• last year
Amberlynn shares the reason she was crying when starting her vlog was because she found out her mom was sentenced to prison, although she doesn’t tell us why. After Thanksgiving they find fleas on Wasabi and say they came from their roommate’s dog. Next month Destiny’s dad’s house is, as Amberlynn puts it, invested with fleas. They have been staying at the house all month. She says she plans to do Vlogmas but it might be different due to working so much. She describes December as “Eat Meat December” because she has so much of it in her freezer and she needs to get rid of it without wasting it because it will also be “Vegetarian December.” She says the cook at work is vegan and has been sharing her experiences with Amberlynn, convincing her to try something similar. Viewers have noticed Destiny acting irritated with being in Amberlynn’s vlogs so Amberlynn has Destiny confirm this is not the case. They’re on their way to work but first they’re making a McPitstop. They announce that Destiny’s mom will be coming to town in the middle of December and that they will be going on a mini vacay on Christmas Day so they won’t be decorating a tree this year. The McNuggets didn’t make Amberlynn feel well for some reason so she’s fighting through the discomfort while showing us the decorations at work and her nightly duties. Amberlynn claims Adele has been stealing Destiny’s laugh. After telling Destiny at work that she as having a wonderful day, we join them on the way home and Amberlynn tells us it’s now been the worst night of her life. They picked up some decor from Walmart which Amberlynn considered part of her Christmas gifts then show us the setup of the living room. We end the month with a song from Destiny.
00:00I just got back to Destiny's dad's house. We're just going to relax for a little bit. It's
00:05A little past 2 a.m
00:08We probably should get some sleep. We have to wake up early so we can go to her grandma's house for thanksgiving
00:12I'm, honestly not too sure if i'm gonna vlog tomorrow. I kind of just want it to be like
00:16A peaceful day because i'm gonna be around her family and i'm just awkward vlogging in front of her family
00:22And plus I have work tomorrow. So it's just gonna kind of be like a chill day
00:26I hope you guys have a freaking fantastic thanksgiving and just share cherish the moments you have with your family because some of us aka me
00:35You don't get to have those moments. Um
00:38Which actually reminds me?
00:39I told you guys I would tell you why I was crying earlier and I guess I can do that real quick
00:44This is hard for me and i'm gonna try my hardest not to cry
00:48So let's just do this quickly. Um yesterday. My mother was sentenced to prison
00:55November comes around that's when aberlyn finds out her mom's in prison now before her mom went to prison
01:01I want to say it was two weeks before we found out she was in prison
01:04Her mom had started to reach out to her on facebook
01:06Now i'm not trying to go into all of her personal details
01:08But I know that they were like rekindling their relationship reconnecting. My mom wouldn't come to florida
01:14She wouldn't come live with me more than anything i'd be like mom get your ass over here come in my home
01:18I got you boo
01:19Like I cared about my mom enough to bring her to me
01:22But she wouldn't come my mom had to live in a tent
01:26No one would take her in and that broke my heart
01:30More than that was that was uh, aunt tammy here
01:33Even when you were youtube rich, you didn't get a letter or a penny from you
01:38Oh, she didn't get one anything. No
01:40My mom never got a letter from me because you can't write a letter to someone who lives in a tent
01:46Me and my mom would talk on the phone a lot back then when you know, she had her phone from the government
01:52All the time I would tell her, you know, you can come live with me in florida
01:56You can come live here sleep on my couch. Don't be sad
02:01And if we don't
02:06Because there are people out there who take cats you find them and they'll take care of them
02:13Well, look at we got our new couch, what do you think of it?
02:19I will figure out a way to make you comfortable and you'll have a place to sleep and to shower and to eat
02:26I did tell her no drugs
02:27I did tell her that but she never wanted to come that was her business and then her mom just kind of disappeared
02:33And that's when I started researching trying to figure out, you know
02:36Like what happened to her and that I found that she had gone
02:38To prison and that she was probably going to be in there for a while. What baby?
02:42I did it. I know where she's at
02:46I found the actual that she's at right
02:49That's funny that uh, destiny put the effort in. Well, it's nice that she did
02:52Amberlynn didn't really seem to the whole time she was
02:57In there now, are you serious? Yes. Okay. So the predicament is my mom's in prison
03:01I haven't known what prison or anything like that. That's a whole other long story search all of oklahoma
03:07When I was just searching oklahoma city in oklahoma county. She wasn't on there
03:11Oh my god
03:12and like
03:13I've been trying to search online where she's at and stuff like that and I just haven't been able to find it and destiny's been
03:17Like on the prowl like investigator and you actually found it
03:21That just makes me so happy and like she's been trying so hard. It just really shows
03:25She's smiling in the mugshot. Let me see
03:29Let me see
03:31Oh my god, let's enjoy a hot meal over your mother's mugshot. I don't remember what the reasoning was
03:36That's not my business to tell
03:38for five years and 26 days
03:41Found out that she has to serve every single one of those days
03:45It was really hard for me to grasp. I was completely numb when I found out yesterday. I was shocked and I woke up
03:52this morning and it all kind of like just hit me all at once and
03:55I could not stop crying and i'm just so grateful for destiny being there for me because she really is only that only true
04:03person that I have in my life besides crystal, but there's nothing much she can do from afar and
04:08You know, I have my friend casey and I appreciate her so much but it's like
04:13Sometimes you just need that shoulder to cry on and destiny was really there for me and it's just
04:18I can't believe my mom's in prison. It really breaks my heart
04:22um, I don't really want to talk much about it currently or anything more about it, but I just
04:28I don't know. It's just a hard time of year already. So the fact that this is happening
04:33Right now is just
04:34It sucks a lot. But um, I still hope you guys enjoyed this video again
04:38Have a great day on thanksgiving and i'll see you in my next video. Bye
04:42Hello everybody. So don't mind my breaking out like I don't even understand like
04:48Not on my period or anything tmi. I know one of my like worst nightmares is kind of currently happening about
04:55I want to say four nights ago
04:57We found fleas on wasabi and it's not even the fleas that i'm used to i'm used to fleas looking black like just purely black
05:06They're just little small things
05:07but these fleas are weird looking really just grosses me out and the night we found out about it like I had
05:14Totally really bad rls. I was going to sleep
05:19and that's when we found them and it just stressed me out so bad and i'm already really creeped out with any type of bug or
05:26Spider and the fact that I knew he had fleas and he's been on my bed
05:30It really creeped me out last night. We gave him two different type of flea treatments
05:34We're not just going to do one because he has a lot of fur and these fleas are kind of big
05:41No, they're not ticks. I know what ticks look like how wasabi got those fleas was from our roommate's dog. So
05:49About that
05:51but we're just trying to get that handled and situated and say goodbye to fleas because
05:56Just ew, like no one wants fleas
05:59Today should be my first day
06:01Off of work on a saturday because my boss changed my schedule to match destiny's which is really sweet of her
06:08but someone
06:10Asked me a couple weeks ago if I could work this saturday for them and i'm like fine
06:16Because I feel too bad saying no
06:17i've only said no to like one time and that was purely because it was going to be a graveyard shift and I
06:22Really didn't get much sleep the night before and I didn't get to sleep anytime during the day. So
06:28I was like, no, thanks. I'm working
06:31Floor today, which is a little different than what I normally do on my daily job, but that's okay
06:38I've done it quite a few times before so i'm pretty used to it
06:42So I hope everyone had a good thanksgiving as you can tell I did not vlog on thanksgiving
06:46I kind of just wanted it to be
06:48you know purely
06:51You know when I vlog it's not that it's like worrisome or that it's annoying or whatever. It's just
06:57When I vlog I really do all day long constantly say. Oh, should I whip out my phone camera now?
07:04Should I vlog something now and I just didn't want to experience that on thanksgiving
07:08I kind of just wanted to live in the moment. I had a really good day
07:11And i'm having an issue
07:13stuffing versus dressing
07:16Just cannot with it. I cannot
07:19over thanksgiving I tried I think
07:21three to four different
07:23Dressings as they call it. I only actually truly liked one of them and what I noticed about dressing versus
07:31Stuffing is they're actually very different. A lot of people think they're the same thing
07:35They're just called a different name
07:37But it's truly not true because stuffing is like fluffy and it's made with bread and it's delicious and I miss it so much
07:44But here in florida, they do dressing which is more
07:47I wouldn't say watery
07:49But it's definitely not fluffy and it's made out of corn bread
07:54I don't know. I'm just experiencing
07:57Like homesickness when it comes to thanksgiving food wherever you live thanksgiving is just so different and I didn't realize
08:04People in the united states did it differently. I thought we all did it the same, but I guess not I tried some
08:10Dressing and I realized I don't like it. So that's all that matters
08:12I guess I wanted to answer the question. Am I doing vlogmas?
08:19I am doing vlogmas, but it might be a little different this year
08:24For a few reasons mainly because I work and work takes up a lot of time
08:30Especially when you have like weird funky hours
08:32I have done vlogmas every single year since i've been on youtube and I really enjoy it
08:37And what I usually do during vlogmas is I literally vlog through the whole day
08:41My whole day every single day in december even the days after christmas just
08:48December 1st all the way to december 31st. What might be different this year is the fact that
08:54I probably won't be able to do that. Some of my videos will just be me sitting down talking to you guys about a certain topic
09:01Or I could do tags for you guys
09:04Don't worry, there will be videos where they are follow me around vlogs
09:08I hope you guys will still be interested in that vlogs are technically anything
09:14That you are just videoing. It doesn't have to be follow me around vlogs. It's purely just
09:20a video blog and if that consists of me just sitting down talking to you guys, then
09:25That's still going to be considered, you know part of vlogmas
09:28so I hope that's okay with you guys and another thing is like
09:31There might be a certain day where i'm really busy or i'm really busy at work where I can't upload
09:37The video on the day. It's supposed to be up. So that's gonna be really tricky for me. So some of the vlogs
09:45Might be a little late. So just please bear with me. I will do vlogmas. I will vlog every single day
09:52I'm gonna try so freaking hard to upload them on time
09:55I promise but it gets really hard with work and like i'm always busy and
10:01For me december is purely gonna be like eat meat december
10:05Because I have meat in my freezer that I literally have had in there for a couple of months
10:11And it's time to just eat on it. I have some chicken breasts
10:15I have a whole box of turkey burgers that I bought like two months ago or probably more longer ago
10:21That I have not touched at all. So I need to open those and start eating those. I have some shrimp
10:27And I think that's where I draw the line
10:30December is just going to be purely me getting all the meat out of my freezer and eating it
10:35Because it needs to go. Goodbye. Bye and I don't want to waste any of it because in december I really want to try
10:41Not eating meat or as much meat. I'm definitely gonna
10:47Consider myself a vegetarian
10:49Um, some people might not agree with this, but there are a lot of vegetarians who still eat dairy and that will definitely be
10:57Me, especially in the beginning because I can't just drop it all at once
11:01That's gonna be a little scary
11:03And I do have a multivitamin that I have that I will be taking if you guys have any
11:07Recommendations on like what kind of multivitamins you think are the best then leave it in the comments below
11:12But I have a kind that was like really expensive. So i'm assuming
11:15They're a good kind. I think it's by nature made
11:19I could be wrong. I'm, not quite remembering bottle comes with like 101. So it's definitely gonna last me a while
11:25So every morning I will be taking a multivitamin because that's like a like
11:29the two most
11:31main issues I have with
11:33Me not eating meat is am I going to get enough protein?
11:37And am I going to get enough like vitamins and just nutrients that i'm supposed to have from the meat?
11:43I recently talked to someone about that. Actually my co-worker the cook at work
11:47She's younger than me. She doesn't have as much experience, especially because
11:53Like she's a vegan, okay, this is gonna be a long story
11:56So i'm just gonna make it as short as possible
11:58She is a vegan, but she's like an on and off vegan aka she ate turkey during thanksgiving
12:04She does try to make vegan choices. She recently had me try this vegan cheese and i'm just like
12:12And it was like kind of not that good
12:15But I feel like if it was like in a sandwich that would be different
12:18But I just ate like a piece of it by itself and I don't know I don't know I don't know
12:23She thoroughly believes that everyone only needs like seven
12:27Protein a day or like nine protein a day. She purely believes that protein is like a myth
12:33I don't know. Like is it a myth? She really convinced me for a minute there. I was like
12:38Well, okay then but then it's like in my heart of hearts. I'm like no
12:42Protein is what keeps us like doesn't that what gives us energy?
12:47And I know like lack of protein can make your hair fall out and i'm not about that life
12:53Anyways, i've done so much rambling
12:55I have to go to work and I have to eat something real quick. Maybe a piece of pecan pie
13:00This was kind of just a video of me sitting down talking because I needed to talk to you guys
13:05And sometimes it just needs to happen and I hope you guys enjoyed this video and please comment down below like anything about anything
13:12I said like advice or questions or
13:16Just please you guys
13:18I need communication with my viewers because I love you all and I hope you guys enjoyed
13:23All right. I'll see you in my next video. Bye
13:25Hello everybody. So we're just jamming out to christmas music right now
13:29Because santa claus is coming to town
13:32Someone recently said destiny
13:35Was more into my vlogs when I first moved in with her
13:40And that now she's irritated by them
13:43How do you feel about that i'm not irritated by them
13:46I talked to her about it last night and the thing is like she was fascinated with it when I first moved in with her
13:52Because like who vlogs like not a lot of people vlog in the world
13:55So she was like really fascinated that I did something like that and now she's just like used to it, I guess
14:03So we're on our way to work
14:07No, we're on our way to mcdonald's
14:09Okay, we're on our way to mcdonald's because we didn't get anything to eat this morning so we're gonna go eat something
14:16Tell them what we did last night. What did we do last night? We bought cleaning supplies
14:21You got what? Cleaning. Oh, yeah
14:24Last night we went to walmart and bought a bunch of cleaning supplies because
14:30Knowing that wasabi has fleas like now I just want to clean the whole house even places that don't have fleas
14:35I just feel like very
14:37Like I don't know and not only is santa coming to town but destiny's mom is coming to town
14:43She lives in kentucky. So she's coming from kentucky. I'm, not like 100 sure when do you remember the 14th or the 19th?
14:5114th or the 19th and she might stay at our place for like one night and then
14:56you know transfer over to other family members houses, but
15:00So we wanted to look as pristine as it can
15:04We got to get the little christmas tree for my dad's house
15:07Yeah, and she has a little christmas tree. We were gonna buy a christmas tree. We decided like there's no really reason because
15:14destiny and I are actually
15:16Leaving for christmas. We're gonna go on a little mini vacay as you can call it
15:22Yeah, we'll talk more about that when the time comes. I mean, it's nothing like we're not going to no bahamas
15:26But we are going somewhere beautiful at least
15:29I mean, it's beautiful there, right?
15:30Oh, yeah, we're just gonna do our first christmas together a little different than you know tradition
15:37Tomorrow is the start of vlogmas and I figured I would just vlog today
15:42To kind of get my body ready for it, but I have a few warnings
15:45for you guys
15:47My vlogs will probably be a little boring mainly because I do work a lot
15:52You will be seeing me in the same type of clothing because of work. I'm not gonna be
15:57Doing a bunch of amazing things, but i'm still going to be vlogging for you guys and a lot of you are
16:03Like excited for that and that makes me really happy and i'll try my hardest to do the best I can. Okay, okay
16:26This one's my favorite at work, it's so cute
17:06I promise this isn't p this is apple juice
17:10I'm currently at work. I guess i'll just throw away this apple juice
17:14Clean it up hashtag cleaning
17:17This is the back dining room. I'm currently in only a few residents sit back here. The main dining room is
17:23In the front i'm having a really good day
17:28Here in the kitchen now, it's dark and loud, but yeah, i'm having a good day
17:32I'm, actually not feeling good. Like i'm never eating mcdonald's again. I think like while I was eating the um
17:39chicken nuggets
17:41I honestly felt really sick and I didn't even eat all of them because that's what I got was chicken nuggets like
17:46It was just really grossing me out
17:49and all day today i've been like just feeling really sick and just
17:53but right now
17:54Most of the residents are sleeping actually all of them are in their rooms besides like one
17:59Or two it's time for me to vacuum and certain things like that. So catch you guys on the flip
18:05Wait, wait, wait
18:07Don't forget about
18:09The christmas tree. It's so pretty. I oh my god. I love coming to work just because of this
18:15I've never seen this one before. I don't know if it does something
18:19I mean it's plugged in
18:29And I feel like my goal is to figure this out is it in your butt
18:34Oh, wait, there's a little switch
18:38Wait, is it plugged in? I mean it's definitely plugged in
18:45Why is it not working?
18:49Well, I guess it's cute though, right
18:53But yeah at work they have this cute little fireplace they have so much christmas stuff up
19:03We have a piano this is the living room
19:36Stock some sugar look at this cute centerpiece. Like I want this for my home. Isn't this pretty?
19:42It's gorgeous, right?
19:44I want that for my home
19:49So she fell
19:52I'm gonna go talk to her be right back. How's your day going? Good. How's yours?
19:58It's going really good. Like i'm having a good day, but I just feel sick
20:08I highlighted the name since you didn't
20:12That's the nurse's notes every day we have to write down like what happens with the residents here and stuff like that
20:20Are you excited for christmas? Oh, yeah
20:24Oh, why did you say no when I reposted that video?
20:29Destiny posted
20:31A video on facebook of adele laughing and I commented no because adele is stealing destiny
20:47She's so cute, but you like her too much look at me
20:56I said my favorites when she goes
20:59Just one. Wait, what does she do? She goes
21:04Tonight is like the worst night of my life. I got really real. I was having a really good day all day today
21:10and then I got really
21:12Tell me if this light annoys you at all
21:14Maybe I can't drive. Oh, okay
21:16Really really bad news at the end of my shift
21:20There's a resident that i've become extremely close to and it goes both ways like
21:26I just can't even explain it. I found out that she's actually leaving tomorrow for good
21:31and I just cried to her daughter like I cried so
21:35Freaking hard. I can't even explain it the whole way
21:40Home, I just cried and I couldn't stop crying and that's like a 30 minute drive
21:45Like there wasn't even a second where I wasn't crying
21:48Hayley just got induced
21:52Our friend just got induced
21:54Then she was so upset. I was like, we're gonna go to walmart and I said you can get the biggest tub of ice cream
21:58You can see
22:00so then
22:01She really wanted these placemats
22:03She wanted to get them the other night, but I said no because I didn't think we would have the money
22:07and um
22:08So I was like just get
22:10You know, whatever
22:12Like to decorate the house or anything so she was kind of still moping when we were trying to get the plate the placemats
22:20and then
22:21she was like I was like, well, what about a rug for the the
22:25Kitchen because when we do dishes we get water every all over the floor and I hate it being on that hardwood floor
22:31So then I convinced her that we should get that and then she got all in it like all into it. We got
22:38So much stuff, yeah, don't tell them what i'm gonna do a haul for you guys
22:42So it was really sweet of destiny. I kept telling her this is like my christmas gift and honestly
22:48It just can be because I really don't want anything for christmas besides memories this year
22:53But when I get home, i'm definitely going to show you guys a haul
22:58The process of us doing yeah, but kind of like the process of us putting the stuff together
23:04So i'll see you then okay, so here's the quick haul we got this borax
23:09People at work were saying this could work really well for the fleas if we put it in the carpet leave it for 30 minutes
23:15and then
23:16vacuum it up it might kill the fleas so
23:19That's awesome
23:21So I needed something for in the middle of my kitchen table, which I will show you guys in a minute
23:27So I wanted just some decorative piece. So I got these balls
23:31They're super cute
23:33Do not mind this sheet. This is from when wasabi was pooping on the couch
23:38This is a clean sheet. He has not pooped on it in forever. I am so grateful. But anyways, this is for the balls
23:46to go inside of
23:48We got a really big or medium size
23:51Kind of carpet thing to put in the living room
23:54We got this smelly glade stuff and apple cinnamon
23:57We also got this really big picture to put up on the wall above our couch
24:01And so we got these so we don't put holes in the wall
24:06This is for our
24:08Thingy majigger. We have another one of these so that's why we got this as well
24:13We're gonna set this
24:18Letter box because his letter box stinks and this smells really good. Oh, by the way, the scent of this
24:24Is in pomegranate sparkler and it smells delicious
24:27This is the picture we got it's so freaking amazing, I love it and it's gonna go bam
24:34So hopefully it looks good. We have a little ac thing right here
24:38Which I didn't think about but we'll figure it out
24:42We got this pillow for the couch
24:46This pillow for the couch just says love you more
24:49we got
24:50thing for the kitchen
24:52And we got four placemats for the kitchen table, this is the kitchen table
24:59This in the middle is just the cutest little thing. I love it
25:03I have a feeling wasabi's gonna jump on here and mess with it, but i'm hoping for the best
25:08So, yeah, I like it. It's pretty cute
25:18Well, here it is folks
25:22The final product the lighting in here is really bad, but I like it it all goes really well together
25:29Do you like it?
25:31What do you like the best?
25:33This really why because I love you more. I love you more. Nope. Yes. Nope. Yes, and I like that
25:40I got to choose a pillow
26:13We are here to
26:17We are here to end the vlog in the vlog
26:21Vlog in the vlog
26:24in the vlog
26:27The vlog in the vlog
26:30in the vlog
26:32the vlog
26:34in the vlog
26:36in the vlog
26:40In the vlog
26:45I physically can't okay, so
26:52Tomorrow is vlogmas
26:54day one so
26:56Technically right now. I mean, it's 3 14 in the morning and on the december 1st. No that don't count
27:03Is this no don't oh, yes it is. Destiny wants to say goodbye
27:08I already said bye said bye
27:12Don't do that
27:18Okay, so I hope you guys enjoyed this video vlogmas does start tomorrow I hope
27:22My videos can be great for you guys. I will try my hardest
27:26Even though sometimes they'll just be boring
27:31That's okay. Love you guys. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye
