• 2 months ago
00:00We'd like to hook up with Gino Bacola from the Daily Racing Forum on Fridays to get us
00:08ready for a synthetic weekend at Saratoga and Del Mar, a big Saturday.
00:15You can follow Gino at it's me, Gino B, on X for free.
00:22And of course, what is the site again?
00:24The dailyracingforum.com?
00:25DRF.com and then shop.drf.com, that's where you get all the research information, the
00:32past performances.
00:33If you need a little bit of help, some of our experts have betting strategies, so they'll
00:37show you exactly how they're betting and what they're doing, and hopefully I can lead you
00:40to a few in the right direction.
00:42I think we have a couple plays for you at Saratoga, a couple at Del Mar, and then we'll
00:47give you a little NFL over on a win total if we have some time at the end.
00:51All right, let's start with Saturday at the spa.
00:55Where are we headed here?
00:56It looks like the 8th and 10th races.
00:59Yes, and it's been bad weather so far the last few weeks, so I'm going to give you two
01:04races with horses that are on dirt races, so even if it does rain and there's some changing
01:09around, these races, I think, and these horses should be in those spots.
01:13Let's start in race number eight with the number six, Rocketeer.
01:16This is a horse who I think there's a key equipment change, Scott.
01:20A horse is going to add the blinkers, and what happens when you put the blinkers on,
01:24it just gives you a little more focus.
01:26You tend not to look around as much.
01:28Rocketeer has been sitting in perfect spots, moved to the front, took the lead, and then
01:32what happens, he kind of waits on horses when he strikes the front because he can't see,
01:37starts looking around, there's nobody else there, and he sort of waits, waits, waits.
01:40Other horses come back to him, and then he kicks on again.
01:42I think those blinkers will give him some focus.
01:44He's four and a half to one on the morning line, nine to two.
01:47I think that's a very fair price.
01:49There you go, Rocketeer, the six horse in the eighth race.
01:54All right, what about the tenth race?
01:56This is the big one at Saratoga on Saturday.
01:59It's the Alabama.
02:00It's a stakes race for three-year-old fillies.
02:02Top three-year-old filly right now, Torpedo Anna.
02:04She's going to face the boys, so this is a cool opportunity for a lot of the fillies
02:08that are very good, but they're not quite as good as her, and I think one of them is
02:11Power Squeeze, another horse who's in that same price range.
02:14She's four and a half to one.
02:15We're looking at the time form US card that gives you a lot of different information about
02:19the race, and I think this is a horse who has foundation.
02:23She's kind of a grinder, so the longer they go, I think it'll be fine for her.
02:26She just sits nicely and just keeps coming at you.
02:28She's a tough horse to wear down.
02:30She battles.
02:31Those are my two at the spa.
02:33Both of them should be right in that four, four and a half to one range.
02:36My wife, 34C, I could also add a new nickname for her now, Power Squeeze.
02:42I like that.
02:43I may move in that direction.
02:45Starting tomorrow, if Power Squeeze, if she comes through for us, I will change her name
02:51from 34C to Power Squeeze.
02:53All right, let's go out west where it's best.
02:55Surf and turf at Del Mar on Saturday.
02:58By the way, it's supposed to be just kind of crappy at Saratoga tomorrow.
03:02Overcast Sunday.
03:04It's supposed to rain there, but I'm seeing just overcast tomorrow, so they might be able
03:08to get these races in no problem without a sloppy track.
03:12All right, Del Mar, fourth race and eighth race.
03:14Let's start with the fourth race.
03:16Yeah, we're looking at race number four.
03:18We're going to go to the outside with the number nine in here.
03:20Thought process.
03:21This is a horse who sprinted in the first start and now is going to stretch out and
03:26go to the grass.
03:27And what's key about that is her dam.
03:29This horse's mom was very good going long on the turf.
03:32So bred to do this with a little bit of experience going shorter.
03:36This horse is three and a half to one on the morning line.
03:38I have a feeling she's going to get bet down a little bit.
03:41Might be a little buzz on her because she fits really well on this spot.
03:44That's the first of two at Del Mar.
03:47All right, and the eighth race.
03:49Yeah, this is the big race at Del Mar.
03:50It's the Del Mar Oaks.
03:52Maduro, the number six.
03:53She had a troubled trip last time out.
03:56She started to move and she just ran right into traffic.
03:58She had nowhere to go.
03:59She had to wait, wait, wait, and then angle around.
04:02I think she'll get a better trip in this spot.
04:04She's five to one on the morning line.
04:06If we can get anything around seven to two or above, that's very fair value on her.
04:10We actually did a full analysis of this race on the DRF YouTube channel.
04:15So you get little looks at the replays of other races and other graphics and stuff.
04:19If you really want to get deeper in the weeds on that one.
04:22That's awesome.
04:22All right, now we go to Gino B's NFL total spectacular snags.
04:29And you're going to go with who this week?
04:31Yeah, this week we're going to go for an over and we're going to play the Jags over.
04:35This is a team that we all thought about a year ago was going to be kind of the next team
04:40in the AFC.
04:41And then everybody sort of jumped off them real quickly.
04:44Remember, this is a team that started out eight and three last year.
04:47And then Lawrence got hurt.
04:49He had a couple different injuries, the ankle, the concussion, the AC joint.
04:52And to be honest, he didn't really play that well in spots too.
04:55He didn't take the step forward that we were really hoping.
04:58But I think he's better.
04:59And this team's a little bit better than the overall kind of feel for them right now.
05:03So they were one in five down the stretch.
05:06Before that, this team was 15 and five over a 20 game stretch.
