• 2 months ago
There were smiles and celebrations as students at Blackpool Sixth Form college received their A level grades.

The vast majority of students had managed to get into their first choice Universities and apprenticeships these included Salford, Lancaster and UCLAN and many more.

Charley Baines is a pupil at Blackpool Sixth Form where she studied Fine Art, Graphic Design and English Literature. Miss Baines grades were A*, A and a B she said: “It has made me more ambitious and driven than I have ever been.” She described the her feelings after she got her grades as a: “melodrama of emotions.”


00:00Hello my name is Luke Patrick I'm a journalist in the Blackpool Gazette. I'm
00:04here at Blackpool Sixth Form College for A-Level Results Day. Come with me to get
00:09students' reactions to their A-Level grades.
00:13What subjects did you study for your A-Levels?
00:15Fine Art, Graphic Design and English Literature.
00:19And how have you done at the Results Day?
00:22A-Star, A and a B. Yay!
00:26How do you feel about the results?
00:28Well it was certainly a melodrama of emotions but in the end it made me more
00:35driven and ambitious than I've ever been.
00:40Were you nervous before today?
00:43Maybe a little about English but it turned out for the best.
00:49And how are you going to celebrate after this?
00:52How am I going to celebrate? Going to Cincos and Poltons and Mexicans.
00:58And what are your next steps after Sixth Form?
01:02I'm taking a gap year and I'm going to apply to Uni but at the moment I'm taking
01:08commissions and starting a business.
01:12So do you want to just hold up the photo that you got?
01:18Yes, I would love to show it.
01:23I just want you to look at the photo.
01:27So what's the meaning of the photo?
01:31The meaning? Well I mean it's what you get from it.
01:34But Louis the Lionheart is a piece that I'm going to finish before...
01:39I have my work up in the Hive Arts in Blackpool.
01:43So I can tell you all about it there but to give you a hint,
01:47it's about romanticism of our life.
01:52How this distortion of our life affects art too in the modern day.
02:00So what subjects did you go to study?
02:04We both did BTEC Music and then I personally did A-Level Music Tech.
02:08And I did A-Level Ancient History.
02:11And what results did you get?
02:14I got a C in my Music Tech and a double distinction star in BTEC Music.
02:18I got a B in my History and a double distinction star in my Music.
02:23Were you guys nervous to get the results today?
02:26A little bit, mainly because I didn't know how well I did on the test.
02:30I wasn't too sure really, but not as a whole.
02:35Yeah, it was more like I just wanted to know. I just want to know now.
02:41How do you feel about the results?
02:44I'm quite happy with mine to be honest.
02:46The main thing for me was the BTEC Music so that's why I'm sorted with it.
02:50I'm happy with it, I'm fine.
02:52The main thing was the Music but I'm glad that I got quite decent in History as well.
02:59So how are you both going to celebrate?
03:03I might get a kebab.
03:06I'm probably going to go out with a mate.
03:09Just going to go out, yeah.
03:11So what are the next steps for you?
03:14I'm going to Salford University.
03:19See look, brilliant.
03:21I'll be going to LIPUP in Liverpool.
03:25So that's really good.
03:27It is.
03:28It's really good.
03:30So what subjects did you study earlier?
03:33I did Computer Science, Physics and Maths.
03:36Were you nervous about the results today?
03:39I wasn't really nervous. I forgot about it to be honest.
03:43That's probably the best thing to do.
03:46So how do you feel about the results that you got?
03:49I feel good. I got two As and a B which is exactly what I needed to get into uni.
03:54So yeah.
03:55How are you going to celebrate after this today?
03:58I have no plans of celebration.
04:01I'll probably buy something, get dinner somewhere maybe.
04:05Yeah. And what's your next step to uni?
04:08I'm going to Lancaster Uni and I'm going to study Natural Sciences.
04:13So what subjects did you study at A level?
04:16At A level I studied Economics, Geography and Media Studies.
04:23I'm feeling really good with the results, really happy with what I've achieved today.
04:27What results did you get?
04:29In Economics I got an A, in Media Studies I got a B and in Geography I got a B as well.
04:35So how are you going to celebrate? What are you planning to do?
04:38I'm probably going to go out tonight, enjoy it.
04:41So what are your next steps?
04:43The next steps are going to be going to university with the results I've achieved.
04:48With the results I've achieved I'm going to be able to access university.
04:51Do you know which university yet?
04:53UPlan in Preston to study Journalism.
05:01So what subjects have you studied at A level?
05:04Biology, Chemistry and Maths.
05:06Were you nervous to pick up the results?
05:09Yeah, I was quite nervous. I had my mum sat with me and I was shaking the whole time.
05:15I was excited as well but very nervous, yeah.
05:19So how do you feel about the results now that you've got them?
05:22Really happy, yeah. I'm like over the moon.
05:27So obviously you're talking about getting into, you've got into Maths.
05:32How does that feel? How excited is that?
05:34I'm so excited just because how different it is to other university experiences
05:39and being able to experience such like an academic place
05:42which feels like a big step up from sixth form.
05:45So excited about that.
05:48What are you going to be studying at Oxford?
05:53Medicine at Oxford, yeah.
05:55Good to hear. Looking forward to it.
05:57Really, really looking forward to it, yeah.
06:00So what's been the overall reaction of students today? Has it been positive, negative?
06:04The reaction of students has been really, really positive.
06:07Students should be really proud of themselves today.
06:09We've got some fantastic results.
06:11More importantly they're going on to their first choice destinations.
06:14We're really, really, I think our students are remarkable
06:18and we're really proud of what they've achieved.
06:20And it's through hard work and determination.
06:23Our young people have had such a disruptive education over the last few years.
06:27I know they've had some stability obviously over the last couple.
06:30But that disruption we can't ever underestimate.
06:33And it's remarkable what they've achieved.
06:36We couldn't be any prouder of our college, our students and our community.
06:40So what kind of impact have these disruptions had on this year?
06:46Yeah, I think it's back to sort of the disruption they've had in lower school,
06:51in mid school.
06:53It's the social impact that that's had on our young people.
06:57The impact that that's then had on mental, physical health.
07:01But our students are super resilient.
07:04We work incredibly hard with our pastoral team to make sure that
07:08our students are really well supported, their needs are met.
07:11Our students have had gaps in their learning over the years.
07:18And that takes its toll, particularly in terms of study skills and so on.
07:26But we're really proud of the fact that they've been able to plug some of those gaps
07:30in such a short space of time that they're with us.
07:33Have there been any students you've spoken to today who have been really surprised by the grades?
07:38Yeah, I think there are some students who are pleasantly surprised by their results.
07:43We've not come across any students who are disappointed or surprised
07:49because they've not quite got what they wanted.
07:52It seems really, really positive.
07:54And students are getting into their first choice universities,
07:57they're getting into the apprenticeships that they've wanted to do.
08:00And that's absolutely key.
08:02Those first choice destinations is what it's all about.
