• last year
Amberlynn has a new known highest weight and while looking back at her old videos, she thought she looked the biggest then, but now thinks she didn’t look as big as she does now and wants to return to that lifestyle. The plan for the rest of the night is to go to Destiny’s dad’s house, stopping for froyo on the way. Turns out Wasabi doesn’t like his new enclosed litter box so he’s been acting out by using the infamous red couch. She further explains that this happened while they were at Destiny’s dad’s house for two days and somehow the closet door closed so he didn’t have access to it, she’s thinking it was the roommate who closed it. When they returned the box to the living room, Wasabi continued to use the red couch. Amberlynn announces a 100-day challenge of weighing in daily. Destiny shows us her outfit of the day. They come up with a possible solution to Wasabi’s problem with the couch. Amberlynn does some questionable filming at work while in her special resident’s room, but she had to let us know that it’s been a busy day and she will probably be getting froyo later to unwind. When they get home, they find out they need a new plan to get Wasabi from using the red couch as a litter box. It’s a few days later and they tried taking the top off the litter box which seems to be slightly working at preventing the poop on the couch. Amberlynn says she didn’t know there were tornados in Florida and they’re fixin’ to see one. Amberlynn figures out when Wasabi pushes a toy under the scale it reads lighter. The plan this week is to eat less to see the number on the scale decrease. While browsing Pinterest for Thanksgiving treats to make, Destiny tells Amberlynn that someday, she will be a cook, because that is Destiny’s last name. They go out for a late dinner at Denny’s where Amberlynn shows us the dessert she gets, but follows it up by saying she never gets dessert. They make a late-night trip to Walmart where they meet Batman and a joker. Amberlynn changes her mind about helping Destiny with the Thanksgiving treats. It’s a couple days later and they are waking up at Destiny’s dad’s house because Destiny has a doctor’s appointment which Amberlynn fills us in on why she’s been going so often lately. Of course, Amberlynn is annoyed with the doctor’s assessment of Destiny.
00:00Hello, everybody. I need your guys's advice about something. I want to say about a week or over a week ago
00:05We got wasabi a litter box that is closed like it has a roof. It has a little door. He can go through
00:13Because it just it locks in you know
00:18Kitty odor if you know what I'm saying for some reason ever since we got that
00:23He has been pooping on the couch
00:30What we did was we had the litter box inside of the hallway closet and
00:36We had the hallway closet like halfway opened or like one-fourth way open so he could go in there
00:42The litter box was completely out of the living room. It was hidden company came over
00:47They didn't just see a litter box in the living room like awkward
00:50Destiny and I had to stay at our dad's house for like two nights. I think or something and
00:54While we were gone the closet door got closed
00:58it was probably our roommate or
01:00Our roommates dog just kind of not thinking about it. So wasabi started pooping on the couch
01:08But it's been like a week. The box is now back in the living room
01:12We put it back in there like a week ago, and he's still pooping on the couch. So for all you animal lovers
01:19Yeah, he's not peeing on the couch. Just pooping. So for all you animal lovers out there. What do I do?
01:25Why is this happening, please help me because it's really starting to piss me off
01:33Yes, yes, he still uses his litter box, but sometimes
01:38Daily at least three times a day. He will use the couch
01:44Can you please stop
01:47He won't do it anywhere else. It's never on the floor never on the chairs never on the bed
01:52It is always the couch and it's these two special cushions. What do I do? Help me save me from this mess today
01:59I started something for myself
02:03It's like a hundred day challenge and I will be weighing myself for a hundred days every single day people
02:10have done like research if you will and
02:14You lose more weight when you weigh yourself daily because you're looking at your fluctuations. You're looking at your weight gain
02:19You're staring your face at reality and you're not kind of just
02:25Sweeping it off your shoulder like I have been so today I weighed in again at my heaviest because I binged eat ate
02:33Really bad last night. It was
02:36Horrible, I just physically could not stop eating. I don't know what it was. Like I could not get full. I just wanted food
02:43It was really disgusting
02:45So I weighed in today at four thirty six point zero right on the dot so that is my starting weight for
02:52The hundred day challenge. I haven't yet decided if I'm gonna be
02:57Sharing daily weigh-ins with you guys because I'm not sure how that would work since I vlog
03:03Randomly, I don't vlog every day. I guess I can give you guys updates randomly because that would just make more sense
03:09Anyways, I have to get ready for work. I'm gonna go make myself a smoothie. Love you guys
03:13Oh, by the way, someone gave me advice to put Greek yogurt in my smoothies
03:17I'm definitely gonna start doing that once I go grocery shopping. I
03:22Don't know when that'll be because I've just been like super busy, but I'll definitely try that. That was great advice
03:28Thank you so much. But all right, I'm gonna get ready for work
03:37I'm supposed to be in ready for
03:51Baby stop
03:54She tickles this is literally all I'm doing to tickle you and it gives you like so to you
04:06All right, I really need to get up
04:09Yeah, and you need to clean your side of the room, yeah, you do all the stuff you see on the floor though over there is
04:17Christmas don't put that over there. What do you mean? No one watches
04:21Cora does not watch my videos
04:23She doesn't know
04:25What's who's and what's what?
04:27All right
04:30Okay, my hat I got it for Christmas like three years ago
04:34From my dad he had my name on it. I'm sorry. All right that time. Yeah. Um, I got this hoodie
04:42Like two years ago a year ago. No, it's a year ago. I played in this closet for ten bucks
04:47It's $50 money ten bucks. Wow. I got the shirt. I'm wearing. It's a Superman shirt
04:53It's a selfie and he's taking a selfie. I got it for Christmas last year from my stepmom
04:58These pants these are the first things I ever bought with my Coles credit card
05:02I got two pairs of them and then these shoes I got when we went school shopping last year
05:08I barely wear them, but I got them specifically to match this hoodie
05:13You look so good
05:15This is destiny's outfit of the day because she doesn't work today. I do
05:20Right, and all I'm wearing is a shirt and pants and ugly shoes. I win not
05:29You're so perfect look at you
05:34Look at what we did. Well destiny did it
05:37This is the couch that wasabi likes to poop on so she put this fitted. What is it like a fitted sheet type thing?
05:44It's like a mattress pad a mattress pad
05:48maybe when he jumps on it and he'll get scared because it's like not even on really if you get what I'm saying and
05:55Plus it'll just make it easier if he does decide to poop on there
05:59It won't get the couch messy, so
06:04Literally taking selfies. I'm not taking a selfie. I'm fixing my hat. There's a difference. Yeah, are you sure?
06:17Okay, let's go
06:33Now I'm currently at work. I'm getting a resident ready for bed. She's in the restroom right now. Um
06:39What are you doing?
06:43What are you doing with all those things
06:46What are you doing with all those bags? Just put them back in the trash, okay?
06:50See what some residents um they have to do certain things by themselves
06:53but this one I helped her get dressed and
06:56Stuff like that, but I can't help her in the bathroom. But anyways, that's not what I was trying to say
07:00today, it's been just like a hectic day at work and I
07:04Think we're gonna go get some frozen yogurt after
07:07there's actually this frozen yogurt place that is legit frozen yogurt because a lot of frozen yogurt places like
07:14You can kind of tell like it just tastes like ice cream
07:16but this place like it tastes healthier and it's like lower calorie and there's like no fat and none of it and
07:21All their calories are showed there and I just really like this place and it's also cheaper
07:26Which is ironic because you'd think the healthier would be more expensive, but it's really not so I'm super excited for that
07:32I'm getting off earlier today. I usually get off at 11, but I'm getting off at 8 today
07:37So I'm super excited to be leaving at 8. Today's has just been rough
07:43over this way
07:46All right, I'm gonna put her to bed and tuck her in this is my favorite resident the one that's gonna be
07:52In about a month breaks my heart
08:00So I put that
08:03Over the couch to see if he wouldn't show it. He's still on it. Even though it didn't get on the couch
08:09He's still it's still he did it. Oh
08:15That was his sissies, oh I'm so happy he's using the hat it's not good though
08:21He's sharpening his claws. Oh, we need to put more kitty caps, but he does poop in this you guys
08:27He does fresh fresh poop and I just looked in it. We think it's the litter
08:31So when we get paid, I'm gonna get him like unscented the most unscented litter
08:36You can probably get because the kind we have now is Febreze and when I opened it just now
08:41That's all you can see you can't even smell the shit. All you smell is that Febreze. So wasabi is that the issue?
08:47You don't like perfume. I
08:49Even when I put that thing on and I sprayed Febreze all over it
08:53To see if maybe that really would keep him away
08:55Yeah, so we're just gonna get him new cat litter and see how it works
08:58And if that doesn't even help then obviously he just doesn't like the seclusion of this
09:05So we'll just take the hood off. We'll take I'm gonna move his litter box because I looked online
09:10It said to if it's been moved recently to move it back
09:15Where you had it before and it was over here in this little space where his food and stuff was or is
09:21for like a
09:23Month probably longer than that like a long time because he's been out here for a while
09:28And we have an issue
09:30We was not it's been a while since we have but remember he went in the room where his litter box used to be
09:35He shit. Yeah, it's been a while. So that was like two months ago
09:39That was when we first brought it out here, but he was okay after that. So we're thinking maybe okay
09:44It's either the Febreze the seclusion or where it's located. So we'll keep you posted
09:51Wasabi this whole video has been nothing about you and your poop issues. What is your problem?
09:59Tell everybody
10:05He's looking my hands, oh look this is you
10:15He really is so loving we're just having issues with him right now
10:19Gosh, I don't I don't know. We're willing to try anything to fix this issue
10:24I I'm not okay with poop on my couchers can't get over it. I'm gonna stop talking about it
10:30No more for the rest of the night
10:32Okay, so I'm just gonna end the vlog for tonight destiny's fixin to watch
10:45Double chin family. Okay, destiny. What are you about to watch?
10:52Pretty little liars
10:54What episode are you on?
10:55season 4 episode 22
10:58She's getting there
11:00Let's end the vlog. Bye. I'm gonna go
11:04relax and just
11:06Enjoy the rest of my night. It's 1 a.m
11:09So I'm gonna upload this little fella and I will see you guys in my next video. Bye
11:14Good morning, everybody. Okay, it's not really morning. I literally slept till 3 p.m
11:19Because I didn't fall asleep till really you could probably imagine I have the day off today, which I'm really happy about. Oh
11:27I have some really super super good news
11:30my boss gave me finally two days off because I usually only had one day off and
11:36She gave me two days because she wanted to make it to where
11:40Me and destiny had the same two days off. So we both have Wednesdays off and Saturdays off
11:45So I'm super excited and a lot of people at that job try to get like a weekend day off and it's hard for them
11:51To get it off, but destiny and I got it off
11:54It's not exciting
12:01She's just sitting on her phone I wanted to vlog today
12:05I don't know how I'm gonna do vlogmas cuz vlogmas is where you vlog every single day in December
12:11So I took your guys's advice it took off wasabi's
12:17What's it called like litter door like that big thing that's covering his whole litter box the hood and
12:24He didn't pee or poop on the couch for like a whole day and then a whole night
12:32but then
12:33There was one night where he did poop on the couch
12:36I'm thinking it's just because he's like used to doing it, but I haven't yet checked the couch today
12:42so I'm gonna go check and I'm gonna see if
12:46It's okay in there. Oh shoot. I'm actually kind of nervous because I
12:52Really just wanted to stop my hair is such a mess. I literally just woke up like hello. How you doing? Hello the sables
13:02See nothing we still have a sheet here just in case and I see nothing
13:11Come to mama, oh, it's hard to pick them up with one hand come to mama. I so proud
13:20So, thank you guys so much for the advice I'm sure it was pretty obvious what I should do it's been really a bad weather here
13:28Today and last night there was actually a tornado
13:34Just about an hour away from here there was a tornado warning last night
13:37Like I had no idea that there were tornadoes in Florida like what?
13:41Anyways, I'm about to weigh myself
13:45I'm on day five or weighing myself every single day
13:49okay, so
13:51My weigh-in went really good. I'll tell you guys all about that in a minute, but it's really funny
13:55my scale is out in the corner of the dining room because
14:00There's just no room in my bathroom
14:02And wasabi will be out here
14:04Like batting a pen around or something because he likes to play with pens or like little pieces of paper
14:09He'll like bat it around and then it'll go under. I'm sorry. It's dark
14:14We have like no lights on right now
14:15And then it'll go under the scale and I'll step on the scale and it literally says I weigh 200 pounds
14:20And then that's when I know that he batted something underneath the scale
14:23So I had to move it and then I got an accurate reading. I have no underarm
14:29Sorry, if my face is red
14:30I just got done cooking and just clean it while I cleaned up and then I cooked like I didn't just clean up the mess
14:37I made but that's okay. We'll deal about that later
14:39So I wanted to give you guys an update on my weight because I told you I would so five days ago. I weighed
14:4736.0 and today I weighed in at
14:49Four twenty nine point eight. So that is down six point two pounds and five four days
14:55So or four to five days, whatever you want to call it
14:59So I'm really trying I don't care if it's water weight. I don't care if it's fat. I don't care about anything like that
15:05I just really need to get the weight off of me. And if it is water weight, that's not good for me either. So
15:11I've been drinking my water. I have been making healthier choices. I'm not counting calories. I'm purely just eating less
15:20Stop lying
15:24This is a towel she got out of the shower and she's been in her towel since like you're in the shower like an hour ago
15:35So today's just been like a chill day like we haven't had a day off of work where we literally did nothing right
15:43So it's kind of nice sometimes
15:46And the weather has been bad so we don't want to go out in it but tonight for sure we have to go
15:54Get some stuff from the store and I think we're gonna go out to din din a super late dinner like
16:02Hashtag midnight. Oh
16:04I'm gonna go through all my um
16:07Perfumes and I'm probably gonna get rid of a lot of them. I think I'm gonna give them to destiny's sister
16:13Do you think she like them good Oh
16:17nuzzling up
16:25So right now we're just looking on Pinterest because we're gonna go to
16:30Destiny's grandma's house before we go to work on Thanksgiving and we want to bring something. Oh
16:36Look at this little power oh
16:40Show them what we're thinking about making
16:45We are definitely making these
16:48little acorns little nutter butter with a Hershey kiss and a little chocolate chip on top and then
16:55They're rice crispy treat turkey pop. They're like dropped in chocolate and then you'll get little googly eyes and little beak and
17:04So a little stick I'm sure destiny will mainly do most of it because I'm not I don't know I'm not like a cook
17:11And I feel like you have to be a cook to do this
17:14One day you'll be a cook. How?
17:18What do you
17:24That was so pink you like and you didn't get it marry me now
17:34So we're at Danny's right now, what are you gonna get?
17:41The Rudolph breakfast
17:47Then you guys it actually looks like that when you get it but better because she's gotten it before I'll show you I have a
17:52Real picture of it. Yeah before. Oh, yeah, you took a picture from before but I'll show you it when she gets it again
17:58I think I'm gonna get the chicken Philly. No, I've never had this before but it's freaking delicious and I got a dr. Pepper
18:05I was gonna get a water but
18:09Hashtag whoops
18:15You look like a doofus
18:22Her shoes all it's gonna match that shirt
18:28If I was to get it, how rude I'm drinking it was rude when you say no
18:34Look at this. Wait, they're not showing that one thing that I'd get. It's like an apple
18:39Crumb cake type deal. Oh, there it is
18:42What's it? I thought it was this one
18:44No, it's the caramel apple crisp that I get if I got a dessert here, but I never eat dessert here
18:49I'm always when I have a lava cake
18:51Lava cake and I'm going to 99 the banana split is 469
18:56Well, I think I need the lava cake
18:59Okay, she gets full so fast if she tells you she's gonna get his dessert do not believe her because it's not gonna happen
19:06Don't lie to them
19:12Literally first name sock last name. If you looked up the definition of doofus
19:18You know who's come up
19:23Go away
19:26She's literally the cutest hold on a minute I'm breaking out like hardcore like
19:30but okay, so we were gonna show you the pancake and Denny's but
19:35The whipped cream was like falling off its face and everything else. We're like, okay, that's so bad
19:39So I'm gonna have to show you the picture destiny. Do you have the picture?
19:43of the the pancake
19:58Wanted to show them the pancake
20:01scarf life though
20:03Here in Florida. You ain't gotta wear them
20:06I'm gonna start getting cold here soon because homegirl ain't playing. Okay. Look this is how it looked last time I went
20:15It's hard to see but
20:17That looks exactly like the picture like normally like things are advertised and then once it comes out you're like
20:23That's not how it looks. So that's exactly what happened tonight
20:29She literally has a mind of her own
20:32She don't care it's 1 a.m. She don't care. I don't care shit. Okay
20:37We just got out of the store. We were in there for like four hours. How long do you think we were in there for?
20:43Yeah, it was a long time and we were putting this stuff in the car
20:47Some girl just comes up to us and I swear to God
20:51She was on something like when she left I was like
20:54Hashtag acid hashtag ecstasy or hashtag both like I don't know why I keep saying hashtag. I know I'm super annoying
21:01But just love me. Anyways, please
21:03She kept calling us like gummy bear and stuff and like she was just weird like all over the place
21:07I thought we were like strangers her but then when she left destiny's like, oh she always calls me gummy bear and I'm like, huh?
21:14You knew this chick like it was just this whole experience and I have I don't know it is. Oh my god
21:20It's so foggy. I'm gonna see if you guys can tell oh
21:23My god, it's clear as day on my phone. Look
21:28Like some of it kinda like wait like back there, yeah
21:38Just it's like that episode of Scooby-Doo when he like cuts through the fog and eats it that's how bad it is
21:45I wonder what fog would taste like
21:49Probably water or ice
21:52I think we're tired because it's like a little past 3 a.m. Right?
21:583 wait, what time does that say?
22:03322 a.m
22:08Okay, sorry
22:12Anyways, we're gonna go home
22:14Put this stuff away
22:16Destiny decided she's gonna make the acorn thing for Thanksgiving and like these pilgrim hats will definitely show you guys when we do those
22:23Because I'm definitely gonna help her. She ain't gonna be doing it by herself
22:26Oh, yeah, and supposedly a candy corn isn't a Thanksgiving thing. We were looking all over for candy corn
22:32we were like on the hunt it was like a mystery of the candy corn went missing and
22:36So finally I asked this dude in the store and I was like, where's your candy corn?
22:40he's like that's actually a Halloween thing and I'm like
22:44News to me news to me and it was really annoying because we needed it for the pilgrim hat
22:49But we decided to use what is it called?
22:51Candy melt for it. So it'll be okay. It'll be okay. So we're gonna put this away. We have to go to work tomorrow
22:56I really enjoyed my day off. Like I literally did nothing all day and then I nighttime like I was super busy
23:01So that's why I didn't film much but it has been perfect
23:05Destiny and I both needed this day off this coming Saturday. I have to work but then after this Saturday
23:11I will officially have all Saturdays off. Like I am so
23:16Pumped it's not even funny. I'm just gonna end my vlog now. I'm gonna turn this light off for like two and a half seconds
23:22I'm gonna end this vlog now. I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you in the next one
23:26And that's also when we were staying at my dad's a lot
23:29I know that a lot of the time when she was filming that we would be at my dad's a lot
23:33My dad was going through divorce not trying to air out his business
23:36But he was him and my ex-stepmom were kind of trying to figure out if they were keeping that house
23:42Selling it like what was going on? So my dad was staying with his girlfriend. She was staying with her mom
23:47So no one was there. My dad would go there a lot
23:51Obviously like he wasn't living with his girlfriend. He was still there a lot
23:55It was mostly at night that he wasn't there
23:58so he would want us to either stay the night there a lot or
24:01Stop by there at night because my dog Kona who ended up passing while me and her were together
24:07Oh you guys I didn't tell you but I've shown you Kona
24:10Several several times in my videos before when we don't want to carry something down the steps
24:17What we do is
24:19There's nothing to breakable
24:22Says a long fall. We'll drop it like this. Don't do it. Oh
24:31I'm used to this
24:35Destiny and her sister taught me that trick
24:38And when I first did it, I'm like, oh shit. Everything's gonna break but no he got put down
24:43Recently and this is his little like leash on here. I cried so hard. It was ridiculous. So that's what that is
24:50He started to have really bad liver failure and he needed meds and my dad just didn't like him being alone this point
24:55He wasn't sure about taking our dogs over to his girlfriend's house, which eventually he does do hello everybody
25:01Okay, so destiny has an appointment today. I'm gonna kind of give you guys a little
25:07Back information in case you haven't like been watching my videos or anything two months ago destiny all of a sudden
25:15Formed a shortness of breath after doing absolutely everything that she was doing
25:20Destiny's only 20 years old like that's not normal and she's never been diagnosed with asthma or lung problems or heart problems
25:27Or just any problems at all. So it was a big
25:32Confusion, so she went to the doctor for it. They thought it was just
25:36As a reflex because with the shortness of breath
25:38She also had a lot of chest pain and after going to the doctor several times because it wasn't getting worse
25:44One night she was laying in bed and she literally felt like she was drowning and that was like a very big
25:49Red flag to her doctor. So she was sent to a specialist what she went to about a week ago and they did
25:57Tests on her they did a breathing test and a chest x-ray
26:01So we're going to a new doctor today to I guess kind of get the results if everything is fine with her lungs
26:07They're gonna be checking her heart and it really just
26:11Freaks me out. I'm hoping more than anything. It's just asthma because they did give her an inhaler
26:18She has used it and she did say it helps. So that is a
26:22Plus that is a big plus
26:24She hasn't really had shortness of breath like from what I've noticed in probably over a week
26:30So it's very exciting actually for a while there like it was really bad
26:35I remember we were just like play fighting in bed and like tickling each other and stuff and literally it lasted less than
26:42five minutes and she was like
26:45Like she like couldn't breathe at all. It was actually kind of scary
26:48I'm just hoping they have good news and I hope it has nothing to do with her heart
26:51I feel like that's a big thing that is like weighing really heavy on my heart. So we have to go to that appointment
26:57I'm super tired. I barely got any sleep, but that's okay. And then afterwards I think we're gonna grab something to eat
27:20Your glasses turn into sunglasses I
27:25Just realized that I can't tell it doesn't look like they're darker when I'm
27:32Biggest outfit of the day
27:36Oh, I didn't even press the button. Let's do focus on your your beauty
27:44Let's get this over with
27:47Hope for some good news. I
27:50Literally can't fit in those chairs
27:53That's cute
27:54Got that big butt
27:57When I'm in the room with a bunch of small chairs, my go-to is the doctor's chair
28:02So your blood pressure was perfect
28:05Good to hear. Everything is good. They have a thing on the wall with a bunch of inhalers. So maybe you have asthma
28:11Maybe it's a sign that you're okay. What are you doing?
28:16Hate sitting on those
28:19You love it. You're so weird. That's why I love you
28:34Are you do it like 20 cars at once
28:41They had her like put this thing on her finger and like go up and down the stairs and she was so out of breath
28:45That was quite the thing
28:47I probably would have been too and the lady who like took her to do it was out of breath as well
28:52So that's a whole thing
28:54Anyways, it is funny
28:57He said that the breath test that they gave her and the x-ray were pretty normal
29:03that annoyed me because what is pretty normal like
29:07Hey, there's no such thing as normal. And why do you have to add pretty in front of it?
29:11Like that freaks me out, but I think everything's like, okay
29:15I'm I'm thinking but he said the breath test that they gave her before was just like a really simple breath test
29:22So they're gonna schedule her another appointment to do a breath test actually takes four hours long. I'm just like, oh my god
29:29So then they're gonna give her an inhaler that makes people with asthma get worse. That's what they said, right?
29:36basically, so if she
29:39Doses and he said that if I'm having a hard time with it in the first two or three doses and it's asthma
29:45But if I make it all the way to the highest one, then it's not
29:49So that's actually kind of scary because I'm what does he mean by worse?
29:54Are you fixing to like keel out like now I like off like be really short of breath like weeds
30:00Yeah, but anyways, that sounds scary says that they'll reverse it. They'll fix it by doing a breathing treatment
30:07Yeah, so if it's asthma then I'm gonna be very happy about that because we don't need any really bad issues
30:14We're passing work. If you guys ever wanted to know destiny's favorite song and the song she will not stop listening to
30:22Hello, of course by Adele, but no not that version. It's hello by Connor
30:29You can look it up on YouTube. He does rap in it for about a minute
30:35Oh, oh, I guess he's not the one rapping in it
30:39It's a guy called pants
30:41And I just want to tell you that it's actually pretty decent
30:44And I like it to know and the rapping part literally will give you chills because of what he says
30:50So if you want to go if you want to go watch some or listen to some real shit go for it
