There were smiles and celebrations as students at Blackpool Sixth Form college received their A level grades.
The vast majority of students had managed to get into their first choice Universities and apprenticeships these included Salford, Lancaster and UCLAN and many more.
Charley Baines is a pupil at Blackpool Sixth Form where she studied Fine Art, Graphic Design and English Literature. Miss Baines grades were A*, A and a B she said: “It has made me more ambitious and driven than I have ever been.” She described the her feelings after she got her grades as a: “melodrama of emotions.”
The vast majority of students had managed to get into their first choice Universities and apprenticeships these included Salford, Lancaster and UCLAN and many more.
Charley Baines is a pupil at Blackpool Sixth Form where she studied Fine Art, Graphic Design and English Literature. Miss Baines grades were A*, A and a B she said: “It has made me more ambitious and driven than I have ever been.” She described the her feelings after she got her grades as a: “melodrama of emotions.”
00:00Hello my name is Luke Patrick I'm a journalist in the Blackpool Gazette. I'm
00:04here at Blackpool Sixth Form College for A-Level Results Day. Come with me to get
00:09students' reactions to their A-Level grades.
00:13What subjects did you study for your A-Levels?
00:15Fine Art, Graphic Design and English Literature.
00:19And how have you done at the Results Day?
00:22A-Star, A and a B. Yay!
00:26How do you feel about the results?
00:28Well it was certainly a melodrama of emotions but in the end it made me more
00:35driven and ambitious than I've ever been.
00:40Were you nervous before today?
00:43Maybe a little about English but it turned out for the best.
00:49And how are you going to celebrate after this?
00:52How am I going to celebrate? Going to Cincos and Poltons and Mexicans.
00:58And what are your next steps after Sixth Form?
01:02I'm taking a gap year and I'm going to apply to Uni but at the moment I'm taking
01:08commissions and starting a business.
01:12So do you want to just hold up the photo that you got?
01:18Yes, I would love to show it.
01:23I just want you to look at the photo.
01:27So what's the meaning of the photo?
01:31The meaning? Well I mean it's what you get from it.
01:34But Louis the Lionheart is a piece that I'm going to finish before...
01:39I have my work up in the Hive Arts in Blackpool.
01:43So I can tell you all about it there but to give you a hint,
01:47it's about romanticism of our life.
01:52How this distortion of our life affects art too in the modern day.
02:00So what subjects did you go to study?
02:04We both did BTEC Music and then I personally did A-Level Music Tech.
02:08And I did A-Level Ancient History.
02:11And what results did you get?
02:14I got a C in my Music Tech and a double distinction star in BTEC Music.
02:18I got a B in my History and a double distinction star in my Music.
02:23Were you guys nervous to get the results today?
02:26A little bit, mainly because I didn't know how well I did on the test.
02:30I wasn't too sure really, but not as a whole.
02:35Yeah, it was more like I just wanted to know. I just want to know now.
02:41How do you feel about the results?
02:44I'm quite happy with mine to be honest.
02:46The main thing for me was the BTEC Music so that's why I'm sorted with it.
02:50I'm happy with it, I'm fine.
02:52The main thing was the Music but I'm glad that I got quite decent in History as well.
02:59So how are you both going to celebrate?
03:03I might get a kebab.
03:06I'm probably going to go out with a mate.
03:09Just going to go out, yeah.
03:11So what are the next steps for you?
03:14I'm going to Salford University.
03:19See look, brilliant.
03:21I'll be going to LIPUP in Liverpool.
03:25So that's really good.
03:27It is.
03:28It's really good.
03:30So what subjects did you study earlier?
03:33I did Computer Science, Physics and Maths.
03:36Were you nervous about the results today?
03:39I wasn't really nervous. I forgot about it to be honest.
03:43That's probably the best thing to do.
03:46So how do you feel about the results that you got?
03:49I feel good. I got two As and a B which is exactly what I needed to get into uni.
03:54So yeah.
03:55How are you going to celebrate after this today?
03:58I have no plans of celebration.
04:01I'll probably buy something, get dinner somewhere maybe.
04:05Yeah. And what's your next step to uni?
04:08I'm going to Lancaster Uni and I'm going to study Natural Sciences.
04:13So what subjects did you study at A level?
04:16At A level I studied Economics, Geography and Media Studies.
04:23I'm feeling really good with the results, really happy with what I've achieved today.
04:27What results did you get?
04:29In Economics I got an A, in Media Studies I got a B and in Geography I got a B as well.
04:35So how are you going to celebrate? What are you planning to do?
04:38I'm probably going to go out tonight, enjoy it.
04:41So what are your next steps?
04:43The next steps are going to be going to university with the results I've achieved.
04:48With the results I've achieved I'm going to be able to access university.
04:51Do you know which university yet?
04:53UPlan in Preston to study Journalism.
05:01So what subjects have you studied at A level?
05:04Biology, Chemistry and Maths.
05:06Were you nervous to pick up the results?
05:09Yeah, I was quite nervous. I had my mum sat with me and I was shaking the whole time.
05:15I was excited as well but very nervous, yeah.
05:19So how do you feel about the results now that you've got them?
05:22Really happy, yeah. I'm like over the moon.
05:27So obviously you're talking about getting into, you've got into Maths.
05:32How does that feel? How excited is that?
05:34I'm so excited just because how different it is to other university experiences
05:39and being able to experience such like an academic place
05:42which feels like a big step up from sixth form.
05:45So excited about that.
05:48What are you going to be studying at Oxford?
05:53Medicine at Oxford, yeah.
05:55Good to hear. Looking forward to it.
05:57Really, really looking forward to it, yeah.
06:00So what's been the overall reaction of students today? Has it been positive, negative?
06:04The reaction of students has been really, really positive.
06:07Students should be really proud of themselves today.
06:09We've got some fantastic results.
06:11More importantly they're going on to their first choice destinations.
06:14We're really, really, I think our students are remarkable
06:18and we're really proud of what they've achieved.
06:20And it's through hard work and determination.
06:23Our young people have had such a disruptive education over the last few years.
06:27I know they've had some stability obviously over the last couple.
06:30But that disruption we can't ever underestimate.
06:33And it's remarkable what they've achieved.
06:36We couldn't be any prouder of our college, our students and our community.
06:40So what kind of impact have these disruptions had on this year?
06:46Yeah, I think it's back to sort of the disruption they've had in lower school,
06:51in mid school.
06:53It's the social impact that that's had on our young people.
06:57The impact that that's then had on mental, physical health.
07:01But our students are super resilient.
07:04We work incredibly hard with our pastoral team to make sure that
07:08our students are really well supported, their needs are met.
07:11Our students have had gaps in their learning over the years.
07:18And that takes its toll, particularly in terms of study skills and so on.
07:26But we're really proud of the fact that they've been able to plug some of those gaps
07:30in such a short space of time that they're with us.
07:33Have there been any students you've spoken to today who have been really surprised by the grades?
07:38Yeah, I think there are some students who are pleasantly surprised by their results.
07:43We've not come across any students who are disappointed or surprised
07:49because they've not quite got what they wanted.
07:52It seems really, really positive.
07:54And students are getting into their first choice universities,
07:57they're getting into the apprenticeships that they've wanted to do.
08:00And that's absolutely key.
08:02Those first choice destinations is what it's all about.