Contenders | Motivational Videos

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Contenders | Motivational Videos
00:00If there's anything in life that you don't currently have right now, it's because of who you are and how you think.
00:07What I need you to do is I need you to find a reason to keep going and if you can find a reason to
00:11keep going, I know you're strong enough to do it because you have it.
00:15Every human has what it takes to get past whatever they're going through. If they decide to
00:21push through it,
00:22push through it.
00:24Tragedy and trials come to everybody. Only the strong survive.
00:30Listen to me very closely. Y'all are running from obstacles when in fact, it's the obstacle that's going to take you to the next level.
00:37Like y'all are running from pain. Y'all are running from challenges. You're telling me how difficult your life is.
00:42Do you understand it is the difficulty that's going to prepare you and take you to that next level?
00:49To grow the individual will to become something, you must get comfortable with fear and failure.
00:55They must be your best friends.
00:57You're the only one that moves that needle of life.
01:04And the difference between a champion and someone who's forgotten is that a champion shows up.
01:10That's the only thing. Every day shows up.
01:14Gives himself a chance to make a difference.
01:19Because success doesn't know these things about cold or early or tired. It just knows if you showed up or not.
01:27For some of you when you do what you do, you act as if you have another opportunity. Every opportunity is the last opportunity.
01:34You can't just say you want it.
01:36You can't watch the video and say I want it as bad as I want to breathe. It's cute to say it.
01:41But when it's show time, when the sun comes up, you've got all the books. You've got all the tapes.
01:47You've got all the access. Now it's time to hunt.
01:51If it was easy, everybody would do it. But if life's got you down, I need you to get up
02:00and prove them wrong.
02:03It's gonna rain sometimes. I will.
02:07You're gonna feel discouraged sometimes. I will.
02:12No matter what the obstacle, I will. I will. I will.
02:21I will.
02:22A true hunter's goal is not the prize. A true hunter's goal is to hunt. That's what they live for.
02:30They live to hunt. It's the whole process.