• last year
00:00Kaa hum kathum
00:12Hi Pretty!
00:14Ahlan hayati barfati, hamdelleh l'amaliyah nashad
00:18Shefti, ana maa eltellek eno enti iza maa khafti min aya shee, rah terbahi akeed,
00:29wa raha ttibi wa tsiri aqwa min qabel?
00:32W fi shagleh barfati, doktor zarif wa habbabi kteer
00:37Ay mazboot, wa el doktor mo bas zarif, wa huwa kteer insani
00:42Lakenno, dar balo alayki wa alajek, w lamma tshufi bidi minnek, tboosie bosten
00:48Bose minnek enti, w minni ana bose, lakenno alajek mnih w khalake ttibi, ay?
00:57Mabsoota kteer, halak ana mertaha, lakenno Pretty tabet
01:02Rai'a had doktor, mo kellel dakatra, metlel doktor rohat anidin, wa majnoon kamal
01:13Telephone rings
01:16Ay, elli, shu bedak?
01:18Akhi, weinak enti? Riju baba wa mama, saru hon
01:23Wa hatta Tania wa Bousha, kellon saru hon
01:25Wa mama tolel waqet, ma fi ghayr, am tesal annak
01:27Oh, ya Allah, kif nsit hayi el kussa?
01:30Ella la mama eni jaye hala, ella eni marah atakhar abadan, bye
01:35Haddesh bidna la nusar?
01:36Astaz, hesab el kharita tabana, bidna shee saaten aw akter la hatta nusar
01:42Look, eltelli saaten
01:46Ana allakat hali bi hayi el kussa, lakenni wahet ghabi
01:49Kent habib eni tsarraf maa btariqa mneeh ala hayi el mumassil el ghabiyeh
01:53Bas yabdo eni ma stafat shee abadan
01:56Shabak Ravi, souq mneeh wa bsara'a
01:59Lamma ayanatni el madame bina ka sa'iq la elak, alatli eno maa souq bsara'a
02:06Hiya hayak alatlak?
02:07Walla alatlak teftaha hadis maa?
02:09Rakkazu souq, yalla la shuf souq
02:11Asef, Astaz
02:13Hal alam elfakreer, halon biyarfo bi kel shee
02:16Hal ghabi, wal hadiq, barvati, ayy, medli souq isma
02:23Sounaksheer Astogi, wa barvati tabana
02:26Hiya betkom binti
02:28Madame, mawadik kan el saa 12.30, walhala el saa 1.15
02:32Halqat mbarih kanet helwe, akit kelkon kentu qaadin edam el telfizyon wa amtetfaraju alayha
02:37Amtosar rasayel, mahay?
02:39Shufi kaddesh amtosalni rasayel, walla maa am lahak
02:42Maa ambihida el mobile
02:43Lekha hon?
02:45Lan shuf shu beda ta'amil
02:47Ba'araf inni takharit, bs ana mottarra helwa
02:49Hu ma'aqoul someone hon?
02:51La, maa bissir hayek tawqafi at door, yani enti zbunti el mumayaze
02:55Hadirtek lazam tfouti, tistanini jowa
02:57An izmkon ya sabaya shwey, wa berji alkon, a'zaroni
03:00Ae, Briyan, kan ta'ani marra la ta'amli hayk
03:02Law samahte, tfadhali, madame, tfadhali la jowa
03:05Mustahil hada yiqul enek, imma la barvati
03:09Mayne kak enek ikhta
03:11Wa ana doktoret jildiya, fa ra'i mohem
03:19Yani, lissa lambareh ma kanat amtahki ma'in?
03:22Wa el yom a'adeh amtemdahik
03:26Waike, yaj kabur, bikun zawji
03:31Bahar fiki wa qal enek jazaba kteer
03:34Rahna amal iftitah la janah jdeed bil mashfa taba'na wa sonak
03:37She mojudeh, huwa tasal fini w khabarni an el mawduh
03:41Laysh hek habibtik mo gharibeh?
03:46Rahte twaja'i shwey, bas hayk el shaghl
03:51Besraha, zawji kan kteer metwattar ba'ad ma tasal wa haka ma'ay bil mukalimeh
03:55Wa kan a'mi ili enkon talabto sa'r a'ali shwey
03:59Wa ilto lo mayhem wa shi
04:01Lakno enti bin nesba ili mo bas zbuneh, enti kaman rfiqah
04:04Enti kaman rfiqah, wa ilto lo akeed ma rahte akhd aktar
04:09A'mi zideh el wajah kteer
04:11Asfeh kteer, anjad ena asfeh
04:13Akeed rahekon fi wajah
04:15Lazam ta'arif eno ana bdiyaha taqlal el mablagh
04:18Wa a'mi ikna' min
04:20Tamma'ah, el sit sawman
04:23Ae, wa ana khabarit wa'ika kaman, eno ma yiqlaq abadan
04:26Ana ilto lo enek enti mo marra tamma'ah abadan
04:29Wa eno hadartak akeed rahteqbali bil mablagh yali rahma'atikiyah
04:36Wa bikil siqa a'm tutlob minnek ttsadda'i alaiha?
04:39S'aliyah, sawman?
04:43Madam Nisha
04:45Ma bdi kazzab alaik, ya'ni
04:48Ana zboontek min zaman hon
04:50Wa kaman, el haki baynatna wa khasa eno nahna rfiqat
04:53Bas eno ya'ni, shagl el mstashfa aadi, bisaraha
04:55Lahek, hey el sab'a ma rahat trooh lal sonakshi
04:59Nisal masari hedol la fariqna kaman
05:01Da'a rfi mas'uliyat el makyaj wal alaqat el 3ame, kellom bedon masari, lahek talabat el mablagh
05:05Hey, taba'an taba'an, fahmane alaik
05:07Walo hadol kellon momawjudin, ma kanat btekder tseer najme
05:12Sadekini, kteer mashahiri bijo al mashfa taba'i
05:15Walhamdulillah min warahi halshi, el mashfa taba'ana halaq sarik teer mashhoon
05:20Bas ama, izza sonakshi sharafetna wa ijit ala haflet el iftitaah taba'a al mashfa
05:25Halshi rahi kono kteer mufid bin nisba ila
05:27Hakkina ma kel jihad el sahafiyah
05:29Rahte akhot shahra e'alamiyah kteer kbeerah
05:33Shoofi ya sona, sirna na akhot shahra min warah al mashfa
05:38Yani, anjad halshagla kteer ghariba
05:40Hiya, lesh ham tsamahak keel hadl haki?
05:42Law samahti, tallahi ala hi jihah
05:46El mafrood, ana ma beseer ikhki haik
05:48Khasatan eno enti btekoni sadiqti, bas shayfa
05:51Fi taj'aida tahat aynak el yameen
05:54Ghariba ma kanat mawjuda min kabl
05:56Mayhimik abadan, la teqla'i, rah rawah lek yaha
06:01Rah shil lek yaha, wa ma rah akhod minnik mosari abadan
06:05Mahsib lek yaha min aldaf'a al awalaniyah
06:08Ana ba'arif eno hadartek rah totalbi min sonak shi
06:12Yani, iza kan fia tsharek bil hafla taba'a al mashfa bchemis malayin
06:16Iya ayni alayki
06:19El ibra li a'totek yaha, ya hab lahqa 10 ta'alaf bas
06:22Wa bil muqabil, bidda yake tshili la malyonayni min el nablagh, wa enti mosa'a alayhi
06:27Bidi il lek shagla, Nisha
06:32Aw, 6 wa 750
06:34Tab ma'a, nehna hon a'm nehki a'n malayini, wa enti a'di a'm atkasri, ala kamet alf
06:39Ana hada yali fini edno, bas bidi...
06:41Hey, taj'aida ma'addal
06:43Aa, akid rah shil el taj'aida
06:45Ana doktortek
06:47Fsraha, madame Soman, hal mawdu' mo mesta'hil
06:50Ana ma'ani shatra bil mfasal ebnob, anjad ma ba'arif ebadan
06:54Wala ninhiha sire, shu ra'iya ikin wakaf al 6 malayin?
06:58Leky, hatta ana mo shatra bil mfasal ebnob
07:026 malayin unos, akhir haki, bas hek mnih
07:06Kel ha'l masaha, mo shayfi kdesh masahat li ayadi taba'a?
07:11Bas binfsi lwakt kteer bakhile
07:13Tayeb, nihna mttf'een, 6 malayin, o 500 alf
07:17Ae, ae, betrajaki, khalina nakhlas min hadl mawdu' ba'a
07:21Khalsona wa ttf'o
07:23Ae, khalasna ba'a
07:25Ana qasdi eno khalasna min shan el taj'aida
07:28Fiki tertahi shwe
07:31Soma, kabil ma tnbusti, lazem tfakri kif raht akhdi minna al 500 alf, hada howa lmohem
07:39Soma, kabil ma tnbusti, lazem tfakri kif raht akhdi minna al 500 alf, hada howa lmohem
07:43Soma, kabil ma tnbusti, lazem tfakri kif raht akhdi minna al 500 alf, hada howa lmohem
07:47Ae, istaz
07:48Fini akhl sandwishe?
07:49Istaz, el mishat jahez, tbadel tiyabak law samahet
07:52Wa shubak hek waqif wa am tniq? Hata el sinari wa ana bzabat el issa
07:55Shwe rayek takhud el dor?
07:56Asef, istaz
07:58El badeel taba'a hadartak jahez
08:00Khalas, rooh alla
08:14Ae, istaz
08:15Tala hon
08:17Lek, el mishat helo ktir
08:19Min ktabo?
08:20La la la, anjad hada el mishat ktir mohem lil muselsal
08:24Ismaa shu, rooh khabre el madame Nitra
08:27Ani itjahelet shakhsiti, itjahelet ihtirami la hali la ani behtirma
08:32Raha amel hel mishat ma Sonakshi, khalas
08:34Ana lazem itaklem ma al mishat, wa hada karari hela
08:37Metil ma bedda
08:52Walla shaklek tsawakti bilondon hal marra ktir
08:56Shlonek ya bint Ahmai
08:58Lata deli hek marra tani
09:00Tayeb, tayeb, kif kanat rahaltek?
09:02Mbayan hel shi
09:03Marhaba Roohet
09:05Kifak, tommenni annak
09:09Wa akhiran, araybti el halwa rijat al beht
09:11Ana lazem tojiya, Allah minak, mbasadti kteer honi, wajtaqtilak kamal
09:15Talama enti mbasadti, ma'anata ana mbasadti
09:35Tani, hakilo la Roohet, kadeesh rahat alay shaglat bi hel safra?
09:40Tani, mustammi shwe
09:41Haja, jakroo la zalame baka
09:43Roohet, inna am jakrook, laknono kteer mbasadton
09:45Amti Nando
09:48Shibaha Amti Nando
09:49Shul ossa?
09:50Roohet, Amti Nando kteer methamse wa musurra anna jowzak al saryan
09:53Methamse ladarje, inno amlet qaime bi kel el banat el helween el li shafetom bilondon
09:57Wa aghniya kteer
09:58Ay, taban, akid
09:59Maye hak, tete?
10:00Wlahek, amtaqqararet, inno ta'mel hafleh, mishan Roohet
10:05Bimunasabet, swai mafra an el
10:09W badal ma ta'mel el hafleh bilondon, kararit ta'mel ha hon
10:12Da, da, da, al haki
10:13Ma rahi seer hek abadan, lakno billahza li rakh toosal fiya al ammi Nando, rakh akhod owal tayyara w tweer fiya al london
10:19Mishan ma elteqi fiya binob
10:21Waqt tahtiflou bi swai mafra, balal aris lachalkom
10:23Shwal haki ya
10:24Bikafi haki an el ammi, wan haflet swai mafra, wena ammi hala, luli wena
10:28Lazam la halak tahzor, wem da tkoon rahat?
10:33Ya Qadeer, lesh hek amleen entu?
10:35Kel li ghedton aankon huwa hel esbou ahad, ma fi ghayro bi rohti ala london
10:39Lesh hek nazayin el dinya hon?
10:41Hek kharabtou kel shi mzabotto?
10:43Owal shi bedak et elli ente, lesh eshtarete el khodra min mahal el tabya al khodra?
10:47Ana mou eltelek et khabar Kishan eno ywasl el khodra?
10:50Ahki li maa
10:51Wa halak biddi efham lesh ma wasl el khodra al bait
10:53Bisabab tasawuqkon al internet, nazatou kel shi, nazatou el mizaniya li hattayta
10:57El mizaniya betkoul?
10:59Ekter min 88 wa 500, maaqoul hel shi?
11:03Entu beta'arfou imat hal masari hai?
11:05Biddi minkon trouhou tes'alou hal soqal, had lal shahs elli biyakder yitala hek mablag kel yom
11:10Mou mishkli, khalikon hek, aamelou metel ma betkoun
11:13Ana rach ekhsom el masari, rach ekhsom nafs el masari min rawatibkon
11:17Lazam bel awal tes'ali an ebnek, ba'dane tekhsmi min rawatibon
11:20Aaaa, Rohit!
11:21Ahla wa sahla!
11:24Kifak ya ebnek?
11:25Ana mihi, enti kifak emni?
11:26Betmanna tshouf kifni
11:28Maa teglay, ana rach ratteb kel shi wa qala'on kellon
11:30Hek lazem
11:33Mou ka anek nahfanekl
11:34Yalla yalla yaa shbab, klo, hata'al rawatibon
11:36Laa tkouni ta'lamti min London
11:37Mou, maa tehki kedamon
11:39Mnishkor Allah enno jalset el yom ma towelet
11:41Hiy ketir dakika bimoudou almizaniye
11:44Bes afekra elba hanouni kteer, ha!
11:47Bennisbihi elli yomi bibida, lama hiy teju witsamaana hakii
11:50Mazbot, yaa Harry
11:51Fahm ni, lesh mashey bi bijamt ryadha?
11:53Laanew kente am borkot
11:54Shwa hal meshwar toyt?
11:56It wasn't a long journey, but it's a long story.
11:59Anyway, forget everything and tell me, how was the London wedding?
12:02Ah, London was very beautiful. If you were here, we would have had fun.
12:07Yes, my son, the wedding was really amazing.
12:10If you see the food, the music, the clothes, just the design and the jewelry of the bride.
12:15It could have been better. I don't know who designed them.
12:18Yes, of course, I understood you, Tania. I think you didn't like the design.
12:21Because it's not you who made it, right?
12:24Honey, why are you talking? Tania is a very famous designer.
12:29By the way, listen to me.
12:31My dress was much more beautiful than the dress of the bride's mother.
12:36Partly because you were wearing it.
12:39And I love you.
12:40And you are amazing.
12:41And thank you.
12:45Right, I remembered something.
12:47Aren't we hot?
12:48Are you still in the heat?
12:50Because the food at the wedding was very luxurious and tasty.
12:53Yes, that's right.
12:54Honey, you know, if he was in front of me, I would have noticed how warm he was.
12:58But the problem is that wherever he finds a doctor, he goes and sits with them.
13:03You feel that this wedding was a medical conference.
13:06And you know, I think my aunt was also exactly like my uncle, even in London.
13:10No, no, you didn't understand me.
13:12I mean, she tried to do what she wanted, but she didn't succeed in her plan.
13:16And that's how it is.
13:17Really? Forget everything now.
13:18And let's plan.
13:20Yes, right, everything is ready.
13:22Yes, right, everything is ready.
13:23I'm happy now.
13:25Rohit, our doctor is going to start the treatment.
13:31But we are waiting for the opening.
13:32Who is the main guest?
13:36The main guest
13:42is Dr. Venkateshwar Subramanian.
13:46The main heart surgeon from Chennai.
13:49Sorry, but I have to answer.
13:54Give me my place.
13:56Did you hear me?
13:58Okay, I'll talk to him.
13:59Why did you forget something?
14:00I told you, I'll talk to him.
14:01Yes, yes, ma'am, if you want.
14:03Yes, mom, we're not done with the wedding yet.
14:06I'm very busy today.
14:07Okay, why did you agree to open the hospital?
14:09I don't have time.
14:10Honey, this is a hospital, that's why I said yes.
14:13This is human and you always get excited for such things.
14:17Yes, right.
14:19Okay, honey, I'll agree.
14:22But of course you didn't ask for money.
14:24No, I'm organizing your celebrations all these years.
14:26And I know you don't take me because it's a hospital,
14:28or an army, or your police, it doesn't matter.
14:30Yes, very good.
14:31So, send me the address so we can go.
14:33Okay, bye mom, bye.
14:35What's wrong?
14:36What's wrong with you?
14:37Ma'am, you got rid of me quickly.
14:39What do you want?
14:40What's wrong with you?
14:41Ma'am, you got rid of me quickly.
14:43What do you want?
14:44Did your manager Sumit finish his work?
14:46Ma'am, in fact, Mr. Sumit told me that he's going to shoot with you.
14:52Why? Did he change his mind?
14:54I don't know, ma'am.
14:55Okay, give me the script of the scene I have to do with him.
14:58Here you go, ma'am.
15:05Yes, this is a romantic scene.
15:11A few days later
15:17He wants to do this scene with me?
15:19I'll show him.
15:20How are you, Simi?
15:21Is the American team there?
15:22Yes, doctor.
15:23The American team is ready and we have prepared the number of the occupational therapy.
15:26They will go now.
15:27I should have arrived at 3 o'clock to check the number.
15:30Simi asked them to wait for me.
15:31I'll be there in half an hour.
15:32Okay, doctor.
15:33They are having lunch now.
15:34Very good.
15:35I'll be right there.
15:40What happened?
15:42Did you see my watch?
15:43I was wearing it this morning.
15:46I've been looking for it and I can't find it.
15:47Oh, God.
15:48Don't be silly.
15:49That watch is worth 80,000, Rohit.
15:51Where did you put it?
15:52Are you kidding me, Rohit?
15:55Oh, Wali.
15:56What are you doing?
15:57Remember, don't forget us at the hospital.
15:59I'll talk to Simi and ask her.
16:01Yes, I hope so.
16:02Come on, come on, come on.
16:03The problem is that I can't move without a watch.
16:04Of course, we'll find it.
16:05Take your jacket with you.
16:06Take it.
16:08I'm coming with you.
16:09Didn't you tell me you're from Outer Akand before?
16:11Sir, we don't usually talk.
16:12My uncle is from Outer Akand.
16:13That's why I know this area.
16:18I'll tell you what to do.
16:20Send me the book.
16:21I'll read it.
16:22This way, we'll take advantage of the time.
16:24I'll get the book ready.
16:25Hurry up.
16:31What's going on here, kid?
16:34Who is this for?
16:35I don't know, sir.
16:36I just found it.
16:38You found it and you want it back, right?
16:40You thief!
16:41You thief!
16:42Tell Mrs. Nitra that her studio is all stolen.
16:44No, sir.
16:45Don't do that.
16:46Believe me, I found it.
16:48She can really fire me.
16:52Take this.
16:54I'll take care of it.
16:56Why are you looking at me like that?
16:59You should have gone to the store.
17:01Take it.
17:02Come on, come on, come on.
17:03Come on, come on, come on.
17:06This watch is worth 80,000.
17:08How nice is that?
17:09I found this expensive watch,
17:10and now I'll have the chance to spend it with Sonakshi.
17:13Because we're going to film scenes in the bedroom.
17:17Yes, Mom.
17:18Rohit, calm down.
17:21Rohit, I was telling you that I found your watch.
17:24I talked to the hospital's staff, and they're with Simi.
17:27So there's no need to...
17:31Very nice.
17:33I'm proud of you.
17:34I love you.
17:44Madam, what do you think?
17:45Should we film?
17:46No, let's film with my phone.
17:47The picture will look amazing.
17:49Come on, Bana.
17:57Send them to me.
17:58Yes, of course.
17:59Don't forget to send them today.
18:00Yes, yes.
18:01Okay, dear.
18:02I have your number.
18:03Don't worry.
18:05I sent you money, and you made me drop my phone.
18:08This is not a hospital or a train station.
18:10Don't you see?
18:11You should know better.
18:12You shouldn't hide from the world.
18:14I'm very sorry.
18:19If you apologized,
18:20how can you fix my phone?
18:22Tell me.
18:23Send me the bill.
18:24I sent you the bill,
18:25and you want me to run after you so you can compensate me?
18:28Is there a better way than this?
18:30Now compensate me,
18:31and give me my money.
18:32And cash, too.
18:33What, did you think I was a bank?
18:34Did you think I was worth that much?
18:36I'll compensate you like I should,
18:38and there's no need to remind me.
18:39Now, if you'll excuse me,
18:40I have to go,
18:41because I'm late.
18:43I don't trust my relatives.
18:45Why should I trust you?
18:46And you're still late,
18:48like you said you shouldn't have paid attention.
18:51I'll take care of it.
18:52You can go.
18:54But I want...
18:56I know you lost your phone.
18:57I'm very sorry.
18:58Do you want money?
18:59Come with me.
19:02But who's this guy?
19:04Dr. Rohit.
19:05He's the most important surgeon in India,
19:07and he's the owner of this hospital.
19:13this guy and Dr. Anisha...
19:14He's her brother's son.
19:15Come with me.
19:31I ordered pineapples.
19:34here's my money.
19:37I want you to sign here.
19:56Dr. Anisha,
19:58Dr. Anisha,
20:00you asked me to send you 500,000 on your account,
20:03and now I'm taking 750,000 from your hospital.
20:06Your brother's son was in a hurry,
20:08and he dropped my phone.
20:09But he repaid me now.
20:11What's so good about this guy?
20:14Why does he look so nervous?
20:16He's like my son,
20:17that's why I didn't let him pay for the whole phone.
20:19I just paid him for the broken screen,
20:22because I want to fix it.
20:23And I told Sonakshi about today's party.
20:25She'll be ready.
20:28750,000 instead of 500,000?
20:34And now,
20:35enjoy your achievement.
20:51Is there anyone who can fix the microphone?
20:56What? What's going on here?
20:57Is this the scene from the bedroom?
20:59Then why is the decor for the living room?
21:04Didn't you read this scene?
21:06What's written here?
21:08Sonakshi and I are ready,
21:09and I put lights on it too.
21:12I told him to do that.
21:15You know what?
21:16You're really a nice guy.
21:18I should have gone,
21:19but I waited for this particular scene,
21:22because it's the most important scene for us.
21:24But as you can see now,
21:25this scene
21:26is not suitable for yesterday's episode at all.
21:28Do you know why?
21:29Because you were coming out of a heart surgery,
21:32and it was difficult.
21:34the romance scene
21:35is not suitable at all.
21:38You're still like this, man.
21:39I don't agree with you.
21:42Why are you changing the scene in the middle of work?
21:44Are you the writer?
21:46I'm sure the writer thought of something like this before.
21:49What's this nonsense?
21:50Where's Mrs. Nitra?
21:52I didn't change the script at all.
21:53The scene is as it is.
21:54I just changed the location from where it was.
21:56And you love logic,
21:58and you don't accept what's beautiful about it.
22:00And more than once,
22:01you've changed the script,
22:02and the scenes,
22:03and a lot of things.
22:04And I talked to Nitra about it.
22:06She really liked my idea,
22:08and she agreed to all the work.
22:12Yes, sir.
22:17You answered my question.
22:18You're so logical and smart.
22:21You saw him.
22:22Every day, he insults the writer.
22:24Why is he so nice to him today?
22:26We're going to find a lot of these people.
22:28Wherever we go,
22:29we girls have to think right.
22:31We have to work hard.
22:32But we have to know how to deal with these people.
22:40Ready, sir?
22:42The scene is as it is.
22:43After the wedding of Konaal's sister.
22:45Konaal and Barvati lived moments.
22:47Full of love.
22:49And they love each other.
22:50Read the script,
22:52and if you'll excuse me,
22:53get to work.
22:55I want everything to be perfect.
22:57Both of them want to celebrate this moment.
22:59We have to go according to the script.
23:01How many people could have watched this episode
23:03if we did the scene in the bedroom?
23:08I know how to handle this well.
23:20Konaal and Barvati
23:27Everyone ready?
23:29Camera 1.
23:33I made you a cup of hot tea to drink.
23:36Here you go.
23:38Your sister's wedding was really nice.
23:40But now,
23:41there's nothing to do for me.
23:42I'll be with you all the time,
23:44and I'll take good care of you.
23:46It's time to take your medicine.
23:48I'll get it for you.
24:03What's going on?
24:05My health is in your hands.
24:10Hamati is coming.
24:12It's not nice to see us like this.
24:14You told me that
24:16we're going to have tea
24:17just the two of us.
24:27you look really tired.
24:29You should rest.
24:33Shut up and listen to me.
24:34I got this chance a long time ago.
24:37I won't leave you so easily.
24:42Enough, Hajji.
24:45stay away from me.
24:47If you get close to me,
24:48nothing good will happen.
25:00You always act arrogant and stubborn.
25:03I'll teach you a lesson.
25:10Where is she going?
25:14Finally, we're alone at home.
25:16Let's have some fun.
25:18Don't you miss me?
25:35What did you do?
25:37Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
25:39You took advantage of this scene
25:40and tried to touch me in a bad way.
25:42What were you thinking?
25:43That I'll shut up and leave you alone?
25:49You think I tried to touch you?
25:51Are you out of your mind?
25:53What happened to you?
25:54This was a scene between a wife and her husband.
25:56The audience should feel
25:57that our feelings are real and true.
25:59I don't care if I get close to you
26:00or touch you.
26:02Grow up and listen to me.
26:04Don't cross the line with me.
26:06Do you understand?
26:09Did you forget?
26:11Your lover left you.
26:16That's what you're good at.
26:18You act like a famous star.
26:22Why are you crying?
26:23Why are you looking at me like that?
26:25Why are you silent?
26:27Tell everyone
26:28that your lover ran away
26:30on the day of your engagement.
26:33Admit it now.
26:35Admit that you're someone
26:36who doesn't have a heart or feelings.
26:39I'm sure your lover is sick of us.
26:41What's the reason?
26:42I'm sure she gave him a lecture
26:43every time he tried to get close to her.
26:47I was trying to touch her,
26:48but this is the scene
26:49between a husband and his wife.
26:51Of course I want to touch you.
26:52Should I call you my sister?
26:54Tell me where you came from.
26:56How did you become an actress?
26:58You don't have talent
26:59or even a personality.
27:01But I have a suggestion for you.
27:04Come to me
27:06and I'll teach you.
27:09I'll teach you how to kiss
27:14so that your next lover won't run away.
27:19I give up.
27:20I give up. No.
27:22Go to your van now.
27:24No, I'm not going.
27:27It's her right.
27:28And if she doesn't apologize to me
27:29and in front of everyone,
27:31I'll drown her.
27:32I'll burn your studio.
27:34No, that won't happen.
27:36She won't apologize to you.
27:40come with me.
27:41It's not over yet.
27:42I'm sure it's not over yet,
27:43Mrs. Nitra.
27:48Make sure the key comes out of the studio.
27:49Come on!
27:51I'm going to hold a press conference.
27:52I'm going to show them their worth
27:53and make them laugh
27:54and make the whole art world laugh at them.
27:56What's wrong with him?
27:57He thinks he's great at acting.
27:59Where's my phone?
28:10Everything is almost ready.
28:12The wing will be ready in three hours.
28:14The safest heart surgery in India
28:17will be done here at the hospital.
28:19That's great.
28:21With this technology,
28:23the possibility of death of any patient
28:24during the operation
28:26will be zero.
28:29Congratulations, Mr. Rohit.
28:30Congratulations, Mr. Rohit.
29:01I don't want to see your face again.
29:02Do you understand?
29:31This is an important invention.
29:34I congratulate you
29:35on providing this technology
29:36at your hospital.
29:38You're ahead of everyone.
29:40What do you think?
29:46are you okay?
29:52I'm fine.
29:53I'm fine.
29:54I'm fine.
29:55I'm fine.
29:56I'm fine.
29:57I'm fine.
29:58I'm fine.
29:59I'm fine.
30:05Calm down.
30:06Please don't cry.
30:08Take a deep breath.
30:12Go home.
30:13I'll take care of everything here.
30:18If I had
30:20focused on the scene,
30:21I wouldn't have been so distressed.
30:24I would have ruined myself
30:27and my past.
30:30He said a lot of harsh words.
30:33I couldn't take it.
30:35It's not possible.
30:39You heard me, right?
30:40I was there.
30:41His words were like a knife.
30:44I couldn't take it.
30:45Believe me,
30:46I tried my best,
30:47but I couldn't take it.
30:48Calm down.
30:49Calm down.
30:50Even if you forgot
30:51your entire past,
30:52people won't forget.
30:54We all know Sumit.
30:56We know him well.
30:57This is his truth.
30:58His truth.
31:00He did all this
31:01to make himself
31:02famous in front of the world.
31:04He's proud of your success,
31:05and it's very obvious.
31:10I'm sorry.
31:12The development stopped because of me.
31:15Ten minutes only.
31:16I fixed my make-up
31:17and my hair.
31:19Sonakshi, listen to me.
31:20Focus with me.
31:21Sumit has called the media to come.
31:24Go home.
31:26I promise you
31:27that I won't let him
31:28do this again.
31:30I know how to deal
31:31with his mistakes.
31:32I have his account.
31:33You'll see.
31:34Sonakshi, listen to me.
31:36If you go in front of the media now,
31:38they won't have mercy on you
31:39because of their questions.
31:41Get out of the door behind me.
31:44Don't come to the studio
31:45until I talk to you.
31:46And don't call me.
31:47Turn off your phone
31:48and go home.
31:51Go now.
31:52Tell Shankar to get the car ready.
31:55Take her to the car.
31:56Don't let anyone see her.
31:58Sonakshi, go now.
32:00Get up.
32:01Get up.
32:04I'll take care of everything.
32:06Take care of her.
32:14Poor thing.
32:17There has to be someone
32:18in this world
32:20who can see
32:21the white heart
32:22hidden behind her fame.
32:27I'm sorry.
32:28I'm sorry.
32:29I'm sorry.
32:30I'm sorry.
32:31I'm sorry.
32:32I'm sorry.
32:33I'm sorry.
32:34I'm sorry.
32:35I'm sorry.
32:36I'm sorry.
32:37I'm sorry.
32:38I'm sorry.
32:39I'm sorry.
32:40I'm sorry.
32:41I'm sorry.
32:42I'm sorry.
32:43I'm sorry.
32:44I'm sorry.
32:45I'm sorry.
32:46I'm sorry.
32:47I'm sorry.
32:48I'm sorry.
32:49I'm sorry.
32:50I'm sorry.
32:51I'm sorry.
32:52I'm sorry.
32:53I'm sorry.
32:54I'm sorry.
32:56I'm sorry.
32:59I'm sorry.
33:01I'm sorry.
33:08The number you have dialed is currently disconnected.
33:11Please try again later.
33:15In case you get lost,
33:16leave a message under the tone.
33:25Doctor! I'm sorry, Doctor. I hope I didn't bother you.
33:33This watch is for you. I left it at the hospital yesterday.
33:55I'm sorry.
34:21Your lover ran away on your engagement day.
34:25I'm fed up of your questions.
34:32I'm fed up of your questions.
34:38If it rains today,
34:43It will rain drops.
34:46If it rains today,
34:50It will rain drops.
34:54Who knows tomorrow,
34:58My eyes will yearn for her.
35:03I don't know when I got lost,
35:07Where I got lost.
35:10I don't know when I got lost,
35:13Where I got lost.
35:16I had hidden a tear.
35:20I'm not upset with you.
35:24I'm amazed at life.
35:28I'm amazed at life.
35:34I'm fed up of your questions.
35:42I'm upset with you.
35:52Madam, you don't look well.
35:56Is that why you came here?
35:59No, it's not like that.
36:01I'm a driver, but I understand people very well.
36:06Look at this mirror in front of us.
36:08It makes us see what's behind us.
36:11But if you keep looking at it, you'll have an accident.
36:15Just forget the past.
36:20Thank you, Shankar.
36:22I'll be fine, but I want to be alone for a while.
36:28Go home and give me the car key.
36:33And please don't tell my mother anything.
36:44Here's the key.
36:46Take care.
37:11I'm not good.
37:14How can I be good?
37:21But I have to be good.
37:23What should I do?
37:25I'm used to dealing with people like Sumit.
37:29And no one has a past.
37:31Even you.
37:33And I have a past.
37:34But who gave him the right to talk about my past?
37:38In front of everyone.
37:40Without thinking about anything.
37:42He's annoying.
37:44And ugly.
37:52Do you know?
37:54Do you know what makes me angry?
37:58That I can't answer him.
38:00I couldn't do anything to him.
38:02I couldn't answer him.
38:04I couldn't even let him shut up.
38:06Because I know he's right about me.
38:10I know I was wrong.
38:12This is my fault.
38:14I loved him.
38:20We were different.
38:22And you know?
38:25I was...
38:27Like I always am.
38:29I was very honest with him.
38:31But he...
38:47He says a lot of things in the series.
38:50He always tells my audience
38:55They should live their lives.
38:57And leave behind all their wounds.
38:59And get out of sadness.
39:01But I...
39:04I'm stuck here.
39:08When you ask people about my past.
39:10I immediately collapse.
39:12And I feel...
39:14I feel a strange pain in my heart.
39:20And then...
39:22I come to this place.
39:25I love him with all my heart.
39:28When I come here,
39:30I feel a lot of peace.
39:32I feel that this place is telling me
39:35that there will be new things in my life.
39:38It's normal if my heart breaks once.
39:43Of course, someone will come into my life.
39:46And he will also fix my broken heart.
39:49And make it up to me.
39:52Who knows?
39:55I'm thinking about this person right now.
39:58Why not?
40:03He's looking for me.
40:08Help me!
40:15Help me!
40:24This is the result of overthinking.
40:28Help me!
40:34Help me!
40:38Someone is asking for help.
40:40I'm sure!
40:47Help me!
40:49Where are you?
40:51Where are you?
40:53I'm by the sea, here.
40:55Here, here.
40:57But there's water in the sea.
40:59There's nothing down there.
41:01I'm not in the sea.
41:03I'm on the right.
41:07On this side, here.
41:08Near me.
41:09But there's only grass.
41:11The grass doesn't speak.
41:12Where are you?
41:13Where are you?
41:14Look, there's a wall by the sea.
41:15Did you see the grass?
41:17Look, there's a wall all around the garden.
41:19To the right.
41:20Wait, I'm looking.
41:21Just give me a minute.
41:22A minute.
41:24Look down.
41:26But if I looked down,
41:28I'd be looking at the ground and the grass.
41:31There's nothing here.
41:32You, you go a little to the left now.
41:35The left corner.
41:36The corner.
41:37The corner?
41:38It has to be here.
41:40There's a seat at the corner of the wall.
41:42Did you see it or not?
41:44Yes, yes, I saw it.
41:45I'm coming.
41:46Go a little forward.
41:47A minute.
41:48I'm coming.
41:49Come on, come on.
41:50I'm coming to you.
41:51I'm down.
42:01Is that you?
42:02I'm a heart surgeon,
42:03not a doctor.
42:04What's wrong with you?
42:06Instead of asking for help,
42:07it's better if I jump.
42:09What are you doing here?
42:11I'm enjoying the weather
42:12and the smell of air.
42:13It's really nice.
42:15Will you come with me
42:16or will you help me?
42:17It's not possible.
42:18He needs help
42:19and he's still weak.
42:21What should I do?
42:22Leave him here
42:23or try to help him?
42:26I'm not acting.
42:27What you just saw
42:28is real and real.
42:30I'm now.
42:31One more minute and I'll fall.
42:32Come on, help me
42:33and finish me now.
42:34You're right.
42:35This is not a scene.
42:37I'm alone.
42:38I don't have anyone here.
42:39That's why I can't help you.
42:41Okay, bye.
42:43I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
42:44I'm sorry.
42:45If you'll excuse me,
42:46I beg you.
42:47If you want to help me,
42:48help me in some way.
42:50if you hold my hand,
42:52I came and apologized.
42:54help me.
42:57Okay, fine, fine.
43:00I'm not going anywhere.
43:01I'll help you,
43:02but explain to me
43:03why are you struggling like a dog?
43:05Of course, I'm not struggling.
43:07But there's a dog
43:08here with me.
43:09Look, he's stuck in my leg.
43:10Leave me.
43:12Why are you doing this to him?
43:13He's going to fall.
43:14Poor thing.
43:15I'm going to fall too.
43:17I'm here behind this dog.
43:18Leave me.
43:19Hold on to the tree.
43:20Don't do anything.
43:22I'll try to help you.
43:23Of course, I'll save you.
43:25Oh, God.
43:26What should I do?
43:27There's a big garden.
43:28There must be a gate or a guard.
43:30What should I do?
43:31Are you still not done talking to yourself?
43:32Hurry up.
43:33I'm going to talk to someone.
43:34Let him come and help me.
43:35Yes, yes.
43:36Come on.
43:37Don't do anything.
43:38Stay like this.
43:39I'm coming.
43:40Help us.
43:41Is anyone here?
43:44Is anyone here?
43:45Is anyone here?
43:46Is anyone here?
43:47Is anyone here?
43:48Is anyone here?
43:49Is anyone here?
43:50Is anyone here?
43:51Is anyone here?
43:52Is anyone here?
43:53Is anyone here?
43:54Is anyone here?
43:55Is anyone here?
43:56Is anyone here?
43:57Is anyone here?
43:58Is anyone here?
43:59Is anyone here?
44:00Is anyone here?
44:01Is anyone here?
44:02Is anyone here?
44:03Is anyone here?
44:04Is anyone here?
44:05Is anyone here?
44:06Is anyone here?
44:07Is anyone here?
44:08Is anyone here?
44:09Is anyone here?
44:10Is anyone here?
44:11Is anyone here?
44:12Is anyone here?
44:13Is anyone here?
44:14Is anyone here?
44:15Is anyone here?
44:16Is anyone here?
44:17Is anyone here?
44:18Is anyone here?
44:19Is anyone here?
44:20Is anyone here?
44:21Is anyone here?
44:22Is anyone here?
44:23Is anyone here?
44:24Is anyone here?
44:25Is anyone here?
44:26Is anyone here?
44:27Is anyone here?
44:28Is anyone here?
44:29Is anyone here?
44:30Is anyone here?
44:31Is anyone here?
44:32Is anyone here?
44:33Is anyone here?
44:34Is anyone here?
44:35Is anyone here?
44:36Is anyone here?
44:37Is anyone here?
44:38Is anyone here?
44:39Is anyone here?
44:40Is anyone here?
44:41Is anyone here?
44:42Is anyone here?
44:43Is anyone here?
44:44Is anyone here?
44:45Is anyone here?
44:46Is anyone here?
44:47Is anyone here?
44:48Is anyone here?
44:49Is anyone here?
44:50Is anyone here?
44:51Is anyone here?
44:52Is anyone here?
44:53Is anyone here?
44:54Is anyone here?
44:55Is anyone here?
44:56Is anyone here?
44:57Is anyone here?
44:58Is anyone here?
44:59Is anyone here?
45:00Is anyone here?
45:01Is anyone here?
45:02Is anyone here?
45:03Is anyone here?
45:04Is anyone here?
45:05Is anyone here?
45:06Is anyone here?
45:07Is anyone here?
45:08Is anyone here?
45:09Is anyone here?
45:10Is anyone here?
