Unbroken - Motivational Video

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Unbroken - Motivational Video
Never Give Up
00:00Most people give up on themselves easily. You know, the human spirit is powerful.
00:05There's nothing as powerful. It's hard to kill the human spirit. Anybody can feel
00:11good when they have their health, their bills are paid, they have happy
00:15relationships. Anybody could be positive then. Anybody can have a larger vision
00:19then. Anybody can have faith under those kinds of circumstances. The real
00:25challenge of growth, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually comes when
00:29you get knocked down. It takes courage to act. Part of being hungry when you've
00:38been defeated, it takes courage to start over again. Fear kills dreams. Fear kills
00:49hope. Fear, what people in the hospital, fear can age you, can hold you back from
00:58doing something that you know within yourself that you are capable of doing,
01:01but it will paralyze you. At the end of your feelings is nothing, but at the end
01:08of every principle is a promise. Behind your little feelings, it might not be
01:13absolutely nothing at the end of your little feelings, but behind every
01:16principle is a promise. And some of you in your life, the reason why you're not at
01:21your goal right now, because you're just all about your feelings. You're all on your
01:26feelings. You don't feel like waking up. So who does?
