The Translators 2020 movie Explain Hindi Dubbed

  • last month
From writer/director Régis Roinsard (Populaire), this ingenious new whodunit is an Agatha Christie-style mystery in the vein of recent hits Knives Out and Murder on the Orient Express, featuring a terrific international cast.The eagerly awaited final book of a best-selling French trilogy is about to be globally released, and nine international language experts have been hired to translate it into their native tongues (English, Danish, Chinese, Spanish, Russian, Italian, Portuguese, Greek and German). With the stakes so high, the supercilious publisher (Lambert Wilson) has them on lock-down, confined together in a bunker - without any contact to the outside world - until the task is completed. So when the first ten pages of the top-secret manuscript inexplicably leak online with a ransom threat, it's evident that the thief could only be amongst them. Their increasingly paranoid and desperate captor is ready to do whatever it takes to unmask him... or her... or them.
00:00How are you all?
00:01You know, after searching for a long time, I have brought such a movie
00:04that after watching it, I thought that I have to show it to you too, no matter what happens.
00:08I will tell you that there is a famous book whose two volumes have been published
00:12and the third volume is going to be published soon.
00:14But with the intention of publishing this third volume in many languages,
00:18they hire 9 translators.
00:20And because it is a very special book and it should not leak anywhere before it is released,
00:24that's why those translators are kept in a secret bunker.
00:27No phone can be used in that bunker and neither can the internet.
00:31Their connection with the outside world is completely cut off
00:34and they have to stay here for 2 months and translate this book in different languages.
00:39But after coming here, the shock that those translators feel is the shocking story of this movie.
00:45Did those translators escape from here?
00:47And what happened in the end?
00:48To know this, let's see.
00:49This super French mystery thriller was released in 2019,
00:53whose name is The Translators.
00:56So, at the beginning of the movie, we show the CEO of a publishing company, Eric,
00:59who announces in a big book fair that
01:02we are going to publish the third volume of a famous book called Deedless in many languages soon.
01:07And after seeing the first two volumes,
01:10we felt that we should definitely make a third volume.
01:13And in the next two months, we are going to publish the third volume for you.
01:17And friends, by reading the first two volumes of this book,
01:20everyone is eagerly waiting for the third volume.
01:22And such excitement may have been found in some other book in history.
01:25Not only that, no one has ever known who is the original author of Deedless.
01:30It has been kept so secret, friends.
01:32So let's introduce you.
01:34Professional translators are called from different countries to translate Deedless.
01:39So first of all, look at this.
01:40This is Portuguese translator Telma.
01:42And this is Denmark's translator Helen.
01:44She says goodbye to her husband and children that I will come soon after finishing the work.
01:48Take care of yourself until then.
01:50Next is a teenage translator named Alex who lives in England.
01:53And this is German translator Ingrid.
01:55This is Spanish translator Javier.
01:57Next is Italian translator Dario.
01:59And after that is Greek translator Kendrinos.
02:02And finally, our Chinese brother, that is, Chen, that is, Chinese translator.
02:06And I forgot to tell Russian.
02:07Russian translator is Katrina.
02:09So all these professional translators come to France where they have to do translation work.
02:13After that, they are taken to a big mansion where they can do their work very peacefully.
02:18Their mobiles are taken at the entrance.
02:20This place is no less than a palace, friends.
02:22Everyone is very excited that they got a chance to live in this magnificent place for two months.
02:26Wow, how lucky we are.
02:28But the publisher's assistant takes them down, which looks like a basement.
02:32She takes them inside a bunker there.
02:34These translators are even more excited.
02:37Because before the people outside read this volume 3, they are getting a chance to read that book.
02:42After reading it, they will translate it in their own language.
02:45The publisher does not want any word of the book to be leaked on the internet or in any other way.
02:50Otherwise, there will be no benefit of the publishing company.
02:52And there is no internet here.
02:54But they are told that we will give you all the things you need.
02:57Like good food, good place to live, games, etc.
02:59All things are available here.
03:01Then, friends, she takes them to another room where the guards are standing.
03:04And they are looking at them.
03:06There, publisher Eric comes and tells the translator that we will give everyone 20 pages every day.
03:11Which you will have to translate on the same day.
03:14One month will be enough for the translation.
03:16But after that, you will have to check whether your translation is correct or it can be improved.
03:21That's why you will be kept here for two months.
03:23And during this time, you have to be careful not to make even a small mistake.
03:27If any part of this book is leaked, then your career will be over.
03:31On top of that, the punishment of jail is fixed.
03:33By giving such strict conditions, Eric also scares them.
03:37But where?
03:38The translators have come here to do their work, so they will do their work.
03:41They don't have any wrong intentions.
03:43And they immediately start their work.
03:45Catherine gets so emotional after reading the first page of the book that tears come out of her eyes.
03:50The narration style of this book is so good.
03:52Everyone translates the first 20 pages in their own language.
03:55Then Eric brings a suitcase in which the original script of the book is inside.
04:00Apart from that, there are pen drives with flags of some countries.
04:03He takes one out and connects it to the computer and takes it out.
04:06Then Dario says that I want to meet the author of this book.
04:09Dario says that the author's name is Oscar.
04:11But no one can find out where he is, whether he is a man or a woman.
04:15Then Alex says that we are translating his book, so why should we meet him?
04:20Eric says that Oscar does not want to reveal his identity and does not want to meet anyone.
04:25So forget about meeting him.
04:27In the next scene, Catherine is waiting in Eric's room.
04:31Maybe she has come to ask something.
04:33But Eric is talking on the phone in the other room.
04:35In the meantime, she quietly opens the suitcase in which the original script is inside.
04:40In the meantime, hearing Eric's shout, she closes everything and sits quietly.
04:44Eric says that you have translated very well today and you work very fast.
04:49Actually, he wants to impress Catherine.
04:52Catherine also starts acting to be impressed.
04:54Let's cut and show a flashback from a few months ago.
04:58When Eric goes to an old bookshop away from the city.
05:00There he meets an old man named George.
05:03Eric says that the money you have earned by writing books can be bought by the whole world.
05:08George also says with a smile that yes, now I will also write this third volume of Dildos.
05:13Then I will stop writing.
05:15And from their talks, it seems that the original author of Dildos is George.
05:18Anyway, let's see what happens.
05:20Now come to the present.
05:21In the present, we see inside the bunker where translators also do their work.
05:25And there is a lot of entertainment for them.
05:27They have a lot of fun.
05:28They all translate very well and have a lot of fun at parties, drinks, games, etc.
05:34But then a problem starts.
05:36Eric gets a message, seeing which there is no place for his anger.
05:39He immediately calls all the translators and scolds them badly.
05:43Actually, 10 pages of volume 3 of Dildos had been published on the internet.
05:48And whoever had sent this message, he was demanding that give me 5 million euros.
05:53Otherwise, I will publish the next 100 pages of the book in one day.
05:57Now Eric says in anger that no one has seen the original script of the book except you.
06:02And I know that one of you has leaked it.
06:04Tell me quietly whose work it is.
06:06Now friends, such a serious thing was happening that only then a translator laughs that
06:10Now tell me, this book has been leaked, which means that no one will buy it now.
06:13Is it a loss?
06:14Eric gets so angry when he sees him that he tells his guard to beat that translator.
06:19Then the rest of the translators get scared that these people are raising their hands on us.
06:23Eric threatens everyone that if anyone does not admit his mistake, then everyone will be punished.
06:27Saying this, he leaves.
06:28After that, the guards check every room and do everything from here to there.
06:32With some translators, they also become violent.
06:35And when they check Helen's room, there is a script under the pillow.
06:39Then they hand it over to Eric.
06:41Eric asks what is this?
06:42Helen says that this is my own novel, which I have been writing for 8 years.
06:46She says that writing is my passion, but after marriage, there were children and I could not focus on it.
06:51I could not write comfortably even for a moment.
06:53That's why I thought that when I get time by translating Dildos here, I will be able to write it peacefully.
06:58But Eric reads it and says that this is very low quality writing.
07:02Instead of wasting time in this, you should pay attention to our book.
07:06But yes, you will definitely be punished.
07:08Saying this, he burns all those pages.
07:10Helen can not tolerate that her 8 years of hard work was burned.
07:14And now in the next scene, all the translators discuss that we are all professional translators.
07:19In this, I do not understand who can leak pages.
07:22Shane says that someone must have hidden his phone here.
07:26This has been leaked through him.
07:28Now everyone starts looking at a translator who has a bandage on his hand.
07:32He also says that why is everyone looking at me like this?
07:34I had an accident before coming here, which is why I have a bandage.
07:37But friends, no one believes him and start opening his bandage forcefully.
07:43They think that he has not hidden his mobile in it.
07:46But friends, he is really injured. He does not have a mobile.
07:49Here Alex gets worried because the guards had made a mess of his room.
07:54Then Katrina comes there and says that I doubt you.
07:56You are definitely doing something wrong.
07:58You are not a professional translator.
08:00You must have leaked those pages.
08:02And then Alex reveals a truth that yes, I am not a professional translator.
08:06In fact, I am a big fan of the Deedless book.
08:08When the first two volumes of Deedless were released, he read both the books.
08:11But he did not find his English translation so special.
08:14That's why he did the English translation again.
08:17Which was better than the professional English translation.
08:19And people started liking it.
08:21And then Eric praised Alex a lot.
08:23And asked why did you do the English translation when this book was already available in English?
08:28By the way, your translation is also good.
08:30And then Alex told him that he is a big fan of the Deedless trilogy.
08:33And he somehow wants to meet the author of Deedless.
08:36He says to Eric that I have guessed the first sentence of the third volume.
08:39Eric says that write and show what you have guessed.
08:42When Alex writes, Eric is shocked.
08:44Because these are exactly the same lines that the original author had written.
08:47Eric asks how did you guess this?
08:49Although Volume 3 has not been released yet.
08:52Then Alex tells that there are many hidden details in the first two volumes.
08:55On their basis, I was able to guess which lines the author would start Volume 3 with.
08:59I wrote so hard because I want to meet the author.
09:02And will you give me a chance to do the English translation of Volume 3?
09:06After that, Eric was very impressed with his talent.
09:09And he hired Alex to do the English translation of Deedless.
09:13The original book was in French.
09:15All these things Alex tells to Katrina.
09:18Here Katrina also tells one thing that she saw the original script in Eric's room.
09:22She said that I got wet by reading the first 20 pages.
09:25She says that I wanted to see how the next page would be.
09:28That's why I opened the suitcase and saw.
09:30But by then Eric came.
09:31I didn't have any other intention.
09:33And like this, she tells the truth of her part.
09:36In the next scene, it is shown that the blackmailer who threatened Eric that he would publish 10 pages.
09:41He really publishes those pages.
09:43And it becomes trending everywhere.
09:45Eric gets so angry that his head bursts.
09:48He gets all the clothes of the translators removed in anger and tortures a lot.
09:52And checks if there is anything hidden in the clothes.
09:55Then he gets another message that you have not sent me 5 million yet.
09:59If you do not send me 20 million in the next 6 hours.
10:02Then I will publish the next 100 pages of the Deedless book.
10:05Then your book went into the water.
10:06Eric has gone mad here.
10:08He puts all the anger on the translators and says.
10:11Now you will stay here until you die.
10:14And if you do not tell the truth, you will die worse.
10:16And remember here that you will not get anything from now on.
10:19Until you tell the truth, he says and leaves.
10:21After that, the lights also turn off.
10:23Actually, Eric has started his torture to find out the truth.
10:27These people are sitting with candles lit and are very worried about what will happen now.
10:30How many dreams did they come here with that we are getting a chance to translate the book.
10:34Let's show one more flashback here.
10:36When Eric went to meet George.
10:38He told George that I am going to get the third volume of Deedless translated in a secret place.
10:43And then George said that now I will not work with you.
10:46When you came to me for the first time, you had a passion to publish books.
10:51But now you are promoting books by doing cheap publicity for passion.
10:54And I will not get Deedless Volume 3 published from you.
10:57Hearing this, Eric is shocked and says.
11:00I am ready to give you a lot of money.
11:02And you write more books for me, please.
11:04But George clearly refuses here.
11:06And now come to the present.
11:07Let's show a translator who goes to kill Eric with a knife.
11:11But suddenly he is shocked to see someone.
11:13Actually, Helen has hanged friends.
11:15Everyone is very sad.
11:17Eric thinks that I burned his 8-year hard work novel in fire.
11:21Maybe that's why he hanged him.
11:23But friends, no one else knows about this here that Eric set his novel on fire.
11:27That's why he doesn't say anything.
11:29And he warns others that if you don't tell the truth, I will do the same to you.
11:33In the meantime, Eric's assistant calls him.
11:35Actually, Eric sent him to Alex's house to find out if there are pages of Volume 3 in his house.
11:41Assistant says that searched the whole house, but found nothing there.
11:44Here all the translators are very sad that Helen was working with them for so many days.
11:49Suddenly it was the end.
11:51In the meantime, Eric gets a message again that I have not received the money yet.
11:54That's why I am going to publish the next 100 pages.
11:57If you don't give me 80 million euros, then I will publish 200 pages.
12:01That's it.
12:02Now Eric becomes a psycho and threatens to shoot everyone by showing the gun.
12:07Then Alex says that I have done all this and no one knows anything.
12:11Eric also starts beating him that I already had a doubt on you.
12:15Now tell me how to stop this leak, otherwise I will kill everyone.
12:18Alex says that I am doing all this through an automatic system which is in a secret place in London.
12:23If you send 80 million, then that system will stop automatically.
12:26Eric asks for the address of the secret location.
12:28Alex also tells him.
12:30Then Eric sends his assistant there.
12:32But Eric's anger is not less and he shoots Katrina.
12:36There the assistant goes to the secret location where a system is working on its own.
12:40When she goes near the system, there is a photo in which Eric is scolding the assistant.
12:45Actually, Eric always scolds the assistant.
12:48That's why now he gets angry at Eric and she wants to support Alex.
12:53She wants to take revenge from Eric and cuts the call.
12:56Eric is shocked that why his assistant cut his call.
12:59Now he calls his partner and asks him to transfer 80 million euros to his account.
13:05He also transfers the money to Alex's system.
13:09But after a while, he throws his phone.
13:12Then a translator picks up the phone and sees that the entire book of Dealers Volume 3 has been leaked.
13:17That is, it has been published on the internet for free.
13:19Now Eric will not get any money from this book.
13:22In anger, he goes crazy and shoots Alex.
13:25But seeing his madness, his own security guards put a gun on him.
13:30The rest of the translators are shocked by Alex's death.
13:33But then it turns out that there was a book in Alex's jacket that had a bullet on it.
13:38And that's why he survived.
13:39The rest of the translators also come out alive.
13:41Eric is handed over to the police.
13:43After cutting, they show Katrina, who is in the hospital because of the bullet.
13:47Alex is sitting next to him.
13:49Then he goes to meet Alex, who is in police custody.
13:51Eric says that I had a doubt on you from the first day.
13:54When you said that after reading the first two volumes, you guessed the first sentence of the third volume.
13:59It was all a lie.
14:00It means that you already knew what was in Volume 3.
14:03Tell me where did you steal the original script from?
14:06And then Alex comes very close to him.
14:08And the mic on his shirt covers it and says,
14:12I am the original author of the Dealers book.
14:15And my name is Oscar.
14:17Hearing such a big twist, Eric freezes.
14:21And then they show in the flashback that when Alex was young, he used to come to George's bookshop often.
14:26His parents got divorced and he was very lonely.
14:29That's why he used to go to George often and read the books there.
14:32He slowly fell in love with the book.
14:34He himself wanted to write a book.
14:36And when he grew up a little, he started writing a fantastic book called Dealers.
14:40Which had poetry, politics and a very good story.
14:43He was very happy when George read it.
14:46He told Alex that if it is published, people will like it very much.
14:50But Alex is afraid that if it is published in his name, people will accept it or not.
14:55That's why he told George to publish it and read it in another name.
14:59And George gave Eric the task of publishing the first two volumes of this book.
15:03But when Alex found out that Eric was using cheap publicity to increase book sales,
15:08he got angry.
15:09He told George, please don't give Eric Volume 3.
15:13We will find another good publisher.
15:15George said, okay, I will refuse Eric.
15:17You do one thing, start writing Volume 3.
15:19Alex also agreed.
15:20And that's why when Eric came to meet George, George said that I won't work with you.
15:25But one day Eric suddenly announced that he was going to publish Volume 3 in a few months.
15:30Alex was also there at that time.
15:31He was worried that George had said that he would not give Volume 3.
15:35Then what kind of announcement can it be?
15:37And now when Eric finds out that Alex is Oscar, he is shocked.
15:41But Alex gives him another shock.
15:43The 80 million that Eric had transferred to him, he transfers it back to Eric's account.
15:49And he says to Eric, now the police will skin you.
15:52Where did so much money come from in your personal account?
15:55Keep the answer ready for them.
15:57Eric is shocked and starts blabbering that you can't be Oscar.
16:01Because I killed him with my own hands.
16:04And I stole the original script of Volume 3 from him.
16:09Here in the flashback, it is shown that when George refused to give Eric Volume 3,
16:13then in anger Eric pushed George down the stairs and killed him.
16:17And stole Volume 3 of Dildos.
16:19He set George's bookshop on fire so that it looks like an accident.
16:23After that, he announced in the book fair that he would publish Volume 3 of Dildos in a few months.
16:28In this way, Eric admits that he stole and killed George.
16:33The police are also listening to him from the outside.
16:35But they don't hear Alex.
16:37Because when he was talking, he had covered the mic.
16:40The police then catch Eric and take him away.
16:42Because now solid evidence has been found against him.
16:44Here, Alex is at peace.
16:46Not because his book was a hit.
16:48But because the George he used to consider his grandfather,
16:51loved him very much, he has taken revenge on his killer.
16:54And with this, this movie ends here.
