost his dad and his sister.
01:09:25But what most people don't know, not even Sam,
01:09:30is that Logan's father, before he died,
01:09:33he put a deadly curse on Sam.
01:09:36What does that mean?
01:09:38If you don't stop the curse,
01:09:40Sam will die and so will our whole species.
01:09:44This is all too much.
01:09:46I really don't know what you want me to do.
01:09:48I have to think about this.
01:09:50There's no time.
01:09:52You must act now.
01:09:53But I don't know what to do.
01:09:55I really don't understand.
01:09:57The curse that Logan's father put on Sam
01:10:00was that he was going to lose all of his powers
01:10:02as soon as he turned 500.
01:10:05And when this happens,
01:10:06when Sam becomes a powerless alpha,
01:10:09the curse will grow
01:10:11and it will eliminate all the powers of all the werewolves.
01:10:16You'll be extinct?
01:10:19And Sam is turning 500 tonight.
01:10:24What does that mean?
01:10:26If you don't save Sam, we'll all die.
01:10:33I don't even know what to do.
01:10:35I just found out about all these powers.
01:10:37I don't know how they work.
01:10:38I didn't know it was going to be a blood bag
01:10:40for all this magic stuff until earlier tonight.
01:10:43It's all right here.
01:10:46At midnight tonight,
01:10:47you need to find the oldest tree in the green forest.
01:10:50You are not to fear.
01:10:52You are not to speak.
01:10:54You are not to resist your destiny.
01:10:56You need to bleed yourself dry at the root of the tree.
01:11:00Black roses will bloom.
01:11:02And when they do,
01:11:03the curse on Sam will be broken.
01:11:09So I have to die in order to save you all?
01:11:14I'm afraid so, darling.
01:11:17So you took me from my human world and brought me here.
01:11:20Made me fall in love.
01:11:22And then now I have to die for you all?
01:11:24I mean, I expect this maybe from you, but from Sam?
01:11:28How could he do this to me?
01:11:29He didn't know, Elsa.
01:11:31He still doesn't know.
01:11:33And that's why you can't tell him.
01:11:35I didn't know either.
01:11:37Elsa, all that I knew was what the witch had told me,
01:11:40that you are our savior.
01:11:41I didn't know what that even meant until yesterday.
01:11:44What will you do, Elsa?
01:11:47I don't know.
01:11:49I have to see Sam, but he's already at war.
01:11:52That's okay.
01:11:53I will bring Sam here to see you.
01:11:55I will take over the war and lead the troops for a moment
01:11:58so you can have yours with him.
01:12:00Just remember, you can't tell Sam any of this.
01:12:05He loves you very much.
01:12:07He won't let you make the sacrifice.
01:12:16What are you doing here?
01:12:17Where's Elsa?
01:12:18She's waiting for you in the cottage.
01:12:20You must go see her now.
01:12:21I can't leave now.
01:12:22My troops, they need me.
01:12:23She needs you more than your troops do right now.
01:12:25I'll take over for a little while.
01:12:27It's okay.
01:12:45What's wrong? What's wrong?
01:12:47What did Logan do to you?
01:12:49I don't want to talk about anything.
01:12:52I just want you right now.
01:12:57Look at me.
01:12:58Why are you so special?
01:13:00Why do you make me feel this way?
01:13:09I'll always love you, Sam.
01:13:14I love you.
01:13:15I love you.
01:13:43Why are you so sad?
01:13:45What? You didn't tell me.
01:13:48It's nothing, really.
01:13:51I just want to always remember you.
01:13:54The sound of your voice.
01:13:56And your smell.
01:13:59Look, I'm going to come back after this battle.
01:14:03I promise.
01:14:04I'm going to come back to you.
01:14:07I'm serious.
01:14:08After tonight, nothing else will hurt us.
01:14:10It'll all be over.
01:14:11But war is never over.
01:14:13My war is over.
01:14:16I found you.
01:14:17And I fell in love.
01:14:19So I have this one more battle.
01:14:21For one more night.
01:14:23And I'll be back.
01:14:25And it'll be peace.
01:14:26And just you and I in love.
01:14:43This is where this ends.
01:14:45I'll always love you.
01:15:16Basilisk flowers.
01:15:20This is the end, my dear werewolves.
01:15:23This is where you die.
01:15:36Stay with me.
01:15:37Stay with me.
01:15:38Stay with me.
01:15:45Come on, forest.
01:15:47Help me see.
01:15:49Help me find your oldest tree.
01:16:05I have to be quiet now.
01:16:07This is it.
01:16:10No matter how scared I am.
01:16:12Or how painful it is.
01:16:15I have to be still.
01:16:19Just like this tree.
01:16:22It's been still for hundreds of years.
01:16:26I have to be still for Sam.
01:16:29For my love.
01:16:46For Samara.
01:16:48I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you.
01:16:53Your mommy can't save you now.
01:17:00Black roses will bloom.
01:17:02And when they do,
01:17:03they'll be yours.
01:17:05I'm sorry.
01:17:07I'm sorry.
01:17:09I'm sorry.
01:17:11I'm sorry.
01:17:12I'm sorry.
01:17:13Black roses will bloom.
01:17:14And when they do,
01:17:16the curse on Sam will be broken.
01:17:21You are not to fear.
01:17:23You are not to speak.
01:17:24You are not to resist your destiny.
01:17:39What's happening?
01:17:41I'm losing my strength.
01:17:43You're getting weaker, Samara.
01:17:45Not so much of an alpha now, are you?
01:18:16Werewolves will die tonight.
01:18:18And vampires will rule for eternity.
01:18:34I don't think so.
01:18:37For my father.
01:18:40For my mother.
01:18:41For my mother.
01:18:45For my sister.
01:18:47And this is for our son.
01:19:06You guys go ahead.
01:19:11Cheer up, Alpha.
01:19:12We won.
01:19:13The war is over.
01:19:15There are no more vampires.
01:19:17No more Logan.
01:19:19Yeah, we won.
01:19:25But at what cost?
01:19:32She was a real queen.
01:19:34She was our leader when you weren't here.
01:19:36Heck, even when you were.
01:19:39She put you in order.
01:19:42She was the only woman who ever could.
01:19:44Yeah, she was, wasn't she?
01:19:46And she was always trying to protect you.
01:19:47In the past.
01:19:50Did you tell Elsa the good news?
01:19:53No, I needed a minute.
01:19:55Well, go on.
01:19:56What are you waiting for?
01:19:58She'll be thrilled to see you.
01:20:02Nice to meet you.
01:20:10Elsa, where are you?
01:20:21Elsa, where are you?
01:20:25This is what you wanted all along.
01:20:27Are you happy now?
01:20:29You don't know the full story, Sam.
01:20:32If you knew what she did, you wouldn't warn her a second.
01:20:35What are you talking about?
01:20:37Sam, Elsa betrayed us.
01:20:40She wasn't kidnapped by Logan.
01:20:41She went with him willingly.
01:20:44She wanted to go back to her human world and you wouldn't let her.
01:20:47So she made a deal with Logan.
01:20:50He promised he would take her back if she helped him defeat you.
01:20:56No, she wouldn't do that.
01:20:58I know it's hard to hear, but...
01:20:59This is just you making up stupid lies.
01:21:02This is you living up to your name.
01:21:04And it's pathetic.
01:21:09How do you think Logan got the basilisk flowers?
01:21:26Who are you?
01:21:28Where am I?
01:21:29I'm the witch's daughter.
01:21:30She died protecting your secret.
01:21:32You're in my hut.
01:21:33I brought you here...
01:21:34No, no, no! I was supposed to die to protect Sam!
01:21:36You ruined everything!
01:21:37Calm down, Elsa. You did it.
01:21:39You saved them.
01:21:41But how am I still here?
01:21:44You were supposed to die, correct?
01:21:47You were pregnant at the time.
01:21:49Elsa, your baby died instead of you.
01:21:52I was pregnant and my baby died?
01:21:54It was a girl.
01:21:56She died for me.
01:21:59She died for me and Sam.
01:22:01I have to go see him.
01:22:02Elsa, it's not safe.
01:22:03Envy has turned the whole pack against you.
01:22:05They don't know that you saved them.
01:22:06I don't care. I have to go see him right away.
01:22:16Oh, hi, little traitor.
01:22:20Seize her.
01:22:31Well, well, well.
01:22:34How the tables have turned.
01:22:38Your miserable human life is about to end, Elsa.
01:22:42You shouldn't have betrayed us.
01:22:45Now Sam will finally have the Luna he deserves.
01:23:00Sam, babe, but she...
01:23:02She what?
01:23:03Sam, she betrayed us.
01:23:05You're not seeing things clearly.
01:23:07I'd rather die than see you betray me.
01:23:09I'm never gonna betray you.
01:23:10I'm never gonna hurt you.
01:23:12I'll give you my life.
01:23:13The whole pack does.
01:23:14I know everything now.
01:23:17I know that you're the traitor.
01:23:18Seize Envy.
01:23:21This is your Luna.
01:23:25This is your Luna.
01:23:27Not that I needed the proof.
01:23:28Not that I needed the proof.
01:23:29But a few of the vampire prisoners we took
01:23:31told me all about your deal with Luna.
01:23:34I knew there was a reason why
01:23:35I never had the inkling to make you my Luna.
01:23:38And now I know what it is.
01:23:39Because everything about you disgusts me.
01:23:43You're the polar opposite of what a real Luna should be.
01:23:46You know what?
01:23:48She's not small.
01:23:49And she's not envious.
01:23:51She's compassionate and she's brave.
01:23:54And she's everything I strive to be.
01:23:55And I will love her for the rest of my life.
01:23:58Whether that be just a few decades, a few years.
01:24:01Or thousands of years of my long time to my life.
01:24:08Take her to the dungeon.
01:24:11I won't let the high forces sacrifice you.
01:24:13Sam, no.
01:24:14No, Sam!
01:24:15Sam, no!
01:24:21I love you, my Luna.
01:24:23I love you, my Luna.
01:24:25My Luna forever.
01:24:27Oh, Sam.
01:24:28My Alpha.
