
  • last month


00:30Nestor Cabal owns this town.
00:32He controls the whole Miami City Council.
00:34He sells boats.
00:36Ha, ha.
00:37Everything went almost as planned.
00:40Except that Nestor Cabal...
00:45And then Nestor already knew what was going to happen.
00:47Why? I don't know.
00:48I control almost every key that comes into Dade County.
00:52Until now, the Colombians left us alone.
00:54They want to take over my operation.
00:57Got you.
00:58Headquarters was extremely interested
01:01in what the Colombians were doing.
01:03Excuse me, who's the manager here?
01:05I'm Roman Comte.
01:07Yolanda Garcia Guerra.
01:08If Nestor Cabal is still alive,
01:10Dade County is his.
01:13Nice, nice. Take your champagne, dear.
01:15Eat shit.
01:17You just need to get out of business with those shady crooks.
01:20She said your bank was under investigation by the IRS.
01:23You listen to me, you get her to stop,
01:25I want your sister off her back.
01:27I'm gonna have to take action.
01:39From now on, I'll keep you out of this.
01:42We're in this together.
01:43I'm in the fight now.
01:57Come on.
02:18Did you get any sleep at all?
02:21Not much.
02:30Roman, just...
02:33Just tell me, what kind of danger are you in?
02:36I told you.
02:38My proximity to Nestor makes me a target.
02:41That's why Nestor's letting us stay here with him,
02:43where there's protection.
02:46Look, we're not in any danger.
02:47This is the safest place in Miami.
03:03We're in a rice with mango.
03:06And we need to take precautions.
03:10How long are we going to be here?
03:16I don't know.
03:23These look amazing.
03:25My special pancakes for a very special guest.
03:31How do you like your room?
03:33I love it, Padrino.
03:34And honestly, having my own TV is pretty awesome.
03:38I hope you're not up late watching.
03:40Oh, thank you.
03:41Well, I am.
03:43I only have one complaint, though.
03:44What's that?
03:45Dad's eventually gonna want to take me back home.
03:48Please don't let him.
03:49SeΓ±oritas, bon provecho.
03:51Buenos dias.
03:52Hermano, can I have a word?
03:54Yeah, excuse me.
04:05We need to find Yolanda and end this, fast.
04:08My guys have been after her since she left your hotel.
04:11I reached out to some contacts in Colombia.
04:13We'll find her.
04:17And then I'll get out of your hair.
04:22I like having you here.
04:24I like having your whole family here.
04:26It's been really nice.
04:28You have a huge house.
04:29There's plenty of money for everybody.
04:32Even after we find this bitch and kill her,
04:35please, just stay here.
04:40I'm grateful to you,
04:42but once she's dealt with,
04:45we have to get back to our own lives.
04:47Nestor, we have a problem.
05:09Colombian necktie.
05:12They killed three of our men and stole the stash.
05:16How much product was here?
05:18300 keys, boss.
05:20That's fucking millions.
05:22Can I make a suggestion?
05:27Every one of your stash houses shuts down and moves to a new location.
05:30Communications on a need-to-know basis only
05:32and offer a $100,000 reward for information
05:34on a Mexican woman with Colombian ties.
05:37Yes, my brother.
05:40We're at fucking war.
07:56Here's your bug. Take it back, asshole.
07:58Have a seat.
07:59We're done.
08:00I need intel on this Yolanda Garcia Guerra.
08:02Her name isn't on our register of non-Colombian traffickers.
08:05That's because she's Mexican.
08:07How do you know that?
08:08Her accent.
08:10You Americanos think we all sound the same.
08:12I've got her name in every department
08:14in Latin America and Europe.
08:15I'm trying to...
08:16What if it's a fake name, like Alvaro Gomez?
08:18You guys are a fucking joke.
08:19Hey, just, please, I'm trying to help you.
08:23I'm gonna send men to protect you where I'm staying.
08:24Where are you? That's none of your fucking business.
08:26Look, do you understand you've actively made me a target?
08:29I understand this is a broad deal for you. I get it.
08:31Yeah, it's in my court now.
08:32What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
08:34It means I'm gonna do what I have to do
08:35to protect my family.
08:50I'm gonna ask you one last time.
08:52Where exactly were you at 9.58 p.m. on Monday evening?
08:55I was here at my hotel.
08:58Okay, where here in your hotel?
09:00What difference does it make?
09:02Here in the club, at the pool,
09:05in my goddamn suite.
09:06I'm not the man you should be talking to.
09:08All right, so your whereabouts are unknown.
09:10Ray Dorado. Investigate him.
09:13I've already spoken with Ray, and he's got an airtight alibi.
09:17Now, your family, including your father,
09:19have said that you hated your sister
09:21and that you regularly called her a...
09:24you called her a cunt.
09:25We had issues with...
09:26And when she tried to bail you out financially,
09:28you went off the deep end into a blind, drug-fueled rage.
09:33The truth is a many-sided cube.
09:35You ever hear that expression?
09:37I loved my sister,
09:38but I borrowed money from Ray Dorado,
09:40and she was auditing his bank.
09:42He had her killed.
09:44You don't have to go to fucking detective school
09:46to figure that out.
09:47She was also auditing your hotel, Mr. Greenberg.
09:51You think I killed her?
09:54I wouldn't even kill a mosquito.
09:56I am a practicing Buddhist.
09:57I believe in karma.
09:59But Ray Dorado's bank is a front for drug dealers
10:02who would kill you for sneezing on their shoes.
10:05Oh, so you have proof that Ray Dorado did this?
10:07Yeah, I do. My intuition.
10:08It's never been wrong, okay?
10:10Just don't leave town, Mr. Greenberg.
10:12Look, if you don't investigate Ray Dorado,
10:14I'm hiring a private detective who will.
10:16The only person you should even remotely consider hiring
10:18is a damn good lawyer.
10:25Honey, where are you?
10:27Oh, I hope I can take Andrew to prom.
10:30And you know, I was thinking
10:31maybe we can throw a big after-party here
10:33for you and your friends.
10:34Oh, my God, that'd be great.
10:36No, no, no parties.
10:37No, I mean, I just...
10:39I just think we're not gonna stay here too long.
10:42Dad said that the plumbing would take weeks to fix.
10:46The plumbing.
10:53A phone call for Ms. Valeria.
10:55It's Andrew Landon.
10:58Go, go, go, go, go!
11:02She's so adorable.
11:04Hey, babe, how's it going?
11:05This place is awesome.
11:07Except for the fact that Manny Suarez
11:08is being a total dork.
11:10And we have a screening room.
11:12You can watch anything you want.
11:14You're so lucky.
11:15Even lucky.
11:16You gotta come over.
11:17I'm gonna say it again.
11:18You are so damn lucky.
11:21You know, I bet there's a lot of coke hanging around.
11:24Around here?
11:26See, your uncle's the biggest coke dealer in Miami.
11:29I bet he's got that shit all over the place.
11:33You think?
11:34Could you look?
11:36I mean, it's just, you know,
11:37I can't buy that shit at school
11:38because my dad's a congressman.
11:40Yeah, because it's illegal.
11:41Yeah, but so is driving without a license.
11:43But I do that all the time.
11:46Maybe you can find some.
11:47I bet it's good shit.
11:50I guess I can take a look.
11:51But no guarantees.
11:53You're the best.
11:55I miss you.
11:56I'll talk to you soon.
11:57I miss you, too.
12:17See that guy?
12:19He was in here with Yolanda the other night.
12:21Yeah, with those other Colombians.
12:24What are you gonna do?
12:27Yolanda wanted a mutant card, right?
12:30Well, I'm gonna give her one.
12:32Roman, I don't like this.
12:34Nestor's making you a target.
12:36Go to the cops.
12:38Half the cops in Miami are dirty.
12:40And maybe Marisol's right.
12:42You need to get out of Miami.
12:44You think they won't send hit men to Jersey?
12:46Or Timbuktu?
12:48I'm taking care of this on my own.
12:51What does that mean exactly?
12:53Hey, baby.
12:56Hello, Ray.
12:57Looking beautiful as always.
12:59You're entitled to your opinions.
13:04Yes, I am.
13:07Janice, be careful with Ray Dorado.
13:12I can take care of myself.
13:15You're the one I'm worried about.
13:23How dare you come here?
13:25You are banned from this club.
13:29Are you forgetting I own the loan that keeps you afloat?
13:33I sent a bottle of Don to the table.
13:35I know what you did, motherfucker.
13:37I'm gonna get you arrested if it's the last thing I do.
13:40Burton, I had nothing to do with the death of your sister.
13:44I sent a bottle of Don to the table.
13:46I know what you did, motherfucker.
13:48I'm gonna get you arrested if it's the last thing I do.
13:51I swear.
13:53Cut the bullshit.
13:55I know you, Ray.
13:56You had the motivation, the means.
13:58You even warned me you would do it.
14:00I said I would take legal action,
14:02not blow our fucking brains out, right?
14:04The pain you have caused me is indescribable.
14:07She was my only sister, my flesh and blood,
14:10and now I am gonna hurt you.
14:13This is for you, Connie.
14:15Oh, fuck me.
14:16All right, okay, okay, okay.
14:18I'm gonna need you to listen to me very carefully, yeah?
14:23I'm sorry about what happened to your sister, Ryan,
14:26but I had nothing to do with that.
14:28So let it go.
14:32You comprende, motherfucker?
14:35I comprende.
14:37Get that bottle of champagne, yeah?
14:48ΒΏPodemos hablar?
14:50ΒΏY este quΓ© hijo de puta es?
14:52Ladies, please.
14:53Sure, Roman.
14:54Let's go, ladies.
15:00Yo soy el gerente del club.
15:03Te vi aquΓ­ hace unos dΓ­as con Yolanda.
15:07Ella me pidiΓ³ una tarjeta de Newton.
15:11AcelerΓ© el proceso.
15:13Prefiero entregΓ‘rsela en persona.
15:18ΒΏY entonces yo pa' quΓ©, wey, puta, le sirvo, ah?
15:21ΒΏTΓΊ sabes dΓ³nde estΓ‘?
15:25ΒΏNo le dio la direcciΓ³n de ella?
15:29Esperaba que vendrΓ­a de nuevo, que la verΓ­a, ΒΏno?
15:34O sea, ΒΏtΓΊ no sabes dΓ³nde ella se estΓ‘ quedando?
15:36Ni puta idea.
15:39Mira, francamente, tuvimos una conexiΓ³n especial.
15:49ΒΏUsted es Yolanda?
15:51EstΓ‘ buenΓ­sima.
15:52Una bola de una.
15:53Oigan a este.
15:57Esto es lo que usted quiere, la chimba, ΒΏcierto?
16:03Ya tΓΊ sabes.
16:04TΓΊ lo sabes muy bien.
16:08Le voy a dar un consejo, amigo.
16:11Ese wey puta estΓ‘ loca.
16:13Me gustan locas.
16:15Pero es que este wey puta, si usted se descuida,
16:18le corta las huevas, marica.
16:21A veces se hace falta un poco de riesgo.
16:31ΒΏA quΓ©?
16:33ΒΏTiene dΓ³nde escribir?
16:37ΒΏTiene dΓ³nde escribir?
16:42Bien romΓ‘ntico.
16:44Yo le voy a poner aquΓ­ la direcciΓ³n de la niΓ±a.
16:47Usted me hace el favor.
16:49AhΓ­ se la come bien rico.
16:52Y le tira el producto en la cara.
16:55Y cuando eso pase, usted le va a decir
16:58que lo mandΓ³ GerΓ³nimo, ΒΏlisto?
17:01Listo y certo.
17:04Ay, quΓ© belleza.
17:06HΓ‘gale pues, niΓ±o.
17:12A comer, papito.
17:15Palm Gardens, 560 Lauderdale Court, Hialeah.
17:19That's the address GerΓ³nimo Rojas gave me for Yolanda.
17:22Send some men to scout it, verify it's accurate.
17:24If it is, we capture and interrogate her.
17:26No, we don't have time to waste.
17:28Brother, I want her buried more than she's buried.
17:31Brother, I want her buried more than you do.
17:34But her own man gave up that address.
17:36It requires verification.
17:38We don't want to walk into an ambush.
17:40OK, OK.
17:41We'll go in steps.
17:42We sit, we stake it out.
17:43If it checks, we go in.
17:45Grab her.
17:47I look forward to giving that whore
17:48my own version of a necktie.
17:57Nestor and I have to run an errand.
17:58Oh, what kind of errand?
17:59That is nothing important.
18:00Where's Valeria?
18:01She's doing her homework.
18:02Oh, give her my love.
18:03I'll see you tonight.
18:19Ponte bajo el sol y quema tus heridas.
18:23Con la luz del sol todo termina.
18:27Ponte bajo el sol y quema tus heridas.
18:30Con la luz del sol todo termina.
18:34Por eso tΓΊ, al ver morir el sol,
18:38debes ser fuerte y enamorarte tΓΊ con Γ©l.
18:41Por eso tΓΊ, al ver morir el sol,
18:45debes ser fuerte y resistirlo.
18:47Whoa, whoa, yeah.
18:50Por eso tΓΊ, al ver morir el sol,
18:54debes ser fuerte y enamorarte tΓΊ con Γ©l.
18:57Por eso tΓΊ, al ver morir el sol,
19:01debes ser fuerte y resistirlo.
19:03Whoa, whoa, yeah.
19:09De nuestra parte, todo lo importante ya estΓ‘ listo.
19:11Ahora solamente tenemos que estar
19:12preparados para el final.
19:15De nuestra parte, todo lo importante ya estΓ‘ listo.
19:18Ahora solamente tenemos que estar seguros
19:19de que la llegada a Miami va a estar despejada.
19:22No, no te preocupes por eso.
19:23Ya el Rey Dorado y el congresista
19:25estΓ‘n hablando de la protecciΓ³n.
19:27Entonces todo estΓ‘ encajando.
19:29Las piezas estΓ‘n en su lugar.
19:31No todas.
19:33Tu primo JerΓ³nimo.
19:35ΒΏTΓΊ sabΓ­as que el muy idiota estΓ‘ robando
19:37las casas de seguridad de NΓ©stor Cabal?
19:40Hasta les estΓ‘n abriendo el cuello
19:42y estΓ‘n usando sus lenguas de cordata.
19:45It ain't gonna get much quieter than this.
19:48That doesn't mean anything.
19:49Be patient.
19:53I'm ready, PatrΓ³n.
19:55You ready, bro?
19:59Let's give it another half hour.
20:01See if anyone comes out.
20:05ΒΏY tΓΊ no quieres una guerra antes de que tΓΊ llegues?
20:08JerΓ³nimo es un hombre testarudo.
20:11Y gente asΓ­ siempre va a hacer falta en el negocio.
20:13No, tu primo es un idiota.
20:15Son a fucking puta.
20:17Let's go.
20:22JerΓ³nimo lo que estΓ‘ haciendo es cortar el producto.
20:24Y a su vez la estΓ‘ entregando a no sΓ© quiΓ©n fregados,
20:27que son unos universitarios que se creen dealers.
20:36ΒΏSabes quΓ© es lo que va a pasar?
20:39Los van a arrestar.
20:41Se nos cae el juego.
20:45JerΓ³nimo es mi primo.
20:47No lo vas a tocar.
21:08Β‘Hey! Β‘No, no, no!
21:10Go here.
21:11Check the fucking house.
21:13Mom, what's going on?
21:17Give me a fake admission.
21:20Let's go. Come on.
21:40The world is a cruel, horrible place, Janice.
21:43I'm just beginning to realize this.
21:45That's not like you, Burton. It's the grief talking.
21:48Yeah, well, I'll never be like me again.
21:51You don't need these.
21:52No, no, no. I don't want anyone to see how much I've been crying.
22:02I just wish you could have gotten to know Constance.
22:05Me too.
22:06I mean, behind her cruel, politically misguided exterior
22:10was a very sensitive girl.
22:12Liked to laugh.
22:14It was her shadow self that acted like an automaton.
22:19You would have loved her.
22:25Did the police have any clues who did this?
22:27I know who did this.
22:29Ray fucking Dorado. He's got the cops paid off.
22:33Ray? Why?
22:35She was auditing his bank.
22:37I know Ray. He's here all the time.
22:41He's not a killer.
22:43Oh, no? He threatened me.
22:45He threatened her. I have to get justice for her, Janice.
22:48I need to. Otherwise, what kind of brother am I?
22:50I'm a piece of shit. A piece of shit brother.
22:53I'll tell you what. I'll talk to Ray.
22:55No, no, no. You can't.
22:56You need to be careful. He's too dangerous.
22:58I couldn't handle it if something happened to you, too.
23:00If he knows anything, I can get it out of him.
23:06Okay. Okay, but please be careful.
23:09Of course.
23:44Hi, Mrs. Landon.
23:46Hello, Valeria.
23:48Come in.
23:58Hello, Valeria.
24:03Wow, that is a beautiful dress.
24:06Very groovy.
24:07Yeah, that's top.
24:09Thank you. It's from Burdines.
24:11Well, you have great taste.
24:13What a catch, huh?
24:16Okay, yeah, um, we're gonna go to my room.
24:19Okay. You guys behave in there.
24:21Yeah, we won't.
24:42Roman, emergency at table 12.
24:45Morty Kline. He's freaking out
24:46and says he needs to speak to you immediately.
24:48What about?
24:49Roman, thank God.
24:50We got a problem, a big one.
24:51Calm down, Morty. What is it?
24:53I was doing a rail, being friendly.
24:55I drop a big, fat line of coal to some guy at the martini bar,
24:58and he threatens to arrest me.
24:59I'm a lawyer.
25:00My firm will drop me like a hot potato if I get pinched.
25:02I'm a lawyer.
25:03I'm a lawyer.
25:04I'm a lawyer.
25:05I'm a lawyer.
25:06I'm a lawyer.
25:07I'm a lawyer.
25:08I'm a lawyer.
25:09My firm will drop me like a hot potato if I get pinched.
25:11Don't worry.
25:12I'll talk to the gentleman.
25:13Your job's safe.
25:14Thank you. Thank you, Roman.
25:15I mean, who doesn't do blowout the mutiny?
25:18It's okay. Come here.
25:19Let's have a seat.
25:35You can't pinch people in my club.
25:37I wasn't going to do it because of the coke.
25:39I was doing it because the stupid bastard wouldn't shut up.
25:42I got something on your friend, Yolanda.
25:46You were right.
25:47She's Mexican.
25:48Guerra is her alias.
25:50Her real name is Yolanda Cueva.
25:52Where is she?
25:53I would have wrapped her up in a package, too.
25:55But don't worry.
25:56I got agents looking out for her.
25:58I have a better idea.
26:00Yeah, what's that?
26:01See that guy at the end of the bar?
26:04His name is Jeronimo Rojas.
26:06He was here with her the other night.
26:08Tail him.
26:09He can lead you to her.
26:11Yeah, you should quit your job and come work for us.
26:13The department can use men like you.
26:15I like what I do.
26:16And the idea of seeing you every day makes me sick.
26:21No offense.
26:22None taken.
26:36Holy shit, it's glistening.
26:38Is that bad?
26:40No, that means it's the purest shit.
26:43Have you done it before?
26:45Of course.
26:46Yeah, yeah, a couple times.
26:48Um, do you have an ID on you?
26:54Oh, pretty.
27:00I'd like to give that back to you.
27:04A little.
27:14Oh, far out.
27:16That is radical.
27:18Holy shit.
27:21I bet your uncle's got kilos of this shit laying around.
27:24You know what?
27:25You gotta snag us a couple keys.
27:27Oh my God.
27:28Okay, try it.
27:29Try it.
27:34Oh, hell yeah.
27:39I don't feel anything.
27:40Just give it a second.
28:05Hey, girls.
28:06Give us a minute.
28:12Hello, Janice.
28:14Good to see you again.
28:16What did you do to Burton?
28:17What are you talking about?
28:18You threatened him?
28:19Oh, come on, please.
28:21He was spouting a bunch of paranoid bullshit
28:23in the middle of a nightclub.
28:24About his sister.
28:25You know something about her death?
28:30Listen to me.
28:32That's got nothing to do with you.
28:33Stay away from it.
28:34You understand?
28:37Burton thinks you know who's behind it.
28:40Come clean, Ray.
28:42Go to the cops.
28:45The people I work for are killers.
28:48You understand?
28:49Very dangerous individuals.
28:50They would kill you, me, and everybody else
28:52in this club right here and now.
28:53They thought for a moment
28:54that could get benefit from that.
28:55Do you understand what I'm talking about here?
28:58So they were behind Constance's death.
29:03I have no idea.
29:04Burton needs answers.
29:07Even if it's just an anonymous tip.
29:08Do the right thing, Ray.
29:12And why would I do that?
29:14Why would I get involved?
29:15What do I gain from it?
29:19Look, I'm on the verge of making
29:24the biggest deal of my career.
29:25And I'm talking about more money than I ever
29:27even dreamed possible.
29:29After that's done, after that's done,
29:32I'm going to sell my bank, and I'm getting out of here.
29:35See, my dream?
29:38You come with me.
29:45Keep dreaming.
29:47The last thing I want is something bad to happen to you,
29:49because I think you deserve a little better than that.
29:52So do me a favor.
29:53You stay the fuck away from this.
30:43Rory, Skinner, you take the west entrance.
30:45Fields and Koppel, you're with me.
30:47Let's go.
30:48All right.
31:02One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
31:05What's up?
31:06Let's go.
31:07Let's go.
31:08Let's go.
31:09Let's go.
31:10They're playing.
31:12One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
31:14But they're playing in Velorio.
31:15There's nothing there.
31:20Hold on.
31:21Hold on.
31:22One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
31:28No, no, no.
31:29What do you have?
31:30Don't touch me.
31:31Ha ha ha!
31:35Pacando, marica.
31:42Pacando, puta.
31:43Get your fucking hands up!
31:44Get your hands up!
31:46Get your fucking hands up!
31:48Get your hands up!
31:49Hands in the air!
31:50Eat it!
31:51Get out of the way!
31:52Put the fucking pistol down!
31:55Hands in the air!
31:56Quieto, ya!
31:59Don't move!
32:00Hieronimo Rojas! You are under arrest.
32:04Puto. Puto.
32:13Memo, you look tired.
32:16Yeah, I kind of am.
32:18Well, just because you have a TV in your room doesn't mean it stays on.
32:23Thanks, Dad. Great advice.
32:26You're done with your schoolwork?
32:29Where's Perino?
32:32Uh, at his boat factory, I'm guessing.
32:37Sure, right.
32:40Well, I'm off to school.
32:42Got my books, my armed guards.
32:46See ya.
32:53I know. I have to talk to her.
32:56It's a tough adjustment.
32:59Yeah, well, not for Olivia. She loves it here.
33:02It's hard on all of us, right?
33:05What are you doing?
33:07Well, I'm seeing if you have any weapon on you today.
33:10I'm not carrying a gun.
33:12Well, you did yesterday. Tucked in the back of your pants.
33:16How did that errand with Nestor go? Did you get what you needed?
33:20Nestor loaned me a gun for protection.
33:24That's all.
33:31Your daughter is living in a drug dealer's house.
33:34She's enjoying the spoils of a man who kills people.
33:37Why do you say?
33:38He kills people for a living and she adores him.
33:40She looks up to her padrino like he's a...
33:42ΒΏQuΓ© tal la boca?
33:45Good morning.
33:48Good morning.
33:52Oh, I turned the pool heat on in case anyone wants to swim.
33:57MuchΓ­simas gracias.
34:07ΒΏY entonces quΓ© quieres que haga?
34:09Digo, tampoco JerΓ³nimo nos dejΓ³ muchas opciones.
34:12Pero ya le contrataste un abogado.
34:14ΒΏEstΓ‘s bromeando?
34:16No seas ridΓ­culo, por favor, Gilberto.
34:23Hace lo que tengas que hacer.
34:33Anoche la DEA arrestΓ³ a JerΓ³nimo en Miami con una cantidad considerable de productos.
34:38Lo tienen detenido sin posibilidad de fianza.
34:43Hijo de mierda.
34:46Gilberto, tΓΊ metiste a cuatro de las familias mΓ‘s importantes de este paΓ­s en este negocio.
34:53ΒΏVos tenΓ©s claro quΓ© puede pasar si la cagas?
34:57PodrΓ‘ ser muy mi primo, pero Yolanda ya sabe lo que tiene que hacer.
35:02EstΓ‘ bien, pero tengo a los generales dirigiendo a sus hombres contra Escobar y el cartel de Cali.
35:09Esto no es seguro para nosotros.
35:11Usted se va a Miami y llena las calles de sangre de esos hijueputas cubanos.
35:24You look so handsome.
35:26I had to put on this damn suit in like five years.
35:29Four, when you busted the big money wanna-load in Key West.
35:34You're right, four.
35:37What the hell is this? I shouldn't have to put on a monkey suit.
35:42What's wrong?
35:45It's just this press conference is bullshit.
35:48We bring in one load and it barely scratches the surface.
35:53You killed a man yesterday, is that it?
35:56I was defending myself.
35:57Of course you were, and I'm glad it was him and not you.
36:00And I captured a key link to the North Valley.
36:03This Geronimo Rojas, this World War III building between the Cubans and the Colombians,
36:07and I gotta put on this goddamn clown show.
36:09Fuck this.
36:10No, hold still.
36:15Now put on your jacket.
36:21Claro que sΓ­.
36:31Muy bien.
37:04What the fuck is this?
37:06It's a pill you take before you go to sleep.
37:11You rest in peace.
37:13A peace.
37:15What the fuck is this, really?
37:19Do you remember Christian?
37:22He was your friend.
37:24He did the same thing you did.
37:26The same thing.
37:27He stole 50 kilos,
37:29and he was handing them out all over Florida.
37:32They were Christmas cards.
37:34And he made money.
37:35He made a lot of money.
37:39You know what happened next?
37:42He was arrested.
37:44And then he was sent to prison.
37:46His boss was very angry with him.
37:50And here comes the man.
37:52One day, at night,
37:54he was taken to the showers.
37:56And they tied him from his elbows to his knees.
37:59And with a knife,
38:01they started to cut his whole body.
38:05They opened his anus.
38:07They cut his testicles.
38:09His penis.
38:11And that was it.
38:12There has to be another way.
38:14Until the morning.
38:17So that everyone could see
38:19what happens to people who don't listen,
38:21who don't obey, who don't listen.
38:29He's my cousin.
38:31He won't allow this.
38:32I'll talk to him.
38:36It cost him.
38:37It cost him.
38:38Oh, but...
38:39He sent you a gift.
38:41A rosary.
38:43From Gilberto.
38:48Make peace with God.
38:51What a piece of shit, son of a bitch.
38:54What a piece of shit.
38:58Man, there's the pill.
39:00Or if you want the shower, whatever you want.
39:18Son of a bitch.
39:21You knew Richard Nixon?
39:23They say the youngest member of his administration
39:25was Ron Ziegler, his press secretary.
39:27Well, I worked for Ziegler, and, uh,
39:29I was two years younger.
39:31Wow, is that right?
39:32That's amazing.
39:34President Nixon's my reason for being in politics.
39:36He's my hero.
39:38The Magna Cum Laude at Harvard.
39:42That's very impressive.
39:43Ah, yes, those were the days.
39:46You know, President Nixon got accepted to Harvard
39:48but couldn't go?
39:49Too poor.
39:51Poverty's a terrible, terrible thing, Ray.
39:57Here's a small contribution to your political aspirations.
40:07I'll be announcing my gubernatorial candidacy
40:09at the fundraiser at the mutiny on Thursday.
40:12Your, uh, donation is much appreciated.
40:16It's my pleasure.
40:18Oh, please.
40:21Why smoke anything else?
40:23On that case.
40:26You know, uh, my clients,
40:29they're counting on you to save passes into Miami.
40:32I'm still working on getting Coast Guard clearances
40:34for the large shipment of, uh, coffee beans
40:37your clients are arranging.
40:39Let's get something straight.
40:41The people I work for,
40:43they were adamant you get this done quickly.
40:45The people you work for need to cool down.
40:48There are other players in Miami, powerful ones.
40:50I don't want a war on my streets
40:52while I'm running for governor.
40:53We're fully aware you're working with Nestor Cabal.
40:59My guess is he's not gonna be around very long.
41:02So if I were you, I'd choose my loyalties carefully.
41:15Thank you for the cigar.
41:27What happened?
41:30You never came back last night.
41:32I'm so sorry.
41:34I was talking with Ray, and I forgot.
41:36What'd that rat bastard have to say?
41:38Look, I think he knows who's behind it,
41:41but he's afraid to go to the cops.
41:43Who? Who are they?
41:45He wouldn't say, but I think you need to let the police handle it.
41:47The police are fucking idiots.
41:49I care about you. A lot.
41:53I wouldn't want to see you hurt.
41:56For my sake, stay out of it for now.
42:22Good to see you. You guys are enjoying.
42:32I hear you got me a Mirini card.
42:36I should kill you right now.
42:38That wouldn't be wise.
42:40You sent hitmen to kill my family.
42:43Sit with me.
42:45If only to avoid such mistakes in the future.
42:50I don't bite.
43:02I have my own problems.
43:04For instance, Geronimo.
43:06He attacks Nestor's stash houses,
43:09without my permission,
43:11and then he gets himself arrested.
43:14Bad news for you?
43:16Bad for Geronimo.
43:20good for Nestor.
43:22Which is why I'm here.
43:24Because I don't have time to groom a Colombian
43:27I trust to retail our cocaine.
43:30And again, I don't find a reason why
43:33Nestor can't be part of our little and beautiful family.
43:38He wants you dead more than I do.
43:40But he's a businessman.
43:42In this profession, violence is best avoided.
43:47Look, Roman.
43:49I'll meet Nestor Cabal at Calova Beach at 6 p.m.
43:54I'll bring four men, he brings four.
43:57Then we can discuss the terms together, okay?
44:01And if you get this right...
44:05I don't know, maybe...
44:08maybe I'll let you talk to him.
44:11You like that?
44:20Talk to your brother.
44:30She wants to meet you this evening to distribute her product.
44:34There's no way we can trust that desgraciado.
44:36I've never trusted anyone in this business, brother.
44:39Listen to me.
44:41Have you considered that this deal makes your family safer?
44:43I have a better idea.
44:45Accept this bullshit peace deal.
44:47You meet her at Calova Beach, bring four men like she asked.
44:50There's a jetty at that inlet.
44:52It's about 200, maybe 300 yards away.
44:54You're a first-class marksman.
44:56But a shot at that distance is impossible.
44:59I will fucking put her down.
45:01And the minute she drops, it becomes a bloodbath.
45:03And I'll have more than one round, Beechel.
45:06The only way we're safe is when she's dead.
45:08She sent hitmen to my house to kill my family.
45:20But don't stop shooting until they're all fucking dead.
46:04Where's Valeria?
46:06Oh, I don't know, honey. Inside.
46:14Miami is America's largest port of entry
46:18for illegal narcotics.
46:20We are the gateway for poisons
46:22that have turned our streets into a living nightmare.
46:26But today, we're proud to honor our drug enforcement officers
46:31We're proud to honor our Drug Enforcement Administration
46:34for a major arrest and seizure.
46:37Geronimo Rojas, a Colombian national,
46:40was apprehended last night
46:42and is currently being held at Miami-Dade Correctional Facility.
46:50From him, we'll get information
46:52on the criminal organizations responsible
46:54for the emerging battle for control of cocaine in Miami.
46:59Now a few words from the man responsible
47:01for this heroic seizure, Agent Dominic Zulio.
47:05Good job.
47:09Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being here this evening.
47:12I want to thank the Congressman for his kind words.
47:15However, I do want to emphasize something.
47:18We are watching the beginning of a war
47:20between rival cartels
47:22hellbent on flooding our shores with cocaine.
47:25Innocent lives will be lost,
47:27and mark my words, blood will spill.
47:35The arrest of Geronimo Rojas puts all traffickers on notice.
47:40We will come after you, your dealers,
47:43your bankers, your corrupt politicians,
47:46and we will lock you away.
47:57Let's go.
48:54Let's go!
49:20You're okay. Look at me.
49:22You're okay. No, you're okay.
49:27Thank you, Agent Zulio.
49:29Good job.
49:31As some of you know,
49:33I'm shortly announcing my candidacy for governor.
49:36When the good people of Florida elect me,
49:38I promise you this.
49:40Miami will be safe again.