• last year
One third of school students are failing to meet basic literacy and numeracy benchmarks according to alarming new NAPLAN results. The figures also show almost half a million students are so far behind that they need additional support to catch up to the rest of the class.


00:00Are you ready?
00:04What sound?
00:06These students in Outer Melbourne are learning a lesson they'll use for the rest of their
00:10lives – how to read.
00:12What sound?
00:13And they're having great success after their school switched to a teaching style called
00:18explicit instruction.
00:19Huge positive results across the school, not just in academics for English but also in
00:26mathematics, in the culture of the school.
00:29What does a good speller do?
00:30Yeah, Fletcher.
00:32The school now achieves SNAPLAN results well above average in every testing area.
00:37Experts say if more schools embraced evidence-based teaching, Australia's education outcomes
00:42would improve.
00:43If we can help another school or another school principal or leader be brave enough to make
00:48this change then I think that everything has been worth it.
00:52The need for those reforms is urgent.
00:54The latest SNAPLAN scores demonstrating hundreds of thousands of students are being left behind.
01:00This year's results show a third of students aren't meeting the mark, with 10% needing
01:05extra help, 50% did meet expectations in literacy and numeracy and 16% exceeded those expectations.
01:12It is bloody serious is the way I'd describe it.
01:16Education Minister Jason Clare urged the states to sign on to a funding agreement designed
01:21to ensure public schools finally reach their Gonski funding targets.
01:25What the states are saying is they want the Commonwealth to pay for all of it.
01:27I've said let's go halves.
01:29That's where the arm wrestle is at the moment.
01:31We're doing our bit, the Commonwealth Government is not doing its bit.
01:36Education remains a battleground, the opposition demanding reform rather than money.
01:41This Minister Jason Clare has been diddling and delaying for the last two years.
01:46Back at school, experts warn another generation could miss the transformative promise of an
