Resiliency - Motivational Video

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Resiliency - Motivational Video
00:00You can write everything down if you want to be brave enough to write every one of your goals down
00:04But I'm gonna tell you something life's gonna hit you in your mouth and you got to do me a huge favor
00:08Your why has to be greater than that knockdown and I love it Buster Douglas got knocked out
00:14Nobody ever got knocked out by Mike Tyson and ever got back up
00:20It was almost a ten count he was stumbling they were four three two
00:27One ding ding ding saved by the bell
00:30He goes to his corner. The whole world is like that. That's it
00:34Once he comes back out, that's it
00:36Mike's gonna just hammering and exactly that Mike Tyson came out like I got him
00:40I got this kid up against the rope. Listen to me many of you right now life's got you up against the rope
00:46You can't give up you can't give in listen to me if it was easy
00:49Everybody would do it and if life's got you backed up
00:52I need you to do what Buster Douglas did Buster Douglas start fighting back
00:58And the world was shot
01:00Goliath has been knocked down what happened and they went to Buster Douglas and they asked Buster Douglas simply like what happened and Buster
01:06Douglas said listen to me. It's real simple before my mother died
01:09She told the whole world that I was gonna be Mike Tyson and two days before the fight. My mother died
01:16Buster Douglas had he had a decision to make when his mother died
01:19He could die with his mother or he made a decision I can wake up and I can live for mom and he knocked Mike
01:25Tyson out
01:30His wife was greater than defeat his wife was greater than his child and his tribulation
01:35And I'm telling you if you don't know what your why is and your why isn't strong. You're gonna get knocked out every single day