• last year
shiekh abu usamah
00:00And we seek refuge in Allah from the evils of our souls and from the evils of our deeds.
00:15Whom Allah guides, none can misguide him. Whom He chooses, none can guide him.
00:22And I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, alone, with no partner.
00:28And I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
00:34As for others, the best words are the words of Allah.
00:38And the best guidance is the guidance of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
00:45And the worst of all things are its innovations, and every innovation is an invention, and every invention is a misguidance, and every misguidance is in the Fire.
00:56The companions of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
01:02they used to see themselves individually as well as family.
01:07They see themselves as integral parts of the development of the Muslim community.
01:15So it was from their state of being, their state of mind, it was from their seerah,
01:22that the Muslim has been shown, it's your responsibility to see yourself as an integral part of the growth and the development of Islam.
01:32If you're a person who is sitting there, like the Jew or the Christian, the Sikh or the Hindu,
01:38and his religion is going to church on Sunday or some munasabat, occasions here or there,
01:44then you're not getting the correct picture.
01:48The hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
01:53the best of you is the one who brings the most benefit to others,
01:58is one of the many irshadat of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
02:02that made the companions feel each and every person is an integral part of the growth and the development of the Muslim community.
02:11You have a responsibility.
02:14As if our community is a big jigsaw puzzle, and everybody is a piece of the puzzle,
02:20and you have to bring your piece of the puzzle and fit it in.
02:24It's the responsibility of the leaders of the community, like the heads of each family,
02:29the leading businessmen, the administration of the masjid, those people who know how to get things done.
02:36It's their job and it's their responsibility to fit the pieces together.
02:41No doubt everybody has a responsibility.
02:45So what the companions used to do, may Allah be pleased with them,
02:49is that each and every one of them tried to make sure that he wasn't one of the individuals
02:54who worked against the development of the community.
02:58And the people who work against the development of the Muslim community,
03:01who claim Islam, they're the hypocrites, the munafiqeen.
03:06If anyone were to read this Qur'an with contemplation and consideration,
03:10not just reading it like the khawarij who the Prophet told us about,
03:14صلى الله عليه وسلم يقرون القرآن ولا يجاوز حناجره
03:20They are a group of people who read the Qur'an and it doesn't go past their throats.
03:24There are some people who are like that.
03:26Not just the khawarij, there are people who just read the Qur'an and they're just reading the Qur'an.
03:32So Allah put forth the question أَفَلَا يَتَدَبُّرُونَ الْقُرْآنَ أَمْ عَلَى قُلُوبٍ أَكْفَالُهَا
03:39When they read the Qur'an, won't they contemplate and consider the message?
03:44Or are there locks on their hearts?
03:47So before making the point, I'll give you an example of what I'm talking about.
03:52How can a person read the Qur'an, how can he read the Qur'an,
03:56and he believes, as many Muslims believe, that the Nabi S.A.W. knows the علم الغيب
04:05or that he believes that the Prophet is حَاظِر نَاظِر, he's omnipresent.
04:10He believes that the Nabi S.A.W. you can make du'a to him in the grave or any dead person.
04:16He believes that and he's reading the Qur'an.
04:19And the Qur'an is replete with ayat telling us, don't do that.
04:24The Prophet S.A.W. can't help himself, except if Allah allows.
04:30قُلْ لَا أَمْلِكُ لِلنَّفْسِ نَفْعًا وَلَا الدَّرَّ إِلَّا مَا شَاءَ اللَّهِ وَلَوْ كُنْتُ أَعْدَمَ الْغَيْبِ لَسْتَكْثَرْتُ مِنَ الْخَيْرِ وَمَا مَسَّنِي السُّوءِ
04:41Tell them, Muhammad, I don't have the ability, my followers, to help my own self or to harm my own self,
04:49except by what Allah wants.
04:52And if I knew the unseen, no evil would have ever touched me and not only increased the good.
04:58If he knew the unseen, he would have said on the day of Uhud,
05:02Ah, my uncle Hamza, you're going to get killed on this day, don't go out.
05:06So the point is, how can someone read the Qur'an and come and he says that there's a Rasul after Rasulillah,
05:14someone comes and he says, Ali is this, how can he say that?
05:18In Pakistan, a few days ago, and this is not a dig at the Pakistani community.
05:24In Pakistan, when those people went into the school and killed 135 innocent kids,
05:30how in the world could that person be saying he reads the Qur'an?
05:34By which stretch of the imagination can someone come to the conclusion that that's possible, that's permissible?
05:42So many people read the Qur'an, but do we read the Qur'an with contemplation, consideration?
05:47If you read that Qur'an with contemplation and consideration, you'll find there are many ayat and many surahs that were revealed.
05:55But the way that they were revealed is not the way we have that Qur'an.
05:59The tarteeb of the Qur'an, surah al-Fatiha, surah al-Baqarah, Ali Imran, al-Nisa, al-Ma'idah, and so forth and so on,
06:05the Qur'an wasn't revealed like that.
06:07It was revealed as you know, Iqra came first, al-Alaq, al-Muddathir came, some scholars said the other way around.
06:14But Jibril used to come to the Prophet ﷺ every Ramadan and he would say,
06:20Ya Muhammad, put this surah here, put this ayat here, put this surah here, put this ayat here.
06:27So the Qur'an as we have it, it's not revealed with this tarteeb, but that's the tarteeb ilahi.
06:33That's what Allah means, that's what Allah means.
06:36Now the first subject matter of the Qur'an is surah al-Fatiha, and it wasn't the first surah revealed.
06:41But in surah al-Fatiha, the message is about the tawheed of Allah, the lordship of Allah, the right that he has to be worshipped,
06:50his names and his attributes, and in that surah is, in that surah is, follow the companions.
06:56They are the sirat al-mustaqim.
06:59But then this is the issue.
07:01The next surah, if you put al-Fatiha on the side, surah al-Baqarah, the longest surah of the Qur'an.
07:08What's the first subject matter of surah al-Baqarah?
07:11And this is for the one who contemplates the message of the Qur'an.
07:14The first message of surah al-Baqarah is the taqsim of the people.
07:20The categories of people in al-Islam, in the dunya.
07:24First category of people are the mutaqim, the mu'mineen, the people of Islam.
07:28Allah described them with three ayahs, three ayahs.
07:32They believe in the unseen, they establish salah, they give zakat and so forth and so on.
07:37Then he mentioned the kuffar, the kafireen.
07:40That no matter what if you call them, they're not going to believe.
07:43It's the same, Allah put a seal on their heart.
07:45Two ayahs.
07:47And then Allah mentioned after that 13 ayahs describing the munafiqeen.
07:52That's a sign for people who reflect.
07:55Three ayahs for the believers, two ayahs for the kuffar, and 13 ayahs for the munafiqeen.
08:02Now back to the original point.
08:05The companions used to see themselves as individual integral parts of the community.
08:12And they didn't want to be from the munafiqeen.
08:15Because the munafiqeen, they work against the religion.
08:19And they work against the development of this religion.
08:23And the advancement of the religion.
08:25So we see people like Umar r.a asking Hudayth ibn al-Yaman,
08:31Did the Prophet consider me from the munafiqeen?
08:34Did he say that I was from the munafiqeen, ya Hudayth?
08:38Although Umar knew that he's in Jannah.
08:41Umar knew that he's the best of the human beings after the Prophets and the Messengers and Abu Bakr.
08:46He knew that.
08:48We have one of the tabi'een, ibn Abi Mulaika.
08:52He said,
08:54من أصحاب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
08:57كل واحد منهم يخاف على نفسه النفاق
09:02I met 30, 3-0, this tabi'een.
09:06He said, I met 30, 3-0, of the Prophet's companions.
09:1030, some of them were major.
09:12Ali ibn Abi Talib, Aisha, he met 30 of them.
09:15He said, the ones that I met, the 30 that I met,
09:18each one of them was afraid of hypocrisy on himself.
09:23Which hypocrisy?
09:24Not the hypocrisy where you go outside of Islam.
09:27Because there's a hypocrisy where a person is a kafir.
09:30On the inside, he doesn't believe in Islam.
09:33But on the outside, he tries to show that he's a Muslim.
09:36And then there's a hypocrisy of actions.
09:38He's a Muslim, but he has actions and characteristics of the munafiqeen.
09:45So the issue of the munafiqeen, ikhwani, is a religious responsibility
09:49that you take some time out and you look at yourself.
09:53You have to look at yourself.
09:54That's part of what we have to do.
09:56Because the issue of the munafiqeen is serious.
09:59There's a surah in the Quran, surah number 9, it has multiple names.
10:03One of the names of this surah, surah Tawbah,
10:05that's the name that's well-known.
10:07Another name is surah Al-Bara'a, Al-Bara'a, Al-Wala Wal-Bara'a.
10:12The one who contemplates the Quran and he comes to know,
10:15why is it called Al-Bara'a?
10:17It's called Al-Bara'a because the Muslim who's reading the Quran,
10:21he should know crystal clear he can't do New Year's, New Year's Eve,
10:26Christmas, Christmas Eve.
10:28He can't participate in that at all.
10:30Now is not the time for that discussion.
10:32But the point is, one of the names, Tawbah Al-Bara'a.
10:36The third name that was given to this surah is Al-Fadihah.
10:40Al-Fadihah, the surah that exposed the Munafiqeen.
10:45You want to know about the Munafiqeen?
10:47Go to surah Tawbah, ninth surah of the Quran.
10:50There's another surah of the Quran called surah Al-Munafiqoon.
10:54A whole surah called Al-Munafiqoon.
10:57The Prophet used to read it on Friday, salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
11:00Now he's a person who was Hakim, Aqil, Aqil.
11:04He, salallahu alayhi wa sallam, would read every Friday the surah Al-Munafiqoon.
11:09So the Muslim is hearing that every week, every week on Friday.
11:13That repetition means something.
11:16It means, hey, don't be like the Munafiqeen.
11:20Now there are some characteristics of the Munafiqeen that everybody knows about.
11:26Like the famous hadith in Bukhari, a Muslim Abu Hurairah said that the Nabi mentioned, salallahu alayhi wa sallam,
11:31Ayatul Munafiq 3,
11:34إذا حدث كذبا وإذا وعد أخلف وإذا تمنا خانا
11:41The sign of the hypocrite is three.
11:43If he talks, he lies.
11:45He lies.
11:47Now the vast majority of people who we know, not I, we know they lie.
11:51As a matter of fact, the society tells us to lie.
11:55And it makes you think if you don't lie, you're going to get in trouble.
11:59The person who wants to do his CV, his resume, he wants to get a job,
12:04he practically is told, you better lie and inflate the information.
12:08Because if you don't, someone's going to get the job instead of you.
12:12So he may know two languages, and there's a third language he knows some words here or there.
12:16He'll put on his resume, I know three languages.
12:19Lying, lying to get welfare, lying to get extra money, lie, lie, lie, lie.
12:25The munafiq when he is given a promise, he breaks his promise.
12:28That's prevalent, that's prevalent.
12:31The munafiq if he's given something as a trust, he will break that trust.
12:35Married to a man's daughter, it's a trust.
12:38He messes it up.
12:39The individuals in charge of the monies, he messes it up.
12:42So everybody knows those three characteristics.
12:45And they are prevalent, those three characteristics.
12:48And the vast majority of people except those that Allah has Rahman,
12:53one of those three if not all three are in him.
12:56The fourth one he said, if he argues, he starts to become abusive.
13:00He starts using foul language, curse words to express himself.
13:05Put aside that one because it's well known.
13:08What I want to talk about today inshallah, remind each and every person here,
13:13you have a religious responsibility to see yourself as an integral part of the development of al-Islam.
13:20This masjid, that masjid, your family, Islam and moving it forward
13:26in an environment where they're giving us the opportunity to do that.
13:30So the signs of the munafiqin that are hidden, that people don't even realize,
13:35these are from the signs of the munafiqin.
13:38At the top of the list, I want to give one of those examples, one of those signs.
13:43Because I've seen it recently when I went to America where I come from,
13:46but I've been living in the UK for the last eight years.
13:49One of the signs of the munafiqin is, they don't respect the sunnah.
13:54They don't respect the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
13:58His person, what he represented, they don't respect his mansaf, they don't respect who he is.
14:06There's a man who was living during the time of the Companions.
14:10His name was Harqus ibn Zuhair.
14:13His laqab is Dhu al-Khwaisira.
14:16He grabbed the Prophet one time sallallahu alayhi wasallam because he was angry with the Nabi,
14:21and he grabbed him in his neck and he said,
14:23give me some more money and you were not fair, you were not just.
14:26Prophet took his name, his hands to pull it off.
14:29Umar radiyallahu anhu say, Ya Rasulallah, let me kill him.
14:32Let me chop his neck off because he's a munafiq.
14:35The Prophet didn't say to Umar, don't say that,
14:38because anyone who says something wrong in his presence, he will stop it.
14:42If he saw or heard something wrong, he will stop it.
14:44He didn't say, don't say that.
14:46He said, don't kill him.
14:48Do you want the people to say Muhammad kills his companions?
14:50So the point here is, grabbing the Prophet like that is disrespect, and who does it?
14:57Who disrespects him?
14:58The munafiqin.
15:00Look what they did.
15:01Disrespecting the Sunnan, the Nabi.
15:03Sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
15:05There were a group of munafiqin.
15:07Let's show how they are. Problematic.
15:10Group of these individuals, they were sitting together,
15:13and they were talking bad about the Prophet and his companions and the religion.
15:17One of them said, hey, hey, hey, better be careful,
15:21because if this news goes back to him, he may deal with us.
15:25One of them said, ah, don't worry about it.
15:28You know, Muhammad, if he did get news of what we're saying, you know what we'll do?
15:32We'll just lie and make up a story, because he's udhun.
15:35He's udhun. He's all ears.
15:38Anything he hears, he believes, as if he's ahmak, as if he's safih.
15:43So Allah revealed those ayat of the Quran.
15:45وَمِنْهُمَ الَّذِينَ يُؤْذُونَ النَّبِي وَيَقُولُونَ هُوَ أُذُنٌ
15:49From them are those who bother the Nabi, and they say, he's all ears.
15:53Equivalent to, he's ahmak.
15:56He's safih. He's ghabi.
15:58No one says that except the munafiq.
16:01He's traveling. He's traveling.
16:03When was he traveling? To one of the difficult battles of Tabuk.
16:07The time when the community has to be focused.
16:10We're going to do something.
16:13The community has to be focused.
16:15No room for disruption.
16:17But the munafiqin, they have nothing better to do except to disrupt and to mess up the time.
16:22So what did they do?
16:23As they were traveling, two men were on the outside, and one was in the middle.
16:27The two on the outside riding their horses, and one in the middle,
16:30they was talking about the Prophet and his companions.
16:33Making jokes, saying that they were lazy, they were cowards, they eat too much.
16:38And the one in the middle, he wasn't saying anything, but he was laughing.
16:42He was laughing.
16:44Jibril came and told the Prophet about it.
16:47The Prophet stopped the people. Everybody stop.
16:50He said, you, you, come, come, come, come.
16:52You said this, and you said that, and you said this, and you said that.
16:57And he made all three of them guilty.
16:59The leader of the munafiqin, he came and he said,
17:02اِنَّمَا كُنَّا نَخُودُ وَنَلْعَبُ
17:05Ya Muhammad, they would never call him Rasulullah,
17:07because the munafiqin, they don't respect him.
17:10They don't respect the sunnah.
17:12They came, and the leader, Ya Muhammad, we were just wasting time.
17:15We were just joking. It's a long journey.
17:18Allah revealed the ayahs of the Quran,
17:20قُلْ أَبِاللَّهِ وَآيَاتِهِ وَرَسُولِهِ كُنْتُمْ تَسْتَهْزِعُوا
17:25لَا تَعْتَذِرُوا قَدْ كَفَرْتُمْ بَعْدِ إِمَانِكُمْ
17:29Are you people playing jokes with Allah, His Messenger, His ayat?
17:33Don't give any excuses because you disbelieve.
17:35You see, the two men on the outside,
17:38and the one in the middle who was laughing.
17:42That's from the actions of the munafiqin.
17:44What's the point?
17:46This is the hidden hypocrisy that Muslims have today.
17:49He doesn't know it. He didn't mean it.
17:52There are many movements in Ghani, in Canada, in the UK, in America.
17:56Many movements.
17:57Our children, their Islam is under siege.
18:01The future of Islam in these countries is suspect
18:05if we don't get on the ball.
18:07And that's because these movements are serious.
18:10From the movements is the movement that is called the HBTs, Muslims.
18:15Homosexuals, bisexual and transvestite Muslims.
18:19I don't put anyone outside of Islam.
18:21If a person is one of those three things,
18:24he still could be a Muslim and his issue is with Allah.
18:27If he dies on la ilaha illallah, it's up to Allah.
18:30He's under the mashia of Allah.
18:31But the point is, the point is,
18:33there's a masjid in America where the transvestite,
18:36he comes one Friday, he gives the khutbah.
18:39The bisexual man, he gives the khutbah.
18:41The gay woman, the next time she gives the khutbah.
18:43Then the next one, someone else gives the khutbah.
18:45And the row is peppered with men and women.
18:48And the transvestite said in the interview with the news,
18:51well, how do you know?
18:53If Prophet Muhammad came back,
18:55maybe he's going to be a transvestite.
18:57How do you know?
18:58When Jesus Christ comes back,
19:00maybe he's going to be a homosexual.
19:02This is istighzat.
19:04People who say that and believe and things like that,
19:06you go outside of the religion of Islam.
19:10Now, I don't think anyone here is that extreme.
19:13I don't think so.
19:14But with our mobile phones, our mobile phones,
19:17with these WhatsApp and these other applications on the phone,
19:21how many messages do people get?
19:23They send that message to someone
19:25and it's on the hisab of the deen.
19:28Someone wants to show how,
19:30doing this life that we're living in,
19:32everyone is plugged in,
19:34plugged into their computer,
19:35plugged into the phone.
19:37And that's a fact.
19:38Someone wants to show that point.
19:39So what does he do?
19:40The man is praying.
19:41He has the phone,
19:43the mobile phone in his shirt pocket right here,
19:46and it's plugged into the wall, into the socket,
19:49getting electricity while he's praying,
19:51while he's praying.
19:52That's not funny in Islam.
19:55You get a text message like that,
19:57don't send it on,
19:58because that's not funny.
20:00The people come and they make jokes
20:02on the hisab of the religion,
20:04from the Arab comedians,
20:05from everybody.
20:07That man in the middle,
20:08he didn't say anything bad.
20:10He was laughing at the joke.
20:13How many are the mustazeeen
20:15with the religion of Allah?
20:16That is one of the signs of the munafiqeen.
20:20Another sign,
20:21as I've been mentioning,
20:22they are disruptive,
20:28I don't know much about this community.
20:29I come here and I go like that.
20:31But I know if I lived in this community,
20:34I'm not going to agree
20:35with everything of the administration.
20:36Just not possible.
20:38But what happens when I disagree?
20:40And what am I disagreeing about?
20:42The munafiqeen,
20:43you know how they are?
20:44They're the type of people
20:45who are disruptive.
20:47We have some serious goals
20:48and objectives.
20:50The prophet, he told us,
20:51salallahu alayhi wa sallam,
20:52إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ مَعَالِي الْأُمُورِ
20:55وَيَكْرُوا سِفْسَافَهَا
20:57Allah loves the high affairs,
21:00that you engage yourselves
21:01with the high affairs.
21:03Get your own business,
21:05raise up and develop the community.
21:07He doesn't love the simple issues
21:10that people preoccupy themselves with.
21:12So, he was traveling.
21:14He was traveling.
21:15He's getting ready to go
21:16to the Battle of Tabuk,
21:17a very important battle.
21:19He's making preparations to leave.
21:21At this critical time,
21:23the munafiqeen, what did they do?
21:25They broke off from his masjid.
21:27They went over there
21:28and they made their own masjid.
21:30And then they came to him and said,
21:31Ya Muhammad, come, come.
21:33Before you travel, come, come.
21:34And pray two rak'ah in our masjid.
21:36To put barakah in our masjid.
21:38At this time, you come with this,
21:40you break off from the masjid,
21:42at this time, and you go over there?
21:44So, Allah revealed these ayat
21:46describing the munafiqeen.
21:48وَالَّذِينَ اتَّخَذُوا مَسْجِدًا دِرَارًا
21:51وَكُفْرًا وَتَفْرِيقًا بَيْنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ
21:54وَإِرْصَادًا لِمَنْ حَارَبَ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولُهُ مِنْ قَبْلٍ
21:58وَلَيَحْلِفُنَّ إِنَّمَا أَرَأْنَا الْحُسْنَةُ
22:03وَاللَّهُ يَشْهَدُ إِنَّهُمْ لَكَاذِبُونَ
22:06So, we describe them as people who break off.
22:08Now, listen to me very carefully, Ikhwan.
22:11One of the signs of the munafiqeen is,
22:13as Allah said in surah al-munafiqoon,
22:16يَحْسَبُونَ كُلَّ صَيْحَةٍ عَلَيْهِمْ
22:19هُمْ الْعَدُوُ فَحْذَرْهُمْ قَاتَلُهُمْ اللَّهُ
22:24Someone may sit there and say,
22:26someone told him to say that.
22:27Someone so put him up there,
22:29he's talking about me.
22:30Wallahi, nobody told me anything.
22:33What I'm telling you is what I know
22:35in my masjid back in the UK.
22:37What I'm telling you is what I know
22:39in America when I came from America.
22:41In the masjid, these people are taking the masjid
22:44to the court.
22:46These people are holding on to the masjid
22:49and the Muslims in the middle
22:51are suffering as a result.
22:53Serious, serious challenges in front of us.
22:56And we have nothing to do but get disrupted
22:59and misdirected by the munafiqeen.
23:03So as you sit in the community,
23:05there are decisions that are going to be made.
23:08Being an integral part of the community,
23:10you shouldn't be indifferent.
23:12You shouldn't be a person who doesn't care
23:13about any decisions.
23:15Nor should you be a person who says,
23:17it has to go my way or no way.
23:19My way or the highway.
23:21If you're one of those people,
23:22you're from the people of the characteristics
23:24of the munafiqeen that are hidden.
23:26Don't be disruptive.
23:29Bring what you can bring to the table
23:31to help the development.
23:32And as I mentioned,
23:33your children, my children,
23:35every child in this masjid,
23:37Islam as a whole is under siege.
23:41What is the future of Islam for a group of people?
23:44You know in the battle of Uhud,
23:46in the battle of Uhud,
23:47the companions,
23:48I can't say they were defeated,
23:50but they were given a serious trial and tribulation.
23:52A big lesson because of one sin.
23:55And that was that the people left the mountain.
23:58The ones who the prophet says stay there.
24:00One sin by some people and the whole community.
24:04They got the recompense of that.
24:07One sin.
24:09Look at our community.
24:10When that happened,
24:12none of them were drinking khamer.
24:13None of them were making zina.
24:15None of them were involved in riba.
24:17None of them were involved in all of the stuff
24:19that's normal with us.
24:21Now how is it that the companions,
24:23they get that punishment for one sin.
24:26One sin.
24:27And you look at the integral parts of our community
24:30and we're drowning in uryub and the nub.
24:34And we want victory.
24:36No, no, no.
24:37Victory doesn't come like that.
24:39From, from, from the characteristics of the munafiqeen.
24:43And this is so common that it's pathetic
24:46that we don't look at it.
24:47We don't consider it.
24:48The nabi salallahu alaihi wasalam brought that Quran
24:51and that Quran put a lot of emphasis on the prayer.
24:54And Allah mentioned in the Quran,
25:04Those munafiqeen, if they stand up to pray,
25:07they stand up and they're lazy.
25:09They don't want to pray.
25:11And they only pray to show people that they're praying.
25:14When they pray, they only remember Allah a little.
25:17So from the characteristics of the munafiqeen.
25:20He won't pray if there's no one there to watch him.
25:25If people are there to watch him, he'll get up and pray.
25:28If he's with people, he'll pray.
25:30But by himself, he won't pray.
25:32And if he gets up to pray with the people,
25:35he's lazy and he's not really praying.
25:38He remembers Allah a little bit, a little bit.
25:42This is the characteristic of how many people.
25:45That's the characteristic of someone's wife.
25:47That's the characteristic of her husband.
25:49That's the characteristic of our children.
25:52They don't pray.
26:02The most difficult, heaviest prayer for the hypocrite to make
26:06is the Fajr prayer and the Isha prayer.
26:09The masjid is full right now and that's a beautiful thing,
26:12but Salat al-Fajr today is more important than this prayer.
26:17Where are the people at?
26:18Where are the people who have the ability to come?
26:21On this day, because it's the first of the year
26:24and these are a few days, the second of the year,
26:26okay, no problem.
26:28Some people come to the masjid,
26:29but you have to come to the masjid more than that
26:32to prove to yourself you're not a munafiqeen.
26:34Concerning this Jum'ah, he mentioned salallahu alayhi wa sallam,
26:37من ترك ثلاثة جمعات بغير أذر كتب من المنافقين
26:43Anyone who misses out on three Jum'ah,
26:46three, he doesn't pray,
26:48he will be written down as a munafiq.
26:51Our children in the university,
26:5318, 19, 20, 21,
26:55that boy has to pray Salat al-Jum'ah, three.
26:58One hadith said three Jum'ahs in a row,
27:01three Jum'ahs in a row.
27:03But allahu alam, maybe it's just three Jum'ahs in the year.
27:06Last year, the kafir year, kafir, 2014.
27:09How many Jum'ahs did he miss?
27:11He missed most of the Jum'ahs.
27:13That's from the signs of the munafiqeen.
27:17From the signs of the munafiqeen, ikhwani.
27:20It's something that I direct to our women,
27:23to our daughters, and our wives, and our sisters.
27:26Hidden characteristics of munafiqeen,
27:29the companions used to be afraid of.
27:32He said, salallahu alayhi wa sallam,
27:34المختلعات هن المنافقات.
27:38The women who make al-khula,
27:41they are the munafiqaat, they're the hypocrites.
27:44This hadith has two meanings.
27:46The مختلعات, it comes from the word al-khula,
27:49meaning the asr of the word.
27:51أخلا الرجل ثوبه.
27:53He took off his thob, he took it off.
27:55Al-khula, concerning the clothes.
27:58There's a time and a place you can take your clothes off,
28:01and there's a time and a place you can't.
28:03The Muslim woman who doesn't wear hijab,
28:06and she takes it off to go outside,
28:09that's the time she's not supposed to do it.
28:11The Prophet said, she's a munafiq.
28:13Because the women munafiq wouldn't wear hijab,
28:16that was difficult on them.
28:18She's the munafiq.
28:19His wife, his wife, his wife, my wife,
28:22his daughter's daughter, my daughter,
28:24that's the situation.
28:26He's married to a woman that has
28:28the characteristics of the munafiq,
28:30and it doesn't even move him.
28:32He doesn't think about it.
28:34He and his wife and daughter,
28:36they're integral parts of the development of al-Islam.
28:40The second meaning of the mukhtali'at
28:43is the woman who's married to her husband,
28:45he's a fairly decent man, he's okay,
28:47he does his best.
28:49But every time something goes wrong,
28:51she says, I want a divorce, I want a divorce.
28:53Give me al-khula, give me al-khula.
28:55So she makes the istighdar of the talib of the khula.
28:58So the munafiqeen, one thing that they don't do,
29:00they don't have respect for the hudud of Allah.
29:03They don't have respect for the sha'air of al-Islam.
29:06So she's a munafiq because she's not respecting this issue.
29:10Ikhwanifillah, as I mention and I repeat,
29:13as you sit there,
29:14I don't know how far you come from
29:16to come and pray here.
29:18I don't know the details of your life,
29:20but you have to get in where you fit in
29:23in the Islamic community.
29:24Everybody, we don't have this thing, this concept,
29:27I'm a passive participant.
29:29The traffic is just going by and I'm over here.
29:32Everybody has a responsibility to some degree
29:35to help the development of the religion of al-Islam.
29:49Alhamdulillahi wassalatu wassalamu ala rasulillah.
29:52From the signs of the munafiqeen,
29:54if something is established in this religion,
29:56they reject it.
29:57No matter how many ayat,
29:58no matter what you bring to them,
30:00they're going to reject it.
30:01One of the things that has to be established here today
30:05is as you all know,
30:06today is the 11th of Rabi al-Awwal
30:09and tomorrow is supposed to be the Prophet's birthday,
30:12salallahu wasalam.
30:13Don't have time to really waste
30:15to try to show and explain to you how
30:18that's hurafat.
30:20Don't be like the kuffar of Mecca, Quraysh.
30:23Don't be like the Jews and the Christians.
30:25Don't be like the Sikhs and the Hindus.
30:27Worshiping Allah and you don't know what you're doing.
30:29Don't be like that.
30:30But the point is,
30:31there is no proof in this dunya
30:33that the Prophet was born, salallahu wasalam,
30:35on the 12th of Rabi al-Awwal.
30:37But there is proof that the Prophet died
30:40on the 12th of Rabi al-Awwal.
30:44I want to repeat that.
30:45There is no proof in the dunya.
30:47We don't know when any prophet or messenger was born.
30:50Just a few weeks ago, a few days ago,
30:53the Nasara were telling us,
30:55Isa ibn Umar was born December 25th.
30:57And every Muslim was standing up and saying,
30:59kiddabood, you're lying.
31:02And then we come and we turn around as an ummah
31:04and we say, Rabi al-Awwal, the 12th of Rabi al-Awwal.
31:07There is no proof that any prophet,
31:10we have no proof that any prophet,
31:12when he was born.
31:13But there's proof that Prophet Muhammad,
31:15salallahu wasalam, our Nabi, our Rasul,
31:17who in these days we have come to talk about him,
31:20to discuss and to rehearse his seer and what he did
31:23so that we can love him more.
31:25The Nabi, salallahu wasalam, died
31:27on the 12th of Rabi al-Awwal.
31:30He died.
31:31And we're celebrating the birthday.
31:34That's the way the munafiqeen are.
31:36They worship and they make whatever they want to make
31:39in the religion.
31:40So the call here today is very simple.
31:42See yourself as an integral part of the community.
31:46See yourself as someone who has something
31:48to give in this community.
31:49And one of the best things that you can give
31:51is bring your skill to the table
31:53and bring your monies to the table.
31:55Are we going to remain stuck in this place forever
31:58or are we going to take it to the next step?
32:01May Allah protect us from being from the munafiqeen
32:04and may He make us of those people
32:05who are established on His deen,
32:07the people who are the ansar of the sunnah muhammadiyah.
32:10And may Allah protect us and our children
32:12and our parents from an-nifaq
32:14and put us all in the jannah without any azab,
32:17without any hisab.
32:18Aqimu s-salat, yarhamakumullah.
32:20Is there anyone of you who memorizes the book of Allah?
32:23Is there anyone of you who carries the book of Allah?
32:26Anyone else?
32:27Doctor, doctor.
32:29Brother, come in, come in.
