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You Are My Secret Ep 32 ENG SUB (2024) Chinese Romance
In the first episode of "You Are My Secret" (2024), an engaging Chinese romance, Tu Xiao Ning, a lobby manager on probation at Huayuan Tower, and Ji Yu Heng, a rising star on the seventeenth floor, are both eager to marry soon. Their intersecting ambitions set the stage for an intriguing story.

To Xiao Ning, Yu Heng is the perfect match she has always envisioned, while Yu Heng regards Xiao Ning, who once illuminated his world, as his only choice for a future together. Just as they are poised to commit, an unforeseen twist elevates Yu Heng to Xiao Ning’s superior. These childhood friends, reunited after ten years, must navigate the complexities of being both colleagues and newlyweds. Their journey together becomes a profound exploration of the true essence of marriage and life.
00:00优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
00:05Subbers Alina, Katherine, Sophia
00:08She Is The One
00:11其实从那个时候开始 Actually, from that time on
00:14我就已经喜欢你 I've already fallen in love with you
00:17优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
00:20Subbers Alina, Katherine, Sophia
00:23She Is The One
00:48优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
00:51Subbers Alina, Katherine, Sophia
00:54She Is The One
01:17你是真的喜欢我吗 Do you really like me?
01:39那你会全世界第一对我好吗 Will you be the number one for me?
01:45当然 Of course
01:54人呢 Where is he?
02:15你还喜欢我吗 Do you still like me?
02:39喜欢就喜欢 不喜欢就不喜欢 If you like me, just like me. If you don't like me, just don't like me
02:42磨磨叽叽可不像你的风格 You are not like your style
02:48对不起 Sorry
02:49其实我每天都想打电话给你道歉 Actually, I want to call you every day to apologize to you
02:53但是我发现 But I found out
02:56这次好像道歉没有用 This time it seems that apologizing is useless
03:10你不用跟我道歉 You don't have to apologize to me
03:13你又没有做错什么 You didn't do anything wrong
03:16只是我们之间确实出现了一些问题 But there are some problems between us
03:22其实我们也并不是一定要解决这些问题 Right?
03:29我喜欢你 你也喜欢我 I like you and you like me
03:33你知道为什么我们每天都要苦大仇深地去考虑那些钱啊房子啊这些现实问题吗 Do you know why we have to think about money, houses and reality every day?
03:40我们就相爱一天热恋一天不好吗 Why don't we love each other day by day?
03:44这样我不用改变自己 In this way, I don't have to change myself
03:47你呢也不用让自己承受那么大的心理压力 And you don't have to put yourself under so much psychological pressure
03:51对不对 Right?
03:56我知道你不甘心 我更不甘心 I know you don't like it and I don't like it
04:02但我不可能不考虑我们的未来 But I can't help but think about our future
04:04可是未来谁说得清啊 But who can make the future clear?
04:06我们就过一天开心一天不好吗 Why don't we just have a happy day?
04:09我们之前都说好了的呀 We had a deal before
04:11要一起看日出日落 下雨了就窝在家里看电影 We would watch the sunrise and sunset together and watch a movie at home in the rain
04:18天晴了就出去郊游 夏天去冲浪 冬天去滑雪 Go out for a walk in the summer and go skiing in the winter
04:24要是晚上睡不着觉呢 If you can't sleep at night
04:27你就夜里陪我去看海 You can go to the sea with me at night
04:30这样的日子难道不好吗 Isn't this kind of life good?
04:33我们不可能一辈子只谈恋爱不考虑现实 We can't only talk about love and not think about reality
04:37没有未来的话我就是在耽误你的时间 Without the future, I'm just wasting your time
05:00所以你早就想好要和我分开了对吗 So you've already thought about breaking up with me, haven't you?
05:16叶文艺 我们分手吧 Lin Wenyi, let's break up
05:21你觉得更好的人 而我对你来说 You think a better person is better for you
05:32是 Yes
05:35时间它走过 才能够懂得 Only time can understand
05:42思念那么多 那么汹涌 像昨日重播 Missing you so much, like yesterday
05:49那些交汇的时刻 早已经被我上了锁 Those moments of meeting have already been locked by me
05:56安放某个角落 等待着再次紧握 Waiting for a corner to hold me again
06:03那珍藏的 无声的片刻 那私藏的 如微光侵卧 That silent moment of treasure
06:07私藏的 如微光侵卧 That silent moment of treasure
06:11照亮我 反复的淋漠 从未被割舍 Illuminates me again and again, never to be cut
06:18那不移的 永远的承诺 那不移的 永远的承诺 That unwavering, eternal promise
06:21私藏的 还在心底炙热 私藏的 还在心底炙热 That is still burning in my heart
06:26因为是你 我才成为 我才成为 Because it's you, I'm the one
06:30我记得咱们之前唱过一部 《蓝色山》 I remember we sang a movie today, 《Blue Mountain》
06:35你干嘛 你这么穿脚下雨啊 What are you doing? It's raining so hard
06:39那部剧是个悲剧是吧 That movie is a tragedy, isn't it?
06:42但是我相信 我们绝对不会像那样 But I believe we will never be like that
06:46你会好好的 我也会好好的 You will be fine, I will be fine
06:49我们都会一直一直在一起 我们都会一直一直在一起 We will always be together
06:52永远不比一永远不比一 We will never be one
06:55今天怎么就跑了半个小时啊 Why did you only run for half an hour today?
06:59你来之前我已经跑了一个小时了 I ran for an hour before you came
07:06本来想着呀 把身体搞垮了 心里就不会那么麻烦了 I thought I wouldn't feel so bad if I broke my body
07:13但是我又没想到 原来我真的跑了半个小时了 But I didn't expect to run for half an hour
07:17今天怎么就跑了半个小时啊 今天怎么就跑了半个小时了 But I didn't expect to run for half an hour
07:19今天怎么就跑了半个小时啊 今天怎么就跑了半个小时了
07:20把身体搞垮了 心里就不会那么麻烦了 I thought I wouldn't feel so bad if I broke my body
07:25结果发现呢 越累越是想找个人依靠 But I realized that the more tired I am, the more I want to find someone to rely on
07:33来 Come
07:37趴着 Lie down
07:41还好有你 It's good to have you
07:43但你今天是不是 那个姓傅的人渣那事得重新去找客户啊 Did you have to go back to find a client for the scumbag named Fu today?
07:51你在这儿陪我不会耽误你时间了 You can stay here with me. It won't take up your time
07:54我最好的闺蜜失恋了 我还工作什么呢 我工作都靠边站 My best friend is out of love. What else can I do? I have to stand by at work
07:59就算现在有一个十个亿的客户找我 我都不会出去工作了 Even if there is a customer who is worth a billion dollars looking for me now, I won't go out to work
08:04我今天唯一的工作就是陪着你 My only job today is to stay with you
08:07十几个亿的大客户 那你肯定得去啊 More than a billion customers? Then you have to go
08:12不然你这闺蜜万一这两个月就失恋一回 那你不得凑合当全球首富的机会啊 Otherwise, if your best friend breaks up after two months, you will miss the opportunity to be the richest woman in the world
08:19你能不能不要乌鸦嘴啊 Can you stop talking nonsense?
08:21这次失恋就是你最后一次了 下次遇到的一定是一个非常喜欢你 对你又好 可以跟你厮守终生 This is the last time you broke up. The next time you meet someone, it must be someone who likes you very much and treats you well and can stay with you forever
08:31这一次嘛 就算是个遗憾吧 This time, it's a pity
08:37你说人这一辈子哪能没有遗憾呢 一点遗憾都没有 也挺没意思 是不是 You know, how can a person have no regrets in his life? There is no regret at all. It's boring, isn't it?
08:53拿下手机 Get the phone
08:54小图 你那个朋友余总今天来办理了大笔存款 你这几天刨下的几个客户也都进入审批流程了 这个月业绩拿下 你可以安心休个年假了 和你的新婚老公好好出去玩玩 Sorry, Mr. Ji, in front of my best friend, you'd better stand aside
09:17靠边站吧 Stand by the side
09:22好的 Okay
09:25想去哪儿玩 我现在有假期了 你想去哪儿 咱们就去哪儿 Where do you want to go? I'm on vacation now. Where do you want to go? Let's go there
09:31我想一个人去 I want to go alone
09:33那不行 那不行 I can't. I'm worried
09:39我跟齐悦这么多年 一起经历了这么多事 I've been with Qi Yue for so many years. We've been through so much together
09:43我也是时候该一个人好好的整理一下 It's time for me to sort things out by myself
09:51放心吧 Don't worry
09:53我呢可能女智难破的 我更不会想不开 我好起来了 我自己准备回来 再上次吧 Maybe I'm not as good as I used to be. If I get better, I'll come back by myself. See you next time
10:03好的 Okay
10:10某些人当时可是说过 只要有假呢 就要跟他们家季先生一起去度假 Some people said that as long as I have a vacation, I will go on vacation with their Mr. Ji
10:21好了 别担心我了 好想自己好好待会儿 Okay, don't worry about me. I'll take good care of myself
10:28你说怎么能让人不担心呢 Why can't I make you worry?
10:34我等你半天了 新鲜出炉的好消息 你亲自出马台下的新能源企业融资已经在走审批了 I've been waiting for you for a long time. The good news is that the financing of new energy companies under you has been reviewed
10:43只要这个首屈一指的大客户拿下 也算给咱们吉安分行未来发展奠定了一个基础 等开展业务领域的全面合作 咱们未来相当一段时间的业绩都不用发愁了 As long as we get this big client, it's like setting a foundation for the future development of Ji'an Branch
10:49等开展业务领域的全面合作 咱们未来相当一段时间的业绩都不用发愁了 听起来是个好消息 不过接下来你得盯紧一点了 放心吧 对了 我请了一个年假 连着中秋假期一起 赵总 未来的一段时间里 多上点心 Okay?
11:09赵总 你刚才说赵总 什么意思啊 老婆 我要给你系上啊 免得你这白衣服弄脏了 太好吃了 我查了资料 偶尔吃一两个火锅问题不大 早就跟你说了 而且啊 偶尔喝一两杯奶茶问题也不大 我也早就跟你说了 今天奶茶快喝完了 我再给你点一杯
11:39啊 给我点个凉的 不行 那行吧 热的 我吃火锅喝奶茶是没什么问题 我倒是觉得你有点问题 我有什么问题 上一个部门经理至于这么高兴吗 摆这么一大桌 就是为了我 不然呢
12:01嗯 往大的说啊 我的事业取得了阶段性成功 往小的说 以后在家里面我终于能和饶总平起平坐了 这么大的喜事 你别说吃顿火锅喝杯奶茶了 就算今天晚上你想去夜店看黄毛帅哥 我也奉陪到底 上次我没看 这还差不多 再说那黄毛帅哥哪有你老公爱看 就是
12:25嗯 来 吃块肉肉 嗯 我好多了 你快吃 嗯 我就知道了 老季这人做事一向很地道 不会乱花饼的 你还在这跟我吹老季的彩虹屁呢 就你还不知道人家老季让你当部门经理 为的就是把所有的事情都推给你 然后呢 休着年假 带自己的新媳妇快活去了
12:55我的奶茶呢 你点了吗 不点了 奶茶喝多了对身体不好 信不信这火锅里要到你脸上
13:12你先在路上吧 接着吃
14:42Oh, thank you.
14:44It's nothing.
14:52Mr. Ji said that you can find it through this kitten.
14:55Good luck!
15:00Let me hold this for you.
15:12The story starts from that kitten.
15:42The story starts from that kitten.
15:45Why don't we go back and look for it? It should still be there.
15:48That's right.
15:49Let's go and buy a new one.
16:07I also used this kind of eraser in high school.
16:12The story starts from that kitten.
16:21Take it.
16:33Why do you have this umbrella?
16:35Isn't this umbrella from my dad's company?
16:37Why do you have it?
16:43Do you still remember this umbrella?
16:45Of course.
16:46When my dad was still working,
16:48his company gave him this umbrella every year.
16:51We have more than 20 umbrellas in our family.
16:54Your family also has relatives who work in Pudding.
17:05If I were the first person to walk to you
17:07when I graduated from high school,
17:10would you agree?
17:12It's okay. There are not many ifs and buts in life.
17:15You didn't like me at that time.
17:20There are no ifs and buts in life.
17:23So I will still be with you.
17:37If this morning
17:39that person wasn't me,
17:41would you run over to save him?
17:46But if it was someone else,
17:48I would be a superior.
17:51Because it's you.
17:54Besides being a superior,
17:57I'm also your master.
18:00I'm sorry.
18:08This is your evaluation of yourself.
18:10I don't think you were like this before.
18:11You've changed.
18:12I've changed.
18:13People will change.
18:14Look at you now.
18:16You're not the Ji Yuheng I knew at first.
18:21Actually, I have a lot of shortcomings.
18:24I hope
18:25if you see my ordinary life in the future,
18:28even when it's mediocre,
18:30don't be so disappointed in me.
18:32Don't dislike me.
18:33Why would I dislike you?
18:35You're not Ji Yuheng.
18:39You like me.
18:40I'm Ji Yuheng.
18:42If you don't like me,
18:44I'm just an ordinary person.
18:59I'm Ji Yuheng.
19:04When we met again,
19:06you gave me a home.
19:29Because of you,
19:31life is no longer monotonous black and white,
19:34but colorful.
19:38Be a big family.
19:40Don't need my dad, my mom,
19:41your dad, your mom,
19:42and the two of us.
19:43None of us can be less.
19:58Ji Yuheng.
19:59Ji Yuheng.
21:43My Mrs. Ji.
21:46Please leave your future
21:47to me with confidence.
21:50I will do my best
21:52to make you happy
21:55and safe.
21:59Thank you, Mr. Ji.
22:02Thank you
22:03for giving me such an unforgettable
22:05and wonderful wedding.
22:07Thank you
22:08for being in my life
22:11and being with you.
22:14It's the happiest thing
22:16in my life.
27:52I'm so tired.
27:53My ankle hurt so much.
27:55It's so tiring.
27:57You know you are carrying me and carrying me.
28:00You don't seem that tired at all.
28:03I've been always battling a very good resistance.
28:07Excuse me.
28:08Can you take more photos?
28:10I want to use the photos of these two guys
28:11to an advertisement أننا lively
28:13so that they could be put on the Internet.
28:15Of course,
28:16after the photos are put up,
28:17I'll give it to you as soon as possible.
28:18And I'll give you a discount on the price.
28:23Then we...
28:23I'm sorry.
28:24My wife is a little tired today.
28:26I can't help you.
28:27It's okay.
28:28I have to respect your personal wishes.
28:29You two go get changed first.
28:31Excuse me.
28:32Okay, thank you.
28:35It's quite a good deal.
28:36Why don't you say yes?
28:39I don't want others to see your beauty.
28:42Where's the big mirror
28:44when you were trying on clothes yesterday?
28:48I don't want others to see your beauty.
28:49I don't want others to see your beauty.
28:50I don't want others to see Mr. Ji's handsome photo.
28:53I don't want others to see Mr. Ji's handsome photo.
28:53I don't want others to see Mr. Ji's handsome photo.
28:54I'm going to dance by myself.
28:57How are you going to dance?
28:59I can't tell you that.
29:07Thank you, Mr. Ji.
29:09Thank you for cooperating with me today.
29:13I like it very much.
29:15What are you talking about?
29:16Of course you don't have to thank me.
29:20I love you.
29:26Me too.
29:43Xiao Ning looks so beautiful
29:45when she's sleeping.
29:52My daughter...
29:53My daughter is finally getting married.
29:58Okay, okay, okay, Mr. Ji.
30:00It's okay.
30:01It's a happy thing for a daughter to get married.
30:08It's okay.
30:10It's just a pity
30:12that our wedding will be canceled.
30:16Let's go.
30:19Let's go there
30:21on our wedding anniversary this year.
30:23Let's go there with everyone's heads.
30:25Let's cancel the wedding.
30:26What do you think?
30:27What do you think?
30:29How about we take a group of wedding photos?
30:32That's right.
30:33I'll wear a wedding dress, too.
30:34We didn't take a wedding photo when we got married.
30:39Mr. Ji, I...
30:40I feel so sad when I look at her wedding dress.
30:55Familiar smell.
30:57Familiar environment.
30:59Familiar sky.
31:00Familiar moon.
31:01You're excited.
31:03Do you remember?
31:04The other day,
31:05you told me a big truth.
31:07The theory of backpacking.
31:09It's been a long time. Who still remembers?
31:10I do.
31:11I remember it all.
31:12This is your precious dark history.
31:14I will always remember it in the future.
31:16You also said that
31:18it's meaningless to live.
31:19Life is boring.
31:20I envy the freedom of living.
31:24It's boring.
31:25Why can't you say it?
31:27Sit down.
31:27Sit down.
31:28Let's talk for a while.
31:31So you can say it all?
31:32Then I'll say it.
31:34Let's talk about
31:36the day after that.
31:37I don't know who was drunk.
31:40I couldn't even get out of bed the next day.
31:41After that, I couldn't even walk straight in the hotel.
31:45After that, the S-shaped scene
31:46was like this.
31:47Until I got on the boat.
31:50Okay, stop.
31:51I'm sorry.
31:52I'm sorry, honey. I was wrong.
31:54Then we'll sign a
31:56principle of not mentioning each other in the dark history.
31:59Let's throw away
32:00these unremarkable memories
32:01and lock up
32:02the trash cans of years.
32:07You're the one who let me say it.
32:08You're the one who didn't let me say it.
32:09Who do you think you are?
32:10The center of the world?
32:11The end of the universe?
32:13It's not over yet.
32:15I think you're just boring in life.
32:17You want to have fun with yourself.
32:20Thank you, my dear husband.
32:23Because of you,
32:23my life has become very lively.
32:25Now I
32:26just want to be quiet.
32:29Come on, be quiet.
32:30I'll turn off the microphone.
32:34You said that when we came to Xihai Town next time,
32:35the baby was born.
32:37We held a wedding in Xihai Town.
32:40No one invited us.
32:41Only the three of us.
32:43The baby is our witness.
32:46Okay, my dear wife.
32:48You decide.
32:49It's all up to you.
32:52it's more memorable this way.
32:54And it's economical.
32:56It was a good thing.
32:56You have to rely on the economic benefits.
32:59You really put the character of the iron worker
33:01We live our lives.
33:03Come on.
33:05Who is it?
33:06My dad.
33:10Mom and dad.
33:11Mom and dad, happy holidays.
33:12Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.
33:13Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, mom.
33:15I'm late.
33:17Have you eaten?
33:21Fang Gan called me last time
33:22and said that you had insomnia recently.
33:24I ground the three-leaf clover
33:26into powder
33:27and sent it to you.
33:28It's natural.
33:30You should have received it
33:31when you got back.
33:34Why do you tell mom and dad everything?
33:36It's good for you.
33:37It's a little troublesome.
33:40Try it.
33:42may be too stressful.
33:44Come back when you have time on the weekend.
33:46We'll take you around
33:48and relax.
33:49Thank you, mom and dad.
33:50And I'm sorry, mom and dad.
33:52Now I should go back with Fang Gan
33:55to accompany your reunion.
33:57Silly girl,
33:58there's nothing to be sorry about.
34:00You go back to visit your in-laws.
34:01This is a serious matter.
34:02We are a family.
34:04We don't care about holidays.
34:05When we meet,
34:07we will reunite.
34:09when we look up,
34:10we are under the same moon.
34:13That's right.
34:15Dad, look.
34:17Dad, look at the moon.
34:20Okay, that's all.
34:21Dad, don't eat too much mooncake.
34:23Your blood sugar is high.
34:25I'm hanging up.
34:35What's wrong?
34:42I just think
34:45it's good to have a family.
34:48It's good to have you.
34:51And you smile well.
34:52Very beautiful.
34:53That's it.
34:54Let me take a picture for you.
34:56Remember every moment.
34:58Don't move.
34:59Hold it.
35:00Let's take a picture.
35:01Come on.
35:02Three, two, one.
35:04One more.
35:05Three, two, one.
35:08Let's take a picture.
35:10Three, two, one.
35:15I'll post it on WeChat Moments.
35:21They are taking wedding photos.
35:26Click the like button.
35:31A pair of good-looking men.
35:33A talented son and a talented wife.
35:34A handsome man and a beautiful woman.
35:36A hundred-year-old couple.
35:38You shouldn't be a client manager.
35:41You're so talkative.
35:42You should go to the village fair
35:43and have a talk.
35:45You're a good-looking man.
35:48You just envy me for my eloquence.
35:51A pair of good-looking men.
35:56What's wrong?
36:01What's wrong?
36:03I think I'm too cold.
36:07I'm sorry.
36:09Are you too cold?
36:11Can you hear me?
36:17I feel it.
36:19Sweetie, take care.
36:21You're coming to this world soon.
36:24Mom and Dad will love you very much.
36:26You shouldn't be talkative like your dad.
36:29You must study well.
36:30You can't be a top student
36:31and be a good-looking man.
36:36I love you, too.
36:38I love you, too.
36:54Happy wedding, Du Xiaoning.
36:59It's a good thing that at least one of us is happy.
37:06That's great.
37:25I don't know if I can go out today.
37:36Happy wedding, Du Xiaoning.
38:06Happy wedding, Du Xiaoning.
38:36Happy wedding, Du Xiaoning.
38:56Good morning, Mr. and Mrs.
38:58Good morning, Mr. and Mrs.
39:00Good morning, Mr. and Mrs.
39:02Good morning.
39:05The next client plans to build a bookshelf for our account.
39:09Find out their needs and provide targeted services.
39:13Then Yuan Lang, Tingting, and Xiaoning's apprentice
39:18You three are responsible for coordinating your leadership.
39:21No problem.
39:22Okay, no problem.
39:27You've been all over the court lately.
39:29You don't care about our development department?
39:31This account is not a bookshelf.
39:33What's wrong? Can't you do it well?
39:35Of course I can do it well.
39:37But you should pay attention to it.
39:39By the way, I'm going to meet a client this afternoon.
39:42Come with me.
39:44You're starting to work for me.
39:47I'm managing upstream.
39:54You're so hard-working when you just lost your job.
39:57I used to think Jingjie was better.
39:59Now compared to you, it's a small house against a big house.
40:02Don't say that.
40:03You're too proud of me.
40:04I can't compare with Jingjie.
40:07It's almost one o'clock.
40:08I have a meeting at one o'clock.
40:10You have to fly first.
40:11I'm leaving.
40:12Okay, okay, okay.
40:13Help me out.
40:14I know.
40:15Come on.
40:16Mr. Liu.
40:17This is Mr. Ji from Ji'an Branch.
40:19Mr. Ji.
40:20I've heard a lot about you.
40:22Hello, I'm Xu Yuheng.
40:24This way, please.
40:32Mr. He, don't you forget
40:33what day it is today?
40:38Take care.
40:57Of course.
41:10Compared to last year's wedding,
41:12this year's anniversary is a bit shallow.
41:18As long as we're together,
41:20it's the best anniversary.
41:27But I still want to ask Mrs. Ji.
41:30Are you satisfied with this year's wedding life?
41:35Although it's ordinary, it's long-lasting.
41:40Mr. Ji.
41:42What are your expectations
41:44for our wedding life in the future?
41:48Of course, I hope every day in the future
41:50can be like now.
41:53but happy.
41:57It will.
42:00It will.
42:09It will.
