Rekindled Heartache Episode 50-51

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Rekindled Heartache Episode 50-51 Don't forget supporting me by buying for me a coffee ☕️ Click Here For Watch All Episodes :
00:00Please share and comment for supporting me and before listening from episode 48 to episode 49.
00:07Don't forget from today everyone supporting me by buying for me a three coffees from the link in
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00:18book by email. Also please don't forget share the video comment and like. Episode 50 Women or
00:28Mistress. Sophia exerted all her strength to reach up and pull the ventilator from her nose.
00:35She had been in a coma and was very weak but Sophia's anger with Zoe was fueling her
00:40and she managed to remove the breathing apparatus. Sophia felt satisfied her latest plan would make
00:46Zoe look guilty even as she lost consciousness and passed out again immediately. Beep, beep,
00:53beep. The sound of an emergency call for help resounded throughout the veep hallway.
00:59Sophia's private nurse Melinda raced into Sophia's hospital room in a panic.
01:05Heavens! Doctor! Help! Miss Quincy needs help. Melinda shouted into the hallway from the doorway
01:12of Sophia's room. Someone pulled out Miss Quincy's ventilator. Come quick! Zoe had been waiting for
01:20the elevator to leave when she heard the emergency alarm go off. She turned her head abruptly and
01:25looked at the nurse standing in the doorway of Sophia's room. The nurse was also staring at Zoe.
01:32Suddenly they saw Blaine rushing over with additional doctors and nurses.
01:37The emergency alarm was still ringing with ear-piercing beeps scaring Zoe witless before
01:43Zoe could regain her senses. The nurse suddenly rushed towards her grabbed her by the hair and
01:49pushed Zoe up against the wall. It was you. I saw you leaving my missus' room. You're the one who
01:56pulled out her ventilator. Why are you trying to hurt her? She's such a kind and good woman.
02:02How could you do something so evil? Zoe was startled and frightened by the sudden turn of
02:08events. Her scalp was in so much pain. She finally reacted by screaming at the crazed nurse.
02:15Let go of me. Let go of my hair. It hurts. Zoe tried her best to struggle, but unexpectedly,
02:24the more she struggled, the more painful it became, and she felt tears in her eyes.
02:30If anything happens to my young mistress, Mr. and Mrs. Quincy will make you suffer a fate worse
02:36than death. The older woman shouted not only to the nurse not to let go of Zoe, but she also tightened
02:42her grip on her hair. Zoe felt as though her entire scalp was about to be ripped off, but that
02:48wasn't important. What was important was why she was again forced to deny baseless accusations of
02:55trying to hurt Sophia. Why did these things keep happening to Zoe? Let go of me. I didn't do anything
03:03to her. I didn't pull out her ventilator. It was still in place when I left. Why are you bullying
03:09me? Sophia screamed hysterically, and despite her best effort, some tears slipped out. Zoe stretched
03:16out her hand and squeezed the older woman's hand. She cut the nurse's skin with her fingernails,
03:22and at last the nurse let out a shriek and let go of Zoe's hair while cursing and swearing at her.
03:28After struggling with the nurse, Zoe looked like a lunatic with her messy hair
03:33and tear-streaked face. A crowd of hospital staffers had gathered around the two struggling
03:38women, and now they all leveled, accusing stares at Zoe, seeing herself surrounded by such unexpected
03:46animosity. Zoe. He reached her breaking point. Why does everyone keep accusing me of these awful
03:54things? Zoe clenched her small hands into fists as she shouted angrily at the nurse across from her.
04:01First, everyone accuses me of intentionally letting go of Sophia's hand so she'd fall into
04:06the trap. Now, I supposedly ripped out her ventilator. You people won't be satisfied until
04:14I confess to sins that aren't mine. Isn't that what you want? To make my life so unbearable,
04:20I'll have no choice but to confess. Well, it's not happening. Come at me, all of you. I'm not afraid.
04:29As soon as Zoe finished her hysterical tirade, the nurse suddenly shouted at someone behind Zoe.
04:36Dr. Dexter with red eyes. Zoe turned around in a daze and saw Blaine in his white coat.
04:43His gaze lightly fell on Zoe, who was in a sorry state. He looked cold and indifferent. The nurse
04:50cried. Dr. Dexter, this awful woman threatened our sweet Miss Quincy a second time. Quick, alert the
04:58authorities. If I hadn't come back into her room when I did, this ruthless woman would have heard
05:05her hurry up and have her arrested. Melinda, from now on, don't let this woman near Miss Quincy,
05:12Blaine said indifferently. There was no other expression on his face. Zoe's eyes were wet as
05:18she looked at Blaine in disbelief. Did he think she had pulled out Sophia's ventilator? He had
05:25believed in Zoe before, believed in her character. What has changed? Blaine ordered Zoe sternly.
05:33Stay away from Sophia in the future. The further, the better. With that, he walked into Sophia's
05:40room without looking back. Zoe's tears still fell, but she quickly wiped them away. She endured the
05:46pain in her heart and grabbed her messy hair to tie it up into a ponytail. Then she took a deep
05:52breath and arrogantly raised her head and walked away, reminding herself it didn't matter what
05:58they thought of her, or even what he thought of her. She knew the truth. Zoe reminded herself to
06:06be strong as she entered the elevator and left. Zoe, it's me. Blaine called. Zoe, what's up? Josie
06:16asked. Call Zoe and ask where she is. Then you and Ramona go and find her. Blaine instructed on
06:24the phone. Dr. Dexter, why don't you go yourself? Josie asked, puzzled. I'm busy, Blaine said shortly,
06:32then continued. After you find her, if she's crying, you better comfort and listen to her.
06:40Zoe had been crying when she left. Blaine couldn't bear to see her always crying after that.
06:46No matter what, Zoe says to you, you must nod and believe her. Do not doubt her. Okay? Sure.
06:55Josie was confused by Blaine's instructions, but he still agreed. And don't tell her I sent you
07:01to find her. Blaine added, his voice a bit heavy. Why? Josie didn't understand. Don't worry about it.
07:10Just do it. Blaine ordered. Okay. Sure. Josie agreed. I'll call her right now if she's really
07:20crying so much that Ramona and I can't get her to stop. Can I call you and ask for help? Blaine
07:28thought about this question. Seriously? No. Send me a text message. After receiving Blaine's orders,
07:38Joey and Ramona started to move immediately. When they found Zoe, she was sitting on a bench in the
07:44hospital's park. Her hair was messy and she looked upset. A while later, Blaine was doing rounds when
07:52he received a text message from Josie. Dr. Dexter, I've got good news and bad news. Which one do you
08:00want to hear first? Blaine sent a reply without hesitation. Then he continued to check his
08:06patient's condition. Josie replied, good news. Zoe wasn't crying when we found her. This was
08:14indeed a gratifying and heart-wrenching piece of good news. Zoe always pretended to be strong.
08:21Blaine was glad she wasn't crying, but also wanted her to vent her frustration.
08:26Blaine wondered if he'd been the one to find Zoe, if she would have let herself cry. Then in front
08:32of others, she'd want to remain strong. Blaine asked, what about the bad news? Josie answered,
08:40she's cursing your name instead. Blaine tilted his mouth into a small smile and replied,
08:47let her. Josie was speechless as he held the phone. He'd expected Dr. Dexter to be angry.
08:55Before Josie could react, his phone vibrated again. Blaine texted curiously,
09:01what exactly did she say about me? Josie texted back that you're an ass traitor and liar,
09:06and that she hopes she never, ever sees you again. Blaine. Smile grew. That sounded more like his
09:15strong Zoe. He would rather have Zoe furious and cursing his name than crying. Blaine trusted Zoe,
09:23which is why he wanted her to stay away from Sophia. It was the best way to protect her from
09:28further false accusations. Whether Zoe realized this or not was okay with Blaine. As long as she
09:34was safe over the weekend, Max's mournful wails echoed through his hospital room and Zoe's heart.
09:41She held his small body tightly in her soft embrace. Max was the kind of child who didn't
09:47cry easily. But today he couldn't stop. Luna was holding his hand and giving him an injection.
09:55This was the fifth injection he had needed today. The little guy was in so much pain that he spammed
10:02the place on his arm, where the needle was inserted was an angry red color and swollen.
10:07It hurts, Mommy. It hurts so much. Mommy, Mommy, make it stop. Max was screaming at the top of his
10:16lungs. His mournful wails were like hundreds of knives stabbing at Zoe's heart. Max's condition
10:23had worsened again, causing the doctors to increase his daily injections. But even the
10:28treatments weren't helping very much when yet another possible bone marrow donor candidate
10:33had fallen through that morning. Zoe had felt dizzy, as if she might be ill now, as Zoe clutched
10:39her son in her arms, trying to comfort him any way she could. She came to a decision. She hugged
10:48the small, too-thin, crying boy in her arms, trying to pass on her warmth to combat his shivers.
10:57At the same time, Zoe seemed to be trying to draw courage and motivation from Max and his weak,
11:03suffering body. Courage to do what Zoe felt she had to do now. Max was running out of options
11:10and time. Sweetheart, just bear with it a little longer. I promise you, Mommy will do everything
11:18she can to help you, Zoe whispered into his small ear. Even though it would hurt many people,
11:25Zoe would do what she had to do to save her child. Every mother's love for her child is selfish.
11:32So, as she clutched her screaming son, Zoe steeled her heart and made a decision. That afternoon,
11:39after Zoe finally coaxed Max to sleep, she left the hospital and headed to her destination.
11:46She had never felt her heart as heavy as it was today. Just a few days ago, she had promised Sophia
11:52that she would never get involved with the man again. Just a few days ago, the man himself had
11:57also said that he didn't want to become unfaithful because of Zoe. But now, what was she doing?
12:04Zoe didn't know how many people this decision would hurt. But to save her son, she had no other
12:11choice. She could no longer continue to wait and hope Blaine buzzed Zoe into his building.
12:18Still, when he saw her standing there when the elevator doors opened, he couldn't help but
12:23slightly frown. He seemed to be cooking something. Or, more accurately, warming something up.
12:30As Blaine wasn't much of a chef,
12:33you have something to talk to me about? Blaine asked. He didn't let Zoe in. He just stood
12:40holding the elevator doors open for her. Zoe met his gaze and looked straight at him.
12:46She stared at him for a long time, trying to get the words out. Blaine frowned in dissatisfaction.
12:53Something wasn't right. The way Zoe was looking at him was making him
12:57uneasy. What are you staring at? He finally asked her as the awkward silence continued.
13:05Zoe took a deep breath and stopped allowing herself to back out.
13:09Blaine, did you mean what you said before about me? About you and me. Blaine frowned,
13:16surprised by her words. What are you talking about? Zoe licked her lips nervously,
13:22her mouth suddenly bone-dry. She mustered the courage to speak with difficulty.
13:27Let me, let me be your mistress. Zoe's words made Blaine's eyes narrow, and he immediately
13:34stared at Zoe as if he was looking at a monster. He frowned and said irritably,
13:40where on earth is this coming from, Zoe? You're not making any sense. He appeared
13:45extremely impatient. Zoe uneasily pursed her lips and fisted her small hands at her sides.
13:52After that, she took a deep breath and raised her head to look at him.
13:57You asked this of me, and I agree to your request. Which request? Platon stared at
14:03Zoe in disbelief. He almost thought he had heard wrong. Zoe opened and then tightened
14:09her fists nervously, trying to steal herself to say it. Max's pale face appeared in her mind,
14:16and she heard his cries of pain echoing in her head. That was enough for the words to come out
14:24before she could think a second length of her repercussions.
14:28I want to be your woman. Blaine was silent. After a long while, his sexy lips tightened
14:35into a cold straight line. His piercing gaze shot right through Zoe. Zoe felt as if he was
14:42trying to see into her soul. She bit her lower lip, revealing her uneasiness. Suddenly, she heard
14:49Blaine ask quietly, a woman or a mistress? His voice was neutral and indifferent. There were
14:56no traces of emotion or warmth. Zoe pursed her lips, not saying a word. Blaine's dark eyes seemed
15:04to darken. The longer she remained silent. A mistress. Zoe bit her lips. Her chest felt tight,
15:13as if something was squeezing it too hard, making it difficult for her to breathe. Then she found
15:19herself nodding as she replied, yes. Blaine curled the corner of his mouth into a reckless smile.
15:27She could feel his eyes start at her feet and slowly rise her body, as if inspecting her, and
15:33Zoe felt naked under his penetrating examination. When his eyes reached Zoe's, Blaine stopped and
15:39smiled coldly. So, what you're saying is, you're offering yourself up to me for sex? Episode 51.
15:48Divorced. Plain, straightforward words that Zoe was offering herself up to him for sex
15:55made Zoe's face instantly blush. Yes, she was offering to be his mistress, but his blunt words
16:02still cut her deeply. She bit down on her lower lip and felt her resolve to weaken, but she did
16:10not deny his words, reminding herself she was doing this for Max. Zoe remained silent.
16:17Silence is acquiescence, right? Blaine asked her coldly. Then he sneered and said, very funny.
16:25Zoe, you really are a piece of work. Zoe tightly gripped her purse strap.
16:31I'm serious. Blaine shook his head and chuckled carelessly. Stop teasing me. You must think I'm
16:39a fool. Shaking his head, Blaine swept his gaze over her again from top to bottom and narrowed
16:46his eyes slightly. I can't find any interest in you. Zoe's face paled. Blaine's harsh assessment
16:53hit her like a physical blow. When Blaine was gentle, his words could warm your heart.
16:59But when he attacked, his words could be so coldly cruel that they could seem to freeze the
17:04blood in your veins. Explain yourself. Zoe, what do you want from me? Blaine turned around and
17:12moved into the kitchen. He picked up the pot, which still hadn't boiled, looking extremely
17:20frustrated. Zoe couldn't bear to watch this any longer. She walked over and extended her
17:25hand to take it. Let me do it. Blaine didn't refuse. He just stared at Zoe as if she was a
17:33monster. She didn't answer Blaine's question, but chose to remain silent. She set the water in the
17:40pot to boil for him and added a pinch of salt. Then she poured the jar of marinara sauce into
17:46another dish to simmer. When everything was done, she turned to wash her hands. When she turned
17:52around, she saw Blaine leaning on the sofa in the living room. His sharp eyes watched her.
17:58You didn't answer me. Tell me. What do you want from me? Blaine narrowed his eyes and asked Zoe
18:06in a low voice. He thought they had made things clear between them the other day.
18:11Zoe stared at him for a long time. Finally, she whispered,
18:16money. Zoe took a deep breath and then mustered up her courage. She repeated herself louder this
18:23time. I want money. Zoe clearly saw Blaine's eyebrows jump at her words, trying to suppress
18:30his anger. His fingers clenched as he stood up and approached Zoe slowly until he was standing
18:35right in front of her. Zoe could feel the anger radiating off him, and she forced herself not to
18:41take a step back. Say that again. Blaine ordered through gritted teeth as he looked down at Zoe.
18:50Blaine seemed like a ferocious beast about to attack, and Zoe suppressed a shiver,
18:55but she mustered her courage, and straightening her back and returning his gaze, she said,
19:02I want money. She stood there, clenching her small hands into fists before repeating.
19:09Blaine, I want money. I need money. She couldn't tell him why she. He was really doing this,
19:15and she knew he would likely believe her if she said money. You mean you're willing to sell
19:20your body for money? Blaine hissed. Zoe bit her lips in silence. Isn't it? Blaine's voice
19:28suddenly rose a few decibels. Zoe hardened her heart and shouted back. Yes, good job, Blaine
19:35sneered. Zoe, you never cease to amaze me. He had thought that selling condoms on the street was
19:42her lowest limit. He hadn't expected that it would be child's play. Blaine asked Zoe harshly,
19:49where's Matthew? At the hospital. Zoe knew why Blaine was asking this, but she could only try
19:56to change the subject. Did he know you were going to sell yourself? Blaine glared at her fiercely,
20:03his voice rising. Call him. Blaine took his cell phone out of his pocket and dropped it
20:09at Zoe's feet. Call him. Use my cell phone in front of me and call him and tell him that his
20:16wife, Zoe, is willing to sell herself to me for money. I want to know if it's true that for the
20:23sake of money, Matthew would even sell his wife. So he had never seen Blaine this angry before.
20:30She knew if Matthew were here right now, Blaine wouldn't hesitate to punch him.
20:34Blaine would beat Matthew to the point where even his parents wouldn't be able to recognize him.
20:40Naturally, he knew that Zoe wanted money to treat her family. However, he never expected that
20:46Matthew, as her husband, would allow her to sell herself. With a pale face, Zoe refused to move.
20:54What is it? You don't dare call him, Blaine sneered. If you don't dare call him, then get
21:03the hell out of here right now. Zoe took a deep breath, bent picked up the phone and handed it to
21:09Blaine. I don't need to ask Matthew's permission to be someone's mistress. Zoe's face was calm.
21:15She paused for a moment before adding, We are divorced. Those two words made Blaine freeze.
21:23He stared at her unwaveringly as he wanted to see through her to figure out the truth.
21:28A dark glow flashed in the depths of his eyes, causing ripples on the surface. A few seconds
21:35later, a pool of tranquility was restored. When did this happen? Blaine's tone was obviously
21:42feigning calmness. It's been a long time. So he licked her lips and added, It's been many years.
21:50Blaine didn't know what to think when he heard Zoe's words. Happy? Was he supposed to be
21:56celebrating with champagne when he saw how miserable the two people who had betrayed him
22:00were? But why couldn't he be happy? He even felt as if a huge rock was pressing on his chest,
22:07making him unable to breathe. How bad was this woman's life? For a long time, they fell into a
22:15deathly silence. Blaine leaned on the counter and frowned. Divorced? That would explain everything
22:22that had happened, but it also raised so many questions in the kitchen. The pot of water was
22:28boiling. I'll go cook the pasta, Zoe said. But as she was about to enter the kitchen,
22:36Blaine gripped her wrist, stopping her. Zoe, I'll give you one more chance. Be a woman or a mistress.
22:44A woman meant that they would be a couple. They would return to the way, they would return to the
22:52way they were four years ago. Before this nightmare began, Zoe, I'll give you one more chance.
23:00These words, just like the night she broke up with him, when he took her hand and said,
23:06Zoe, I'll give you one more chance. Zoe turned her head and looked at him calmly,
23:12but her eyes were watery. Knowing there was only one way she could answer.
23:17She replied, Mistress Zoe knew this wasn't the answer he wanted. She knew she was being selfish,
23:24so she didn't dare to look at him again after answering. She shook off his hand and headed
23:29into the kitchen. Blaine went out on the balcony. Even when Zoe called him to eat,
23:35he just ignored her and remained outside. He knew better than anyone what Zoe's existence
23:41meant to him. Was it good to put her in his heart where no one could replace her? Not at all. Would
23:48he be able to do what she did to make her move as freely in his life as she did? The pain of
23:54the past four years had caused him to lose his self-confidence. He didn't care if he couldn't
23:59do it, leaving her by his side, loving her, but not being able to receive her love. This was
24:07undoubtedly the cruelest form of punishment he could give himself. He did not want to continue
24:12this heart-wrenching pain. If you don't come to eat, the food will be cold. Zoe's quiet voice
24:19came from the opening to the sliding door behind him. He turned around and looked at Zoe, then
24:25walked into the kitchen. On the table, the bowl of pasta was still steaming. Blaine knew he was
24:32no longer hungry. How much? He asked Zoe. Zoe blinked sunned. How much do you need for your
24:40relatives' treatments? Blaine repeated patiently. Zoe pursed her lips, not knowing how to reply.
24:47Blaine picked his wallet up off the kitchen counter and pulled out a black card.
24:52This is my second card. Your birthday is the password. Her birthday is the password. Her
24:59birthday, Zoe's blue eyes flickered with emotion before she quickly recovered, hiding her reaction.
25:06However, she didn't reach out to take the black card from him. Blaine looked at her indifferently.
25:12Don't think too much of it. I chose the password four years ago and never bothered to change it.
25:19The card has no limit. Whatever you need, that will cover it. Seeing that Zoe still didn't reach
25:26for it, he frowned. Take it. Zoe raised her head and looked at him with a puzzled expression.
25:33Blaine seemed to lose his patience. Do you really have to have sex with me before you're willing to
25:38take my money? Zoe looked at him with a troubled expression, but her heart was moved. At least he
25:46was willing to lend her money for no reason at all. Wasn't he? Blaine was growing angry. Zoe,
25:53don't challenge my patience. Zoe hesitated for a moment before she took the card from him.
25:59Obviously, she dug a hole for herself. She could only find an opportunity to return the money to
26:06him in the future. Looking at the bank card in her hand, she wondered if she should tell him
26:11about Max. But what did it matter if she told him? Once Max's life was exposed, perhaps no hospital
26:19would ever be willing to treat him again. Zoe didn't even dare to imagine such a day. If she
26:26had to watch Max's life fade away bit by bit, and she didn't try to do anything about it, she would
26:31go crazy. And Zoe knew Blaine. If she told him the truth, he would do his best to protect both her
26:38and Max. In fact, under different circumstances, she knew Blaine would likely readily agree to try
26:45for another child to save their son. But if Blaine challenged his mother, it would be disastrous,
26:52so she didn't say anything. They were destined not to be able to be together, and there was no need
26:58to tell him the truth. Zoe took a deep breath and licked her lips. Blaine, my offer still stands.
27:06I hope you will consider it again. Zoe said this in neither a humble nor haughty manner
27:11as she turned around and walked out of Blaine's penthouse. Before she left,
27:16she could feel his piercing gaze on her, but she didn't look back.
27:20When the elevator doors closed behind her, Zoe breathed a sigh of relief. She realized that her
27:27palms were covered with cold sweat, and her reflection in the elevator mirror was deathly
27:32pale. She had taken this step to save Max's life, and she didn't regret it. She would endure any
27:38hardship, any humiliation for her son. Blaine stood leaning against his window, watching the slender
27:45figure get in her car and drive out of the parking lot. His eyes were getting darker and stormier.
27:54Suddenly, he felt a dull feeling in his chest. Today, Zoe had given him two surprises.
28:01She wanted to be his mistress, just a mistress for money. And if that weren't shocking enough,
28:06she told him she'd divorced Matthew years ago. Two pieces of information, however,
28:12indicated the same thing. Struggling. The woman's life was a mess. She worked tirelessly,
28:20day and night for money. Sell liquor, sell condoms, and now she was apparently so desperate
28:28she would even sell her body. Blaine walked into his kitchen and popped off the top of a beer.
28:34He took several long swallows, trying to numb the dull pain in his chest with alcohol.
28:41Zoe, what has happened to you these past four years? He wondered. What kind of hard life have
28:47you been living to find yourself backed into such a corner? There was no good reason for him to get
28:53to the bottom of Zoe's trouble. Blaine knew he should stay out of it. Blaine also knew he wouldn't.
29:00After two weeks in the hospital, Sophia was finally improving, although she still couldn't
29:06get out of her hospital bed. Her mental energy was much better than before. She was sitting up
29:12alert and was finally able to speak with visitors. Blaine had his hands in the pockets of his white
29:18coat when he entered Sophia's room. He lazily sat on a chair next to her bed and casually crossed
29:23his legs. Sophia gave him a bright smile, but he only looked at her indifferently. Finally,
29:30Blaine spoke. Sophia, now that you are feeling better, I think it's time you and I talked.
29:37Thank you so much for watching. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel, comment, and like.
